429 research outputs found

    The Effects of Exercise Over Time on Levels of Anxiety and Self-Efficacy Among Women Undergraduates

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    Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety. However, many people find exercise programs difficult to maintain. Researchers are now identifying factors associated with exercise adherence including selfefficacy. Teaching these skills to people may be important for the use of exercise as an intervention in reducing levels of anxiety. This study monitored levels of anxiety over time among women undergraduate students who were involved in four exercise conditions. The results suggest that while physical activity is associated with significantly higher levels of physical self-efficacy, it is not as closely associated with lower levels of trait anxiety

    Kebebasan Narasi Rivalitas Kandidat Presiden Amerika 2016 dalam Imaji Kartun Politik

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    Artikel ini membahas rivalitas Donald Trump dan Hillary Clinton sebagai kandidat Presiden Amerika yang dinarasikan dan dimitoskan melalui imaji kartun politik. Permasalahan yang diteliti adalah bagaimana kandidat Presiden Amerika dinarasikan melalui kartun politik? dan bagaimana narasi itu membentuk mitos rivalitas para kandidat presiden dikartun politik?. Tujuannya untuk memahami dan menguraikan narasi visual dan mitos rivalitas Trump dan Hillary dalam kartun politik. Melalui analisis multimodalitas ditemukan bahwa narasi visual kartun politik dibangun dari elemen narasi cerita dan elemen visual. Kedua kandidat dinarasikan secara positif maupun negatif. Dari narasi itu kemudian mitos rivalitas Trump dan Hillary dibentuk. Donald Trump dimitoskan dengan politik uang, pesimistis, incaran media mainstream, seperti badut, dan seorang nasionalis. Rivalnya Hillary Clinton dimitoskan lemah penuh skandal, koruptor, parasit, dan figur optimistis. Mitos-mitos itu secara naratif menggambarkan rivalitas Trump dan Hillary dalam pertarungan politik untuk pemilihan Presiden Amerika tahun 2016. Kebebasan narasi terlihat ketika kartunis menampilkan gambar kedua kandidat secara sarkastik, yakni dalam keadaan telanjang. Tetapi hak privasi individu membuat kartunis memilih sudut pandang yang tidak menampilkan seluruh bagian tubuh mereka secara vulgar

    Ocular emergencies in children: Demographics, origin, symptoms, and most frequent diagnoses

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    To describe the epidemiology of ocular emergencies in children in a hospital-based emergency room (ER). Methods. ,e medical reports of all children, 14 years of age and younger, who attended La Paz University Hospital (Madrid, Spain) ER from September 2015 to August 2016 were prospectively collected. Demographic data, origin, symptom for consultation, diagnostic tests, final diagnosis, and final referral of patients were recorded. Results. A total of 774 children were attended: 57% boys and 43% girls. Mean age was 5 years (SD 4.10 years, range 0–14 years) without significant differences between sexes. Most children went to the ER because parents or teachers took the decision (75%), 24% were referred from the paediatric ER for evaluation, and 0.78% were referred from another hospital or by an out-clinic ophthalmologist. ,e reasons for consultation were red eyes (61%), traumatism (17%), referred from the paediatrician to have the fundus explored in children with headache (7%), eyelids problems (7%), and visual loss (7%). ,e most frequent diagnoses were infectious conjunctivitis (29%), corneal erosion (17%), normal examination (15%), and allergic conjunctivitis (13%). ,e most severe cases (visual loss, acute strabismus, and leucocoria) were referred by the paediatricians and represented 4.65% of the total patients. Visits occurred more frequently during the third trimester of the year (July–September), with a higher incidence of eye trauma in summer. Conclusions. Infectious conjunctivitis was the most frequent pathology. It is necessary to increase public awareness about the symptoms, the way of transmission, and treatment. Ocular trauma was also a common cause of presentation and the majority were contusional and mild. ,ere is also a need for education of parents, teachers, and coaches regarding the potential for eye injuries. Ophthalmologists and paediatricians must take an active role in educating people about the prophylactic measures to prevent eye injuries in childre

    The role of surface to bulk ratio on the development of magnetic anisotropy in high Ga content Fe100-xGax thin films

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    In this work we show the development of bulk in-plane magnetic anisotropy in high Ga-content (Ga = 28 at. %) Fe_(100-x)Ga_x thin films as the layer thickness increases. This result is in clear contrast with the generally reported decrease of this anisotropy with the film thickness. We propose the interrelation between the enhancement of the Ga-pair correlations and a collinear distortion of the bcc structure within the sample plane as the origin of the magnetic anisotropy. Our results have been obtained by employing a combination of long and local range structural probe techniques with bulk and surface magnetic characterization techniques. The key point shown in this work is that the in-plane structural anisotropy and hence, the magnetic anisotropy, are developed as the layer thickness increases. This fact strongly suggests that the surface to bulk free energy ratio plays a key role in the formation of ordered phases with a distorted bcc cell in Fe_(100-x)Ga_x films with x around 28 at. %. Our work also shows the arising of new phenomena in these high Ga content alloys due to the close correlation between structural and magnetic properties


