31 research outputs found
Karakterisasi Reproduksi Dan Nilai Heterosis Hasil Persilangan Ikan Gurame Bastar Dan Bluesafir [Reproductive Characteristics and Heterosis Value of Bastar and Bluesafir Population of Giant Gouramy Crosses]
Hybridization is one alternative of genetic improvement to increase the production of commercialize commodity. The aim of this study was to determine the character of reproductive performance and the value of heterosis from cross-breeding of giant gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) strain Bastar and Bluesafir. Crosses were performed in both directions (reciprocal) with naturally spawning system. Two pairs of giant gouramy of each strain were used, each pair contained 4 ? and 1 ?. Every pairs were reared in 3 x 3 m of pond.Reproductive characterization, such as Fecundity, Ovo Somatic Index, egg diameter, egg weight, Fertilization Rate (FR), Hatching Rate (HR), the latency time of hatching, and yolk sack absorbtion period, were observed. Other parameters including larval lenght and Survival Rate (SR) were also observed. Heterosis (H) value was calculated from FR, HR and SR. Result showed that each population and its cross-breed had no different in reproductive characters. Latency time of hatching, egg diameter, egg weight and yolk sac absorbtion period values were 3 ± 0 days; 0.74 ± 0.05 cm; 11 ± 4 mg dan 9 ± 1 days, respectively. Meanwhile fecundity value showed that Blusafir strain had higher fecundity (3661 ± 624), and Ovo Somatic Index percentage (21.96 ± 3.74). The highest HR was presented by ? Bluesafir x ? Bastar (97.95 ± 0.47 %), meanwhile ? Bastar x ? Bluesafir presented the highest FR and SR (99.15 ± 0.34 % and 92.57 ± 0.40 %). Heterosis value showed that cross-breeding between ? Bastar x ? Bluesafir had better HR and SR (1.20 and 2.37), white hand cross-breeding between ? Bluesafir x ? Bastar presented better FR (0.69)
Ikan lele merupakan komoditas ikan yang mempunya nilai jual yang cukup baik di pasar. Tingginya permintaan ikan lele memicu intensifikasi produksi dengan melakukan budidaya dengan padat tebar tinggi, sehingga resiko ikan terserang penyakit akan lebih besar. Upaya untuk menghindari penggunaan obat-obatan kimiawi terutama antibiotik perlu segera dilakukan. Oleh sebab itu informasi tentang bahan alami yang mampu menggantikan fungsi antibiotik sintetis namun tidak meninggalkan residu sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat potensi efektivitas dari kombinasi enam jenis tanaman obat herbal dalam pengendalian penyakit akibat bakteri, jamur, dan parasit pada ikan lele. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi tanaman obat herbal dengan dosis yang diekstrak adalah 1:10 w/v (tanaman obat herbal: pelarut) efektif dalam menekan pertumbuhan bakteri Flavobacterium columnare secara in vitro dengan diameter zona bening 16 ± 3 mm. Sementara untuk jamur yang tidak diidentifikasi spesiesnya dosis yang mampu mematikan pertumbuhan hifanya adalah 300 mL/mL-1 dan pada dosis 1 g.L-1 serbuk kombinasi tanaman obat herbal mampu menurunakan jumlah parasit dari kelompok Trichodina, Gyrodactylus, dan Dactylogyrus mulai hari ke-2 pasca perendaman. Sedangkan dosis aman yang dapat digunakan oleh ikan lele adalah 1,82 g.L-1.Catfish is a valuable fish commodity in local and national markets. The increasing demand for catfish has led to the farming intensification of the fish. As a result, fish disease outbreaks frequently occur in most of catfish farming centres. Efforts to prevent these outbreaks and reduce the use of antibiotics and other chemical have been developed primarily through the use of natural ingredients such as medicinal herbs. This study was aimed to study the potential use of six medicinal herbs combination in controlling diseases in catfish caused by bacteria, fungi and parasites. The results showed that the medicinal herbs' combination effectively suppressed the growth of the bacterium Flavobactrium columnare in vitro with a clear zone diameter of 16 ± 3 mm after the application of the herbs combination extract of 1:10 w/v (herbs: solvent). The extract dosage use of 300 mL/mL-1 was able to destroy the hyphal structure of an unidentified fungus. At a dose of 1 g.L-1, the powder form of the combination of the medicinal herbs was able to reduce the number of parasites of Trichodina, Gyrodactylus and Dactylogyrus on the 2nd day after immersion. This study recommends that the safe dose of the extract for catfish is 1.82 g.L-1
