279 research outputs found

    On Association of Seismic Lineaments and Stress Patterns of the Southeastern United States: Criteria of Failure

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    It is generally agreed that shallow focus, low magnitude, crustal earthquakes are caused by a sudden frictional movement on preexisting faults, and that the orientation of the faults may be delineated by locations of past earthquakes. The spatial distribution of a large number of epicenters in the Southeastern region of the United States may be interpreted in terms of many linear patterns. These patterns indicate weak fracture zones which are conveniently called seismic lineaments. Orientations of the seismic lineaments are mostly NE-SW, NW-SE and N-S within the Piedmont and Coastal Plain Provinces, but they are nearly N-S, and NE-SW within the Blue Ridge, and Valley and Ridge Provinces. Azimuthal distribution of the seismic lineaments shows a dominant N30°E direction while azimuthal distribution of the available crustal stress orientations for this region indicates a dominant N60°E direction. Based on Anderson theory of faulting for this dominant orientation of the seismic fracture patterns and the dominant direction of the stress pattern, the frictional angle of crustal rock, Φ, is estimated to be about 30°. From a linear frictional law for failure and the two dimensional stress system the maximum shear and principal stresses are calculated. Results indicate that sliding on a weak fracture plane can occur for a wide range of angle P between the sliding plane and the principal stress axes, mean stresses, cohesive shear strengths, and rock frictional angles Φ = 30±10°. The maximum shear and principal stresses on the sliding planes are calculated for a range of parameters, as a function of β. The plots of the maximum shear and principal stresses indicate a very broad U shaped curve, where the minimum values vary from 0.68 to 2.3 Kbars for the maximum shear and from 3.23 to 17.84 Kbars for the maximum principal stresses respectively. or cohesive shear strength of 0.5 Kbars and frictional angle Φ = 30°, the maximum shear stress of 0.68 Kbars and maximum principal stress of 3.23 Kbars occur at P = 60° corresponding to the N30°E direction of the observed seismic lineaments

    Statistical Relations Between Intensity and Magnitude of Southeastern United States Earthquakes

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    The least squared, the major axis and the reduced major axis criterion are used to deduce a statistical relation between magnitude, mbLg, and intensity, I, for the earthquakes-in southeastern United States. Based on a catalog of 162 events during 1833 to 1987, with magnitudes between 1.1 and 6.9 and intensities between II and X, it is shown that the reduced major axis criterion produces: mbLg = (0.656 ± 0.058)*I + (0.402 ± 0.178), which is the best predictor equation of magnitude for the upper range of the observed intensities. The predictor equations based on the least squared and major axis criterion are: mbLg = (0.441 ± 0.038)*I + (1.359 ± 0.176) and mbLg = (0,544 ± 0.047)*I + (0.898 ± 0.424), respectively; the least squared equation is a better predictor for the lower range of the observations and the major axis equation yields predictions which are between the predictions from the other two equations. In mid-range of the observed data all three equations predict nearly the same results. A set of three similar equations are found between intensity, I, and magnitude mbLg. The effects of various conversion methods on values of a and b in the frequency-magnitude equation log N= a + b*mbLg and values of a\u27 and b\u27 in the frequency-intensity relation log N= a\u27 + b\u27*I are negligible. Three new catalogs, with 2245 events in each were formed; in the new catalogs if the intensity or the magnitude of an event was missing it was estimated based on the above equations; then, the least squared technique was used to calculate the coefficients a, b, a\u27, and b\u27; the unnormalized values of the coefficients are: a = 4.105 ± 0.144, b = -0.591 ± 0.035, a\u27 = 3.941 ± 0.199, and b\u27 = -0.400 ± 0.033, respectively

    On the Linear Relation Between mb And Ms for Discrimination Between Explosions and Earthquakes

