22 research outputs found

    Identification of the Content of Biologically Active Substances in Nut Shots

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    One of ways of the food industry development is a search for non-traditional raw material resources with the high content of physiologically healthy nutrients. A promising way of biologically important raw materials is secondary products of oil production, especially shots. The aim of the research was to determine the content of biologically active substances in nut shots (cedar nut shot (CNS) and walnut shot (WNS)). The quality composition of the phenol nature was established by reactions with 10 % alcohol solutions of FeCl3, NaOH, АlCl3 and cyanidin test. The content of hydroxycinnamic acids (with recalculation for chlorogenic acid) was determined by the spectrophotometric method. The amount of tanning substances – by the method of permanganometry. The analysis of the sum of flavonoids (in recalculation for rutin) was realized by the method of differential spectrophotometry. Carbonic acids were identified by the method of gas-liquid chromatography. There were revealed quality differences in the composition of substances of the phenol nature for CNS and WNS. WNS is characterized by the higher content of hydroxycinnamic acids – in 2,5 times, tanning substances – in 3,1 times and flavonoids – in 60 times, comparing with CNS. The content of unsaturated fats in WNS is 95,79 % of the total number of fats, and in CNS – 80,05 %. The ratio Omega-3/Omega-6 for the fat component of CNS is 1/0,06, and for WNS fats – 1/1,3. WNS comparing with CNS is characterized by the higher content of Malic (in 5,3 times) and fumaric (in 100 times)acid. CNS contains more lemon (in 2,9 times) and succinic (in 2,2 times) acid. That is, identification of the content of some biologically active substances in nut shots allows to recommend them for usage in technologies of food products. It allows to enrich them with phenol compounds, polyunsaturated fats and organic acids


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    Introduction: Application of ipilimumab (IPI) in the treatment of patients with disseminated melanoma, first demonstrated an increase in survival that was an important event in cancer immunotherapy. We present the results of treatment of patients within the framework of enhanced access to the drug (SA184-EAP).Materials and methods: from September 2012 to August 2014 71 patients with metastatic melanoma, with signs of tumor progression, received earlier from 1 to 6 lines of drug therapy were enrolled in protocol of treatment in Petrov Oncology Institute. Median age of patients was 51 years (range from 21 to 76 years). In 39 (60%) of patients IV stage was diagnosed, 25% of patients had metastases to the brain, 28% - had liver metastases, 19% - had bone metastases. All patients received IPI 3 mg/kg once every 3 weeks for total 4 administration.Results: A total there were 229 administrations of IPI in 71 patients (average number of administrations was 3.2). Thirty-nine patients (59%) had 4 administrations and 21 patients (35%) had 1-2 administrations. Most of the patients had at least one adverse event (AE) associated with the treatment. In 15 patients (21%) there were no adverse events. Three patients died due to adverse events possibly related to treatment: 1 – had kidney failure, 1 - had pulmonary embolism, 1 - had cerebral edema and the progression of cancer. Grade 3-4 adverse events were observed in 10 (14.1%) patients: grade 3 rash  - in 3 (4.2%) patients, grade 3 diarrhea - in 2 (2.8%) patients, grade 3 fatigue - in 2 (2 8%) patients, grade 3 dyspnea - in 1 (1.4%) patients, grade 4 of ALT and AST increasing - in 1 (1.4%) patient, grade 3 hypokalemia - in 1 (1.5%) patient. Efficacy of treatment was assessed in 54 patients, complete regression was detected in 3 (6%) patients, partial - in 6 (11%) patients. An objective response to treatment was observed in 28% of patients, the stabilization of process in 6 (11%) patients. Median follow-up was 144 days. The median time to progression was 81 days (95%; CI 73-105). The median overall survival was 411 days (95%; CI - 303-519).Conclusion: Treatment with IPI satisfactorily tolerated by most patients and has significant clinical efficacy as the second and subsequent lines of drug therapy in patients with disseminated melanoma.Введение: Применение ипилимумаба (ИПИ) для лечения больных диссеминированной  меланомой  кожи, впервые продемонстрировавшее увеличение выживаемости, явилось важным событием в иммунотерапии  злокачественных опухолей. Мы представляем  результаты лечения больных в рамках программы  расширенного  доступа к препарату (СА184-ЕАР).Материалы и методы: В ФГБУ «НИИ онкологии  им.  Н. Н. Петрова» Минздрава России в программу с сентября2012 г. по август2014 г. включен 71 больной диссеминированной меланомой, с признаками прогрессирования опухолевого процесса, получивших ранее  от 1 до 6 линий лекарственной терапии. Средний возраст составил 51 год (21–76 лет). У 39 (60%) больных установлена IV стадия M1c, 25% пациентов имели метастатическое поражение головного мозга, 28% – метастазы в печени, 19% – метастазы в костях. Все больные получали ИПИ в дозе 3 мг/кг 1 раз в 3 недели, всего 4 введения.Результаты: У  71 больного проведено 229 введений  ИПИ (в среднем-3,2).  Тридцать девять больных (59%) получили 4 введений, 21 (35%) – 1–2 введения.  Большинство пациентов имело хотя бы одно нежелательное явление (НЯ), связанное  с лечением. У  15 больных (21%) нежелательных явлений не наблюдалось. Трое больных умерло от нежелательных явлений, возможно связанных с проводимой терапией: 1 – от почечной недостаточности, 1 – от тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, 1 – от отека головного мозга на фоне прогрессирования  опухолевого процесса. НЯ 3–4 ст. наблюдались  у 10 (14,1%) больных: сыпь 3 ст.– у 3 (4,2%), диарея 3 ст. у 2 (2,8%), слабость 3 ст. у 2 (2,8%), одышка 3 ст. у 1 (1,4%), повышение уровня АЛТ и АСТ 4 ст. у 1 (1,4%), гипокалиемия 3 ст. у 1 (1,5%) больных. Эффективность лечения оценена у 54 больных, полный регресс  выявлен у 3 (6%) больных, частичный – у 6 (11%) больных. Объективный ответ на терапию наблюдался  у 28% пацинентов, стабилизация  процесса  у 6 (11%). Средняя длительность наблюдения составила 144 дня. Медиана времени до прогрессирования – 81 (95% ДИ 73–105)  дней. Медиана общей выживаемости составила 411 дней (95% ДИ – 303–519).Заключение: Терапия  ИПИ удовлетворительно переносится большинством больных и обладает значимой клинической эффективностью в качестве второй и последующих линий лекарственной  терапии у пациентов диссеминированной  меланомой  кожи

