228 research outputs found

    Combating the illegal employment of foreigners in the enlargement EU: the case of Poland

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    "The specific objective of this project is to provide policy-makers and practitioners with a good understanding of the impact of irregular employment of foreigners on the labour markets of the selected EU countries as well its potential for infringement on migrants' rights and for their exploitation; the identification of best measures taken to bombat this phenomenon both by sending and receiving countries; and to contribute to administrative cooperation and information exchange among the participating countries on preventing irregular and promoting legal channals for employment. The current paper focuses on the case of Poland." (author's abstract

    Envisaging post-Brexit immobility: Polish migrants’ care intentions concerning their elderly parents

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by University of Bamberg Press. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.20377/jfr-352The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union will end the European Freedom of Movement and the privileged migration status of EU Citizens in the UK, which will likely affect ‘Brexit families’ and their transnational care arrangements. This is a case study of the biggest migrant group in the UK, namely Poles. Before the Brexit referendum, the first wave of the in-depth interviews identified several types of migrants’ intentions concerning elderly care for their parents who remained in Poland. The research approached intentions as discursive strategies: declarations of care commitment and statements provided to explain the absence of care intentions. The second wave was conducted after the UK had decided to exit the EU and new policies concerning EU citizens were being developed. Brexit’s influence on elderly care intentions is twofold. First, it brings higher uncertainty about future migration regulations and disorientates migrants about the possibilities regarding reunification with their parents in the UK. Second, Brexit appears in the interviews as a discursive construction to alleviate a migrant’s involvement in direct care provision, where they still deem it normatively appropriate to enact this cultural norm, but do not intend to in fact do so

    Inspiracje kultem maryjnym w twórczości Andrzeja Panufnika

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    One of the areas of inspiration idiomatic for Andrzej Panufnik’s work is undoubtedly the sphere of the sacrum. Author of the Symfonia Sacra, as well as Henryk Mikołaj Górecki or Wojciech Kilar, many of his works devoted to the cult of the Mother of God, spread by believers since the 3rd century, when the prayer to the Blessed Virgin arose. In the works: Songs to the Virgin Mary for string sextet, Sinfonia votiva and Prayer to the Virgin of Skempe for solo voice or choir unisono the composer united the personal sphere with the universal sphere - he expressed not only personal feelings and reflections, but also the category of Polishness connected with the cult of Mother of God. However, in the context of Andrzej Panufnik’s religious output, the Marian theme seems to remain an area that remains undiscovered. For this reason, taking into account the composer’s biographical context, it is worth attempting a deeper reflection on the indicated area of inspiration.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie twórczości muzycznej Andrzeja Panufnika inspirowanej kultem maryjnym. Spuścizna kompozytora związana z postacią Matki Bożej (zwłaszcza zaś takie utwory, jak: Modlitwa do Matki Boskiej Skępskiej, Pieśń do Marii Panny) rozważona zostaje z perspektywy biografii twórcy oraz innych jego kompozycji o tematyce religijnej (takich, jak m.in. Koncert fagotowy, Sinfonia votiva). Ponadto w interpretacji wybranej twórczości Panufnika uwzględniony został kontekst kultu maryjnego w Polsce, ukazany z perspektywy historycznej, a także z perspektywy tradycji lokalnej

    Qualitative Data Clustering to Detect Outliers

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    Detecting outliers is a widely studied problem in many disciplines, including statistics, data mining, and machine learning. All anomaly detection activities are aimed at identifying cases of unusual behavior compared to most observations. There are many methods to deal with this issue, which are applicable depending on the size of the data set, the way it is stored, and the type of attributes and their values. Most of them focus on traditional datasets with a large number of quantitative attributes. The multitude of solutions related to detecting outliers in quantitative sets, a large and still has a small number of research solutions is a problem detecting outliers in data containing only qualitative variables. This article was designed to compare three different categorical data clustering algorithms: K-modes algorithm taken from MacQueen’s K-means algorithm and the STIRR and ROCK algorithms. The comparison concerned the method of dividing the set into clusters and, in particular, the outliers detected by algorithms. During the research, the authors analyzed the clusters detected by the indicated algorithms, using several datasets that differ in terms of the number of objects and variables. They have conducted experiments on the parameters of the algorithms. The presented study made it possible to check whether the algorithms similarly detect outliers in the data and how much they depend on individual parameters and parameters of the set, such as the number of variables, tuples, and categories of a qualitative variable

