47 research outputs found

    Veiksniai, turintys įtakos studenčių (-tų) nusiteikimui tęsti studijas magistrantūroje

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    The main aim of this paper is twofold: to examine students’ intentions to proceed their studies of physics, informatics or mechanics on graduate level and to explore what factors predetermine the intentions, and to discuss their significance in methodological terms. Descriptive statistical analysis demonstrates, that, in general, there are almost equal proportions of students, who intend to strive for master degree and who reject that possibility. However, a more detailed review of the data reveals, that the intentions to proceed studies of informatics, physics, or mechanics are more frequent among male than female students, the intentions vary by field of science, and the intentions differently change in women’s and men’s populations. Series of linear regressions let reveal different structures of factors which predetermine female and male students’ intentions to proceed with their studies in analysed fields of science. Despite the structures rather poor in terms of included factors, they clearly denote that the factors differ depending on students’ gender. Finally, the analysis of reliability of the data collection instrument presents rather warning results: most of scales used were not statistically reliable. However, as it was demonstrated, the reliability depends on respondents’ gender. Concluding, results of the analysis confirm and expand findings of earlier studines in the field. That is, in general, the findings reveal the existence of specific (gender directed, science motivation developing) processes at Lithuanian higher school. Despite there are some methodology related limitations (sample, data collection procedure, and data collection instrument itself), in general, the study presents valuable information about poorly investigated phenomena in Lithuania and suggests some insights for social engineering in the field.Socialinių mokslų (sociologijos) daktarėSocialinių tyrimų institutasSaltoniškių g. 58, LT-08105 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]. (8 685) 670 30Straipsnyje išanalizuotos studenčių (-tų) nuostatos tęsti fizikos, informatikos, mechanikos studijas magistrantūroje įrodo, kad studijų aukštojoje mokykloje procese merginų ir vaikinų nuostatos kinta skirtingai ir kad joms turi įtakos nevienodi veiksniai. Studenčių (-tų) sprendimams darančių įtakos veiksnių matavimo metodologija straipsnyje įvertinta vadovaujantis standartinėmis taisyklėmis, loginėmis išvadomis ir statistiniais kriterijais

    The Interrelation Between Responsible Research and Innovation Dimensions and Macro Indicators

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    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concept has become an important topic in the academic community and in policy circles (van de Poel et al., 2017) and encompasses six main policy agendas (or dimensions): ethics; gender equality; governance; open access; public engagement; science education (RRI Tools, 2023). RRI concept, including gender (equality) as one of the dimensions, still lacks empirical explorations-based understanding. This paper aims to explore the peculiarities of interrelations between gender (equality) as one dimension of the Responsible Research and Innovation and societal progression in gender equality and innovativeness on macro level. Starting with generating original data-base of [n – 214] indicators quantitative secondary data analysis of descriptive characteristics of the selected variables and (Spearman) correlation (RS) analysis between the variables was accomplished. Descriptive and correlation analysis of interrelations between women’s involvement in four R&I (i.e. Business, Higher education, Governmental and Private Non-profit) sectors and Gender Equality Index and Global Innovation Index in 2013–2020 shows rather small changes of the indicators and fragmental interrelations between them during the period

    Socialinio verslo poveikių vertinimo patirtys Lietuvoje socialinių verslinink(i)ų požiūriu