This study examined the effect of two Lactobacillus bacteria on protease activity and growth rate of Litopenaeus vannamei. An experiment was conducted to examine protease activity and growth rate. The experiment consisted of two treatment tanks, the first tank was provided with artemia immersed in 2.6 x 1016 cfu/mL of bacteria solution, the second tank served as the control tank. After 20 days, the L. vannamei in the tank that received Lactobacillus have significantly different in growth, survival rate and protease activity (P<0.05) compared to the control, but no significant difference between Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum treatments. Within the digestive organ, protease activity of hepatopancreas and stomach demonstrated significant higher activity (P<0.05) compared to the intestine
Fish in stressed conditions will show symptoms of a decreased physiological function. These symptoms include changes in the respiration system (gills, breathing frequency) and blood hemoglobin. Cyprinid fish are active fish that require high oxygen levels. In a minimum oxygen condition, cyprinid fish are easy to get stressed. Despite the extensive literature on cyprinid biology, comparison of declined physiological functions due to oxygen depletion in cyprinid are few and far between. The purpose of this study was to determine the physiological reactions and organ responses of three species of Cyprinidae, common carp (Cyprinus carpio), nilem carp (Osteochilus hasselti), and Torsoro carp (Tor soro) challenged to oxygen depletion. The study was conducted using 18 fishes for each species with an average body weight of 48.11 ± 4.24 g. Oxygen depletion challenge was done by placing the test fish in closed and non-aerated aquaria (40 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm). The dissolved oxygen level in each aquarium was measured every 30 minutes. Fish breathing frequency was calculated by the frequencies of mouth movement every 30 minutes. Histological examination of gills and blood was taken from healthy fish (at the beginning of treatment) and at LC50 (lethal concentration). The results showed that oxygen depletion reduced blood hemoglobin levels down to 5.1 ± 1.4 gram%, 3.3 ± 1.15 gram%, and 1.5 ± 0.71 gram% for goldfish, nilem, and torsoro, respectively. The respiratory rate varied from normal to depleted conditions. When depletion occurred, the respiratory rate increased and decreased again when the fish started to get weak. In normal conditions, the breathing frequency of goldfish was 60 beats/minute, nilem was 108 ± 20.8 beats/minute, and Tor soro was 144 ± 31.7 beats/minute. The highest respiration frequency occurred in tor soro fish in the 150th minute with a value of 216 ± 0.0 beats/minute. The fastest mortality at LC50% occurred in torsoro at 245.00 ± 17.32 minutes
Serangan penyakit yang paling banyak ditemui menyerang kegiatan budidaya ikan nila adalah bakteri Streptococcus agalactiae sebagai salah satu agen penyakit Streptococcosis. Peningkatan sistem imun dari ikan yang dibudidayakan merupakan cara yang efektif untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut. Salah satu fungsi tanaman obat adalah sebagai imunostimulan, di mana sistem imun akan meningkat terutama saat mengalami wabah penyakit ikan. Penelitian ini di tujukan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan kombinasi ekstrak tanaman sirih dan kipahit dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap respons imun bawaan dari ikan nila. Dosis yang digunakan adalah 1%, 2%, 4%, dan 8% per kg pakan pemberian pakan dilakukan selama empat minggu, diikuti dengan uji tantang menggunakan bakteri patogen S. agalactiae. Meskipun tidak terlihat perbedaan yang nyata, namun rerata respons imun hematokrit, eritrosit, leukosit, fagositik oksidase, dan lisosim pada kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan nilai yang yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Perbedaan yang signifikan ditunjukkan oleh sintasan, di mana kelompok perlakuan mempunyai nilai sintasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil tersebut diduga disebabkan oleh kandungan bahan aktif yang terdapat dalam tanaman obat. Sehingga penggunaannya mampu bertindak sebagai sebagai upaya pencegahan dari infeksi bakteri patogen S. agalactiae. Perlu diketahui juga apakah kombinasi yang digunakan mampu bertindak untuk terapi (pengobatan).Streptococcosis disease in nile tilapia culture is caused by Streptococcus agalactiae, a bacterium commonly found in freshwater systems. Vaccines and probiotics have been used to prevent the disease outbreaks. However, increasing the innate immune system of cultured fish is more effective in preventing the disease. Medicinal plants have immunostimulant properties, which could be used as an alternative prevention measure against Streptococcosis. This research aimed to determine the effects of betel and kipahit combination as immunostimulant against S. agalactiae in nile tilapia. The combinations consisted of four different doses of 1%, 2%, 4%, and 8% of the plants’ extracts per kg of feed. Feeding