7 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Implementasi Kebijakan BDC Program KOTAKU Dalam Memberdayakan UMKM di Kabupaten Pangandaran

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji efektivitas implementasi kebijakan BDC Program Kotaku dalam memberdayakan UMKM di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Jenis penelitian ini, adalah campuran deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 100 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan instrumen (kuesioner) kepada responden, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan tehnis analisis stattistik deskriptif menggunakan rumus persentase untuk mengukur nilai efektifitas. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Business Development Centre merupakan salah satu kegiatan dari Program P2KKP (Program Peningkatan Kualitas Kawasan Permukiman) yang diluncurkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) pada tahun 2015 dengan pendekatan fasilitasi layanan kegiatan ekonomi terhadap KSM Ekonomi binaan program. Selanjutnya P2KKP bertransformasi menjadi Program Kota Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU) dengan lebih fokus pada pendekatan fasilitasi infrastruktur masyarakat maka pendekatan fasilitasi terhadap BDC pun berubah menjadi fasilitasi infrastruktur pendukung kegiatan ekonomi. Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Kebijakan BDC Program Kotaku Dalam Memberdayakan UMKM termasuk kategori BAIK, dilihat dari aspek tepat proses, tepat target, tepat kebijakan dan tepat lingkungan. Pemberdayaan KSM juga berjalan efektif dan masuk termasuk dalam kategori baik. Pembangunan perekonomian masyarakat melalui pemberdayaan UMKM diharapkan menjadi solusi terhadap terbatasnya lapangan kerja

    Recycling of waste heat produced from air-conditioning outdoor unit via thermoelectric generator for non-intrusive and clean energy harvesting

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    Non-renewable resources are depleting day by day. As an alternative source of non-renewable energy, one of the renewable and green energies which can be harvested by end users is from harvesting thermal energy from our surroundings. The air conditioning system produces a substantial amount of waste heat in its operation. This waste heat can be harvested and converted into electricity. Hence, this project focuses on harvesting thermal energy non-intrusively from the air conditioning outdoor unit using thermoelectric generator. Thermoelectric generator converts thermal energy into electricity. From the experiment, it was determined that the points with the highest temperatures were on the right side of the front grille of the air conditioning outdoor unit. Then, the thermoelectric generator was mounted using a cable tie on these points. The temperatures of the hot side and the cold side of the thermoelectric generator and the output voltage generated were measured. The data was collected again at different thermostat settings. These steps were also repeated with the heat sink attached to the thermoelectric generator vertically and horizontally. From these experiments, it can be observed that the optimum point to mount the thermoelectric generator was identified as point B which is at 3 o’clock position on the front grille of the air conditioning outdoor unit because it generated the highest value of RMS voltage data which is 3.31 mV without heat sink, 14.80 mV with vertical oriented heat sink and 13.93 mV with horizontal oriented heat sink. It was also determined that the most efficient way for the thermoelectric generator to harvest thermal energy is by attaching a heat sink on the cold side of the thermoelectric generator and the best air conditioning settings for thermal energy harvesting using thermoelectric generator is at thermostat setting of 16 °C. Thus, it is proven that the waste heat generated by the air conditioning outdoor unit can be harvested non-intrusively and in a clean harvesting manner

    Enhancement of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) growth, physiology, yield and quality in relation to media types, shading and elevated carbon dioxide under different greenhouse systems

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    Cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) is crisp and juicy compared to regular tomato. The bite-sized cherry tomato leads to high demand in regular consumption among community for healthy snacking. However, uncertainty weather pattern was determined as one of the factors that can impact to the food production. Due to the climate changes impact around the world, tomato was found to have better growth, yield and good quality if it is been grown under greenhouse conditions. However, the environmental conditions inside the greenhouse such as media types, amount of light intensity and level of carbon dioxide (CO2) need to be optimised to improve the growth performance, yield production and quality of tomato. Thus, the objectives of this study were to investigate the effect media type, light intensity level and CO2 elevation on growth performance, physiology changes, yield production and quality of tomato grown under greenhouse conditions. In Experiment 1, seedlings variety Ruby Red cherry tomato was planted using three different types of media [coconut coir dust (CCD), mixed soil, and top soil] under two different greenhouse systems; smart greenhouse system (SGS) and conventional greenhouse system (CGS). The plants were observed at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplant (DAT). The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD). Plant height, total leaf area, shoot and root dry, root to shoot ratio (R:S), photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency and yield showed the best performance and significantly highest when the plant grown under CCD. In Experiment 2, Ruby Red cherry tomato seedlings was grown using CCD media which was optimized from Experiment 1. The seedling was then shaded using 0, 50% and 70% black netting to allow 100%, 50% and 30% light penetration, respectively. The plant was placed under greenhouses elevated with 800 ppm CO2 elevation at 8-10 am daily(SGS) and non-elevated CO2 (CGS) as control. Exposing tomato seedling in higher CO2 concentration reduced plant height, total leaf area and total biomass than control. The number of lateral roots increased under SGS compared to CGS and that the length of the roots increased as well. Upon CO2 enrichment happened, there was a reduction in stomatal conductance and transpiration rate which reduced the loss of water in the atmosphere. Higher concentration CO2 level can contribute heat stress to the plant due to the increase in temperature up to 52°C. As consequently fruit setting was delayed about 3 weeks as compared to the plant grown under CGS. Nevertheless, tomato plant received 50% of light penetration has the highest lycopene content in both greenhouses compared to other shading level. In conclusion, CCD is recommended as growing media and shading did not help in reducing temperature under elevated CO2 greenhouse especially in tropical region

