58 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Rasio Pembayaran Dividen dan Pengeluaran Modal terhadap Earnings Response Coefficients (Erc) dengan Arus Kas Bebas sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence whether dividendpayout ratio and capital expenditure influenced to earnings response coeffcients(ERC) with free cash flow as a moderating variable. The sample is drawn by a thepurposive sampling technique from whole companies listed in BEJ, exceptfinancial companies. This study had been done for 3 years, 2003-2005, andobtained 31 companies fulfilled criteria as sample. Examination of hypothesisused multiple-regression analysis with significant level about 5%. This studyprovides empirical evidence that free cash flow hasn\u27t impact on influencedividend payout ratio to ERC, and free cash flow also hasn\u27t impact on influencecapital expenditure to ERC

    Etnobotani Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun pada Suku Baduy Luar Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to identify the types, habitus, parts/organs and processing methods of plants used as natural materials for woven cloth from the Outer Baduy  Banten tribe. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the colors produced from plants used as natural materials for the woven cloth of the Baduy Luar tribe. The research approach uses quantitative with exploratory survey methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The samples chosen were deliberately determined based on certain criteria, namely someone who understands the dyeing of woven fabric in the Baduy community and someone who understands weaving techniques in the Outer Baduy tribe. The number of samples from the Outer Baduy tribe was 5 people. The results of the research show that the natural dye plants found in the Outer Baduy tribe are 9 types of plants, consisting of 8 families, 3 habituses (trees, bushes and shrubs), 5 plant organs that are used (bark, leaves, rhizomes, stems and roots), The majority of processing methods involve boiling the parts of the organs used and then soaking them, the resulting colors are yellow, blue, brown, red and black

    Etnobotani Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun pada Suku Baduy Luar Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to identify the types, habitus, parts/organs and processing methods of plants used as natural materials for woven cloth from the Outer Baduy  Banten tribe. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the colors produced from plants used as natural materials for the woven cloth of the Baduy Luar tribe. The research approach uses quantitative with exploratory survey methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The samples chosen were deliberately determined based on certain criteria, namely someone who understands the dyeing of woven fabric in the Baduy community and someone who understands weaving techniques in the Outer Baduy tribe. The number of samples from the Outer Baduy tribe was 5 people. The results of the research show that the natural dye plants found in the Outer Baduy tribe are 9 types of plants, consisting of 8 families, 3 habituses (trees, bushes and shrubs), 5 plant organs that are used (bark, leaves, rhizomes, stems and roots), The majority of processing methods involve boiling the parts of the organs used and then soaking them, the resulting colors are yellow, blue, brown, red and black

    Analisis Implementasi Program Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) Dan Partisipasi Pasien Pada Pelayanan Kesehatan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) (Studi Pada Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Mardi Rahayu Kudus)

