13 research outputs found

    Lunar Seismology: An Update on Interior Structure Models

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    An international team of researchers gathered, with the support of the Interna- tional Space Science Institute (ISSI), (1) to review seismological investigations of the lunar interior from the Apollo-era and up until the present and (2) to re-assess our level of knowl- edge and uncertainty on the interior structure of the Moon. A companion paper (Nunn et al. in Space Sci. Rev., submitted) reviews and discusses the Apollo lunar seismic data with the aim of creating a new reference seismic data set for future use by the community. In this study, we first review information pertinent to the interior of the Moon that has become available since the Apollo lunar landings, particularly in the past ten years, from orbiting spacecraft, continuing measurements, modeling studies, and laboratory experiments. Fol- lowing this, we discuss and compare a set of recent published models of the lunar interior, including a detailed review of attenuation and scattering properties of the Moon. Common features and discrepancies between models and moonquake locations provide a first esti- mate of the error bars on the various seismic parameters. Eventually, to assess the influence of model parameterisation and error propagation on inverted seismic velocity models, an inversion test is presented where three different parameterisations are considered. For this purpose, we employ the travel time data set gathered in our companion paper (Nunn et al. in Space Sci. Rev., submitted). The error bars of the inverted seismic velocity models demon- strate that the Apollo lunar seismic data mainly constrain the upper- and mid-mantle struc- ture to a depth of ∌1200 km. While variable, there is some indication for an upper mantle low-velocity zone (depth range 100–250 km), which is compatible with a temperature gradi- ◩ent around 1.7 C/km. This upper mantle thermal gradient could be related to the presence of the thermally anomalous region known as the Procellarum Kreep Terrane, which contains a large amount of heat producing elements

    Shear velocity model for the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave data

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    The Tien Shan is the largest active intracontinental orogenic belt on Earth. To better understand the processes causing mountains to form at great distances from a plate boundary, we analyse passive source seismic data collected on 40 broad band stations of the MANAS project (2005-2007) and 12 stations of the permanent KRNET seismic network to determine variations in crustal thickness and shear wavespeed across the range. We jointly invert P- and S-wave receiver functions with surface wave observations from both earthquakes and ambient noise to reduce the ambiguity inherent in the images obtained from the techniques applied individually. Inclusion of ambient noise data improves constraints on the upper crust by allowing dispersion measurements to be made at shorter periods. Joint inversion can also reduce the ambiguity in interpretation by revealing the extent to which various features in the receiver functions are ampliïŹed or eliminated by interference from multiples. The resulting wavespeed model shows a variation in crustal thickness across the range. We ïŹnd that crustal velocities extend to ∌ 75 km beneath the Kokshaal Range, which we attribute to underthrusting of the Tarim Basin beneath the southern Tien Shan. This result supports the plate model of intracontinental convergence. Crustal thickness elsewhere beneath the range is about 50 km, including beneath the Naryn Valley in the central Tien Shan where previous studies reported a shallow Moho. This diïŹ€erence apparently is the result of wavespeed variations in the upper crust that were not previously taken into account. Finally, a high velocity lid appears in the upper mantle of the Central and Northern part of the Tien Shan, which we interpret as a remnant of material that may have delaminated elsewhere under the range.km, including beneath the Naryn Valley in the central Tien Shan where previous studies reported a shallow Moho. This diïŹ€erence apparently is the result of wavespeed variations in the upper crust that were not previously taken into account. Finally, a high velocity lid appears in the upper mantle of the Central and Northern part of the Tien Shan, which we interpret as a remnant of material that may have delaminated elsewhere under the range.This is the final published version. It's also available from Oxford Journals at http://gji.oxfordjournals.org/content/199/1/480.full

    Shear velocity model for the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave data

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    The Tien Shan is the largest active intracontinental orogenic belt on Earth. To better understand the processes causing mountains to form at great distances from a plate boundary, we analyse passive source seismic data collected on 40 broad-band stations of the MANAS project (2005–2007) and 12 stations of the permanent KRNET seismic network to determine variations in crustal thickness and shear wave speed across the range. We jointly invert P- and S-wave receiver functions with surface wave observations from both earthquakes and ambient noise to reduce the ambiguity inherent in the images obtained from the techniques applied individually. Inclusion of ambient noise data improves constraints on the upper crust by allowing dispersion measurements to be made at shorter periods. Joint inversion can also reduce the ambiguity in interpretation by revealing the extent to which various features in the receiver functions are amplified or eliminated by interference from multiples. The resulting wave speed model shows a variation in crustal thickness across the range. We find that crustal velocities extend to \~75 km beneath the Kokshaal Range, which we attribute to underthrusting of the Tarim Basin beneath the southern Tien Shan. This result supports the plate model of intracontinental convergence. Crustal thickness elsewhere beneath the range is about 50 km, including beneath the Naryn Valley in the central Tien Shan where previous studies reported a shallow Moho. This difference apparently is the result of wave speed variations in the upper crust that were not previously taken into account. Finally, a high velocity lid appears in the upper mantle of the Central and Northern part of the Tien Shan, which we interpret as a remnant of material that may have delaminated elsewhere under the rang

