13 research outputs found

    Nuchal Cord and Perinatal Outcome at the Yaounde General Hospital, Cameroon

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    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of nuchal cord at delivery and perinatal outcome. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study from 1992–2008 at the Yaounde General Hospital. Obstetrical and neonatal variables were compared in the loose and tight nuchal cord groups and a control group (no nuchal cord). Of 9275 deliveries recorded, 16.2% had a nuchal cord. Of these nuchal cords, 75.81% were loose and 24.18% were tight. Cesarean delivery rate was lower in the loose and tight nuchal cord groups when compared with control group (P <.001;P < .05). Low Apgar scores < 7 at the 1st and 5th minutes were less in the loose nuchal cord group when compared with control group (P = .06, P = .7). In tight nuchal cord group, low Apgar score < 7 at the 1st minute was significantly higher, when low Apgar score < 7 at the 5th minute was non significantly higher when compared with control group (P < .001, P = .14). Transfer rate to neonatology unit was lower in the loose and tight nuchal cord than in the control group. Loose nuchal cord may not be associated with adverse perinatal outcome. However, tight nuchal cord may be associated with increased risk of low Apgar score < 7 at the 1st minute. Consequently, the ultrasound diagnosis of a nuchal cord at the end of pregnancy should not be the indication of elective cesarean delivery.Keywords nuchal cord; perinatal outcome; Apgar scor

    Amélioration génétique bovine par voie de croisement et de sélection en Afrique Tropicale : Expériences du Cameroun

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    Ce travail passe en revue les rĂ©sultats des travaux de recherches sur l’amĂ©lioration gĂ©nĂ©tique des zĂ©bus locaux (Goudali, White et Red Fulani) par voie de sĂ©lection et de croisement avec les races exotiques (Holstein, MontbĂ©liarde, Brahman amĂ©ricain, Jersiais, Tarentaise, Limousine et Charolaise). Ces travaux ont Ă©tĂ© conduits depuis 1952 dans les Centres de Recherches  Zootechniques de Wakwa et Bambui par l’Institut de Recherches Zootechniques (IRZ, aujourd’hui connue sous le nom de l’Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le DĂ©veloppement) du Cameroun, en système d’élevage semi-intensif dans les zones des hautes savanes guinĂ©ennes et des hauts plateaux de l’Ouest Cameroun. Les donnĂ©es proviennent des rapports d’activitĂ© et de consultations, des publications scientifiques et des entrevues. L’objectif est de ressortir les rĂ©sultats saillants utiles pour les dĂ©cideurs politiques, les chercheurs et les Ă©leveurs. Les principaux rĂ©sultats montrent que le potentiel laitier des croisĂ©s est gĂ©nĂ©ralement supĂ©rieur (>4 litres) Ă  celui des races locales (>3,5 litres). Les gĂ©notypes ayant moins de 75% de sang exotique sont les plus performants en lait et viande. Les causes de mortalitĂ© par ordre d’importance sont nutritionnelles (36,8%),  accidentelles (29,6%), pathologiques (21,1%), parasitaires (7,7%) et reproductives (4,8%). Par rapport aux autres produits de croisement, les croisĂ©s Holsteins ont Ă©tĂ© plus lourds Ă  la naissance (34,75 kg) avec une vitesse de croissance plus Ă©levĂ©e (0,46 kg), une production laitière plus Ă©levĂ©e (5,47 ± 0,17 litres), plus prĂ©coces (40,87 mois) et moins susceptibles au stress   Nuenvironnemental. Pour la filière bovin-Ă -viande, les performances de viande de la race synthĂ©tique Wakwa sont lĂ©gèrement supĂ©rieures Ă  celles des zĂ©bus Goudali sĂ©lectionnĂ©s dans le cheptel local. Cependant, le taux de susceptibilitĂ© Ă  la  dermatophilose est estimĂ© Ă  71,0%, 34,4% et 5,0% chez le pur, ½ et ÂĽ sang Brahman, respectivement. La sĂ©lection massale du zĂ©bu Goudali (variĂ©tĂ© NgaoundĂ©rĂ©) et la race synthĂ©tique Wakwa a permis d’obtenir des progrès gĂ©nĂ©tiques significatifs, soient, respectivement, 8,60 kg et 20,40 kg. Cependant, les corrĂ©lations gĂ©nĂ©tiques nĂ©gatives entre les effets directs et maternels montrent que le progrès gĂ©nĂ©tique serait davantage plus important si la sĂ©lection Ă©tait concentrĂ©e sur les performances  directes et maternelles. Les expĂ©riences d’insĂ©mination artificielle menĂ©es Ă  la SODEPA et Ă  « Tadu Dairy Cooperative Society»montrent que l’industrie laitière est une entreprise rentable avec un rapport bĂ©nĂ©fice-coĂ»t de 4,21. This work reviews the results of research on the genetic improvement of local zebus (Gudali, White and Red Fulani) through selection and crossbreeding with exotic cattle breeds (Holstein, Montbeliard, American Brahman, Jersey, Tarentaise, Limousine and Charolais). This work was started since 1952 by Institute of Animal Research (IRZ, now known as the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development) at the Wakwa and Bambui Research Centers, under semi-intensive management conditions in the  high Guinea savannah areas of the Adamawa Plateau and the highlands of West Cameroon. Data were obtained from activity and consultation reports, scientific publications and interviews. The objective is to highlight salient findings that are useful for policy makers, researchers and livestock producers. The main results show that the milk potential of crosses is generally higher (>4 liters) than that of local breeds (>3.5 liters). Genotypes with less than 75% exotic blood had the best milk and meat  production performance. The reported causes of mortality in order of importance are nutritional (36.8%), accidental (29.6%), pathological (21.1%), parasitic (7.7%) and reproductive (4.8%). Compared to the others crosses, Holstein crosses were found to be relatively heavier at birth (34.75 kg) with a higher growth rate (0.46 kg), higher daily milk production (5.47 ± 0.17 liters), earlier maturing (40.87 months), but more adapted to the breeding conditions and less susceptible to environmental stress. For the beef industry, the meat performance of the synthetic Wakwa breed is slightly better than that of the Gudali zebus selected from the local herd. However, the susceptibility rate to dermatophilosis was estimated at 71.0%, 34.4% and 5.0% in pure, ½ and ÂĽ blood Brahman, respectively. Individual selection of the Gudali zebu (NgaoundĂ©rĂ© subtype) and the synthetic Wakwa breed has resulted in significant genetic progress, 8.60 kg and 20.40 kg, respectively. However, the negative genetic correlations between direct and maternal effects showed that genetic progress would be more important if selection was concentrated on direct and maternal performance. Artificial insemination experiments conducted at SODEPA and Tadu Dairy Cooperative Society showed that the dairy industry is a profitable enterprise with a benefit-cost ratio of 4.21