    Актуальная тактика ведения детей с бронхиальной астмой

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    The article is devoted to the problem of timely diagnosis and current principles of management of children with bronchial asthma. Given the  increase in the prevalence of allergic pathology stated over the past  decades, the issues of differential diagnosis, integrated approach to the  treatment and management of children with allergies are extremely  relevant. Strategies of sequential therapy and monitoring of the  patient’s condition, adherence principles are key links in achieving and  maintaining control over bronchial asthma. The publication presents the  main provisions of national clinical guidelines developed and approved  by the professional association «Union of Pediatricians of Russia».Статья посвящена проблеме своевременной диагностики и современным принципам ведения детей с бронхиальной астмой. Учитывая рост распространенности аллергической патологии,  зафиксированный на протяжении последних десятилетий, вопросы дифференциальной  диагностики, комплексного подхода к лечению и ведению детей с аллергией крайне актуальны. Стратегии ступенчатой терапии и мониторинга состояния пациента, принципы приверженности  — ключевые звенья в достижении и поддержании контроля над бронхиальной астмой. В  публикации представлены основные положения национальных клинических рекомендаций,  разработанных и утвержденных профессиональной ассоциацией «Союз педиатров России»

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Estimation of Technological Properties of Nut Meals and Their Effect on the Quality of Emulsion for Butter Biscuits with Liquid Oils