    Seismic Detection of Euroquakes Originating From Europa's Silicate Interior

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    Detecting a seismic event from Europa's silicate interior would provide information about the geologic and tectonic setting of the moon's rocky interior. However, the subsurface ocean will attenuate the signal, possibly preventing the waveforms from being detected by a surface seismometer. Here, we investigate the minimum magnitude of a detectable event originating from Europa's silicate interior. We analyze likely signal-to-noise ratios and compare the predicted signal strengths to current instrument sensitivities. We show that a magnitude Mw ≄ 3.5 would be sufficient to overcome the predicted background noise when the ice shell is 5 km thick. However, a minimum magnitude of Mw ≄ 5.5 would be required for current instrumentation to be able detect the event for any ice shell thickness, at any distance. A thinner ice shell transmits greater ground acceleration amplitudes than a thicker ice shell, which might allow for Mw ≄ 4.5 to be detectable.ISSN:2333-508

    Imaging the lithosphere beneath NE Tibet: teleseismic P and S body wave tomography incorporating surface wave starting models

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    The northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, which includes the Qiangtang and Songpan-Ganzi terranes as well as the Kunlun Shan and the Qaidam Basin, continues to deform in response to the ongoing India–Eurasia collision. To test competing hypotheses concerning the mechanisms for this deformation, we assembled a high-quality data set of approximately 14 000 P- and 4000 S-wave arrival times from earthquakes at teleseismic distances from the International Deep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalaya, Phase IV broad-band seismometer deployments. We analyse these arrival times to determine tomographic images of P- and S-wave velocities in the upper mantle beneath this part of the plateau. To account for the effects of major heterogeneity in crustal and uppermost mantle wave velocities in Tibet, we use recent surface wave models to construct a starting model for our teleseismic body wave inversion. We compare the results from our model with those from simpler starting models, and find that while the reduction in residuals and results for deep structure are similar between models, the results for shallow structure are different. Checkerboard tests indicate that features of ∌125 km length scale are reliably imaged throughout the study region. Using synthetic tests, we show that the best recovery is below ∌300 km, and that broad variations in shallow structure can also be recovered. We also find that significant smearing can occur, especially at the edges of the model. We observe a shallow dipping seismically fast structure at depths of ∌140–240 km, which dies out gradually between 33°N and 35°N. Based on the lateral continuity of this structure (from the surface waves) we interpret it as Indian lithosphere. Alternatively, the entire area could be thickened by pure shear, or the northern part could be an underthrust Lhasa Terrane lithospheric slab with only the southern part from India. We see a deep fast wave velocity anomaly (below 300 km), that is consistent with receiver function observations of a thickened transition zone and could be a fragment of oceanic lithosphere. In NE Tibet, it appears to be disconnected from faster wave velocities above (i.e. it is not downwelling or subducting here). Our models corroborate results of previous work which imaged a relatively slow wave velocity region below the Kunlun Shan and northern Songpan-Ganzi Terrane, which is difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis of southward-directed continental subduction at the northern margin. Wave velocities in the shallow mantle beneath the Qaidam Basin are faster than normal, and more so in the east than the west

    Scattering Attenuation of the Martian Interior through Coda Wave Analysis

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    International audienceWe investigate the scattering attenuation characteristics of the Martian crust and uppermost mantle to understand the structure of the Martian interior. We examine the energy decay of the spectral envelopes for 21 high-quality Martian seismic events from Sol 128 to Sol 500 of InSight operations. We use the model of Dainty et al. (1974b) to approximate the behavior of energy envelopes resulting from scattered wave propagation through a single diffusive layer over an elastic half-space. Using a grid search, we mapped the layer parameters that fit the observed InSight data envelopes. The single diffusive layer model provided better fits to the observed energy envelopes for High Frequency (HF) and Very High Frequency (VF) than for the Low Frequency (LF) and Broadband (BB) events. This result is consistent with the suggested source depths (Giardini et al., 2020) for these families of events and their expected interaction with a shallow scattering layer. The shapes of the observed data envelopes do not show a consistent pattern with event distance, suggesting that the diffusivity and scattering layer thickness is non-uniform in the vicinity of InSight at Mars. Given the consistency in the envelope shapes between HF and VF events across epicentral distances and the tradeoffs between the parameters that control scattering, the dimensions of the scattering layer remain unconstrained but require that scattering strength decreases with depth and that the rate of decay in scattering strength is fastest near the surface. This is generally consistent with the processes that would form scattering structures in planetary lithospheres

    Lunar Seismology: A Data and Instrumentation Review

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    International audienceSeveral seismic experiments were deployed on the Moon by the astronauts during the Apollo missions. The experiments began in 1969 with Apollo 11, and continued with Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Instruments at Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 remained operational until the final transmission in 1977. These remarkable experiments provide a valuable resource. Now is a good time to review this resource, since the InSight mission is returning seismic data from Mars, and seismic missions to the Moon and Europa are in development from different space agencies. We present an overview of the seismic data available from Electronic Supplementary Material The online repository https://doi.org/10.. For each of these, we outline the instrumentation and the data availability. We show examples of the different types of moonquakes, which are: artificial impacts, meteoroid strikes, shallow quakes (less than 200 km depth) and deep quakes (around 900 km depth). Deep quakes often occur in tight spatial clusters, and their seismic signals can therefore be stacked to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. We provide stacked deep moonquake signals from three independent sources in miniSEED format. We provide an arrival-time catalog compiled from six independent sources, as well as estimates of event time and location where available. We show statistics on the consistency between arrival-time picks from different operators. Moonquakes have a characteristic shape, where the energy rises slowly to a maximum, followed by an even longer decay time. We include a table of the times of arrival of the maximum energy t max and the coda quality factor Q c. Finally, we outline minimum requirements for future lunar missions to the Moon. These requirements are particularly relevant to future missions which intend to share data with other agencies, and set out a path for an International Lunar Network, which can provide simultaneous multi-station observations on the Moon