    Belle Vie' Café (Café) / Athirah Abdul Aziz ... [et al.]

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    This business is based on partnership where it consists of five members which hold an important position in this business which are general manager, financial manager, marketing manager, operational manager and administrator manager. This business capital amounted to RM where the total contribution of each member is RM and the balance is from Maybank's loan. Bellle Vie Cafe is one of the popular cakes cafe at Seri Iskandar where many people pay a visit during weekends to have our delicious cakes. Our shop is easy to reach as it is located near to the mall. Our cafe concept which is vintage is one of the reasons why many people come to pay a visit as they wanted to take picture at our cafe. Belle Vie Cafe is a cafe that focused in serving cakes. The cakes are using premium ingredients to improve the tastes of the cakes. The cakes that our cafe serves come from different shape and size to make it looks interesting and attractive to be serve at the customers. Moreover, we do improve the tastes of our cakes to make it more delicious by trying to add and to less the ingredient needed for each of the cakes. We are looking forward to make our cafe goes viral and to be well-known all around Malaysia. Every month we had a meeting between our partners in order to develop marketing strategy and ideas on how to improve our sales and attract more people to come to our shop. Currently one of our marketing strategy is give a discount to student since most of our customer are students from the nearest universities. Other than that, we make some innovation by implying our creativity and modem element in baking the cakes. We make a different look of our cakes by making a various colour of cake rather than the usual. The more attractive the cakes, the more people would give a try. Last but not least, we are planning to open more branch around the Malaysia and we want our cafe name become established in 7 to 9 years in the future. We also hoping that we will always fulfill the demand from our customers

    Menginang Sirih dan Tradisi yang Hampir Hilang pada Masyarakat Banjar serta Perspektifnya dalam Kesehatan Gigi untuk Wujudkan Indonesia Bebas Karies 2030

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    Introduction: Dental health problems in Indonesia are still relatively high. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas results, the prevalence of caries in Indonesia reached 57.6%. In South Kalimantan Province, 46.90% of the population suffers from dental caries. One of the factors thought to be related to the prevalence of dental caries is the habit of "Menginang Sirih" which is the culture of the Banjar people. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the tradition of menginang sirih with the incidence of dental caries and analyzing aspects of menginang culture in society. Method: This research uses a mixed method which combines quantitative methods with a case control approach to determine the relationship between the menginang tradition and dental health and qualitatively by conducting in-depth interviews to find out cultural reasons in society. Results: The research subjects were 46 respondents, consisting of 36 women and 10 men. It was found that there was no relationship between menginang habit, age, duration of menginang habit, frequency in a week, chewing time, materials used and brushing teeth with the incidence of dental caries (p-value = 0.375; 0.964; 0.083; 1.000; 1.000; 0.462; 0.739; 0.462). Based on the results of the analysis of cultural aspects, it is known that the menginang tradition usually occurs at sacred events such as weddings, which symbolizes the union of two souls. Conclusion: The menginang tradition can be preserved by continuing to pay attention to personal hygiene and regular dental check-ups.Pendahuluan: Masalah kesehatan gigi di Indonesia masih tergolong tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas 2018, prevalensi karies di Indonesia mencapai 57,6%. Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan 46,90% penduduknya menderita karies gigi. Salah satu faktor yang diduga berhubungan dengan prevalensi karies gigi adalah kebiasaan “menginang sirih” yang merupakan budaya masyarakat Banjar. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tradisi “menginang sirih” dengan kejadian karies gigi dan menganalisis aspek budaya menginang dimasyarakat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan mix mehod yang menggabungkan metode kuantitatifdengan pendekatan case control untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tradisi menginangdengan kesehatan gigi dan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam untuk mengetahui alasan budaya di masyarakat. Hasil: Subjek penelitian berjumlah 46 responden, terdiri dari 36 perempuan dan 10 laki-laki. Ditemukan bahwa tidak adahubungan antara kebiasaan menginang, umur, lama kebiasaan menginang, frekuensidalam seminggu, lama mengunyah, bahan yang digunakan dan menyikat gigi dengan kejadian karies gigi (p-value = 0,375; 0,964; 0,083; 1,000; 1,000; 0,462; 0,739; 0,462). Berdasarkan hasil analisis aspek budaya diketahui tradisi menginang sirih biasanyaterjadi dalam acara sakral seperti pernikahan, yang melambangkan penyatuan dua jiwa. Kesimpulan: Tradisi Menginang Sirih dapat dipertahankan dengan terusmemperhatikan kebersihan diri dan pemeriksaan gigi secara rutin

