206 research outputs found

    Two-phase RTD-CMOS pipelined circuits

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    MOnostable-BIstable Logic Element (MOBILE) networks can be operated in a gate-level pipelined fashion (nanopipeline) allowing high through output. Resonant tunneling diode (RTD)-based MOBILE nanopipelined circuits have been reported using different clock schemes including a four-phase strategy and a single-phase clock scheme. In particular, significant power advantages of single-phase RTD-CMOS MOBILE circuits over pure CMOS have been shown. This letter compares the RTD-CMOS realizations using a single clock and a novel two-phase clock solution. Significant superior robustness and performance in terms of power and area are obtained for the two-phase implementations

    Complementary tunnel gate topology to reduce crosstalk effects

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    Tunnel transistors are one of the most attractive steep subthreshold slope devices which are being investigated to overcome power density and energy inefficiency exhibited by CMOS technology. There are design challenges associated to their distinguishing characteristic which are being addressed. In this paper the impact of the non-symmetric conduction of tunnel transistors (TFETs) on the speed of TFETs circuits under crosstalk is analyzed and a novel topology for complementary tunnel transistors gates, which mitigates the observed performance degradation without power penalties, is described and evaluated

    Comparison of TFETs and CMOS using optimal design points for power-speed trade-offs

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    Tunnel transistors are one of the most attractive steep subthreshold slope devices currently being investigated as a means of overcoming the power density and energy inefficiency limitations of CMOS technology. In this paper, the evaluation and the comparison of the performance of distinct fan-in logic gates, using a set of widely accepted power-speed metrics, are addressed for five projected tunnel transistor (TFET) technologies and four mosfet and FinFET transistors. The impact of logic depth, switching activity, and minimum supply voltage has been also included in our analysis. Provided results suggest that benefits in terms of a certain metric, in which a higher weight is placed on power or delay, are strongly determined by the selected device. Particularly, the suitability of two of the explored TFET technologies to improve CMOS performance for different metrics is pointed out. A circuit level benchmark is evaluated to validate our analysis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-40670-

    Redes MOBILE MOS-NDR operando con reloj de una fase

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    La existencia de dispositivos con una característica I-V que exhibe una resistencia diferencial negativa (Negative Differential Resistance, NDR) resulta atractiva desde el punto de vista del diseño de circuitos, como ha sido demostrado por los circuitos que usan diodos basados en el efecto túnel resonante (Resonant Tunneling Diodes, RTDs). Ideas procedentes de diseños con RTDs pueden exportarse a un entorno “todo CMOS” en el que la característica NDR se obtiene mediante transistores (MOS-NDR). En este artículo se proponen estructuras MOS-NDR para realizar puertas lógicas (Threshold Gates, TGs) que operan según el principio de operación MOBILE (MOnostable to BIstable Logic Element). Además, se demuestra que estas puertas pueden interconectarse para formar redes que operan en modo pipeline usando un esquema de reloj de una fase.España, Ministerio de Investigación y Ciencia TEC2007-67245España, Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0296

    Improving robustness of dynamic logic based pipelines

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    Domino dynamic circuits are widely used in critical parts of high performance systems. In this paper we show that, in addition to the functional limitation associated to the noninverting behavior of Domino gates, there are also robustness disadvantages when compared to inverting dynamic gates. We analyze and compare the tolerance to parameter and operating conditions variations of gate-level pipelines implemented with Domino and with DOE, an inverting dynamic gate we have recently proposed. Our experiments confirm that DOE pipelines are more robust and that improvements are due to its noninverting feature.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FEDER TEC2013-40670-

    RTD-CMOS pipelined networks for reduced power consumption

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    The incorporation of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) into III/V transistor technologies has shown an improved circuit performance, producing higher circuit speed, reduced component count, and/or lower power consumption. Currently, the incorporation of these devices into CMOS technologies (RTD-CMOS) is an area of active research. Although some studies have concentrated on evaluating the advantages of this incorporation, more work in this direction is required. In this letter, we compare RTD-CMOS and pure CMOS realizations of a logic gate network which can be operated in a gate-level pipeline. Significantly lower average power is obtained for RTD-CMOS implementations.Gobierno de España TEC2007-67245, TEC2010-18937Junta de Andalucía TIC-296

    Aplicación de herramientas Lean manufacturing para el incremento de la productividad en la Empresa Calzado PAOLA Della Flores S.A.C.

