467 research outputs found

    Panorama da ginástica artística feminina brasileira de alto rendimento esportivo: progressão, realidade e necessidades

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    The Brazilian Women's Artistic Gymnastics results in international championships are refl ecting the high level of the athletes in the modality and expressing the evolution of this sport in Brazil in the last 10 years. Therefore, this article has the goal to present data about such evolution since the fi rst participation of the Brazilian gymnasts in the Olympic Games (1980), and to refl ect the development of the modality in Brazil. The data have been collected through a bibliographic and documental research. The data analysis showed a unstructured and immature process of the development of this sport in Brazil, revealing a very different reality from what has been exposed in the media.Os resultados das atletas brasileiras da Ginástica Artística feminina nos últimos 10 anos, refletidos principalmente nas competições de nível internacional, apontam para uma expressiva evolução do esporte no país. Assim, este artigo tem o propósito de apresentar dados acerca desta transformação, principalmente a partir da participação das ginastas em Jogos Olímpicos (desde 1980), e estabelecer reflexões em relação ao desenvolvimento da modalidade no país. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, estes dados foram obtidos, reunidos e contextualizados com outras informações já disponíveis na literatura. Ao analisá-los foi possível não só apontar com especificidade como se deu esta evolução, como também apresentar uma realidade deflagradora de um processo ainda imaturo de desenvolvimento do esporte no país, que não condiz em grande parte com o que é posto pela mídia (de que a modalidade está em pleno avanço e de forma estruturada)

    Dynamic behaviors of dust particles in the plasma-sheath boundary

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    A variety of dynamic behaviors in dusty plasmas is expected under the experimental condition of weak friction with gas molecules. The device "KAGEROU" provides such an environment for dynamic collective phenomena. Self-excited dust oscillations in Coulomb crystals have been observed at low values of plasma density and gas pressure. An instability mechanism was identified to be delayed charging in an inhomogeneous equilibrium dust charge in the sheath. The theoretical growth rate was formulated in relation to the destabilization of a transverse dust lattice wave (T-DLW), which was found to be very sensitive to the presence of a small amount of hot electrons which produces a substantial positive equilibrium charge gradient ∇Qd-eq around the equilibrium position of dust particles in the plasma-sheath boundary. The first experimental observation of a correlated self-excited vertical oscillations in a one-dimensional dust chain indicates a destabilization of T-DLW. The experimental condition is very consistent with the parameter area which predicts numerically an instability of T-DLW

    Práticas esportivas escolares na cidade de Santos-SP: o ponto de vista dos professores/treinadores

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    Article in Portuguese. English title: School sports in the city of Santos-SP: the point of view of teachers/coache

    O planejamento das práticas esportivas escolares no ensino fundamental na cidade de Santos

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    Article in Portugese. English title: School sport's planning in elementary school in the Santos’ city. Spanish title: Planificación del deporte escolar en la escuela primaria de la ciudad de Santos

    Messenger RNA Oxidation Occurs Early in Disease Pathogenesis and Promotes Motor Neuron Degeneration in ALS

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    BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence indicates that RNA oxidation is involved in a wide variety of neurological diseases and may be associated with neuronal deterioration during the process of neurodegeneration. However, previous studies were done in postmortem tissues or cultured neurons. Here, we used transgenic mice to demonstrate the role of RNA oxidation in the process of neurodegeneration. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrated that messenger RNA (mRNA) oxidation is a common feature in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients as well as in many different transgenic mice expressing familial ALS-linked mutant copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). In mutant SOD1 mice, increased mRNA oxidation primarily occurs in the motor neurons and oligodendrocytes of the spinal cord at an early, pre-symptomatic stage. Identification of oxidized mRNA species revealed that some species are more vulnerable to oxidative damage, and importantly, many oxidized mRNA species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ALS. Oxidative modification of mRNA causes reduced protein expression. Reduced mRNA oxidation by vitamin E restores protein expression and partially protects motor neurons. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings suggest that mRNA oxidation is an early event associated with motor neuron deterioration in ALS, and may be also a common early event preceding neuron degeneration in other neurological diseases