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    Perawatan Metode kanguru bisa sangat bervariasi di masing-masing rumah sakit, hal ini bisa dilihat dari aspek jenis layanan yang tersedia, kompetensi SDM, serta fasilitas dan sarana. Implementasi merupakan tahap yang krusial dalam proses kebijakan. Kesiapan serta keikutsertaan orangtua akan sangat mendukung dalam keberhasilan implementasi perawatan metode kanguru. Peran keluarga seperti sikap, perilaku dan partisipasi keluarga dipandang sebagai naluri untuk melindungi anggota keluarga yang sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses implementasi dari faktor komunikasi, disposisi/sikap, sumber daya dan struktur birokrasi serta partisipasi pasien dan keluarganya dalam pelayanan kesehatan perawatan metode kanguru (PMK) di Rumah Sakit Mardi Rahayu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan observasi langsung dengan Informan utama adalah 4 orang ibu yang mempunyai BBLR dan informan triangulasi adalah 3 bidan dan 3 perawat, 2 dokter spesialis anak yang telah mengikuti pelatihan, serta manajer keperawatan dan direktur pelayanan medis. Analisis yang digunakan dengan analisis tematik, dimana mengolah data hasil wawancara mendalam sesuai dengan tema yang ada. Implementasi PMK menunjukkan hasil yang kurang optimal, dari sisi komunikasi terlihat belum adanya sosialisasi program sehingga terlihat kurangnya kejelasan, konsistensi dan transmisi informasi tentang program PMK. Dari sisi sikap/disposisi pelaksana menunjukkan kurangnya dukungan dari semua pelaksana dalam menjalankan program dan kurangnya komitmen. Dari faktor sumber daya diketahui adanya keterbatasan SDMterlatih, kurangnya sarana penunjang, dan belum adanya keberlanjutan anggaran untuk program. Faktor struktur birokrasi menunjukkan bahwa Standar operasional prosedur yang ada masih perlu direvisi dan belum adanya pembagian job yang jelas dalam PMK. Sementara partisipasi ibu belum begitu nampak baik dalam tahap pengambilan keputusan, pelaksanaan, pengambilan manfaat dan evaluasi. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurang optimalnya informasi yang diberikan. Saran bagi RS agar dapat meningkatkan sosialisasi program, serta penyampaian juklak dan pelaksanaan PMK diikuti dengan monitoring dan pembinaan. Selain itu meningkatkan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi (KIE) bagi ibu/keluarga serta memberikan kesempatan bagi klien untuk melaksanakan PMK di RS sebelum pulang ke rumah.Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) varies in each hospital. This condition can be viewed from the aspects of types of services, competency of human resource, facilities, and means. Implementation is a crucial step in the process of policy. Readiness and participation of parents will support the success of the KMC implementation. A role of family such as attitude, behaviour, and family participation is as a desire to protect a family member who is sick. This research aimed to identify the implementation process of factors of communication, disposition/attitude, resource, bureaucratic structure, and participation of patients and their families in KMC at Mardi Rahayu Hospital. This was qualitative research using in-depth interview and direct observation. Main informants encompassed 4 mothers who had Low Birth Weight (LBW) Babies. Meanwhile, informants for triangulation purpose encompassed 3 trained midwives, 3 trained nurses, and 3 trained paediatricians, nursing manager, and director of medical services. Furthermore, data were analyzed using thematic analysis in which data as the result of in-depth interview were analyzed in accordance with a theme. The implementation of KMC had not been done optimally. Regarding communication, there was no socialization of the program. Therefore, information of the KMC program was unclear, inconsistent. Regarding attitude/disposition of the program implementer, there was not only lack of support from all implementers in implementing the program but also lack of commitment. Regarding resource, there was lack of trained health workers, lack of facilities, and no sustainable fund for the program. Regarding bureaucratic structure, Standard Operating Procedure was needed to be revised and no clear job-sharing in KMC. Mothers had not participated in making decision, implementing, taking benefits, and evaluating yet. This was due to lack of information. As suggestions, the hospital needs to improve socialization of the program, provide implementation guidelines, and implement KMC followed by monitoring and supervising. In addition, the hospital needs to improve communication, information, education (CIE) for mother/family and provide opportunity for clients to implement KMC at the hospital before going home

    Hubungan Konsumsi Ikan Dengan Perkembangan Kognisi Anak Baduta (12-23 Bulan), Studi Di Kecamatan Gandus Kota Palembang Tahun 2006

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    Brain growth starts from prenatal period and ends at 2 years old. Fish contains protein, omega-3 and omega-6 Which are important for brain and cognitive development on children. The aim of this study was to investigate any correlation between fish consumption and cognitive development in children aged 12-23 months at Gandus sub district, Palembang. 106 children aged 12-23 months were selected using purposive sampling method in this cross-sectional study. Data on children and family characteristic were collected. Mother's allocation time for their children were collected by interview using stucture questionnaires. Data on cognitive develop-ment were collected by testing subjects using Mental Development Index (MDI) of Bayley's Scale for Infant Development (BSID) II. Dietary intake data were collected 2 days 24 hour food recall and Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). There were no correlation between mother's allocation time for their children, fish food consumption, and child cognitive development. There were negative correlation among daily energy, protein and energy, protein contribution from fish with cognitive development of children under two years respectively. Energy from fish contributedto 14,5% score of cognitive development of the children There were negative correlation between fish consumption and cognitive development of children under two years. Keywords: fish consumption, cognitive development, children under two years, Gandus sub District, Palembang

