53 research outputs found

    ANSI art

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá způsoby automatického generování ASCII grafiky. Práce je rozdělena do několika částí. V první části jsou popsány základy počítačové grafiky, zpracování a rozpoznávání v obraze. Další část je zaměřena na teorii a historii dvou nejznámějších uměleckých stylů ASCII art a ANSI art. V návrhu aplikace jsou uvedeny metody pro rozpoznávání znaků a problémy vyplývající z jejich testování. Pro obarvení popředí a pozadí znaku byly navrženy metody, které redukují barevný prostor zkoumané oblasti. Předposlední část je zaměřena na implementaci knihovny generující ANSI , ASCII art obraz a aplikaci, která umožňuje nastavení všech nutných parametrů. Závěr práce popisuje testování na sérii obrazů, zhodnocení dosažených výsledků během vývoje a návrhy na možné budoucí rozšíření.The present bachelor thesis deals with automatic generation of ASCII graphics. The thesis is divided in several parts. First part describes the basics of computer graphics, image processing and recognition. The next part is focused on a theory and history of two most famous art styles called ASCII art and ANSI art. The methods of char recognition and problems arising from their testing are described in software application design. The methods reducing colour space of analyzed area were designed for char foreground and background colouring. The semifinal part is focused on implementation of library generating ANSI and ASCII art image and software application enabling the setting of all necessary parameters. The testing on a series of images, evaluation of results reached during the development and suggestions of possible future extensions are described in last part of the thesis.

    Motor pump control unit

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    Vlastimil Novák Řídící jednotka hydraulického čerpadla DP, UADI, 2008, str. 48, obr. 54. Úkolem diplomové práce je změřit průběh vibrací na řídící jednotce hydraulického čerpadla elektrohydraulického posilovače řízení umístěného na vozidle. Nejprve byl proveden návrh testování vozidla pro dané charakteristiky a umístění snímačů a z naměřených dat proveden porovnání zatížení řídící jednotky v různých režimech jízdy vozidla.Vlastimil Novak Motor pump control unit DW, IAE, 2008, 48 pp. 54 fig. The terget of diploma work is measure od progression of vibration on motor pump control unit of electro-hydraulic servo unit placed on a vehicle. At first, a proposal of testing of vehicle for given characteristics have been created and placement of sensors and compare measured data of load of control unit in different vehicle ride modes.

    Redesign of the construction and control algorithm for an unstable robot with a spherical base

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá redesignem nestabilního robota se sférickou základnou, zkráceně nazývaného Ballbot. Cílem práce je zanalyzovat existující konstrukční prvky robota, dostupnou senzoriku, řídící a výkonovou elektroniku a identifikovat funkční nedostatky. Následně navrhnout řešení a realizovat odstranění všech nalezených nedostatků. Součástí práce je testování revidované verze robota, které, mimo jiné, obsahuje prověření funkčnosti jednotlivých senzorů a jejich komunikace s řídícím mikrokontrolerem. Důraz je kladen na stanovení reálné přesnosti snímání nově použitých senzorů v závislosti na použitém nastavení a okolních podmínkách.This bachelor thesis deals with the redesign of an unstable robot with spherical base, also known as Ballbot. The aim of the work is to analyze the existing structural elements of the robot, available sensors, control and power electronics and identify functional deficiencies. Subsequently, design a solution and implement it in order to eliminate all found deficiencies. Part of the work is testing a revised version of the robot, which, among other things, consists of checking the functionality of individual sensors and checking the comunication between sensors and microcontroller. Emphasis is placed on determining the real accuracy of newly used sensors depending on the settings used and ambient conditions.

    Wetting of refractory ceramics with high-manganese and structural steel and description of interfacial interaction

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    This work aims to describe the interfacial interaction at the interface between refractory material and high-manganese (XT 720) and structural (11 523) steel using a wetting test up to 1600 degrees C. The contact angles were determined through the sessile drop method, and the results were put into context through degradation testing and the characterization of the interfacial interface by Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The lowest resistance to molten steel was observed for chamotte materials, while the highest was observed for materials based on electrofused corundum. High-manganese steel was strongly erosive to the materials tested, with the wetting angle decreasing significantly from 10 to 103 degrees with decreasing Al2O3 content (an increase of 2.4 to 59.4% corundum) in the refractories. Structural steel showed wetting angles from 103 to 127 degrees for identical refractories. These results were consistent with the average erosion depth for Mn steel (0.2-7.8 mm) and structural steel (0-2.4 mm).Web of Science1212art. no. 178