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    Summary. The statistical capability of the mb :Ms, discriminant for the discrimination of earthquake and explosion populations is examined by application of discriminant functions to a group of 83 explosions and 72 earthquakes in Eurasia. Equations are derived for the probability that an event is an earthquake or an explosion. The positive sign of DIS in the decision index equation, DIS, = 34.3383 - 11.9569 mbi, + 7.1 161 Msi, indicates that the event i is an earthquake. Its negative sign indicates that event i is an explosion. The probability of correct classification for an event, Pi, is reiated to its DISi, value, by Pi = [l t exp (DISi,)]-1, where a large, positive DIS indicates a high probability that an event is an earthquake and a large, negative DIS indicates a high probability that an event is an explosion. The discrimination line Ms = 1.680 mb ~ 4.825, or rnb = 0.595 Ms + 2.872 very successfully separates the explosion population from the earthquake population. The points on this line have an equal chance of being an earthquake or an explosion; moreover, for any event, the distance parallel to the Ms,-axis from the point representing that event in the mb:Ms, plane to this line is a measure of the probability for the correct classification of that event

    Fault Movements and Tectonics of Eastern Iran: Boundaries of the Lut Plate

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    Summary. From 1977 March 21 to 1981 July 28, about 15 earthquakes with Ms ≥6.0 and many earthquakes with Ms≥4.5 have occurred in Iran. The upsurge of seismic activity started following the Khorqu earthquake of 1977 March 21, M,=7.0, south-east of the Fars folded series of Zagros. This shock had a thrust focal mechanism solution indicating the general northward movement of the Arabian plate with respect to the Iranian landmass. It was followed by six major damaging earthquakes in eastern Iran. The earthquakes are associated with extensive faulting which surrounds the Lut plate. (1) The Zarand earthquake of 1977 December, Ms=5.8, was associated with about 20 km of fault trace, severe mass wasting and about 20cm of right lateral movement. (2) The Tabas earthquake of 1978 September, Ms=7.7, with about 75 km of multiple thrust faulting and a maximum vertical displacement of 35cm. (3) The Kurizan earthquake of 1979 November, Ms=6.0, with more than 17 km of strike-slip fault trace and a maximum right-lateral displacement of 90cm and a vertical displacement of 60cm. (4) The Koli earthquake of 1979 November, Ms=7.1, with at least 65 km of fault trace and a maximum left-lateral displacement of 255 cm and a vertical displacement of 380cm. (5) Golbaf earthquakes of 1981 June, Ms=6.0 with at least 16 km of observed fault trace and a maximum vertical displacement of 15 cm. (6) The Chaharfarsang-Sirch earthquake of 1981 July, Ms=7.1, with about 70 km of discontinuous fault trace and 20cm of right-lateral motion and 15 cm of vertical motion. Portable networks of seismographic stations were deployed following each event. Results of aftershock studies are compared with field observations. The observed faults and aftershock zones appear to mark the broad deformational boundaries of the Lut plate

    Pulsational frequencies of the eclipsing delta-Scuti star HD 172189

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    The eclipsing delta-Scuti star HD 172189 is a probable member of the open cluster IC 4756 and a promising candidate target for the CoRoT mission. The detection of pulsation modes is the first step in the asteroseismological study of the star. Further, the calculation of the orbital parameters of the binary system allows us to make a dynamical determination of the mass of the star, which works as an important constraint to test and calibrate the asteroseismological models. From a detailed frequency analysis of 210 hours of photometric data of HD 172189 obtained from the STEPHI XIII campaign we have identified six pulsation frequencies with a confidence level of 99% and a seventh with a 65% confidence level in the range between 100-300 uHz. In addiction, three eclipses were observed during the campaign, allowing us to improve the determination of the orbital period of the system.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in patients with nonseminomatous testicular cancer: A single center experiences