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    This paper raises research questions on how social business representatives assess the impact of their social businesses and what methods they use to evaluate or measure it. The findings of data analysis of the interviews with 20 social entrepreneurs in Lithuania indicate that social entrepreneurs just begin to measure impact and do not always distinguish it from outcomes and outputs. This can also be influenced by impact measurement methods/tools, which are publicly available for social entrepreneurs or provided by funding organizations. Social entrepreneurs acknowledge that they must create and evaluate this impact, but research findings indicate that they distinguish more reasons not to do that. Impact evaluation is more explicitly revealed when discussing internal (consumers, employees) rather than external stakeholders. Some social entrepreneurs understand the need to evaluate their activities in monetary terms, but they do not do it, which is explained by the early development stage of social businesses in Lithuania. Moreover, social entrepreneurs do not have experience in measuring impact from a multidimensional perspective, i.e., including the social, environmental, cultural, and economic dimensions, and it seems that the necessity of doing this has not come to their awareness yet. The article is concluded with recommendations for strengthening social entrepreneurs’ capabilities in impact evaluation.Straipsniu siekiama atsakyti į tyrimo klausimus, kaip socialinio verslo atstovės (-ai) Lietuvoje vertina savo socialinio verslo poveikius ir kokias metodikas taiko juos vertindami ir / ar matuodami. Interviu su 20 socialinių verslininkių (-ų) duomenų analizės rezultatai rodo, kad socialinės (-iai) verslininkės (-ai) dar tik pradeda matuoti savo verslo poveikius (impact) ir juos tapatina su produktais (outputs) ar rezultatais (outcomes) – tą gali suponuoti ir kai kurios viešai prieinamos ar finansuotojų naudojamos poveikių vertinimo metodikos. Nors socialinės (-iai) verslininkės (-ai) pripažįsta, jog iš jų tikimasi poveikių vertinimo, kiekybiniu požiūriu išskiria daugiau priežasčių to nedaryti nei daryti. Poveikių vertinimo vektoriai kur kas išsamiau atsiskleidžia vidinių suinteresuotųjų (paslaugų klientų, darbuotojų) atžvilgiu; išorinių suinteresuotųjų (bendruomenės, visuomenės) atžvilgiu jų sampratos gana fragmentiškos. Pažymėtina, kad nors kai kurios (-ie) socialinės (-iai) verslininkės (-ai) supranta poreikį vertinti savo veiklą monetarine išraiška, tačiau to nedaro. Socialinio verslo atstovės (-ai) taip pat dar nevertina savo veiklos poveikių iš kompleksinės, apimančios socialinę, aplinkosaugos, kultūros ir ekonominę dimensijas, poveikių vertinimo perspektyvos. Straipsnis baigiamas rekomendacijomis, kaip stiprinti socialinių verslinink(i)ų gebėjimus vertinti teigiamus socialinio verslo poveikius

    Moterų ir vyrų mokslinių karjerų tendencijos Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje*

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    The paper is devoted for comparative analysis of women’s and men’s participation in two rather different scientific communities such as Lithuania and Finland. The aim of the paper is two-fold. First, to evaluate Lithuanian situation in the context of other country. Comparison of Lithuanian and Finland is meaningful here because despite the countries have rather different political and economical achievements, socio-cultural traditions, and socio-historical heritage, they both are members of European Union; also both countries belong to the one geographical region. Secondly, to compare Lithuanian and Finnish situation in the context of gender equality achievements in the country. The comparison is trying to answer a question about effect of focused gender equality policy onto women’s involvement into scientific community in general and, more specifically, about women-scientists’ possibilities to achieve the highest levels of academic hierarchies.Three main sources of statistical data were used: on the national level – information from statistical data base on Lithuanian scientists as well as statistical information published by national dept. of statistics, and (b) KOTA – statistical data base on Universities in Finland; on international level, – statistical information which was published by European Commission in 2003 and 2006.Analysis of the materials demonstrates, in general, both Lithuanian and Finnish scientific communities experienced rapid feminization around 2000. However, despite the feminization was faster in Lithuania and women composed slightly larger portion among scientists in all fields of science in the country, Finland was doing better in terms of women-scientists’ achievements reaching the highest levels of national academic hierarchy. Credible explanations of the similar tendencies of feminization and different achievements of women scientists in two countries are different. That is, the main reason behind feminization in Lithuanian (as well as in other post-soviet countries) scientific community is diminished status of science in the society (unattractiveness of scientific careers, men’s retreat from the field). Supposedly, feminization of Finnish scientific community was a direct outcome of active gender equality focused policy in the field and in the country in general.Socialinių mokslų (sociologijos) daktarė Socialinių tyrimų institutas Saltoniškių g. 58, LT-08105 Vilnius Tel. (8 685) 670 30 El. paštas: [email protected] Docentė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarėVilniaus universiteto Edukologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 VilniusTel. (8 5) 266 76 25El. paštas: g. [email protected] analizuojamos moterų ir vyrų mokslinės karjeros pokyčių tendencijos Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje. Statistinė analizė atliekama trimis lygmenimis: doktorantūros, mokslinės veiklos ir akademinės hierarchijos. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad abiejose šalyse vyksta mokslo bendruomenės feminizacija. XXI a. pradžioje Lietuvoje moterys aktyviau įsitraukė į mokslo bendruomenę nei Suomijoje. Tačiau aukščiausiais akademinės hierarchijos lygmenimis moterims geriau atstovaujama Suomijoje. Tikėtina, kad šiuos pokyčius ir skirtumus tarp šalių lemia skirtingos priežastys: aktyvi lyčių lygybės moksle diegimo politika Suomijoje ir mokslo karjeros patrauklumo sumažėjimas (ir vyrų pasitraukimas iš mokslo sektoriaus) Lietuvoje