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    We have examined the technological properties of cedar nut meal (CNM) and walnut nut meal (WNM). It was established that nut meals are the highly dispersed powders whose degree of dispersion exceeds that of wheat flour. The size of 69 % of CNM is up to 40 µm, 72 % of WNM, and only 35 % of flour.Compared with wheat flour, nut meals exposed to temperatures of 20...60 °C are characterized by better water-retaining capacity. When exposed to temperatures of90 °C, meals and flour have close values for water-retaining capacity. It was noted that nut meals are better at emulsifying liquid fats than solid that are traditionally used in the technology of butter biscuits (margarine and butter). It is shown that meals are characterized by high fat-retention capacity (FRC) relative to liquid vegetable oil. It is noted that the value of FRC for nut meals in the temperature range 20...60 °C increases by 1.9 times; in the range 60...80 °C, FRC of the examined samples almost does not change; and when exposed to temperatures of 100...140 °C, it starts to decrease.We have studied the quality of emulsions for butter biscuits for the case when 30 % of margarine are replaced with liquid vegetable oil while adding various amounts of nut meals. It was established that stability of the emulsion in which 30 % of margarine were replaced with liquid vegetable oil is 37.5 % less compared to control based on margarine. The introduction of CNM and WNM improves the stability of such an emulsion. It was noted that the samples of emulsion with the addition of 40 % and 50 % of CNM and WNM in terms of the value for an indicator of stability are maximally close to the control whose fat base was margarine. This is confirmed by the results from studying the dispersion, the effective viscosity of emulsions, and by results from microscopy.The obtained results are of practical significance in order to improve the technology of butter biscuits towards a partial substitution of margarine with liquid oils. That would improve the nutritional and biological value of butter biscuits

    Determining the Content of Macronutrients in Berry Sauces Using A Method of IR-spectroscopy

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    This paper has substantiated the possibility of using an IR spectroscopy method to study patterns in the chemical composition of wild and cultivated raw materials with the addition of algae as iodine-containing supplements.It has been found that the IR spectra of sauces based on the mashed blueberry and sea buckthorn or cranberry with or without algae demonstrate a set of absorption bands attributed to the respective types of oscillations. The valence fluctuations in the hydroxyl groups in the molecules of organic acids, carbohydrates, flavonoids are observed at 3,365 cm -1 to 3,400 cm -1 ν(ОН). The bands of valence and deformation fluctuations of the ‒CH double bond of polyunsaturated fatty acids manifest themselves in the range of 3,005 cm-1 and722 cm-1. The bands of 2,925 cm-1, 2,855 cm-1 belong to the asymmetric and symmetric valence oscillations of the n(С–Н) carbon skeleton in -CH2-. The presence of the carboxylic, amino-, and fatty acids is indicated by the following absorption bands: 1,746 cm-1 ‒ ν (C=O) valence fluctuations in the protonated carboxyl group ‒COOH; 1,545 cm–1 ‒ νas(C=O; 1,415 cm–1 ‒ νs(C=O) ‒ the asymmetric and symmetric valence fluctuations of the СОО-groups; and 1,240 cm–1 ‒ the valence fluctuations of ν(C‒O). The presence of flavonoids is confirmed by the presence of bands at 1,380 cm-1 and 1,050 cm-1 ‒ the deformation δ(O‒H) and symmetrical fluctuations of O‒H groups. The fluctuations of pyranose cycles of pectins are manifested in the range of 1,163 cm– 1.It is noted that the composition of berry raw materials and sauces include polyunsaturated fatty acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, organic acids, and pectin substances.An analysis of the IR spectra of berry sauce samples with the addition of algae has shown that the use of these additives in sauce technologies ensures a significant increase in the content of the physiological and functional ingredients and improves the hydrophobic properties of the raw material

    Actual Surveillance of Children with Bronchial Asthma

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    The article is devoted to the problem of timely diagnosis and current principles of management of children with bronchial asthma. Given the  increase in the prevalence of allergic pathology stated over the past  decades, the issues of differential diagnosis, integrated approach to the  treatment and management of children with allergies are extremely  relevant. Strategies of sequential therapy and monitoring of the  patient’s condition, adherence principles are key links in achieving and  maintaining control over bronchial asthma. The publication presents the  main provisions of national clinical guidelines developed and approved  by the professional association «Union of Pediatricians of Russia»

    Allergic Rhinitis in Children: Principles of Early Diagnosis and Effective Therapy. Overview of Clinical Recommendations

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    The article briefly summarizes the key provisions of the clinical recommendations on medical care delivery for children with allergic rhinitis: modern approaches to diagnosis and therapy. The current document was developed by the professional association of pediatric specialists —the Union of Pediatricians of Russia — together with the leading experts of the Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists. The recommendations are regularly updated due to the latest evidence-based results of effectiveness and safety of various medical interventions. The article presents information on the epidemiology of allergic rhinitis in children, specific diagnostic features which provide the opportunity for the timely and correct diagnosis and an effective therapy with personal approach