56 research outputs found

    The use of observations of soft X-rays and protons in the UMASEP scheme for making real-time predictions of the SEP events that took place in july and september 2017

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    The UMASEP-10 tool [Núñez, 2011] works in an operational level since 2010, and its >10 MeV Solar Energetic Proton (SEP) predictions are diseminated by NASA’s integrated Space Weather Analysis system (iSWA). This presentation shows the real-time predictions of the SEP events that took place in July and September 2017. The UMASEP-10 tool predicts the occurrence and intensity of the first hours of >10 MeV SEP events using the Well-Connected prediction (WCP) model and the Poorly-Connected prediction (PCP) model. The WCP model infers the observer's interplanetary magnetic field connection to the shock source by correlating remote sensing SXR and proton data at near-Earth. This poster also presents a summary of the predictions of the UMASEP-100 [Núñez, 2015] and HESPERIA UMASEP-500 [Núñez et al., 2017] tools for predicting >100 MeV and >500 MeV events, respectively, during the aforementioned period.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Plan de mantenimiento para el sistema de aire acondicionado en el edificio de Komatsus Mitsui, basado en un método de confiabilidad

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDiseña el plan de mantenimiento para el sistema de aire acondicionado de precisión del edificio Komatsu Mitsui con base en un método de confiabilidad. La confiabilidad y disponibilidad de un sistema de aire acondicionado depende en gran medida del estado de los equipos asociados al mismo. Para tal fin es necesario desarrollar modelos de gestión de mantenimiento acertados que permitan garantizar altos niveles de confiabilidad y así obtener cero interrupciones en el sistema de aire acondicionado ni causar daños colaterales a otros sistemas por altas temperaturas. Este es el caso del sistema de aire acondicionado del edificio de KOMATSU MITSUI que cuenta con un sistema de A.A de precisión que tiene las funciones de refrigerar los gabinetes de comunicación y presurizar el cuarto de control y de equipos.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    General Theory and Good Practices in Ecological Niche Modeling: A Basic Guide

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    Ecological niche modeling (ENM) and species distribution modeling (SDM) are sets of tools that allow the estimation of distributional areas on the basis of establishing relationships among known occurrences and environmental variables. These tools have a wide range of applications, particularly in biogeography, macroecology, and conservation biology, granting prediction of species potential distributional patterns in the present and dynamics of these areas in different periods or scenarios. Due to their relevance and practical applications, the usage of these methodologies has significantly increased throughout the years. Here, we provide a manual with the basic routines used in this field and a practical example of its implementation to promote good practices and guidance for new users

    rangemap: An R Package to Explore Species' Geographic Ranges

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    Data exploration is a critical step in understanding patterns and biases in information about species’ geographic distributions. We present rangemap, an R package that implements tools to explore species’ ranges based on simple analyses and visualizations. The rangemap package uses species occurrence coordinates, spatial polygons, and raster layers as input data. Its analysis tools help to generate simple spatial polygons summarizing ranges based on distinct approaches, including spatial buffers, convex and concave (alpha) hulls, trend-surface analysis, and raster reclassification. Visualization tools included in the package help to produce simple, high-quality representations of occurrence data and figures summarizing resulting ranges in geographic and environmental spaces. Functions that create ranges also allow generating extents of occurrence (using convex hulls) and areas of occupancy according to IUCN criteria. A broad community of researchers and students could find in rangemap an interesting means by which to explore species’ geographic distributions

    rangemap: An R Package to Explore Species' Geographic Ranges

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    Data exploration is a critical step in understanding patterns and biases in information about species’ geographic distributions. We present rangemap, an R package that implements tools to explore species’ ranges based on simple analyses and visualizations. The rangemap package uses species occurrence coordinates, spatial polygons, and raster layers as input data. Its analysis tools help to generate simple spatial polygons summarizing ranges based on distinct approaches, including spatial buffers, convex and concave (alpha) hulls, trend-surface analysis, and raster reclassification. Visualization tools included in the package help to produce simple, high-quality representations of occurrence data and figures summarizing resulting ranges in geographic and environmental spaces. Functions that create ranges also allow generating extents of occurrence (using convex hulls) and areas of occupancy according to IUCN criteria. A broad community of researchers and students could find in rangemap an interesting means by which to explore species’ geographic distributions

