Tendencies and dynamics of scientific carreer of women in Lithuanian academic society


From the point of view of feminist sociological perspectives, the position of woman in a society can be defined both by subjective (internal, idividual) and objective (external, macro-social) factors. Different studies show that such factors as economical growth and social-cultural changes (which are indicative of development of society) can significantly influence both women's participation in particular social institutions and in society in general. Since women have appeared in the scientific community only in the 20th century, social studies tackling this phenomenon are very scarce. In order to fill this gap at least partly, we have made a statistical analysis of a sample on women (n = = 188) possesing a secondary doctoral degree in Lithuanian academic community. The analysis revealed that women born during different periods of time had significant differences in their scientific carrier, and that different evolutionary factors and patterns came into play during different stages of their scientific carrier. This allows to conclude that scientific carrier of a woman can be influenced by external social factors acting in the society at large, as well as by internal social derivatives which are characteric-tic only of the scientific community

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