460 research outputs found


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    The aim of the article is to present how the legal categories can determine the use of natural language in the legal discourse. It is, at the same time, an example of how we can employ the tools of cultural linguistics in Legal Linguistics. The author analyzes nominal syntax structures expressing normative subject in the Spanish Civil Code and then she indicates the factors which might determine the use of the article. At the beginning she presents the traditional point of view and concludes that it is not able to explain effectively the selection of articles in the legal text, because it does not take into consideration the structure and properties of the legal norm, especially its abstract and general character. That is why she proposes to make an analysis based on the assumptions of the cultural linguistics, especially the concept of worldview, and of the grammar on semantic base, according to the proposition of J. Wilk-Racięska, which allows for the introduction of same elements of the theory of law into the philological description, and, consequently, make it more efficient.Celem artykułu jest pokazanie sposobu, w jaki kategorie prawne mogą determinować funkcjonowanie języka w tekstach prawnych. Jest on jednocześnie propozycją spojrzenia na tekst prawny z perspektywy lingwistyki kulturowej. Autorka dokonuje analizy struktury syntagmy nominalnej wyrażającej adresata normy prawnej w wybranych artykułach hiszpańskiego kodeksu cywilnego, by następnie określić czynniki determinujące użycie rodzajnika. W tym celu przedstawia tradycyjne podejście do tematu, dochodzi jednak do wniosku, że, by skutecznie opisać użycie rodzajnika w tekstach prawnych, należy uwzględnić strukturę i właściwości normy prawnej, zwłaszcza jej ogólny i abstrakcyjny charakter. W swojej analizie opiera się na założeniach językoznawstwa kulturowego, przede wszystkim pojęciu językowego obrazu świata, łącząc je, zgodnie z koncepcją J. Wilk-Racięskiej, z elementami gramatyki o podstawach semantycznych. Dochodzi w ten sposób do wniosków pozwalających wyjaśnić nie tylko jak stosowany jest rodzajnik w analizowanych tekstach, ale, przede wszystkim, dlaczego, co, jej zdaniem, może mieć istotne znaczenie m. in. w badaniach translatologicznych

    Analysis of DNA profiles of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) to provide evidence of illegal logging

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    The present work formed part of a research project supported by the General Directorate of State Forests (Grants BLP-333 and BLP-384). We gratefully acknowledge the Forest Guard staff from Śnieżka Forest District for their efficient cooperation. We also thank Małgorzata Gorzkowska from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology FRI Poland, who assisted with processing of plant material in the laboratory.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest problem transpozycji hiszpańskich imion i nazwisk na język polski w tłumaczeniach poświadczonych. Autorka, odpowiadając na pytanie, w jaki sposób tłumacz powinien traktować nazwy własne w dokumentach, stara się zebrać i usystematyzować zasady odmiany hiszpańskich imion i nazwisk w języku polskim. W tym celu, bazując na danych statystycznych Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, dokonuje analizy morfologicznej stu najpopularniejszych imion żeńskich, męskich oraz nazwisk i grupuje je wg końcówki, by następnie określić wzór i zasady ich odmiany. Obok kwestii językowych, Autorka porusza również kwestie prawne, dokonując przeglądu najważniejszych aktów prawnych regulujących zasady nadawania i rejestracji imion i nazwisk w Hiszpanii, oraz zasady „przekładu” nazw własnych w tłumaczeniach poświadczonych na język polski. Wieloaspektowa analiza problemu pozwala jej stwierdzić, że odmiana hiszpańskich imion i nazwisk w języku polskim jest niezwykle złożona i potwierdza konieczność kształcenia tłumaczy tekstów specjalistycznych również w zakresie języka ojczystego.The purpose of this paper is the issue of the transposition of Spanish given names and surnames in certified translations into Polish. Answering the question how the translator should treat proper names in the documents translated, the author is trying to collect and systematize the principles of inflection of Spanish given names and surnames in their translations into Polish. In order to attain this, on the basis of the statistical data provided by Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, she carries out the morphological analysis of one hundred most popular female and male given names and surnames, and groups them according to their inflection, in order to determine the patterns and principles of their inflection in Polish.Apart from the linguistic issues, the author also raises legal issues, making a survey of the most significant legal acts regulating the principles of naming and registering given names and surnames in Spain, as well as the principles of “translating” proper names in certified translations into Polish.The multifaceted analysis of the issue enables the author to conclude that the inflection of Spanish given names and surnames in Polish is extremely complex and confirms the necessity to educate translators of specialized texts also in the scope of their native tongue

    Microsatellite Markers in Analysis of Forest‐Tree Populations

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    The present state of knowledge regarding the genetic diversity of forest tree species has been greatly improved with the development of the powerful research tool that the microsatellite markers represent. These noncoding sequences are considered to be neutral, highly polymorphic, and species specific. The usefulness of the microsatellite markers was recently proven by the determination of differentiation at inter‐ and intrapopulation level, gene flow in natural forest‐tree populations, heritability processes, and sustainable management of forest genetic resources in many natural forest stands. In this chapter, I aim to describe the practical approach of microsatellite markers, used in determination of genetic structure of 14 Scots pine populations from North‐eastern Poland. Investigated pine populations exhibited high genetic parameter variation, for example, mean PIC = 79.3, Shannon Index I = 2.488, observed (HO = 0.778) and expected (HE = 0.849) heterozygosity. Low level of Fst = 0.031 demonstrated that studied populations are more differentiated within than among stands, which were grouped into one cluster of genetic similarity. In conclusion, the present distribution of genetically related populations of Scots pine in North‐eastern Poland seems to reflect the historical events such as postglacial colonization of Poland from different European refugia and/or human management carried out in the past

    Cystic fibrosis newborn screening enables diagnosis of elder siblings of recalled infants--additional benefit.