    Valuation of Vinasse as Organic Fertilizer on the Corn Field

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    “Vinasse” is an aqueous effluent of sugar refinery.  It is largely made up of water, organic matter, and mineral salts. It represents a considerable source of potassium (average 9.37 g/L) for plants and its organic matter content and also improves the fertility of the soil. A study showed that in spite of its strong acidity (pH of 4.5 on average), the growth of sugar cane was not affected by 15 000 L / ha liquor spread in the furrows just before planting. “Vinasse” was also used as fertilizer in some societies for maize. Higher outputs were observed due to improvement of the physiochemical properties of soil on pieces of land which received “vinasse” compost of 28% of organic matter. There was an observed fall pH value of the soil after the addition of “vinasse”, followed by a temporal increase caused by the microbial oxidation of the organic matter. “Vinasse” increases the concentration of basic ions of the soil. This results in the reduction of the exchangeable aluminum which is caused by rise of the pH value of the soil. The mineralization of nitrogen in the soil due to the application of “vinasse” stimulates the microbial activity and this is the reason why there is fall availability of nitrogen). Field  follow-up soil physicochemical properties   like the pH and electric conductivity does not show noticeable differences, (except  small % K of cation exchange capacity) between the piece of land where “vinasse” had been added, and land fertilized with only artificial fertilizer

    Tunga penetrans in Cameroon

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    The parasitosis caused by Tunga penetrans is an important public health problem in Cameroon, even if there are only few reports of its presence in the country. With the aim to know the prevalence of this parasitosis in man, the season of infestation, the Province with higher infestation rate and the age group more infested, a first questionnaire have been done on 233 persons. After that, two investigations were carried out on the west Province that was recorded as the place with higher prevalence. In the first one, 537 pupils of the primary school were inspected, in the second one 384 swine were inspected in the piggeries and slaughterhouses. The first questionnaire showed that the 69,9 % of interviewers were infested almost one time in their life by T. penetrans always during the dry season, with the major prevalence in the West Province where many piggeries are present. The investigation carried out on pupils, revealed that 49,2 % had T. penetrans lesions, while from the swine investigation 57,5 % of the animals were infested. Tungiasis results frequent in Cameroon, affecting specially people aged 5 to 12 years in the localities where the parasite is present in swine and where these animals are left wandering near houses

    Aggressive mosquito fauna and malaria transmission in a forest area targeted for the creation of an agro-industrial complex in the south of Cameroon

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    Baseline entomological information should be collected before the implementation of industrial projects in malaria endemic areas. This allows for subsequent monitoring and evaluation of the project impact on malaria vectors. This study aimed at assessing the vectorial system and malaria transmission in two ecologically different villages of the South-Cameroon forest bloc targeted for the creation of an agro-industrial complex. For four consecutive seasons in 2013, adult mosquitoes were captured using Human Landing Catch in NDELLE village (located along a main road in a degraded forest with many fish ponds) and KOMBO village (located 5km far from the main road in a darker forest and crossed by the Mvobo River). Morpho-taxonomic techniques were used alongside molecular techniques for the identification of mosquito species. ELISA test was used for the detection of circumsporozoite protein antigen of Plasmodium falciparum. Mosquito biting rate was higher in NDELLE than in KOMBO (28.18 versus 17.34 bites per person per night). Mosquitoes had a strong tendency to endophagy both in NDELLE (73.57%) and KOMBO (70.21%). Three anophelines species were identified; An. gambiae, An. funestus s.s and An. moucheti s.s.. An. gambiae and An. funestus s.s. represented the bulk of aggressive mosquitoes in NDELLE (n=10,891; 96.62%). An. gambiae was responsible for 62.6% and 77.72% of malaria transmission in KOMBO and NDELLE respectively. Mean entomological inoculation rate recorded in KOMBO and NDELLE were 4.82 and 2.02 infective bites per person per night respectively. Vector control was mainly based on the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying. The degraded forest environment added to the presence of fishponds resulted in the increase of aggressive mosquito density but not of malaria transmission. The managers should use these data for monitoring and evaluation of the impact of their project; malaria control strategies should be included in their project in order to mitigate the risk of increased malaria transmission as a result of the implementation of their projects