9,549 research outputs found

    Cerebral and cardiovascular effects of analgesic doses of ketamine during a target controlled general anesthesia: a prospective randomized study

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    Introduction: Ketamine is increasingly being used in various pain settings. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of an analgesic dose of ketamine in the bispectral index (BIS), spectral edge frequency (SEF-95), density spectral array (DSA), cerebral oximetry (rSO2) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) during general anaesthesia with a target controlled infusion. Methods: A prospective, single-blinded and randomized study on adult patients scheduled for elective spine surgery was carried out. After anaesthesia induction with propofol, remifentanil and rocuronium, when a stable BIS value (45-55) was achieved, an automatic recording of BIS, SEF-95, rSO2 and MAP values during 9 min was performed to establish patients baseline values. Subsequently, patients were randomly assigned to receive a ketamine bolus dose of 0.2 mg/kg, 0.5 mg/kg or 1 mg/kg; all variables were recorded for additional 9 min after the ketamine bolus, in the absence of any surgical stimulus. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant in the statistical analysis. Results and discussion: Thirty-nine patients were enrolled in the study. Our results show a dose-related increase of SEF-95 and BIS values. DSA demonstrate a shift in the frequency range and power distribution towards higher frequencies. Our results do not show significant differences in MAP and rSO2 values. Conclusion: When ketamine is used intraoperatively in analgesic doses, the anaesthetist should anticipate an increase in SEF-95 and BIS values which will not be associated with the level of anaesthesia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Greening operations: an investigation of environmental decision making

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    This PhD thesis belongs to three main knowledge domains: operations management, environmental management, and decision making. Having the automotive industry as the key sector, the investigation was undertaken aiming at deepening the understanding of environmental decision making processes in the operations function. The central research question for this thesis is ?Why and how do manufacturing companies take environmental decisions? This PhD research project used a case study research strategy supplemented by secondary data analysis and the testing and evaluation of a proposed systems thinking model for environmental decision making. Interviews and focus groups were the main methods for data collection. The findings of the thesis show that companies that want to be in the environmental leadership will need to take environmental decisions beyond manufacturing processes. Because the benefits (including financial gain) of non-manufacturing activities are not clear yet the decisions related to product design, supply chain and facilities are fully embedded with complexity, subjectivism, and intrinsic risk. Nevertheless, this is the challenge environmental leaders will face - they may enter in a paradoxical state of their decisions – where although the risk of going greener is high, the risk of not doing it is even higher

    Synthesis of sub-5 nm Co-doped SnO2_2 nanoparticles and their structural, microstructural, optical and photocatalytic properties

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    A swift chemical route to synthesize Co-doped SnO2_2 nanopowders is described. Pure and highly stable Sn1−x_{1-x}Cox_xO2−δ_{2-\delta} (0 ≤\le x ≤\le 0.15) crystalline nanoparticles were synthesized, with mean grain sizes < 5 nm and the dopant element homogeneously distributed in substitutional sites of the SnO2_2 matrix. The UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectra of the Sn1−x_{1-x}Cox_xO2−δ_{2-\delta} samples reveal red shifts, the optical bandgap energies decreasing with increasing Co concentration. The Urbach energies of the samples were calculated and correlated with their bandgap energies. The photocatalytic activity of the Sn1−x_{1-x}Cox_xO2−δ_{2-\delta} samples was investigated for the 4-hydroxylbenzoic acid (4-HBA) degradation process. A complete photodegradation of a 10 ppm 4-HBA solution was achieved using 0.02% (w/w) of Sn0.95_{0.95}Co0.05_{0.05}O2−δ_{2-\delta} nanoparticles in 60 min of irradiation.Comment: 29 pages, 2 tables, 10 figure

    Fluctuations and oscillations in a simple epidemic model

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    We show that the simplest stochastic epidemiological models with spatial correlations exhibit two types of oscillatory behaviour in the endemic phase. In a large parameter range, the oscillations are due to resonant amplification of stochastic fluctuations, a general mechanism first reported for predator-prey dynamics. In a narrow range of parameters that includes many infectious diseases which confer long lasting immunity the oscillations persist for infinite populations. This effect is apparent in simulations of the stochastic process in systems of variable size, and can be understood from the phase diagram of the deterministic pair approximation equations. The two mechanisms combined play a central role in explaining the ubiquity of oscillatory behaviour in real data and in simulation results of epidemic and other related models.Comment: acknowledgments added; a typo in the discussion that follows Eq. (3) is corrected

