13 research outputs found

    Porcelánová tvorba a její odraz v zahradním umění

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    The work deals with the history of the distinguished Haas family and points at a connection between porcelain and garden art elements. This work based on artistic summary knowledge of garden artifacts and porcelain art production, it characterises development and changes in gardens parallel to those in porcelain motifs and decor. The study interprets motifs of garden art through the originality analysis of porcelain in its form, function, shape and colour. It provides new knowledge and historical basis for their mutual continuity in the context of stable development that have not been published before. The study brings evidence of presumed influence of garden art on decoration and innovation in the porcelain production and vice versa. Summary of porcelain elements in gardens. Garden art reflection and plant motifs in porcelain art. Retrospect and perspective of a garden with porcelain

    Who am I? Specific features of Czech adolescents' identity

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    This diploma thesis deals with the question of identity in adolescence and is aimed to the specificity of adolescents' identity in the Czech Republic. Considering the fact that there is not given enough attention to the topic of identity, which results in many problems and ambiguity connected with this notion, the significant part of this work is dedicated to its theoretical clarification. The theoretical part concerns the problem of defining identity and provides us with the most frequently quoted theories of identity. It is followed by discussing developmental aspects of identity, particularly in adolescence, and the characteristics of contemporary Czech adolescents. The empirical part as a follow-up to the above mentioned part introduces the research of Czech adolescent's identity; it particularly investigates second and fourth grades students of a grammar school in Prague. The aim of this research is to describe the content of the respondents' self-defining and find out whether there are any differences in the self-defining (identity) between boys and girls and among the age-groups. The theoretical basis is the conception of identity by V. Bačová, who perceives identity as a complex of active self-defining processes on the intrapersonal, interpersonal and social levels. This research used and modified..

    Regulation of extracellular adenosine level by ADGF-A in \kur{ Drosophila melanogaster}

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    Regulation of adenosine deaminase-related growth factor A (ADGF-A) expression was studied by preparing a vital GFP reporter system. Ends-in homologous recombination method was adapted to establish a functional reporter system used for localization of ADGF-A protein signal, as well as for clarification a conditions and regulation level of enzyme expression. This thesis uncovers a piece of puzzle on our understanding of adenosine signaling and its regulation during immune response in Drosophila melanogaster

    Use of Dorothea E. Orem model in anasthesia care

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    Téměř nikde jinde než na operačním sále není možno spatřit v tak rychlém časovém sledu, jak se mění úroveň/deficit sebepéče a jaká je nutnost zdravotnického personálu reagovat. Využití koncepčního modelu D. E. Orem v anesteziologické péči je aplikovatelné a přínosné, neboť pacient je v některých aspektech sebepéče plně kompetentní, v některých částečně a některé musí být zcela zajišťovány zdravotnickým personálem (variabilně od aktivizace jedince k sebepéči po úplné nahrazení sebepéče).Almost nowhere else than in the operating room is it possible to see in such a rapid time sequence how the level / deficit of self-care changes and what is the need for medical staff to respond. The use of D. E. Orem conceptual model in anaesthesia care is applicable and beneficial, as the patient is fully competent in some aspects of self-care, in some partially and some must be fully provided by healthcare professionals (variable from individual activation to self-care to complete self-care replacement)

    Možnosti inovace studijního programu všeobecné ošetřovatelství v kontextu fenoménu 4.0

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    Projekt „Proměna role vysoké školy a inovace studijních programů v rámci fenoménu 4.0. v oblastech strojních, pedagogických a zdravotnických.“, TL01000081 je realizován tři roky a bude zakončen v roce 2020. Ve vztahu ke vzdělávání nelékařů byl v rámci tohoto projektu v souvislosti s fenoménem 4.0 analyzován studijní program Všeobecné ošetřovatelství (prezenční forma studia) a následně byly navrženy a implementovány prvky inovace do uvedeného studijního programu. Na počátku analýzy byla vedena diskuze s odborníky z praxe a osobami odpovědnými za vedení odborné praxe v kontextu uvedeného. V rámci aktivit projektu bylo mimo jiné provedeno šetření o spektru používané zdravotnické techniky v praxi, zástupci poskytovatelů zdravotní péče potvrdili, že v praxi je využíváno mnoho typů zdravotnických přístrojů a techniky. V případě odborné praxe studentů nejčastěji mentor demonstruje a následně student pod jeho vedením přístroj používá. Dále osoba odpovědná za výkon odborné praxe očekává, že studenti budou na odborné praxi disponovat teoretickými znalostmi a částečně i odbornými dovednostmi v oblasti používání přístrojové techniky, které získají v rámci vzdělávání – ideálně při simulační výuce. V rámci odborné praxe je pak možná efektivní návaznost a dochází k upevnění a prohloubení praktických dovedností v obsluze zdravotnické přístrojové techniky. Závěrem bylo konstatováno, že v kontextu kompetencí všeobecných sester daných současnou legislativou je potřeba posílit teoretické znalosti studentů programu Všeobecné ošetřovatelství v oblasti zdravotnické přístrojové techniky. Ve spolupráci s odborníky z praxe je potřeba uvedené teoretické znalosti prohloubit a během odborné praxe upevnit praktické dovednosti. Zásadní důraz je kladen na bezpečné užívání zdravotnické přístrojové techniky