    Mokslinių tyrimų etikos būklė Lietuvoje: ką mano Lietuvos mokslo bendruomenė? Pirminiai nacionalinės apklausos rezultatai.\

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    Research ethics is a term which is usually used in discussions on biomedical research and, with less frequency, in social research as much as it relates to research on human beings. However, in the broadest sense, research ethics may be defined as covering all stages of scientific research (starting with conception and finishing with publication); thus, being aware of the importance of ethical considerations in research on human beings, we think that the term is applicable to all fields of science. (e.g., ethical dilemmas can arise during the process of selection of the research topic in natural or exact sciences as well as in social or medical sciences (e.g., simplifying the matter, to explore colleague’s idea or not).) Research ethics became an object of empirical explorations in the 1960s in Western countries. Currently a large number of empirical studies can be found on research ethics questions in different fields of science, on work of research ethics review committees, on teaching research ethics, on consulting on research ethics, on research ethics in global contexts, etc. However, most (if not all) of these studies are conducted in Western European countries and in the United States; empirical research on ethics in such post-soviet/socialist countries as Lithuania are exclusively occasional. Also, Lithuanian research organizations do not participate in numerous research projects (e.g. FP7) on various research ethics related issues which currently are funded by the European Commission. Thus, this paper is one of the first endeavours to shed light on research ethics in Lithuania by providing a portion of empirical data. The paper is based on analysis of empirical data, which was collected during the national web-based questionnaire survey among Lithuanian researchers and scientists in spring 2011 (N=1107 of started questionnaires, n=330 of fully filled questionnaires). As this is the first publication of the survey data, it is aimed at exploration of one general question: what is the attitude of Lithuanian researchers and scientists towards research ethics status in the country. Results of the analysis of quantitative evaluations and additional commentaries suggest that the status of research ethics is far from perfect: despite the average evaluation being 6 points out of 10 max possible, survey participants provided a number of references to examples of researchers’ unethical behaviour (e.g. plagiarism and imposed authorship, data fabrication and falsification, unfair expert reviewing, etc.) as well as to factors enforcing (e.g. lack of knowledge, existent research funding schemes and evaluation system) and supporting (e.g. the lack of organizational susceptibility and of community sensitivity) such behaviour. It is found, that evaluation of the status is higher among research participants from medical sciences (supposedly because of legal developments concerning research ethics in the field) and among PhD students (who obviously have less experience of scientific work). These findings suggest that the general attitude towards research status in the country actually is based on experiences in the closest—research organization—environments. Considering that there is obvious awareness of research ethics related problems and their sources among Lithuanian researchers and scientists (at least those who participated in the survey), but lack of susceptibility and sensitivity to the issues as well as, practically, absence of resistance to unethical practices and standards, the paper ends with a question for further research, i.e. how to turn moral convictions and attitudes to moral actions.Straipsnyje analizuojami 2011 m. pavasarį sukaupti Lietuvos mokslo bendruomenės apklausos duomenys siekiant atskleisti bendruomenės požiūrį į mokslinių tyrimų etikos būklę Lietuvoje. Kiekybinių (teiginių vertinimo 10 balų sistemoje) ir kokybinių (vertinimo komentarų) duomenų analizė rodo, kad, apklausos dalyvių nuomone, mokslinių tyrimų etikos būklė Lietuvoje nėra ypatingai gera (vidutinis vertinimas 6 balai, dažniausiai komentaruose išsakomi neigiami pastebėjimai). Konceptualizavus terminą „požiūris“ kaip apimantį kognityvinį, afektinį ir elgsenos aspektus, atliktos analizės rezultatai rodo, kad nors mokslinių tyrimų etikos problemos Lietuvoje yra matomos ir pripažįstamos, emocinis jautrumas joms tėra labai santykinis, tuo tarpu veiksmų joms spręsti beveik nesiimama nei mikro- (individo), nei mezo- (organizacijos, bendruomenės), nei makro- (mokslo politikos) lygmenimis