    Efecto de las variables del proceso sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del aceite de almendra de yerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) mediante extracción acuosa

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    The fruit from jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) has a kernel which is rich in oil, and has a pleasant smell that reminds one of coconut. It is rich in monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, in addition to bioactive compounds. In this work, the effect of process variables on the yield and quality of jerivá kernel oil from aqueous extraction was evaluated using response surface methodology. The variables pH, time and temperature influenced the yield and the quality of the oil. High pH and time, along with mild temperature were suitable conditions to extract jerivá kernel oil by aqueous extraction, but excessively high pH, temperature and time negatively impacted the oil’s quality. pH was the only variable that significantly influenced free acidity, with a decrease in free acidity with the increase in pH. On the other hand, the increase in pH, time and temperature increased the peroxide value, which limited some conditions for obtaining jerivá kernel oil by aqueous extraction. The optimal conditions were found to be an extraction at pH 12, 25 °C and 60 minutes, which resulted in a yield of 39%, free acidity of 0.2% and a peroxide value of 5.8 meqO2·kg-1. Aqueous extraction yielded more unsaturated oil than that extracted with hexane, in addition to a higher proportion of caproic, oleic and linoleic acids, thus improving its nutritional characteristics and health benefits, despite decreasing its oxidative stability.La fruta de yerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) tiene un grano rico en aceite, que tiene un olor agradable que recuerda al coco, es rico en ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y saturados, además de compuestos bioactivos. En este trabajo, se evaluó el efecto de las variables del proceso sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del aceite de grano de yerivá a partir de la extracción acuosa utilizando la metodología de superficie de respuesta. Las variables pH, tiempo y temperatura influyeron en el rendimiento y la calidad del aceite. pH alto, elevado tiempo y temperatura suave fueron las condiciones adecuadas para extraer el aceite de grano de yerivá mediante extracción acuosa. Sin embargo, el pH, la temperatura y el tiempo excesivamente altos impactaron negativamente en la calidad del aceite. El pH fue la única variable que influyó significativamente en la acidez libre, con una disminución de la acidez con el aumento del pH. Por otra parte, el aumento del pH, el tiempo y la temperatura aumentaron el valor del peróxido, lo que limitó algunas condiciones para obtener aceite de grano de yerivá por extracción acuosa. Se encontró que la condición óptima fue una extracción a pH 12, 25 °C y 60 minutos, lo que resultó en un rendimiento del 39%, una acidez libre del 0,2% y un valor de peróxido de 5,8 meqO2·kg−1. La extracción acuosa produjo más aceite insaturado que el extraído con hexano, además de una mayor proporción de caproico, oleico y linoleico, mejorando sus características nutricionales y beneficios para la salud, a pesar de disminuir su estabilidad oxidativa

    Optimización de superficie de respuesta de múltiples objetivos en la extracción acuosa de aceite de semilla de macauba