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    El presente trabajo de tesis titulado: “APLICACIÓN DE HERRAMIENTAS LEAN MANUFACTURING EN LA EMPRESA DE CALZADO PAOLA DELLA FLORES S.A.C.” pretende plantear el uso de dos herramientas actuales, como es HEIJUNKA (nivelación de líneas) y 5S’s, siendo el objetivo principal lograr el aumento de la productividad de mano de obra dentro de la empresa y en consecuencia mayor competitividad. La presente investigación se inicia con el diagnóstico actual de la empresa, describiendo las etapas del proceso productivo, maquinarias y herramientas, además se detalla todos los modelos de calzado que se fabrican, también se identificó los desperdicios presentes en área de trabajo y finalmente se halló la productividad inicial de la mano de obra a partir de abril del año 2017. Se procedió a usar el diagnóstico actual para escoger las herramientas a utilizar tras identificar que los principales desperdicios fueron: orden, limpieza, tiempo y transporte; los cuales fueron optimizados al culminar la investigación tras el uso de las herramientas Heijunka (Takt Time y Células de Manufactura) y 5S’s (Selección, Orden y Limpieza) respectivamente. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos nos demuestran que con la aplicación de herramientas lean manufacturing (heijunka y 5S’s) se incrementa la productividad enfocada a la mano de obra de 4.29 a 5,36 docenas por operario, en cuanto a las horas-hombre empleadas para la producción se manifestó un cambio de 0.019 a 0.028 docenas y en cuanto al costo de mano de obra se incrementó el número de docenas fabricadas, de 0.0072 docena a 0.01 docena por cada sol invertido en la empresa PAOLA DELLA FLORES S.A.C. Se concluyó que la implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing es viable económicamente, con un VAN mayor que cero (S/. 29 931.05> 0); y una TIR mayor que la TMAR (428% > 20%).This thesis work entitled: "APPLICATION OF LEAN MANUFACTURING TOOLS IN THE PAOLA DELLA FLORES SAC FOOTWEAR COMPANY"aims to propose the use of two current tools, such as HEIJUNKA (line leveling) and 5S's, the main objective being to increase of labor productivity within the company and consequently greater competitiveness. The present investigation begins with the current diagnosis of the company, describing the stages of the productive process, machinery and tools, in addition all the footwear models that are manufactured are detailed, the waste present in the work area was also identified and finally it was found Initial productivity from on labor as of april 2017. We proceeded to use the current diagnosis to choose the tools to be used after identifying that the main wastes were: order, cleanliness, time and transportation; which were optimized at the end of the investigation after the use of Heijunka tools (Takt Time and Manufacturing Cells) and 5S's (Selection, Order and Cleaning) respectively. Finally, the results obtained show us that with the application of lean manufacturing tools (Heijunka and 5S's) the labor-focused productivity increases from 4.29 to 5.36 dozens for worker, in terms of man-hours used for production a change of 0.019 was manifested to 0.028 dozens and as for the labor bill, the number of dozens of 0.0076 was increased to 0.01 for each sun invested in the company PAOLA DELLA FLORES SAC It is concluded that the implementation of Lean Manufacturing is economically viable, with a NPV greater than zero (S / 29 931.05> 0); and and TIR greater than the TMAR (428%> 20%).Tesi

    Design methodology for low-jitter differential clock recovery circuits in high performance ADCs

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    This paper presents a design methodology for the simultaneous optimization of jitter and power consumption in ultra-low jitter clock recovery circuits (<100fsrms) for high-performance ADCs. The key ideas of the design methodology are: a) a smart parameterization of transistor sizes to have smooth dependence of specifications on the design variables, b) based on this parameterization, carrying out a design space sub-sampling which allows capturing the whole circuit performance for reducing computation resources and time during optimization. The proposed methodology, which can easily incorporate process voltage and temperature (PVT) variations, has been used to perform a systematic design space exploration that provides sub-100fs jitter clock recovery circuits in two CMOS commercial processes at different technological nodes (1.8V 0.18μm and 1.2V 90nm). Post-layout simulation results for a case of study with typical jitter of 68fs for a 1.8V 80dB-SNDR 100Msps Pipeline ADC application are also shown as demonstrator.Gobierno de España TEC2015-68448-REuropean Space Agency 4000108445-13-NL-R

    Domino inspired MOBILE networks

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    MOBILE networks can be operated in a gate-level pipelined fashion allowing high through-output. If MOBILE gates are directly chained, a four-phase clock scheme is required. A single phase scheme has been recently reported that alternates rising and falling edge-triggered MOBILE gates. A novel two-phase interconnection scheme resembling conventional domino pipelines is proposed and validated. It exhibits advantages in terms of speed with respect to both four-phase and single-phase interconnection schemes. In addition, the new architecture improves logic flexibility regarding the domino pipeline counterpart, since inverting and non-inverting stages can be interspersed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2010-18937Junta de Andalucía TIC-296

    Modelo de política óptima de dividendos (Model for a dividend optimal policy)

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    Abstract. This research addresses one of the fundamental decisions of corporate finance: the dividend policy. It is formulated a model whose building blocks are the theory of irrelevance of the dividends of Modigliani and Miller (as a general context), the signaling model of John Lintner, and the model of Michael S. Rozzef of minimization of agency cost and transaction costs. The construction of the theoretical model of optimal dividend policy proposed here highlights the advantages of the axiomatic definition of the theory of Modigliani and Miller, by its logical contribution, and intends to propose a new formulation with respect to the determination of level of payment of dividends in the corporations. Therefore we relax the assumptions specified by Modigliani and Miller related to liquidity indifference, absence of uncertainty, agency costs and transaction cost, also we explore the possibility of presence of asymmetric information. In such circumstances, for the model exposed here and by means of a binary logistic regression analysis is tested the influence of profits, the information content of dividends, the clientele effect and agency costs to define policy dividends of the corporations in Mexico. Resumen. Esta investigación aborda una de las decisiones fundamentales de las finanzas corporativas: la política de dividendos. Se formula un modelo cuyos bloques de construcción son la teoría de irrelevancia de los dividendos de Modigliani y Miller (como contexto general), el modelo de señalización de John Lintner, y el modelo de Michael S. Rozzef de minimización de costos de agencia y de costos de transacción. La construcción del modelo teórico de política óptima de dividendos aquí propuesto pone de relieve las ventajas de la definición axiomática de la teoría de Modigliani y Miller, en cuanto a contribución lógica, con la intención de acercarnos a una nueva formulación respecto de la determinación del nivel de pago de dividendos en las corporaciones. Para ello se relajan las suposiciones especificadas por Modigliani y Miller en relación a la indiferencia por liquidez, ausencia de incertidumbre, costos de agencia y costos de transacción, también se explora la posibilidad de presencia de información asimétrica. En dichas circunstancias, para el modelo aquí expuesto y mediante un análisis de regresión logística binaria se prueba la influencia de las utilidades, el contenido informativo de los dividendos, el efecto clientela y los costos de agencia para definir la política de dividendos de las corporaciones en México