82 research outputs found

    Communications in flexible supervisor for laboratory research in renewable energy

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    In laboratories new systems are created where researchers hope to obtain improved functions at a reasonable cost. In them, specialists need efficient tools that offer better performance and flexible features. This paper designs and implements a SCADA system for GERA laboratory (Scientific Group for Applied Renewable Energy at the University of Oriente) adjusted to the inherent characteristics of flexibility and functionality required in research centers. All these features are supported in an efficient communication system with the implementation of various protocols and novel solutions for this type of systems for monitoring and control. It verifies and validates the system for formal methods

    Manual de procedimientos administrativos, contables y financieros para el almacén de insumos agroquímicos y veterinarios Agrovet Flores ubicado en el cantón Pimampiro provincia de Imbabura

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    Realizar un diagnóstico técnico situacional de la empresa, mediante una matriz FODA para establecer las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas.El presente trabajo investigativo se llevó a cabo gracias a la oportunidad brindada por los propietarios de AGROVET FLORES, empresa dedicada a la comercialización de productos agroquímicos y veterinarios en el Cantón Pimampiro, además está enfocada a brindar servicios de asesoramiento técnico agropecuario y ganadero a sus clientes para lograr una mejor productividad agrícola. Realizamos la investigación haciendo uso de las diferentes técnicas, que nos permitieron conocer la situación actual en que se desenvuelve la empresa, determinando sus fortalezas, oportunidades, amenazas y debilidades, asimismo pudimos establecer que en la empresa no existe un manual de procedimientos para el área administrativa, financiera y contable, cuyo efecto se ve reflejado en la atención al cliente y en el manejo administrativo de la entidad. No tiene elaborado un organigrama estructural y funcional, razón por la cual, el personal no puede definir correctamente sus funciones de acuerdo a su perfil profesional. Por lo tanto, se propone la creación de un Manual de Procedimientos, Administrativos, Financieros y Contables, como una herramienta de apoyo en la optimización de los recursos que posee la empresa, con la finalidad de contribuir al crecimiento económico y buscar la mejora contínua, facilitando el desempeño y correcto control de las actividades realizadas. La implementación de un manual facilitará a la Gerencia establecer los lineamientos para el adecuado desempeño, definición de funciones, delegación de responsabilidades de sus actividades, aplicará parámetros para el manejo contable, determinará controles internos, mejorará sus métodos de comunicación y publicidad (Marketing), todos proyectados a mejorar la atención al cliente, logrando la eficiencia y eficacia empresarial

    Efectos de la reforma energética en el territorio y condiciones socioeconómicas en Papantla, Veracruz, México

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    In Mexico, the production of energy changed when the energy sector was reformed in 2013 and a hydrocarbons law was passed in 2014. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implications of the energy reform on territorial, economic, and social conditions in El Remolino, municipality of Papantla, Veracruz. To gather data in this regard, citizens were engaged, questionnaires were answered by 40 ejido residents, and two collective interviews were held during 2015 and 2016. In El Remolino, hydrocarbon extraction has not generated significant change in reducing residents’ poverty levels; on the contrary, the dispossession of ejido lands, contamination of soil and water, abandonment of agricultural production, and social discontent continue unabated.En México, la producción de energéticos dio un giro a partir de 2013 con la promulgación de la reforma energética, y posteriormente con la Ley de Hidrocarburos de 2014. La finalidad del presente estudio fue analizar las implicaciones de la reforma energética en las condiciones territoriales, económicas y sociales de El Remolino, municipio de Papantla, Veracruz. Para ello se aplicaron cuestionarios a cuarenta ejidatarios y se realizaron dos entrevistas colectivas durante 2015 y 2016. En El Remolino, la explotación de hidrocarburos no ha generado un cambio significativo positivo para reducir los niveles de pobreza de la población; por el contrario, ha continuado el despojo de tierras ejidales, la contaminación de suelos y aguas, el abandono de la producción agrícola y el descontento social

    The political Participation of the Zapatistas Children in Chiapas. Teaching and Learning of indigenous Organization and Resistance

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    In this article we discuss some specific forms of participation and agency of children of indigenous communities who live in the context of what has been called a “low intensity war” that has taken place in the Mexican southeast during the last 20 years. We begin with a reflection on the terms of citizenship and participation, and on the importance of recognizing the complexity of the situations these girls and boys are experiencing. We also emphasize the relevance of taking into account -more than the age differences- their ethnic belonging and the asymmetrical power relationships linked to the issues of identity and resistance within their own cultural context. Finally, we present some examples and testimonies about the participation of girls and boys in three contexts: the family, the school and the community, and we end with an analysis of the political participation of girls and boys in the Zapatista Resistance Movement