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    Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) is a promising tropical palm for the production of vegetable oil for both the food and non-food sectors. In this work, a multi-target response surface optimization of the aqueous extraction of Macauba kernel oil aimed to maximize the oil yield and minimize the free acidy and peroxide value. High yield was achieved at a high pH, long extraction periods and moderate temperatures, but these conditions contributed to elevating the peroxide value of the oil. On the other hand, pH presented the only significant effect on the oil’s acidity, which decreased with the increase in pH in the aqueous medium. Therefore, the multi-target response surface optimization based on a desirability approach showed that pH 11, room temperature (25 °C) and a 60 min agitation time was preferred to obtain high yield and low free acidity and peroxide values. These conditions resulted in 30% yield (63.1% of the yield obtained by solvent extraction), 0.3% free acidity, and a peroxide value of 2.9 meqO2/kg. The oil from the optimized aqueous extraction had a higher saturated fatty acid content compared to that from solvent extraction, especially fatty acids with < 14 carbon atoms, which can make the oil harder and more useful for producing special fats for specific food applications.La macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) es una prometedora palma tropical para la producción de aceite vegetal para los sectores alimenticio y no alimentario. En este trabajo, una optimización de superficie de respuesta de múltiples objetivos en la extracción acuosa de aceite de semilla de macauba tuvo como objetivo maximizar el rendimiento del aceite y minimizar el valor de acidez libre y peróxidos. Se logró un alto rendimiento a pH alto, tiempos prolongados y temperaturas moderadas, pero estas condiciones contribuyeron a elevar el índice de peróxido del aceite. Por otro lado, el pH presentó como único efecto significativo sobre la acidez del aceite, la disminución con el aumento del pH en el medio acuoso. Por lo tanto, la optimización de la superficie de respuesta de múltiples objetivos basada en un enfoque de idoneidad mostró que se prefería pH 11, temperatura ambiente (25 °C) y un tiempo de agitación de 60 minutos para obtener un alto rendimiento y bajos valores de acidez libre y peróxido. Estas condiciones dieron como resultado un rendimiento del 30% (63,1% del rendimiento obtenido por extracción con disolvente), un 0,3% de acidez libre y un índice de peróxido de 2,9 meqO2/kg. El aceite de la extracción acuosa optimizada tenía un mayor contenido de ácidos grasos saturados en comparación con el de la extracción con solventes, especialmente de ácidos grasos con < 14 átomos de carbono, lo que puede hacer que el aceite sea más duro y útil para producir grasas especiales para aplicaciones alimentarias específicas


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e a qualidade dos ovos de codornas japonesas em postura, em função de diferentes níveis de extrato pirolenhoso (EPL) e de diferentes aditivos não nutrientes. Dois experimentos com duração de 84 dias, foram conduzidos no setor de avicultura da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. No primeiro experimento, foram utilizadas 405 codornas japonesas fêmeas, distribuída em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em 5 tratamentos (0,0; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2 e 1,6% de EPL), 9 repetições e 9 aves por unidade experimental. No segundo experimento, foram utilizadas 486 codornas japonesas fêmeas, distribuída em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em 6 tratamentos (ração basal, ração basal + antibiótico (enramicina 8% - 125 g/ tonelada), ração basal + probiótico (protexin -50g/tonelada, composição: Lactobacillus plantarium, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Enterococcus faecium), ração basal + prebiótico (Yes golf - 2 Kg/ tonelada, composição: 1,3 e 1,6 &#946; glucanos fosforilados MOS mananoligossacarídeos),FOS(frutooligossacarídeo),GOS(galactooligossacarídeos), ração basal + 1,2% de EPL, ração basal + óleos essências (Essentials - 1,5 Kg/tonelada), composição: óleo de caju, óleo de mamona e veículo), 9 repetições e 9 aves por unidade experimental. As características avaliadas foram consumo de ração, taxa de postura, peso médio do ovo, massa dos ovos, conversão alimentar por massa do ovo e por dúzia de ovos, peso relativo e absoluto da gema, do albúmen e da casca, além da unidade Haugh. Pelos resultados obtidos pode se concluir que o nível de extrato pirolenhoso a 0,833% foi suficiente para melhorar o desempenho e características de qualidade de ovos de codornas japonesas. Os aditivos antibiótico, probiótico, prebiótico e óleos essenciais podem ser substituídos por extrato pirolenhoso ao nível de 1,2%

    Comportamento de cultivares de morango em cultivo orgânico na região sul do Estado de Sergipe.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o comportamento das cultivares de morango nas condições edafoclimáticas de Umbaúba, SE, visando à recomendação de cultivares para cultivo orgânico em Sergipe. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros localizado no Município de Umbaúba, SE no período de 27 de junho a 09 de dezembro de 2013. Foram avaliadas oito cultivares (Ara, Aromas, Camarosa, Camino Real, Monterrey, Nina, Portola e San Andréas), em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com oito tratamentos, quatro repetições e parcela com 30 plantas no espaçamento de 35 cm x 35 cm. Na adubação utilizou como fontes de nutrientes a torta de mamona, hiperfosfato de gafsa, sulfato de potássio, bórax, sulfato de zinco e húmus de minhoca. Irrigação por gotejamento, ?mulching? nos canteiros com plástico preto dupla face, retiradas de folhas secas e doentes e dos estolões semanalmente. Para controle de pragas e doenças foram utilizados Fortneen para o controle de pulgão, calda sulfocálcica a 1% para controle do ácaro e calda viçosa para controle de doença
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