23,740 research outputs found

    Chiral doublings of heavy-light hadrons: New charmed mesons discovered by BABAR,CLEO and BELLE

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    We remind the chiral doubling scenario [1,2] for hadrons built of heavy and light quarks. Then we recall arguments why new states D_s(2317),D_s(2460),D_0(2308) and D_1^'(2427) should be viewed as chiral partners of D_s,D_s^*,D and D^*,respectively. We summarize with the list of predictions based on chiral doubling scenario for other heavy-light hadrons.Comment: Talk at Hadron'03, Aschaffenburg, Germany, August 31st - September 6th, 2003. (5 pages, 1 figure

    Thick-Film and LTCC Passive Components for High-Temperature Electronics

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    At this very moment an increasing interest in the field of high-temperature electronics is observed. This is a result of development in the area of wide-band semiconductors’ engineering but this also generates needs for passives with appropriate characteristics. This paper presents fabrication as well as electrical and stability properties of passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) made in thick-film or Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) technologies fulfilling demands of high-temperature electronics. Passives with standard dimensions usually are prepared by screen-printing whereas combination of standard screen-printing with photolithography or laser shaping are recommenced for fabrication of micropassives. Attainment of proper characteristics versus temperature as well as satisfactory long-term high-temperature stability of micropassives is more difficult than for structures with typical dimensions for thick-film and LTCC technologies because of increase of interfacial processes’ importance. However it is shown that proper selection of thick-film inks together with proper deposition method permit to prepare thick-film micropassives (microresistors, air-cored microinductors and interdigital microcapacitors) suitable for the temperature range between 150°C and 400°C

    Study of Scalar Top Quarks in the Neutralino and Chargino Decay Channel

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    The scalar top discovery potential has been studied with a full-statistics background simulation at sqrt(s)=500 GeV and L = 500 fb-1 for the TESLA project. The beam polarization is very important to measure the scalar top mixing angle and to determine its mass. The latest estimation of the beam polarization parameters is applied. This study includes e+ polarization, which improves the sensitivity. For a 180 GeV scalar top at minimum production cross section, we obtain delta(m) = 0.8 GeV and delta(cosT) = 0.008 in the neutralino decay channel, and delta(m) = 0.5 GeV and delta(cosT) = 0.004 in the chargino decay channel.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Proc. LCWS Chicago, November 200

    Domain State Model for Exchange Bias

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    Monte Carlo simulations of a system consisting of a ferromagnetic layer exchange coupled to a diluted antiferromagnetic layer described by a classical spin model show a strong dependence of the exchange bias on the degree of dilution in agreement with recent experimental observations on Co/CoO bilayers. These simulations reveal that diluting the antiferromagnet leads to the formation of domains in the volume of the antiferromagnet carrying a remanent surplus magnetization which causes and controls exchange bias. To further support this domain state model for exchange bias we study in the present paper the dependence of the bias field on the thickness of the antiferromagnetic layer. It is shown that the bias field strongly increases with increasing film thickness and eventually goes over a maximum before it levels out for large thicknesses. These findings are in full agreement with experiments.Comment: 8 pages latex, 3 postscript figure

    On the coexistence of cooperators, defectors and conditional cooperators in the multiplayer iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

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    Recent experimental evidence [Gruji\'c et al., PLoS ONE 5, e13749 (2010)] on the spatial Prisoner's Dilemma suggests that players choosing to cooperate or not on the basis of their previous action and the actions of their neighbors coexist with steady defectors and cooperators. We here study the coexistence of these three strategies in the multiplayer iterated Prisoner's Dilemma by means of the replicator dynamics. We consider groups with n = 2, 3, 4 and 5 players and compute the payoffs to every type of player as the limit of a Markov chain where the transition probabilities between actions are found from the corresponding strategies. We show that for group sizes up to n = 4 there exists an interior point in which the three strategies coexist, the corresponding basin of attraction decreasing with increasing number of players, whereas we have not been able to locate such a point for n = 5. We analytically show that in the infinite n limit no interior points can arise. We conclude by discussing the implications of this theoretical approach on the behavior observed in experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, uses elsart.cl

    Phase Lags and Coherence of X-Ray Variability in Black Hole Candidates

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    The ``low'' (hard or ``non-thermal'') state of black hole candidates is sometimes modelled via an optically thick, hot Compton cloud that obscures a softer input source such as an accretion disk. In these models the observed output spectra consist entirely of photons reprocessed by the cloud, making it difficult to extract information about the input spectra. Recently Miller (1995) has argued that the Fourier phase (or time) lag between hard and soft X-ray photons in actuality represents the phase lags intrinsic to the input source, modulo a multiplicative factor. The phase lags thus would be a probe of the input photon source. In this paper we examine this claim and find that, although true for the limited parameter space considered by Miller, the intrinsic phase lag disappears whenever the output photon energy is much greater than the input photon energy. The remaining time lags represent a ``shelf'' due to differences between mean diffusion times across the cloud. As pointed out by Miller, the amplitude of this shelf -- which is present even when the intrinsic time lags remain -- is indicative of the size and temperature of the Compton cloud and is a function of the two energies being compared. However, we find that with previous instruments such as Ginga the shelf, if present, was likely obscured by counting noise. A more sensitive measure of Compton cloud parameters may be obtainable from the coherence function, which is derived from the amplitude of the Fourier cross power spectral density. This function has been seen to exponentially decrease at high Fourier frequencies in Cygnus X-1. Coherence loss is characteristic of Compton clouds that undergo large variations of size and/or temperature on time scales longer than about 10 seconds. We argue that observing phase lags and coherenceComment: 14 pages, uuencoded postscript, accepted for publication in Monthly Notice

    Probing non-orthogonality of eigenvectors in non-Hermitian matrix models: diagrammatic approach

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    Using large NN arguments, we propose a scheme for calculating the two-point eigenvector correlation function for non-normal random matrices in the large NN limit. The setting generalizes the quaternionic extension of free probability to two-point functions. In the particular case of biunitarily invariant random matrices, we obtain a simple, general expression for the two-point eigenvector correlation function, which can be viewed as a further generalization of the single ring theorem. This construction has some striking similarities to the freeness of the second kind known for the Hermitian ensembles in large NN. On the basis of several solved examples, we conjecture two kinds of microscopic universality of the eigenvectors - one in the bulk, and one at the rim. The form of the conjectured bulk universality agrees with the scaling limit found by Chalker and Mehlig [JT Chalker, B Mehlig, PRL, \textbf{81}, 3367 (1998)] in the case of the complex Ginibre ensemble.Comment: 20 pages + 4 pages of references, 12 figs; v2: typos corrected, refs added; v3: more explanator
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