    The role of the gut microbiota in pathogenesis and treatment of depression

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    Introduction and purpose Depression is the most common mental disorder, but the exact mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of depression remain unknown. Abundant research evidence suggests that changes in the gut microbiota play a key role in the pathophysiology of depression through the brain-gut-microbiota axis. The aim of this study was to present the current state of knowledge on the role of gut microbiota in pathogenesis and treatment of depression and discuss its potential as a therapeutic target for depression A brief description of the state of knowledge The digestive tract and the processes which are set in it as well as the inhabitting microorganisms have a significant impact on our mental health and mood. The scientific research repeatidly confirm a strict relationship between the digestive and nervous systems. A microbiome-based approach is becoming increasingly prevalent in the understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially depression. Antidepressants which are today the first-line therapy in the treatment of this disease are based inter alia on the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory mechanism of action. Conclusion  Immune cells which are settled in the intestines affect not only our physical health but also the mental one. Due to the relationship between depression and the gut microbiota, we have many treatment options that involve direct modification of the composition of the microbiome which include prebiotics, probiotics (psychobiotics) and faecal microbiome transplantation

    Benefits of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) supplementation in obesity

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    Introduction and purpose: Ashwagandha (fam. Solanaceae) also known as Withania somnifera, is an herb commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is sometimes called Indian ginseng or winter cherry and it is used for its extensive health benefits for millennia as a Rasayana. Ashwagadha supplementation is playing an increasing role not only as an adaptogen, but is beneficial in the context of health in individuals struggling with obesity. This is a growing field of research and the aim of this brief review is to provide an update on the positive effects of Ashwagandha supplementation on the health of those dealing with obesity.  Description of the state of knowledge: Ashwagandha has a wide range of positive effects, most common are sedative, anti-stress, immunomodulatory and anti-cancer effects. The literature also draws attention to other results such as binding insulin sensitivity, increasing endurance, effects on adipogenesis and lipogenesis. Ashwagandha lowers blood cortisol levels, inhibits fat accumulation and the expression of genes involved into excessive fat tissue accumulation.  Summary: Regular intake of Ashwagandha is associated with health benefits in people struggling with obesity. As an adaptogen with adipogenic potential, Ashwagandha has great potential to participate in future adjunctive obesity therapy and the prevention of other similar and obesity-related diseases, but further research is needed in this area

    Fractional microneedle radiofrequency - mechanism of action and assessment of safety, effectiveness in the treatment, and possible side effects based on a review of scientific literature

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    Introduction and purpose:  For all skin types, micro-needle radiofrequency (FMR) can be a safe and effective aesthetic medicine procedure for the treatment of various dermatological and aesthetic conditions. The aim of the study is to present the mechanism of action and assess safety, treatment efficacy, and possible side effects on the basis of a review of the scientific literature.  Description of the state of knowledge:  FMR uses micro-needles to penetrate the skin to a depth of up to 4.5 mm and deliver radiofrequency current in a fractional manner, producing the controlled fractions of micro-injuries in the dermis, inducing neocollagenesis, neoelastinogenesis, and angiogenesis. FMR has a wide range of positive effects such as skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, facial and body scar remodeling, and hair growth through transdermal collagen induction.  Summary:  Increasingly, patients are looking for minimally invasive methods of skin tightening and fat remodeling. In response, Aesthetic Medicine has proposed a combination of two techniques, micro-needling and radiofrequency. As more and more studies are showing the effectiveness and efficiency of this procedure, also emphasizing its safety, minimal risk of serious side effects, and ease of use, micro-needle radiofrequency is being proposed as an attractive answer to people's desires for a less invasive method of skin rejuvenation. However, further research in this area is needed to optimize the parameters of the treatment to achieve the best results