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    Background: Testicular cancer accounts for about 1 - 1.5 of all malignancies in men. Radical orchiectomy is curative in 75 of patients with stage I disease, but advance stage with retroperitoneal lymph node involvement needs chemotherapy. All patients who have residual masses � 1 cm after chemotherapy should undergo postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND). Objectives: Treatment of advanced nonseminomatous testicular cancer is usually a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. We described our experience about postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND) in our center. Patients and Methods: In a retrospective cross-sectional study between 2006 and 2011, patients with a history of postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND) in Imam Khomeini hospital were evaluated. All patients had normal postchemotherapy serum tumor markers and primary nonseminomatous cancer. We reviewed retrospectively clinical, pathological, and surgical parameters associated with PC-RPLND in our center. Results: Twenty-one patients underwent bilateral PC-RPLND. Mean age was 26.3 years (ranged 16 - 47). Mean size of retroperitoneal mass after chemotherapy was 7.6 cm. Mean operative time was 198 minutes (120 - 246 minutes). Mean follow-up time was 38.6 months. Pathologic review showed presence of fibrosis/necrosis, viable germ cell tumor and teratoma in 8 (38.1), 10 (47.6) and 3 (14.28) patients, respectively. One patient in postoperative period of surgery and three patients in two first years after surgery were expired. Of 17 alive patients, only two (11.8) had not retrograde ejaculation. Conclusions: PC-RPLND is one the major operations in the field of urology, which is associated with significant adjunctive surgeries. In appropriate cases, PC-RPLND was associated with good cancer specific survival in tertiary oncology center. © 2015, Nephrology and Urology Research Center

    Possibility of trout farms efluent return to groundwater In non-agricultural seasons

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    This project is trying to investigate water contamination after use in ponds. For this aquaculture status, physical and chemical water properties, microbial pollutants and heavy metals levels in the some of trout ponds effluent in East Azerbaijan province were evaluated in 2007 to 2009. The information of groundwater and climate conditions in ten years, Drilling and wells piezometric Information, in local wells are reviewed. According to data obtained from analysis of water samples in the output pools range studied concentrations(term mg/l) some parameters are as follows:(BOD: 1.9-3.2), (COD: 3.4-34.1), (TSS: 26.6-42.7), (N-NO_2:0.003-.136),(P-Po4:0.0170.067), (pH:7.75-8.28). Electrical conductivity (500 ±2 to 1129±144 term µm/cm) in the effluent ponds. Based on the results of we can say that between input and effluent ponds in the review of all factors as chlorine, sulfate, sodium, potassium, total nitrogen, soluble phosphorus, total phosphorus, calcium, total hardness, magnesium, alkalinity and silica significant changes not be observed. Review of water analysis data to some factors (such as: water temperature, EC, pH, NO_2, CO_2, HCO_3, CO_3, DO, COD, BOD) and compare this data with the authorities standard confirmed that the All factors mentioned in effluent is allowed now. In terms of microbial contamination and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ca, Pb, Fe, Cr) is no pollution. Appropriate strategies for removing suspended materials must to use. We can use Watershed Management solutions to inject output water to the underground table. Should be noted status change (eg change in flow rate, an unusual increase in temperature, fish density increasing, reducing food quality, lack of appropriate management actions and ...) may reduce the effluent quality and the ability of injection water underground to lose. In this case, measures must be for wastewater treatment and improve the quality ponder

    Insights into the 1968–1997 Dasht-e-Bayaz and Zirkuh earthquake sequences, eastern Iran, from calibrated relocations, InSAR and high-resolution satellite imagery

