3,616 research outputs found

    Tecnologia para produção de mudas de hortaliças e plantas medicinais em sistema orgânico.

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    Human Activity Recognition using Max-Min Skeleton-based Features and Key Poses

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    Human activity recognition is still a very challenging research area, due to the inherently complex temporal and spatial patterns that characterize most human activities. This paper proposes a human activity recognition framework based on random forests, where each activity is classified requiring few training examples (i.e. no frame-by-frame activity classification). In a first approach, a simple mechanism that divides each action sequence into a fixed-size window is employed, where max-min skeleton-based features are extracted. In the second approach, each window is delimited by a pair of automatically detected key poses, where static and max-min dynamic features are extracted, based on the determined activity example. Both approaches are evaluated using the Cornell Activity Dataset [1], obtaining relevant overall average results, considering that these approaches are fast to train and require just a few training examples. These characteristics suggest that the proposed framework can beuseful for real-time applications, where the activities are typicallywell distinctive and little training time is required, or to be integrated in larger and sophisticated systems, for a first quick impression/learning of certain activitie

    Summary of ST-MA deliverables for LHC

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    The ST/MA group is responsible for the monitoring of the CERN Technical Infrastructure as well as the design, installation and maintenance of personnel protection system such as access control system, fire and gas leak detection, safety alarm monitoring systems and radiation monitoring systems (in collaboration with TIS). This paper provides an overview of the main projects and services managed in the group and outlines the scope, the organisation and the planning of the main deliverables for LHC

    Sistema de produção orgânico de repolho em consórcio com o coentro em Sergipe.

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    Produtividade de clones e cultivares de batata-doce com diferentes colorações de polpa em sistema de produção orgânico em Sergipe.

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    Tecnologia para biodegradação da casca de coco sem gerar outros resíduos.

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    bitstream/CPATC/19770/1/f_07_2007.pdfExiste o documento impresso

    Efeito de adubos de solubilidade lenta na produtividade de repolho e erva-doce consorciados em sistema orgânico de produção.

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    Tecnologia para produção orgância de cenoura consorciada com alface em Sergipe.

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    Tecnologia para biodegradação da casca de coco seco e de outros resíduos do coqueiro.

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