experiment was carried out for four weeks, followed by a challenge test using the pathogenic bacteria S. agalactiae. Despite no observable significant differences, haematocrit, erythrocyte, leukocyte, phagocytic oxidase, and lysozyme in the treatment group showed higher values than the control. The treatment groups also had better survival rates than the control group. These results indicate the presence of active compounds within the medicinal plants. In conclusion, supplementation of the plants’ active compounds in feed has the potential as immunostimulant agents in tilapia to prevent Streptococcosis disease caused by pathogenic bacteria S. agalactiae. Determining the capability of this plant combination as a therapeutic agent against S. agalactiaeis an interesting future research direction to be pursued
Development of object detection and classification with YOLOv4 for similar and structural deformed fish
Food scarcity is an issue of concern due to the continued growth of the human population and the threat of global warming and climate change. Increasing food production is expected to meet the challenges of food needs that will continue to increase in the future. Automation is one of the solutions to increase food productivity, including in the aquaculture industry, where fish recognition is essential to support it. This paper presents fish recognition using YOLO version 4 (YOLOv4) on the "Fish-Pak" dataset, which contains six species of identical and structurally damaged fish, both of which are characteristics of fish processed in the aquaculture industry. Data augmentation was generated to meet the validation criteria and improve the data balance between classes. For fish images on a conveyor, flip, rotation, and translation augmentation techniques are appropriate. YOLOv4 was applied to the whole fish body and then combined with several techniques to determine the impact on the accuracy of the results. These techniques include landmarking, subclassing, adding scale data, adding head data, and class elimination. Performance for each model was evaluated with a confusion matrix, and analysis of the impact of the combination of these techniques was also reviewed. From the experimental test results, the accuracy of YOLOv4 for the whole fish body is only 43.01 %. The result rose to 72.65 % with the landmarking technique, then rose to 76.64 % with the subclassing technique, and finally rose to 77.42 % by adding scale data. The accuracy did not improve to 76.47 % by adding head data, and the accuracy rose to 98.75 % with the class elimination technique. The final result was excellent and acceptabl
Hidrolisis ampas tebu menggunakan enzim selulase dari bakteri Bacillus subtilis dalam upaya pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan pakan ikan
Ampas tebu merupakan hasil samping atau buangan yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan tebu di pabrik gula yang memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan setelah melalui proses pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan temperatur dan pH optimum hidrolisis ampas tebu menggunakan ekstrak kasar enzim selulase dari bakteri Bacillus subtilis, dalam upaya perbaikan kualitas ampas tebu untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan. Temperatur yang dicobakan adalah 40oC, 45oC, 50oC, 55oC dan 60oC, sedangkan pH yang dicobakan adalah 4,0; 4,5; 5,0; 5,5; 6,0. Parameter yang diukur adalah gula reduksi dan komposisi nutrien ampas tebu sebelum dan setelah hidrolisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hidrolisis ampas tebu menggunakan ekstrak kasar enzim selulase dari bakteri B. subtilis memiliki temperatur optimum 50oC dan pH optimum 5,0. Hasil uji proksimat menunjukkan bahwa kualitas tepung ampas tebu meningkat cukup signifikan. Komposisi nutrien tepung ampas tebu setelah hidrolisis adalah protein 20,23%, lemak 1,17%, abu 6,33%, serat kasar 11,25%, BETN 61,02%, dengan demikian ekstrak kasar enzim selulase dari B. subtilis terbukti mampu meningkatkan kualitas ampas tebu sehingga memungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan