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    The sequence of seismicity in the Dasht-e-Bayaz and Zirkuh region of northeastern Iran, which includes 11 destructive earthquakes within a period of only 30 years, forms one of the most outstanding examples of clustered large and intermediate-magnitude seismic activity in the world.We perform a multiple-event relocation analysis, with procedures to remove systematic location bias, of 169 earthquakes, most of which occurred in the period 1968–2008, to better image the distribution of seismicity within this highly active part of Iran. The geographic locations of the clustered earthquakes were calibrated by the inclusion of phase arrivals from seismic stations at short epicentral distances, and also by matching the relative locations of the three largest events in the study to their mapped surface ruptures. The two independent calibration methods provide similar results that increase our confidence in the accuracy of the distribution of relocated epicentres. These calibrated epicentres, combined with the mapping of faults from high-resolution satellite imagery, and from an InSAR-derived constraint on fault location in one case, allow us to associate individual events with specific faults, and even with specific segments of faults, to better understand the nature of the active tectonics in this region during the past four decades. Several previous assumptions about the seismicity in this region are confirmed: (1) that the 1968 August 30 Mw 7.1 Dasht-e-Bayaz earthquake nucleated at a prominent segment boundary and left-step in the fault trace, (2) that the 1968 September 11 Mw 5.6 aftershock occurred on the Dasht-e-Bayaz fault at the eastern end of the 1968 rupture and (3) that the 1976 November 7 Mw 6.0 Qayen earthquake probably occurred on the E–W left-lateral Avash Fault. We show, in addition, that several significant events, including the 1968 September 1 and 4 (Mw 6.3 and 5.5) Ferdows earthquakes, the 1979 January 16 (Mw 6.5) and 1997 June 25 (Mw 5.9) Boznabad events and the 1979 December 7 (Mw 5.9) Kalat-e-Shur earthquake are likely to have ruptured previously unknown faults. Our improved description of the faulting involved in the 1968–1997 earthquake sequence highlights the importance of rupturing of conjugate left- and right-lateral faults in closely spaced events, or potentially even within a single earthquake, as was likely the case at the eastern end of the 1979 November 27 (Mw 7.1) Khuli-Buniabad main shock. The high level of clustered seismic activity probably results from the simultaneous activity on left- and right-lateral faults, an inherently unstable arrangement that must evolve rapidly. The combination of high-resolution satellite imagery and calibrated earthquake locations is a useful tool for investigating active tectonics, even in the absence of detailed field observations

    Electron-topological, energetic and π-electron delocalization analysis of ketoenamine-enolimine tautomeric equilibrium

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    The ketoenamine-enolimine tautometic equilibrium has been studied by the analysis of aromaticity and electron-topological parameters. The influence of substituents on the energy of the transition state and of the tautomeric forms has been investigated for different positions of chelate chain. The quantum theory of atoms in molecules method (QTAIM) has been applied to study changes in the electron-topological parameters of the molecule with respect to the tautomeric equilibrium in intramolecular hydrogen bond. Dependencies of the HOMA aromaticity index and electron density at the critical points defining aromaticity and electronic state of the chelate chain on the transition state (TS), OH and HN tautomeric forms have been obtained

    Proximal major limb amputations – a retrospective analysis of 45 oncological cases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Proximal major limb amputations due to malignant tumors have become rare but are still a valuable treatment option in palliation and in some cases can even cure. The aim of this retrospective study was to analyse outcome in those patients, including the postoperative course, survival, pain, quality of life, and prosthesis usage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data of 45 consecutive patients was acquired from patient's charts and contact to patients, and general practitioners. Patients with interscapulothoracic amputation (n = 14), shoulder disarticulation (n = 13), hemipelvectomy (n = 3) or hip disarticulation (n = 15) were included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The rate of proximal major limb amputations in patients treated for sarcoma was 2.3% (37 out of 1597). Survival for all patients was 42.9% after one year and 12.7% after five years. Survival was significantly better in patients with complete tumor resections. Postoperative chemotherapy and radiation did not prolong survival. Eighteen percent of the patients with malignant disease developed local recurrence. In 44%, postoperative complications were observed. Different modalities of postoperative pain management and the site of the amputation had no significant influence on long-term pain assessment and quality of life. Eighty-seven percent suffered from phantom pain, 15.6% considered their quality of life worse than before the operation. Thirty-two percent of the patients who received a prosthesis used it regularly.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Proximal major limb amputations severely interfere with patients' body function and are the last, albeit valuable, option within the treatment concept of extremity malignancies or severe infections. Besides short survival, high complication rates, and postoperative pain, patients' quality of life can be improved for the time they have remaining.</p