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    The different clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis, with variable intensity and timing, often delay the diagnosis of this genetic autosomal recessive disorder. Many countries have introduced newborn screening for cystic fibrosis to facilitate diagnosis prior to the development of the disease. The advantages and harms of such screening programmes are regularly reassessed. In the five families presented in this article the elder siblings of screened infants were diagnosed thanks to CF NBS. This is an example of a benefit for children not even directly covered by the screening programme, adding another CF NBS advantage to the balance

    New bilayer-coated microbead system for controlled release of 5-aminosalicylic acid

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    A new bilayer-coated microbeads for oral delivery of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) were prepared from naturally occurring polysaccharides via emulsification method. 5-ASA was successfully encapsulated in chitosan–λ-carrageenan-coated alginate microbeads. The morphology and sizes of microparticles were studied using optical microscopy and dynamic light scattering. Drug release profiles were followed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with spectrophotometric detection. The effect of chitosan thin layer and chitosan–λ-carrageenan bilayer on the drug release was studied at pH values simulating these characteristic for stomach (pH = 1.2) and intestine (pH = 7.4). Chitosan layer slightly increased 5-ASA release at pH = 1.2, whereas double-layer external coating decreased the release rates. Due to the bilayer properties, the micro-carriers were additionally protected against acidic conditions of the stomach and drug release in the intestine could be better controlled

    Types of neurons of the subthalamic nucleus and zona incerta in the guinea pig — Nissl and Golgi study

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    The studies were carried out on the subthalamus of adult guinea pigs. Golgi impregnation, Nissl and Klüver-Barrera methods were used for the study. In Nissl stained sections the subthalamic neuronal population consists of multipolar, fusiform, oval and pear-shaped perikarya. In two studied areas: nucleus subthalamicus (STN) and zona incerta (ZI) three types of neurons were distinguished. Type I, multipolar neurons with quadrangular, triangular or oval perikarya. They have 3–6 primary dendrites wich run slightly wavy and spread out in all directions. Type II, bipolar neurons with fusiform or semilunar perikarya, they have two primary dendrites. Type III, pear-shaped neurons with 1–2 dendritic trunks arising from one pole of the neuron. In all types of neurons axon emerges from the perikaryon or initial segment of a dendritic trunk and can be followed at a maximum distance of about 50 μm

    The neuronal structure of the medial geniculate body in the pig - Nissl and Golgi study

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    The studies were carried out on the brains of adult pigs. The preparations were made by means of the Golgi technique as well as the Nissl and Klüver-Barrera methods. Four types of neurons were described in the medial geniculate body (MGB) of the pig: 1. Multipolar neurons (perikarya 30–45 µm) with rounded, oval or quadrangular perikarya from which arise 4-7 dendritic trunks. The dendrites divide dichotomically twice, may send out collaterals and give off ramifications. The dendritic branches possess varicosities and knob-like spines. These neurons predominate in MGB. 2. Pear-shaped neurons (20-35 µm) with one or two dendritic trunks arising from one pole of the cell body. These dendrites have a tufted appearance. 3. Triangular neurons (30-45 µm) possess three thick dendrites which first bifurcate near the soma and then divide profusely into daughter branches. 4. Fusiform neurons (30-50 µm) have usually two dendritic trunks which arise from the opposite poles of the cell body and divide dichotomically twice. The fusiform neurons are the least numerous in MGB. Most MGB neurons have on the secondary tertiary dendrites and on their ramifications have delicate varicose or bead-like appendages and spine-like protrusions. In all types of neurons an axon arises either from the soma or from the initial portion of the dendritic trunk

    The neuronal structure of the ventromedial and infundibular nuclei in the guinea pig: Nissl and Golgi study

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    The studies were carried out on the mesencephalons of adult guinea pigs. On the basis of the Golgi technique, as well as the Nissl and Klüver-Barrera methods, four types of neurons were distinguished in the ventromedial nucleus (VMH) and infundibular nucleus (Ni): 1. Rounded neurons (perikarya 12–18 µm) with 3-4 dendritic trunks, which divide once, twice or not at all. The dendritic branches possess varicosities and knob-like spines. These neurons predominate in VMH. 2. Fusiform neurons (perikarya 15-28 µm) with 2 dendritic trunks, which arise from the opposite poles of the cell body. Bead-like protuberances and knob-like processes are observed on the dendrites. These neurons are the most numerous in Ni. 3. Triangular neurons (perikarya 15-22 µm) possess three thick, conical dendrites, which bifurcate dichotomically. Bead-like appendages and knob-like processes were seen on the dendritic surface. 4. Multipolar neurons (perikarya 18-22 µm) with 4-5 dendritic trunks, which are poorly ramified. The dendritic branches are smooth, but varicosities can be observed on their surface. In all types of neurons an axon was observed to arise either from the dendritic trunk or from the soma