    Lyties dimensija socialiniame versle: Lietuvos socialinių verslininkių patirtys

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    This paper explores how women – social entrepreneurs – perceive the mission of their social businesses and the effects of gender in the context of such businesses. An analysis of interviews (n=18) with representatives of social businesses in Lithuania reveals that the mission of a social business is either strongly pragmatic (in the organizations that have the legal status of a social enterprise), dissociated from social impact or a rather vague one but that emphasizes goodwill. Meanwhile, the gender dimension in social businesses is approached in rather stereotypical ways: the effect of gender is either ignored or interpreted by stereotypically separating the traditionally female (e.g., caring for and bringing up children) and male (e.g., engineering) fields of activities.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip moterys – socialinės verslininkės – suvokia socialinį verslą ir lyties dedamąją tokiame versle. Interviu (n=18) su socialinių verslų Lietuvoje atstovėmis analizė parodė, kad socialinio verslo misija yra arba labai pragmatiška (organizacijų, turinčių socialinės įmonės juridinį statusą), atsiejama nuo socialinio poveikio, kurį tokie verslai paprastai kuria, arba gana neapibrėžta, tačiau akcentuojanti gėrio kūrimą. Tačiau į lyties dedamąją socialiniuose versluose žvelgiama stereotipiškai, t. y. lyties poveikis arba ignoruojamas, arba interpretuojamas stereotipiškai skirstant į tradiciškai laikomas vyriškomis ir moteriškomis veiklos sritis

    Lietuvos socialinių verslų novatoriškumas ir darniosios inovacijos: socialinių verslininkių patirtys

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    This paper focuses on the perceptions of women social entrepreneurs of in the field of innovativeness forms and sustainable innovations. It presents empirical findings derived from interviews (n=18) with women representatives of social businesses in Lithuania. An analysis of the interview materials reveals that women social entrepreneurs define innovativeness on both individual and organizational levels, but the definition of sustainable innovation was related to moreglobal contexts and technological advancement. The findings correspond to the results of previous works in the field. Thus, on the one hand, the findings denote the universality of the topic; on the other hand, this shows the validity of the Lithuanian study.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos socialinių verslininkių sampratos apie jų verslo novatoriškumo formas ir darniąsias inovacijas. Empirinis šio straipsnio pagrindas – interviu (n=18) su socialinių verslų Lietuvoje atstovėmis. Interviu medžiagos analizė parodė, kad moterys – socialinės verslininkės novatoriškumą bei darniąsias inovacijas tokio verslo kontekste apibrėžia tiek individo, tiek organizacijos lygmenimis, tačiau darniąsias inovacijas sieja su globaliais kontekstais ir technologijomis. Tokios sampratos atitinka kitose šalyse atliktų tyrimų rezultatus ir rodo analizuojamos tematikos universalumą, kita vertus – pagrindžia Lietuvoje atlikto tyrimo rezultatus. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: socialinis verslas, novatoriškumas, darniosios inovacijos, Lietuv

    Tendencies and dynamics of scientific carreer of women in Lithuanian academic society

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    From the point of view of feminist sociological perspectives, the position of woman in a society can be defined both by subjective (internal, idividual) and objective (external, macro-social) factors. Different studies show that such factors as economical growth and social-cultural changes (which are indicative of development of society) can significantly influence both women's participation in particular social institutions and in society in general. Since women have appeared in the scientific community only in the 20th century, social studies tackling this phenomenon are very scarce. In order to fill this gap at least partly, we have made a statistical analysis of a sample on women (n = = 188) possesing a secondary doctoral degree in Lithuanian academic community. The analysis revealed that women born during different periods of time had significant differences in their scientific carrier, and that different evolutionary factors and patterns came into play during different stages of their scientific carrier. This allows to conclude that scientific carrier of a woman can be influenced by external social factors acting in the society at large, as well as by internal social derivatives which are characteric-tic only of the scientific community