    Motivación laboral y calidad de servicio de la empresa GEINSA - Lima 2021

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    El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la relación entre la Motivación Laboral y la Calidad de Servicio de la empresa GEINSA. Esta investigación es descriptiva y correlacional. La muestra conformada por 44 trabajadores a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta. Para analizar los datos se realizó la prueba Chi-cuadrado y coeficiente de Spearman. Los resultados evidenciaron que la motivación en los trabajadores de la empresa GEINSA es bueno (77%) y la calidad de servicio es alta (77.3%); existiendo una relación significativa estadísticamente entre ambas variables (p-valor de 0.00 < 0.05) con un 95% de confianza, es decir a medida que aumenten los niveles de motivación, también aumentará la calidad de servicio. Asimismo, al evaluar las tres dimensiones motivacionales: logro, poder y de afiliación, se identificó que la relación más alta y significativa se encuentra en la dimensión de afiliación y la variable calidad de servicio (p-valor 0.002 < 0.05) con 95% de confianza. Concluimos que en la empresa GEINSA existe una relación en forma directa entre la motivación laboral y la calidad de servicio.Campus Lima Centr

    Propuesta para la implementación del método de costo estándar, para la determinación del costo por atender a un alumno de primer año de bachillerato general en el Centro Escolar INSA

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    El presente trabajo surge de la necesidad de mejorar aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos en el manejo eficiente de los fondos públicos en El Salvador, por lo cual se propone la implementación del método de costo estándar para el registro y determinación del costo por atender a un alumno de Primer Año de Bachillerato General en el Centro Escolar INSA de la ciudad de Santa Ana por parte del Ministerio de Educación, ya que el mismo supone un tratamiento particular para la toma de decisione

    Space Weather Prediction System providing forecasts and alerts on solar flares and SEP events

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    A web-based prototype system for predicting Solar Flares and Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events for its use by space launcher operators or any interested user has been implemented. The main goal of this system, called SEPsFLAREs, is to provide warnings/predictions with forecast horizons from 48 hours before to a few hours before to the SEP peak flux, and duration predictions. The module responsible for predicting solar flares, the SF_PMod, is based on the well-known ASAP flare predictor [T. Colak & R. Qahwaji, Automated solar activity prediction: A hybrid computer platform using machine learning and solar imaging for automated prediction of solar flares, Space Weather, 7 (S06001), 2009], which learns rules by using machine learning techniques on SDO/SOHO solar images to automatically detect sunspots, classify them based on the McIntosh classification system, and predict C-, M-, and X-class flares with forecast horizon from 6 h to 48 h. Regarding the performance of the flare predictor, the 24-hour forecast horizon was found to provide the best performance: the Probability of Detection (POD), False Alarm Ratio (FAR) and True Skill Statistics estimations were 63.8%, 99.0% and 0.5 respectively for predicting X-class flares; and 88.7%, 87.0% and 0.59 respectively, for predicting M-class flares. The module responsible for predicting the SEP onset and occurrence, the SEP_OO_PMod, is based on the well-known UMASEP predictor [M. Núñez, Predicting solar energetic proton events (E > 10 MeV), Space Weather, 9 (S07003), 2011], which performs X-ray and proton flux correlations to find the first symptoms of future well- and poorly-connected SEP events. The SEP_OO_PMod also provides a Warning Tool which is able to warn about potential proton enhancements (including SEP events) from flare predictions. Regarding the performance of the SEP_OO_PMod, it was validated taking into account all 129 SEP events from January 1994 to June 2014 and obtained a POD of 86.82%, a FAR of 25.83%, and an Average Warning Time (AWT) of 3.93 h. Regarding the evaluation of the Warning Tool, the best performance, obtained with a set of user-defined parameters, were a POD of 58.3%, FAR of 90.1%, and AWT of 23.1 h. The module responsible for predicting SEP peak and duration, the SEP_FID_PMod, identifies the parent solar flare associated to an observed/predicted SEP, simulates the radial propagation of the predicted shock on a representative IMF structure (i.e. a static Parker Spiral), and predicts the SEP peak and duration. The SEP_FID_PMod, validated taking into account all 129 SEP events from January 1994 to June 2014, obtained a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of SEP peak time predictions of 11.3 h, a MAE of peak intensity predictions of 0.53 in log10 units of pfu, and a MAE of SEP end time predictions of 28.8 h. The SEPsFLAREs system also acquires data for solar flares nowcasting (including GSFLAD proxy and SISTED detector from MONITOR’s ESA-funded project; [Hernández-Pajares, M., A. García-Rigo, J.M. Juan, J. Sanz, E. Monte and A. Aragón-Ángel (2012), GNSS measurement of EUV photons flux rate during strong and mid solar flares. Space Weather, Volume 10, Issue 12, doi:10.1029/2012SW000826] and [García-Rigo, A. (2012), Contributions to ionospheric determination with Global Positioning System: solar flare detection and prediction of global maps of Total Electron Content, Ph.D. dissertation. Doctoral Program in Aerospace Science & Technology, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain]).Postprint (published version