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Robot Manipulator

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    Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is a control methodology used in chemical processes, aircraft, motors, and other systems. This paper compares the results of an ADRC controller to a Proportional Integral Derivative controller (PID), applied to two degrees of freedom robots. A Linear Extended State Observer (LESO) is used to reconstruct the state variables and unknown parameters needed to control the position of each link. The ADRC can achieve the tracking position and estimate the velocity of each link. The results of the simulation program are shown

    Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Multiple Sclerosis: Recommendations from an Expert Panel

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    Introduction Multiple sclerosis (MS) is mainly diagnosed in women of reproductive age. However, there is a paucity of guidelines jointly prepared by neurologists and gynaecologists on managing women with MS and the desire for motherhood. Therefore, in this review we propose recommendations for such cases, with an particular focus on those requiring assisted reproductive techniques (ART). Methods A group of seven MS experts (4 neurologists and 3 gynaecologists) came together for three discussion sessions to achieve consensus. Results The recommendations reported here focus on the importance of early preconception counselling, the management of disease-modifying therapies before and during ART procedures, important considerations for women with MS regarding ART (intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilisation and oocyte cryopreservation) and the paramount relevance of multidisciplinary units to manage these patients. Conclusions Early preconception consultations are essential to individualising pregnancy management in women with MS, and an early, well-planned, spontaneous pregnancy should be the aim whenever possible. The management of women with MS and the desire for motherhood by multidisciplinary units is warranted to ensure appropriate guidance through the entire pregnancy.Merck, S.L.U., Madrid, Spain, an affiliate of Merck KGaA funded this work without participating in its design, data analysis or manuscript preparation. Merck, S.L.U also funded the journal’s Rapid Service Fee

    Application of highly sensitive saturation labeling to the analysis of differential protein expression in infected ticks from limited samples

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ticks are vectors of pathogens that affect human and animal health worldwide. Proteomics and genomics studies of infected ticks are required to understand tick-pathogen interactions and identify potential vaccine antigens to control pathogen transmission. One of the limitations for proteomics research in ticks is the amount of protein that can be obtained from these organisms. In the work reported here, individual naturally-infected and uninfected <it>Rhipicephalus </it>spp. ticks were processed using a method that permits simultaneous extraction of DNA, RNA and proteins. This approach allowed using DNA to determine pathogen infection, protein for proteomics studies and RNA to characterize mRNA levels for some of the differentially expressed proteins. Differential protein expression in response to natural infection with different pathogens was characterized by two-dimensional (2-D) differential in gel electrophoresis (DIGE) saturation labeling in combination with mass spectrometry analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the application of DIGE saturation labeling to study tick proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Questing and feeding <it>Rhipicephalus </it>spp. adult ticks were collected in 27 farms located in different Sicilian regions. From 300 collected ticks, only 16 were found to be infected: <it>R. sanguineus </it>with <it>Rickettsia conorii </it>and <it>Ehrlichia canis</it>; <it>R. bursa </it>with <it>Theileria annulata</it>; and <it>R. turanicus </it>with <it>Anaplasma ovis</it>. The proteomic analysis conducted from a limited amount of proteins allowed the identification of host, pathogen and tick proteins differentially expressed as a consequence of infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results showed that DIGE saturation labeling is a powerful technology for proteomics studies in small number of ticks and provided new information about the effect of pathogen infection in ticks.</p

    Dimensionamiento de un sistema de autoconsumo conectado a red en la universidad técnica de Manabí-Ecuador

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    Hoy en día somos totalmente dependientes de los combustibles fósiles en todos los aspectos; por ello fomentar el uso y aplicación de las energías renovables y eficiencia energética son la mejor manera de reducir el daño provocado al planeta, frenando los efectos que ocurrirán en el futuro. La energía eléctrica generada a partir de fuentes de energía renovables presenta la ventaja de brindar una autosuficiencia que no solo conduce a una mejora del medio ambiente sino también incrementa la rentabilidad de una instalación, reduciendo los costes de energía y en general aumentando su eficiencia. Siendo conscientes de estas ventajas, este trabajo investigativo se orientó al estudio energético y económico de un proyecto que a partir de fuentes renovables de energía suministre electricidad en el esquema de generación distribuida, es decir se realizó el dimensionamiento de una Unidad de Producción de Autoconsumo (UPAC) para la Universidad Técnica de Manabí (UTM). Además, se realizó una evaluación energética para encontrar oportunidades de racionalización de consumos de energía con la finalidad de proponer no solo la autosuficiencia por Autoconsumo sino también el uso racional de energía

    Atención optométrica en condiciones especiales

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    Proyecto de Aprendizaje Servicio (ApS) de participación de los alumnos de 4º curso del grado de Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en la realización de exámenes visuales a niños y personas con discapacidad intelectual. Todo ello a través de una asignatura optativa llamada "Atención Optométrica en condiciones especiales"