    The Automation System Censor Speech for the Indonesian Rude Swear Words Based on Support Vector Machine and Pitch Analysis

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    According to Law No. 32 of 2002 and the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission Regulation No. 02/P/KPI/12/2009 & No. 03/P/KPI/12/2009, stated that broadcast programs should not scold with harsh words, not harass, insult or demean minorities and marginalized groups. However, there are no suitable tools to censor those words automatically. Therefore, researches to develop a system of intelligent software to censor the words automatically are needed. To conduct censor, the system must be able to recognize the words in question. This research proposes the classification of speech divide into two classes using Support Vector Machine (SVM), first class is set of rude words and the second class is set of properly words. The speech pitch values as an input in SVM, it used for the development of the system for the Indonesian rude swear word. The results of the experiment show that SVM is good for this system

    Kajian Psikologi Sastra Dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Novel Ibuk Karya Iwan Setyawan Serta Relevansinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia Di SMP

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    : The purposes of this study are to describe: (1) the intrinsic elements of novel Ibuk by Iwan Setyawan; (2) the psychological aspects of the characters; (3) the values of character education in the novel Ibuk; and (4) the relevance of novel Ibuk as materials in the Indonesian language and literature study in junior high school. This research was conducted with qualitative methods and contents analysis approach. Conclusions of this thesis are (1) the intrinsic structure of novel Ibuk includes theme, plot, characters, setting, point of view, dialogue, story-telling style and speeches; (2) as the human characters in the novel Ibuk have the common of goods for survival; (3) the story in the novel Ibuk contains values character education; and (4) novel Ibuk is relevant novel was made in Indonesian Language learning materials

    Pengembangan Modul IPA Terpadu Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Dengan Tema Barbeque Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Tawangmangu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengembangkan modul IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dengan tema barbeque; 2) menganalisis kelayakan modul IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dengan tema barbeque yang dikembangkan; 3) menganalisis keefektifan modul IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dengan tema barbeque. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan atau research and development (R&D). Model pengembangan yang dipakai adalah model Four-D yaitu pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Penelitian ini diawali dengan penelitian pendahuluan berupa studi pustaka dan observasi lapangan yang dilanjutkan dengan menyusun draft modul I. Draft modul I divalidasi oleh ahli materi dan media, ahli bahasa, guru IPA, dan teman sejawat kemudian direvisi menjadi draft modul II. Draft modul II diujicobakan secara terbatas kepada 12 siswa untuk mengetahui keterbacaan modul dan respon siswa terhadap modul, kemudian direvisi menjadi draft modul III. Draft modul III diujicobakan di kelas VII pada 32 siswa. Modul kemudian disebarkan ke guru IPA untuk mendapat umpan Balik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) modul IPA terpadu dengan tema barbeque memiliki karakteristik: mengikuti tahapan pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri terbimbing, menggunakan keterpaduan connected pada Kompetensi Dasar (KD) di kelas VII SMP, mengacu pada kurikulum 2013; 2) kelayakan modul dengan kategori sangat baik dilihat dari komponen isi, penyajian, bahasa, kegrafikan, pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing, dan keterpaduan IPA; 3) modul IPA terpadu yang dikembangkan efektif meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Hasil uji paired t test asymp.sig (2-tailed): menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata prestasi belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan modul IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri terbimbing (sign. 0,000). Uji gain score dihasilkan 0,62 menunjukkan modul IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri terbimbing memiliki efektivitas sedang. Rata-rata nilai posttest secara klasikal sebesar 78,5 dan data peserta didik yang mendapat ketuntasan nilai adalah 81%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa modul IPA Terpadu tersebut berdasarkan KKM adalah efektif digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran
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