    Menginang Sirih dan Tradisi yang Hampir Hilang pada Masyarakat Banjar serta Perspektifnya dalam Kesehatan Gigi untuk Wujudkan Indonesia Bebas Karies 2030

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    Introduction: Dental health problems in Indonesia are still relatively high. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas results, the prevalence of caries in Indonesia reached 57.6%. In South Kalimantan Province, 46.90% of the population suffers from dental caries. One of the factors thought to be related to the prevalence of dental caries is the habit of "Menginang Sirih" which is the culture of the Banjar people. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the tradition of menginang sirih with the incidence of dental caries and analyzing aspects of menginang culture in society. Method: This research uses a mixed method which combines quantitative methods with a case control approach to determine the relationship between the menginang tradition and dental health and qualitatively by conducting in-depth interviews to find out cultural reasons in society. Results: The research subjects were 46 respondents, consisting of 36 women and 10 men. It was found that there was no relationship between menginang habit, age, duration of menginang habit, frequency in a week, chewing time, materials used and brushing teeth with the incidence of dental caries (p-value = 0.375; 0.964; 0.083; 1.000; 1.000; 0.462; 0.739; 0.462). Based on the results of the analysis of cultural aspects, it is known that the menginang tradition usually occurs at sacred events such as weddings, which symbolizes the union of two souls. Conclusion: The menginang tradition can be preserved by continuing to pay attention to personal hygiene and regular dental check-ups.Pendahuluan: Masalah kesehatan gigi di Indonesia masih tergolong tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas 2018, prevalensi karies di Indonesia mencapai 57,6%. Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan 46,90% penduduknya menderita karies gigi. Salah satu faktor yang diduga berhubungan dengan prevalensi karies gigi adalah kebiasaan “menginang sirih” yang merupakan budaya masyarakat Banjar. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tradisi “menginang sirih” dengan kejadian karies gigi dan menganalisis aspek budaya menginang dimasyarakat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan mix mehod yang menggabungkan metode kuantitatifdengan pendekatan case control untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tradisi menginangdengan kesehatan gigi dan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam untuk mengetahui alasan budaya di masyarakat. Hasil: Subjek penelitian berjumlah 46 responden, terdiri dari 36 perempuan dan 10 laki-laki. Ditemukan bahwa tidak adahubungan antara kebiasaan menginang, umur, lama kebiasaan menginang, frekuensidalam seminggu, lama mengunyah, bahan yang digunakan dan menyikat gigi dengan kejadian karies gigi (p-value = 0,375; 0,964; 0,083; 1,000; 1,000; 0,462; 0,739; 0,462). Berdasarkan hasil analisis aspek budaya diketahui tradisi menginang sirih biasanyaterjadi dalam acara sakral seperti pernikahan, yang melambangkan penyatuan dua jiwa. Kesimpulan: Tradisi Menginang Sirih dapat dipertahankan dengan terusmemperhatikan kebersihan diri dan pemeriksaan gigi secara rutin

    Growth performance and yield production of cherry tomato as affected by media types and grown under different greenhouse systems

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    To produce a good quality of tomato, it must be grown in proper media to avoid pests and diseases and to optimize the consumption of agriculture waste material for beneficial crops production. The proper media will be acted as good anchorage to plants and supply nutrients and gaseous exchange to root. Meanwhile, the climate changes also one the serious issue that can reduce the tomato production. The optimum environment inside the greenhouse for the tomato plant to grow well warrants should be investigated. Thus, this study is to investigate the effectiveness of three types of media (coconut coir dust, mixed soil and topsoil) on growth performance and yield of tomato cherry grown under two systems of the greenhouse which are smart greenhouse system (SGS) and conventional greenhouse system (CGS). The experiment was conducted in 2 factorials in a nested design with four replications. Growth performance and the total weight of yield were monitored. Results indicated that the plant height, root length and yield production of cherry tomato were higher when the plant is grown in coconut coir dust as compared to other treatments