    Sulforaphane Potentiates RNA Damage Induced by Different Xenobiotics

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    Background: The isothiocyanate sulforaphane (SFN) possesses interesting anticancer activities. However, recent studies reported that SFN promotes the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as DNA breakage. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated whether SFN is able to damage RNA, whose loss of integrity was demonstrated in different chronic diseases. Considering the ability of SFN to protect from genotoxicity, we also examined whether SFN is able to protect from RNA damage induced by different chemicals (doxorubicin, spermine, S-nitroso-Nacetylpenicillamine, H2O2). We observed that SFN was devoid of either RNA damaging and RNA protective activity in human leukemic cells. It was able to potentiate the RNA damage by doxorubicin and spermine. In the first case, the effect was attributable to its ability of modulating the bioreductive activation of doxorubicin. For spermine, the effects were mainly due to its modulation of ROS levels produced by spermine metabolism. As to the cytotoxic relevance of the RNA damage, we found that the treatment of cells with a mixture of spermine or doxorubicin plus SFN increased their proapoptotic potential. Thus it is conceivable that the presence of RNA damage might concur to the overall toxic response induced by a chemical agent in targeted cells. Conclusions/Significance: Since RNA is emerging as a potential target for anticancer drugs, its ability to enhance spermineand doxorubicin-induced RNA damage and cytotoxicity could represent an additional mechanism for the potentiatin

    Chemical constituents isolated from twigs and barks of amapazeiro (Parahancornia amapa, Apocynaceae)

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    Parahancornia amapa (Apocynaceae) is typical of the Amazon region and popularly known as amapazeiro and widely used in folk medicine in the Amazon region. The objective of this work was to study the phytochemical composition of twigs and barks of this species. From the dichloromethane extract of twigs were isolated β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and pentacyclic triterpenoids α-amyrin, β-amyrin, lupeol and friedelin. From the methanol extract of barks was isolated indole alkaloid isositsiriquina. The structures of these compounds were identified by analysis of the mass spectra high-resolution, ¹H and 13C NMR and comparisons with literature data. This is the first report of isolation of alkaloid in this genus.Parahancornia amapa (Apocynaceae) é típica da região amazônica e conhecida popularmente como amapazeiro e muito utilizada na medicina popular da região Amazônica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi o estudo fitoquímico dos galhos e cascas dessa espécie. Do extrato diclorometânico dos galhos foram isolados o β-sitosterol, estigmasterol, além de triterpenóides pentacíclicos, α-amirina, β-amirina, lupeol e friedelina. Do extrato metanólico das cascas foi isolado o alcaloide indólico isositsiriquina. As estruturas desses compostos foram identificadas por análise dos espectros de massa de alta resolução, Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de ¹H e 13C e comparações com dados da literatura. Esse é o primeiro relato de isolamento de alcaloide neste gênero

    RNA Oxidation Adducts 8-OHG and 8-OHA Change with Aβ42 Levels in Late-Stage Alzheimer's Disease

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    While research supports amyloid-β (Aβ) as the etiologic agent of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the mechanism of action remains unclear. Evidence indicates that adducts of RNA caused by oxidation also represent an early phenomenon in AD. It is currently unknown what type of influence these two observations have on each other, if any. We quantified five RNA adducts by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy across five brain regions from AD cases and age-matched controls. We then used a reductive directed analysis to compare the RNA adducts to common indices of AD neuropathology and various pools of Aβ. Using data from four disease-affected brain regions (Brodmann's Area 9, hippocampus, inferior parietal lobule, and the superior and middle temporal gyri), we found that the RNA adduct 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OHG) decreased, while 8-hydroxyadenine (8-OHA) increased in AD. The cerebellum, which is generally spared in AD, did not show disease related changes, and no RNA adducts correlated with the number of plaques or tangles. Multiple regression analysis revealed that SDS-soluble Aβ42 was the best predictor of changes in 8-OHG, while formic acid-soluble Aβ42 was the best predictor of changes in 8-OHA. This study indicates that although there is a connection between AD related neuropathology and RNA oxidation, this relationship is not straightforward
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