    The role of the g-C3N4 precursor on the P doping using HCCP as a source of phosphorus

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    This work describes the doping of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) with phosphorus performed by 2-h heat treatment of a mechanical mixture of g-C3N4 precursor (urea, dicyandiamide, and guanidine hydrochloride) with hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene at 525 degrees C. The amount of fixed phosphorus in the resulting g-C3N4 structure reached approximately 10 wt% in the case of the urea precursor. For the other two precursors, the fixed phosphorus content in the final products was less than 5 wt%. Several experimental techniques (SEM, XRFS, TG, XRD, FTIR, physisorption of nitrogen, UV-VIS DRS, PL spectroscopy, and electrochemical analysis) were used to characterize the prepared samples. The photodegradation activity of the samples was determined by degradation of Rhodamine B under irradiation with visible light (420 nm). In general, the photodegradation activity of the samples was dependent on the phosphorus content. The highest photodegradation activity was obtained for urea-based g-C3N4 doped with the lowest phosphorus content, with a threefold increase in calcination product yield. The mechanism of incorporation of phosphorus into the final g-C3N4 structure was explained as a two-phase process.Web of Science183335331

    Electrochemical characterization of leached steel-making sludge

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    In this work, the electrochemical properties of the leached sludge, magnetite and zinc ferrite were studied. Acetic acid was used as a leaching reagent because, in recent years, there has been a surge of interest in using zinc-containing materials as photocatalysts, with acetic acid finding application in their preparation. Various methodological approaches were used, but the best results were achieved with a combination of 1-3 h leaching in 0.01 M acetic acid with a solid/liquid ratio of 500. In this arrangement, zincite was almost completely removed from the sludge, while zinc ferrite and magnetite remained in the solid residue. Ex situ analyses of the main leaching products were performed by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetry. The electrochemical behaviour of solid residue and model systems, that are micromagnetite and zinc ferrite, was studied in alkaline media by means of modified carbon paste electrodes, cyclic voltammetry, and chronocoulometry, with a suitable potential window ranging from 0 to 1.5 V. In summary, a linear dependence of the anodic and cathodic peak height on the square root of the scan rate was found. The position of the anodic and cathodic peaks shifted slightly with scan rate, only at low rates, up to 25 mV/s, the individual peaks coincided. The electrochemical response suggested a quasireversible process.Web of Science121art. no. 1669

    Preliminary Report for the Archaeological Survey in the Baysun District (South Uzbekistan), Season 2017

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    This report represents an overview of the archaeological data that were acquired by the extensive archae‑ ological surface survey conducted by the Czech‑Uzbek team in the Baysun Mountains, south Uzbekistan, especially on the ridges of Sarymas, Susiztag and Alamli, as well as in the adjacent valleys, in spring 2017. The work focused predominantly on the detecting of ancient roads, fortifications and places of refuge

    Impact of Ni on the thermophysical and thermodynamic properties of Fe–C–Ni based alloys

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    Three model alloys based on Fe-C-Ni were studied containing carbon between 0.338 and 0.382 wt. % and nickel between 1.084 and 4.478 wt. %. Phase transition temperatures, heat capacity, enthalpy change, heat of fusion, coefficient of thermal expansion, and density were experimentally and theoretically determined in the high-temperature area from 1000 degrees C to 1595 degrees C. A number of techniques, namely differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and dilatometry, were used in this study, and the heat of fusion was determined by two approaches, that is, from the DSC peak area and from the enthalpy change. The experimental data were compared and discussed with the calculation results obtained using SW IDS, JMatPro, and Thermo-Calc operating with the commercially available TCFE8 thermodynamic database. The obtained experimental results show that the liquidus temperature and the coefficient of thermal expansion decrease with increasing nickel content. On the contrary, the density and heat of fusion values derived from the DSC peak increase with increasing nickel content. Furthermore, an ambiguous influence of nickel on the change in solidus temperature, heat capacity, enthalpy change, and heat of fusion obtained from the enthalpy change was observed.Web of Science204332431