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    Abstract : The purpose of this research is to make less mistake of student during solve is a problem in a story term. We will use Cooperative Learning methods by using Think Pair Share. This research type of Classroom Actions Research (CAR) of two cycles, there are two meetings in each cycles. In the both cycle, we used arithmatics social. The data collecting methods are documentation, observation, test and interview. The data we analys mistake of student work sheet of exam, teacher’s activities, students’ activities and students’ test result. The Final result of students’ activities in this research from the first cycle to the second cycle has increased and also final result of students’ test result is increase then mistake of have been allay.   Key Words : Cooperative learning methods by using think pair share, students’ test result, students’ activities, term of mistake student

    Conformational dissection of a viral intrinsically disordered domain involved in cellular transformation

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    Intrinsic disorder is abundant in viral genomes and provides conformational plasticity to its protein products. In order to gain insight into its structure-function relationships, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of structural propensities within the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain from the human papillomavirus type-16 E7 oncoprotein (E7N). Two E7N segments located within the conserved CR1 and CR2 regions present transient α-helix structure. The helix in the CR1 region spans residues L8 to L13 and overlaps with the E2F mimic linear motif. The second helix, located within the highly acidic CR2 region, presents a pH-dependent structural transition. At neutral pH the helix spans residues P17 to N29, which include the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor LxCxE binding motif (residues 21-29), while the acidic CKII-PEST region spanning residues E33 to I38 populates polyproline type II (PII) structure. At pH 5.0, the CR2 helix propagates up to residue I38 at the expense of loss of PII due to charge neutralization of acidic residues. Using truncated forms of HPV-16 E7, we confirmed that pH-induced changes in α-helix content are governed by the intrinsically disordered E7N domain. Interestingly, while at both pH the region encompassing the LxCxE motif adopts α-helical structure, the isolated 21-29 fragment including this stretch is unable to populate an α-helix even at high TFE concentrations. Thus, the E7N domain can populate dynamic but discrete structural ensembles by sampling α-helix-coil-PII-ß-sheet structures. This high plasticity may modulate the exposure of linear binding motifs responsible for its multi-target binding properties, leading to interference with key cell signaling pathways and eventually to cellular transformation by the virus.Instituto de FĂ­sica de LĂ­quidos y Sistemas BiolĂłgico

    HGF -rs12536657 and Ocular Biometric Parameters in Hyperopic Children, Emmetropic Adolescents, and Young Adults: A Multicenter Quantitative Trait Study

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    Introduction. Even though ocular refractive state is highly heritable and under strong genetic control, the identification of susceptibility genes remains a challenge. Several HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) gene variants have been associated with ocular refractive errors and corneal pathology. Purpose. Here, we assess the association of an HGF gene variant, previously reported as associated with hyperopia, and ocular biometric parameters in a multicenter Spanish cohort. Methods. An observational prospective multicenter cross-sectional study was designed, including a total of 403 unrelated subjects comprising 188 hyperopic children (5 to 17 years) and 2 control groups: 52 emmetropic adolescents (13 to 17 years) and 163 emmetropic young adults (18 to 28 years). Each individual underwent a comprehensive eye examination including cycloplegic refraction, and topographic and ocular biometric analysis. Genomic DNA was extracted from oral swabs. HGF single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12536657 was genotyped. Genotypic, allelic, and logistic regression analyses were performed comparing the different groups. A quantitative trait association test analyzing several biometric parameters was also performed using generalized estimating equations (GEEs) adjusting for age and gender. Results. No association between rs12536657 and hyperopia was found through gender-adjusted logistic regression comparing the hyperopic children with either of the two control groups. Significant associations between mean topographic corneal curvature and rs12536657 for G/A (slope = +0.32; CI 95%: 0.04-0.60; p=0.023) and A/A (slope = +0.76; CI 95%: 0.12-1.40; p=0.020) genotypes were observed with the age- and gender-adjusted univariate GEE model. Both flat and steep corneal topographic meridians were also significantly associated with rs12536657 for the G/A and A/A genotypes. No association was found between rs12536657 and any other topographic or biometric measurements. Conclusions. Our results support a possible role for HGF gene variant rs12536657 in corneal curvature in our population. To our knowledge, this is the first multicenter quantitative trait association study of HGF genotypes and ocular biometric parameters comprising a pediatric cohort

    An Agent Based Approach of Collective Foraging

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    In this paper the behaviour of a bee colony is modeled as a society of communicating agents acting in parallel and synchroniz-ing their behaviour. Two computational models for defining the agents behaviour are introduced and compared and tools developed for these models are briefly illustrated.Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIC2002-04220-C03-0