    Diversity and biocide susceptibility of fungal assemblages dwelling in the Art Gallery of Magura Cave, Bulgaria

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    Magura Cave, north-western Bulgaria, possesses valuable rock-art paintings made with bat guano and dated from the period between the Eneolithic and Bronze Ages. Since 2008, the Art Gallery is closed to the general public in order to protect the paintings from vandalism, microclimatic changes caused by visitors and artificial illumination, and the consequent growth of fungi and phototrophs. Nevertheless, some tourist visits are allowed under the supervision of cave managers. This study provides the first scientific report on cultivable fungal assemblages dwelling different substrata in the Art Gallery. A total of 78 strains, belonging to 37 OTUs (Ascomycota 81%, Zygomycota 13%, Basidiomycota 5%), were isolated in the study. This fungal diversity was clearly dominated by Penicillium (50% of strains) and Aspergillus (13%). The most relevant visible fungal colonies were detected in sediments rich in bat guano, where, besides Penicillium, other guanophilic fungi such as Mucor, Mortierella, Trichosporon and Trichoderma were dominant. Conversely, scarce fungi were detected on rock surface of painted walls. Based on the biocide susceptibility assay, octylisothiazolinone (OIT) and benzalkonium chloride (BAC) were effective inhibiting the in vitro growth of dominant fungal species in Magura Cave, when applied at concentrations ranged from 100 to 1,000 mg/L. These data provide a valuable knowledge about Magura fungi, and exemplify a type of preliminary test that may be conducted before planning any biocide treatment. However, considering the irreversible effects of biocides on the ecological balance in caves, and the low fungal contamination in painted walls of Magura Cave, there is no reason to use conventional biocides in this cave. Further studies, monitoring microbial communities and microclimatic parameters, should be conducted to improve the knowledge on microbial ecology in Magura Cave and possible human impacts, as well as to allow the early detection of potential microbial outbreaks

    Historical dispersal and host-switching formed the evolutionary history of a globally distributed multi-host parasite - the Ligula intestinalis species complex

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    : Studies on parasite biogeography and host spectrum provide insights into the processes driving parasite diversification. Global geographical distribution and a multi-host spectrum make the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis a promising model for studying both the vicariant and ecological modes of speciation in parasites. To understand the relative importance of host association and biogeography in the evolutionary history of this tapeworm, we analysed mtDNA and reduced-represented genomic SNP data for a total of 139 specimens collected from 18 fish-host genera across a distribution range representing 21 countries. Our results strongly supported the existence of at least 10 evolutionary lineages and estimated the deepest divergence at approximately 4.99-5.05 Mya, which is much younger than the diversification of the fish host genera and orders. Historical biogeography analyses revealed that the ancestor of the parasite diversified following multiple vicariance events and was widespread throughout the Palearctic, Afrotropical, and Nearctic between the late Miocene and early Pliocene. Cyprinoids were inferred as the ancestral hosts for the parasite. Later, from the late Pliocene to Pleistocene, new lineages emerged following a series of biogeographic dispersal and host-switching events. Although only a few of the current Ligula lineages show narrow host-specificity (to a single host genus), almost no host genera, even those that live in sympatry, overlapped between different Ligula lineages. Our analyses uncovered the impact of historical distribution shifts on host switching and the evolution of host specificity without parallel host-parasite co-speciation. Historical biogeography reconstructions also found that the parasite colonized several areas (Afrotropical and Australasian) much earlier than was suggested by only recent faunistic data