99 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Morfologi Ganoderma Steyaertanum Yang Menyerang Kebun Benih Acacia Mangium Dan Acacia Auriculiformis Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah

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    Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis seed orchards on the island of Java are associated with a different species of Ganoderma. The importance of G. steyaertanum as a pathogen of forest trees has not been previously highlighted. The aim of this study is to look at the characteristics of the G. steyaertanum which attacks two Acacia seed orchads at Wonogiri Central Java. Activities undertaken are to identify the signs of the G. steyaertanum both in the field and in the laboratory. Characterization of fungi is conventionally done by observing the morphology of signs, such as the shape and color of the fruit body, shape and color of mycelium. Morphological characteristic applied in this study has proved to be effective to identify the pathogen. G. steyaertanum was isolated from fruitbodies of affected trees and pathogenicity tests confirmed Koch\u27s postulates. Somatic incompatibility tests demonstrated high genetic variability of the pathogen

    Uji Inkompatibilitas Somatik Dan Pertumbuhan Jamur Ganoderma Dari Kebun Benih Generasi Pertama Acacia Auriculiformis Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah

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    Seed orchard A. auriculiformis F1 at Wonogiri, Central Java has attacked by ganoderma caused root rot. To determine the genetic variation, the pattern of spread of ganoderma necessary to somatic incompatibility test and measure the growth. This study used 8 isolates of the fungus ganoderma. Fungi were grown on PDA (Potato dextrose agar), made parental isolates and paired with each other. The results showed that all pairings indicated incompatible reactionsm except self pairings. All self-pairings showed compatible reactions that indicated by miycelia merged on PDA forming a single colony. Incompatible reaction zone is characterized by sparse zone, demarcation line and pigmentation. The results of somatic incompatibility test, ganoderma have different genotypes or it is not a single colony. The result indicates that the distribution of root rot in Seed orchard A. auriculiformis F1 at Wonogiri, Central Java not only occured by root to root contact

    Evaluasi Operasi Pangan Riau Makmur (Oprm) di Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2009-2013 (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Bunga Raya)

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    This research aims to describe evaluation of implementiation The OperasiPangan Riau Makmur (OPRM) at Siak Regency from 2009 until 2013 especiallyon Bunga Raya Subdistrict hibiscus which is the granary in Siak. This programwas implemented by The government of Riau Province as mean to build foodsecurity as a legitimacy between the governor of Riau and the regent of SiakNumber: kptsn.580/VI/2012. The success of a program was evaluated be bassedon theory by William N. Dunn that is; effectiveness, efficiency, adikuacy, evendistribution, respon and accuracy program. The function of this program is asinforman substance about process of interaction as a crucial factor in the periodof implementation of the program so as to provide advice to the government,especially the implementation team to make this program success and to know theshortcomings and obstacles that occur.Methods used in this study is (kyu)alitative methods of data that can not berealized in the form of numbers, but in the form of an explanation that describesthe shape of the state, process, certain events. Data collection techni(kyu)uesusing interview techni(kyu)ues and documentation.From the research, The Operasi Pangan Riau Makmur (OPRM) at SiakRegency from 2009 until 2013 especially on Bunga Raya Subdistrict can becategorized not succeded. It seen from the failure to achieve self sufficiency inrice in Siak with many middlement out of town who come to buy particular fieldcrop farmers. Constrained case. Therefore, the advice given at the end of thestudy is how to address the issue during the period of implementation of foodsecurity so that the program can be maximum in implementation.Keywords: evaluation, food security, OPR

    Ulama Birokrat: Kiprah Abuya TB. Abdul Halim Kadu Peusing dalam Memperjuangkan Banten

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    The role of ulama is very important for the community in protecting the interests of the community. Ulama occupy an important position in the moral formation of society, even during the colonial period. Ulama leadership in the world of politics was very influential in the struggle against Dutch colonialism in Banten. The position of the ulama is inseparable from the prevailing tradition in the santri community, especially in rural areas which assume that in religion someone must follow what has been passed down by the ulama. Abuya Tb. Abdul Halim was a very charismatic cleric and his influence was very large for the people of Pandeglang. He was born around 1889 in Kadu Peusing Village, Kabayan Village, Pandeglang Subdistrict, Pandeglang Regency. The struggle of Abuya Tb. Abdul Halim started since he built Islamic boarding schools, Abuya thoughts Tb. Abdul Halim was very influenced by Sheikh Nawawi Tanara because Abuya Tb.Abdul Halim had studied with Sheikh Nawawi Tanara. The spirit of his struggle was poured out by participating in religious meetings, practicing his knowledge and supporting organizations such as Masyumi and NU. In 1945 Abuya Tb. Abdul Halim appeared in the struggle against the Dutch colonial until he was appointed Regent in Pandeglang in 1945-1947

    Aplikasi Pendaftaran dan Penerimaan Siswa Baru di Smk Negeri 1 Rupat Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway

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    Pendaftaran dan penerimaan calon siswa baru di SMK Negeri 1 Rupat masih menggunakan media kertas untuk pendaftaran, karena belum ada aplikasi yang dibuat khusus untuk pendaftaran secara online. Pada umumnya petugasmengharuskan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang cepat kepada calon-calon siswa yang mendaftar. Dengan itu perlu adanya sistem yang dapat membantu kinerja tata USAha dalam melayani calon-calon siswa baru yang mendaftar dan memberikan pelayanan tambahan dengan bantuan aplikasi sms gateway dalam penyampaikan informasi kepada orang tua /wali siswa yang mendaftar. Maka dari itu dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi pendaftaran calon siswa baru secara online dengan berbasis sms gateway agar lebih efektif dan efisien dalam penyampain informasi penerimaan siswa baru. Dengan adanya Aplikasi ini, dapat mempermudah bagi pihak sekolah dalam pengolahan data Pendaftaran dan Penerimaan Calon Siswa Baru

    Ketahanan Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Dangke terhadap Garam Empedu sebagai Kandidat Probiotik

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    Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan kelompok bakteri yang menghasilkan asam laktat sebagaiproduk utama dalam metabolisme karbohidrat. BAL sebagai kandidat probiotik harus memenuhi salah satu syarat yang memiliki ketahanan garam empedu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan bakteri asam laktat berasal dari dangke susu sapi terhadap garam empedu dengan berbagai konsentrasi yaitu 0,1% , 0,3%, dan 0,5% dan tanpa garam empedu sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri asam laktat isolat susu sapi asli dangke L. fermentum dan L. acidophillus memiliki ketahanan garam empedu. Lactobacillus acidophilus isolat memiliki ketahanan garam empedu lebih baik dari Lactobacillus fermentum. Perbedaan antara jumlah BAL koloni pada media + oxgall terhadap kontrol (A0 dan B0) untuk masing-masing konsentrasi Oxgall 0,1%, 0,3%, dan 0,5% masing-masing dari L. fermentum: 1,4 x 106, 1,7 x 106, 4 x 106, sedangkan L. acidophillus: 0,7 x 106, 0,9 x 106 dan 1,4 x 106. Ketahanan L. acidophillus pada berbagai konsentrasi garam empedu menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai P = 0,445 sama seperti ketahanan L. fermentum pada variasi empedu konsentrasi garam juga menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai P = 0,133. L. fermentum dan L. acidophillus memiliki kemampuan untuk bertahan terhadap garam empedu yang menunjukkan potensi sebagai probiotik kandidat

    Waste management: a qualitative study exploring the perception of flood waste management among the community of Pasir Mas

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the 2014 post-flood waste management in affected area. For this purpose, Pasir Mas in Kelantan was chosen as the sample area and interviews were conducted with the residents. The interviews aim to gather information about post-flood waste produced, sources of the waste, actions taken by the residents and related authorities bodies to clear the waste, impact of the waste on their living surroundings and health, and assistance needed to manage the waste. A total of 39 respondents consisted of 20 men and 19 women were selected at random for focus group discussion. These respondents represent persons of age 25 years old and above, local and whose living quarters have been affected by the flood. The large volume of mud left by the flood has been identified by the participants as the main source of the post-flood waste. In addition, good cooperation between government agencies and the residents is important to speed up the waste clearing works. However, residents are in much needed support, awareness and education about the impact of long due waste clearing on their health and living environment

    Waste management: a qualitative study exploring the perception of food waste management among the community of Pasir Mas

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the 2014 post-flood waste management in affected area. For this purpose, Pasir Mas in Kelantan was chosen as the sample area and interviews were conducted with the residents. The interviews aim to gather information about post-flood waste produced,sources of the waste, actions taken by the residents and related authorities bodies to clear the waste, impact of the waste on their living surroundings and health, and assistance needed to manage the waste. A total of 39 respondents consisted of 20 men and 19 women were selected at random for focus group discussion. These respondents represent persons of age 25 years old and above, local and whose living quarters have been affected by the flood. The large volume of mud left by the flood has been identified by the participants as the main source of the post-flood waste. In addition, good cooperation between government agencies and the residents is important to speed up the waste clearing works.However, residents are in much needed support, awareness and education about the impact of long due waste clearing on their health and living environment

    Use of coconut shell from agriculture waste as fine aggregate in asphaltic concrete

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of coconut shell as fine aggregate in asphaltic concrete. The mix design incorporating penetration grade 80/100 bitumen was used to produce the specimens testing. Four coconut shell replacement levels were considered in the study: 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, respectively. The aggregate properties were evaluated through aggregate impact value, specific gravity and water absorption test. In addition, the performance of coconut shell in asphalt mixes was identified by volumetric properties, indirect tensile strength, resilient modulus and dynamic creep test. The results revealed that controlled specimen's shows better volumetric properties compared to coconut shell mixes. However, 10% replacement of coconut shell indicated better performance than controlled specimen. It can be concluded that coconut shell inhibits great potential as road construction material but be only suitable for low traffic volume and at rural area