Hybridization is one alternative of genetic improvement to increase the production of commercialize commodity. The aim of this study was to determine the character of reproductive performance and the value of heterosis from cross-breeding of giant gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) strain Bastar and Bluesafir. Crosses were performed in both directions (reciprocal) with naturally spawning system. Two pairs of giant gouramy of each strain were used, each pair contained 4 ? and 1 ?. Every pairs were reared in 3 x 3 m of pond.Reproductive characterization, such as Fecundity, Ovo Somatic Index, egg diameter, egg weight, Fertilization Rate (FR), Hatching Rate (HR), the latency time of hatching, and yolk sack absorbtion period, were observed. Other parameters including larval lenght and Survival Rate (SR) were also observed. Heterosis (H) value was calculated from FR, HR and SR. Result showed that each population and its cross-breed had no different in reproductive characters. Latency time of hatching, egg diameter, egg weight and yolk sac absorbtion period values were 3 ± 0 days; 0.74 ± 0.05 cm; 11 ± 4 mg dan 9 ± 1 days, respectively. Meanwhile fecundity value showed that Blusafir strain had higher fecundity (3661 ± 624), and Ovo Somatic Index percentage (21.96 ± 3.74). The highest HR was presented by ? Bluesafir x ? Bastar (97.95 ± 0.47 %), meanwhile ? Bastar x ? Bluesafir presented the highest FR and SR (99.15 ± 0.34 % and 92.57 ± 0.40 %). Heterosis value showed that cross-breeding between ? Bastar x ? Bluesafir had better HR and SR (1.20 and 2.37), white hand cross-breeding between ? Bluesafir x ? Bastar presented better FR (0.69)
Estimation of the organic film thickness on stainless steel using image intensity
This research proposes an estimation of thickness of organic film coating on a Stainless Steel surface (SS) and a clear microscope slide using a visible optical method with the image intensity level analysis. Sweetened Condensed Milk (SCM) was used as a representative of the organic film. The uncertainty of inverse calibration equations was evaluated to determine the reliability of this technique. The results showed that the image intensity increased with the increasing of the film thickness in a linear relationship with a high coefficient of determination (R2 > 0.97). Uncertainty of both inverse calibration equations was low and acceptable. It could be concluded that this technique could be used to estimate the thickness of the organic translucent film coating directly on a SS or a clear slide with the limitation of approximately 1.0 mm thickness using the reported linear inverse calibration equations
Serangan penyakit Streptoccocus agalactiae pada ikan nila dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang besar. Salah satu cara pencegahan dan penanggulangan Streptococcosis adalah melalui vaksinasi, baik vaksinasi aktif maupun vaksinasi pasif. Immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) merupakan salah satu jenis antibodi yang dapat digunakan untuk vaksinasi pasif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) yang spesifik terhadap Streptococcus agalactiae untuk imunoterapi penyakit streptococcus pada ikan nila. IgY anti S. agalactiae dihasilkan dari telur ayam yang divaksinasi dengan bakteri S. agalactiae inaktif. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan preparasi dan perbanyakan S. agalactiae, imunisasi ayam, koleksi telur ayam, dan purifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa IgY yang diproduksi terbukti spesifik terhadap S. agalactiae dengan uji immunoblotting dan dot blot. Uji biologis menggunakan cairan peritoneum mencit menunjukkan aktivitas opsonisasi oleh makrofag yang meningkat dibanding cairan peritoneum tanpa pemberian IgY. Hasil aplikasi IgY pada ikan nila menunjukkan IgY dapat digunakan untuk pencegahan dan pengobatan terhadap infeksi S. agalactiae. IgY anti-S. agalactiae yang diproduksi dapat digunakan untuk imunoterapi dan mengendalikan streptococcosis yang disebabkan oleh S. agalactiae pada nila baik untuk pencegahan maupun pengobatan.The infection of Streptococcus agalactiae in an aquaculture system can cause significant economic losses to the fish farmers. An efficient method to prevent the infection and control the distribution of Streptococcosis is through either active or passive vaccination. The use of immunoglobulin yolk as one of the passive antibodies has shown a promising result. This study’s aim was to obtain immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) specific to S. agalactiae for immunotherapy of streptococcus disease in tilapia. IgY was produced from vaccinated chicken eggs using inactivated S. agalactiae bacteria. In the present study, preparation and propagation of S. agalactiae, immunization of chickens, and collection of chicken eggs and purification were carried out. The result show that produced IgY was proved to be specific to S. agalactiae through immunoblotting and dot blot tests. Biological tests using mice peritoneum fluid to determine macrophages opsonization activity showed increased opsonization activity compared to peritoneal fluid without IgY administration. The application of IgY on reared tilapia showed that IgY anti-S. agalactiae protected the fish against S. agalactiae infection. The produced IgY anti-S. agalactiae can be used for immunotherapy and controlling streptococcosis caused by S. agalactiae in tilapia both for prevention and treatment