172 research outputs found

    Extended gyrokinetic field theory for time-dependent magnetic confinement fields

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    A gyrokinetic system of equations for turbulent toroidal plasmas in time-dependent axisymmetric background magnetic fields is derived from the variational principle. Besides governing equations for gyrocenter distribution functions and turbulent electromagnetic fields, the conditions which self-consistently determine the background magnetic fields varying on a transport time scale are obtained by using the Lagrangian, which includes the constraint on the background fields. Conservation laws for energy and toroidal angular momentum of the whole system in the time-dependent background magnetic fields are naturally derived by applying Noether\u27s theorem. It is shown that the ensemble-averaged transport equations of particles, energy, and toroidal momentum given in the present work agree with the results from the conventional recursive formulation with the WKB representation except that collisional effects are disregarded here

    Gyrokinetic studies of the effect of beta on drift-wave stability in NCSX

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    The gyrokinetic turbulence code GS2 was used to investigate the effects of plasma beta on linear, collisionless ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes and trapped electron modes (TEM) in National Compact Stellarator Experiment (NCSX) geometry. Plasma beta affects stability in two ways: through the equilibrium and through magnetic fluctuations. The first was studied here by comparing ITG and TEM stability in two NCSX equilibria of differing beta values, revealing that the high beta equilibrium was marginally more stable than the low beta equilibrium in the adiabatic-electron ITG mode case. However, the high beta case had a lower kinetic-electron ITG mode critical gradient. Electrostatic and electromagnetic ITG and TEM mode growth rate dependencies on temperature gradient and density gradient were qualitatively similar. The second beta effect is demonstrated via electromagnetic ITG growth rates' dependency on GS2's beta input parameter. A linear benchmark with gyrokinetic codes GENE and GKV-X is also presented.Comment: Submitted to Physics of Plasmas. 9 pages, 27 figure

    Linearized model collision operators for multiple ion species plasmas and gyrokinetic entropy balance equations

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    Linearized model collision operators for multiple ion species plasmas are presented that conserve particles, momentum, and energy and satisfy adjointness relations and Boltzmann’s H-theorem even for collisions between different particle species with unequal temperatures. The model collisionoperators are also written in the gyrophase-averaged form that can be applied to the gyrokinetic equation. Balance equations for the turbulent entropy density, the energy of electromagnetic fluctuations, the turbulent transport fluxes of particle and heat, and the collisional dissipation are derived from the gyrokinetic equation including the collision term and Maxwell equations. It isshown that, in the steady turbulence, the entropy produced by the turbulent transport fluxes is dissipated in part by collisions in the nonzonal-mode region and in part by those in the zonal-mode region after the nonlinear entropy transfer from nonzonal to zonal mode

    Conservation of energy and momentum in nonrelativistic plasmas

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    Conservation laws of energy and momentum for nonrelativistic plasmas are derived from applying Noether\u27s theorem to the action integral for the Vlasov-Poisson-Amp?re system [Sugama, Phys. Plasmas 7, 466 (2000)]. The symmetric pressure tensor is obtained from modifying the asymmetric canonical pressure tensor with using the rotational symmetry of the action integral. Differences between the resultant conservation laws and those for the Vlasov-Maxwell system including the Maxwell displacement current are clarified. These results provide a useful basis for gyrokinetic conservation laws because gyrokinetic equations are derived as an approximation of the Vlasov-Poisson-Amp?re system

    A reduced model for ion temperature gradient turbulent transport in helical plasmas

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    A novel reduced model for ion temperature gradient (ITG) turbulent transport in helical plasmas is presented. The model enables one to predict nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation results from linear gyrokinetic analyses. It is shown from nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of the ITG turbulence in helical plasmas that the transport coefficient can be expressed as a function of the turbulent fluctuation level and the averaged zonal flow amplitude. Then, the reduced model for the turbulent ion heat diffusivity is derived by representing the nonlinear turbulent fluctuations and zonal flow amplitude in terms of the linear growth rate of the ITG instability and the linear response of the zonal flow potentials. It is confirmed that the reduced transport model is in a good agreement with nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation results for high ion temperature plasmas in the large helical device
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