    Art therapy as a primary and adjunct therapy in interventions for people living with serious illnesses - a review of the literature

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    Introduction and purpose Art-therapy is a therapeutic method which uses art as a tool to achieve benefits in physical and mental health. This kind of psychotherapy uses artistic media as a basic form of communication. As an additional form of treatment, combined with medication, it helps not only to explore a patient’s difficulties and problems but also to overcome them. Art-therapy is playing an increasing role in the context of health in individuals struggling with different diseases, especially with the mental ones. This is a growing field of research and the aim of this brief review is to provide an update on the positive effects of art-therapy and to list health problems in which it would be significant to use this kind of therapy. Materials and methods A search was conducted using PubMed and GoogleScholar data bases. Articles were searched in English using the following key words: “art therapy”, “psychodrama”, “dance movement therapy”, “music therapy”, “creative art therapy”. Description of the state of knowledge Art-therapy has a wide range of benefits in chronically ill patients. Most common are the awareness of the emotions and behaviors and helping to deal with them, helping to deal with the process of treatment. The literature also draws attention to other results such as increasing self- esteem and improving the quality of life. Summary Art-therapy is associated with health benefits in people struggling with different health problems. Art-therapy has great potential to participate in future basic and adjunctive therapy but further research is needed in this area

    Hidradenitis suppurativa - current and promising non-surgical treatment

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    Introduction and purpose: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) also known as acne inversa is a chronic, inflammatory dermatosis with predilection to apocrine gland-rich regions. It is a multifactorial disease in which genetic and environmental factors play a key role. In this paper, we provide an overview of the current knowledge in most commonly used and emerging  treatment options of HS. A brief description of the state of knowledge: The primary defect in HS pathophysiology involves follicular hyperkeratosis with occlusion of the pilosebaceous apparatus, followed by follicular rupture and immune responses. It typically develops after puberty with deep-seated painful nodules, abscesses, sinus tracts and scars. Due to the permanently painful, odorous lesions, hidradenitis suppurativa is one of the most distressing dermatological diseases with a substantial impact on patients’ quality of life. Inflammation in patients with HS is not limited to the skin but is systemic. Patients with HS frequently have significant comorbidities like metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, spondyloarthropathy, inflammatory bowel disease and depression. Treatment is challenging and consists of pharmacological and surgical techniques, which must often be combined for best results. Materials and methods: A search was conducted using PubMed and GoogleScholar data bases. Articles were searched in English using the following key words: “hidradenitis suppurativa”, “acne invera”, “treatement”, “management”, “biological treatement”. Summary: Therapeutic options have rapidly evolved in the last decade and include the use of topical therapies, systemic antibiotics and a wide range of  immunosuppressive medications such as anti-TNF-α biologics, but the number of therapies approved for HS is limited

    Kombucha - fermented tea rich in nutrients and its impact on health - review

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    Introduction and purpose: Kombucha is a fermented beverage, usually made by fermenting sugared black or green tea with the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Kombucha has gained increasing popularity in recent years, mainly due to the fact that it has been associated with some health effects. The aim of the study is to review the articles available in the PubMed database in order to learn about the health benefits of Kombucha consumption.    State of knowledge: Kombucha is a source of phenolic compounds, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, proteins and other compounds which influence biological activity. Scientific research on Kombucha has shown that it exhibits antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerogenic and antidiabetic properties. It also has a good influence on the digestive system. Kombucha consumption helps to lower cholesterol level, stimulates liver detoxification processes and also supports the proper functioning of the immune system. These properties depend on the various factors such as used products, concentration of bacteria and yeast, duration of fermentation or temperature.    Summary: Kombucha tea is known as a nutraceutical. It could be used as a dietary supplement. Most of the trials have been conducted on rats or mice. Kombucha has only been involved or tested in a few human trials. It is important to spread awareness among the population about this product and its impact on people’s health, conduct more research and standardise the production methods of this beverage