98 research outputs found

    Distributed Personalized Gradient Tracking with Convex Parametric Models

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    We present a distributed optimization algorithm for solving online personalized optimization problems over a network of computing and communicating nodes, each of which linked to a specific user. The local objective functions are assumed to have a composite structure and to consist of a known time-varying (engineering) part and an unknown (user-specific) part. Regarding the unknown part, it is assumed to have a known parametric (e.g., quadratic) structure a priori, whose parameters are to be learned along with the evolution of the algorithm. The algorithm is composed of two intertwined components: (i) a dynamic gradient tracking scheme for finding local solution estimates and (ii) a recursive least squares scheme for estimating the unknown parameters via user's noisy feedback on the local solution estimates. The algorithm is shown to exhibit a bounded regret under suitable assumptions. Finally, a numerical example corroborates the theoretical analysis

    Network abstract linear programming with application to minimum-time formation control

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    We identify a novel class of distributed optimization problems, namely a networked version of abstract linear programming. For such problems we propose distributed algorithms for networks with various connectivity and/or memory constraints. Finally, we show how various minimum-time formation control problems can be tackled through appropriate geometric examples of abstract linear programs

    Characterization of lipids preserved in Roman cooking pots by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

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    -EnLipid extracts of sherds of Roman cooking pots from the Temple of Apollo in Hierapolis (southwest Turkey) were analyzed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GCMS). The high relative abundance of saturated fatty acids, especially stearic acid, together with the presence of cholesterol, suggests that animal fats were processed in these pots. The detection of branched and odd chain fatty acids further indicate a possible ruminant source for these lipids. The data show also the presence of plant-derived products, like campesterol and b-sitosterol. The aim of this research is to illustrate how lipid analysis of pottery vessels, together with the information from archaeological context, can contribute to a better understanding of food habits and ritual activities in past ancient societies

    Maintaining limited-range connectivity among second-order agents

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    In this paper we consider ad-hoc networks of robotic agents with double integrator dynamics. For such networks, the connectivity maintenance problems are: (i) do there exist control inputs for each agent to maintain network connectivity, and (ii) given desired controls for each agent, can one compute the closest connectivity-maintaining controls in a distributed fashion. The proposed solution is based on three contributions. First, we define and characterize admissible sets for double integrators to remain inside disks. Second, we establish an existence theorem for the connectivity maintenance problem by introducing a novel state-dependent graph, called the double-integrator disk graph. Finally, we design a distributed "flow-control" algorithm to compute optimal connectivity-maintaining controls

    The impact of controlled ovarian stimulation hormones on the metabolic state and endocannabinoid system of human cumulus cells

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    Different Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) formulation and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) are used in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to induce follicles development and oocytes maturation, but it is still under debate which protocol is to be preferred. In the present study, the different effects on cumulus cells (CCs) of three controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) protocols, based on urinary FSH, recombinant FSH, or human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG) administration, were assessed. CCs were obtained from 42 normal-responders women undergoing COS, randomly divided into three groups according to the used gonadotropin formulation. Differences were found in the expression of genes belonging to the endocannabinoid system (the receptors CNR1, CNR2 and TRPV1, and the enzymes involved in the metabolisms of anandamide, NAPE-PLD and FAAH, and 2-acylglycerol, DAGL and MAGL); consistently, changes in lipid (PPARα, and FASN) and carbohydrate (GLUT1 and GLUT9) metabolisms, in CCs’ macromolecules composition (highlighted by Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy, FTIRM), and in the number of retrieved oocytes were found. For the first time, statistically significant evidence on the differences related to each COS protocol on the endocannabinoid system, metabolism and macromolecular composition of CCs was found, representing a proof of concept to be further confirmed in a larger cohort of patients

    A mixed-valence diruthenium(ii,iii) complex endowed with high stability: from experimental evidence to theoretical interpretation

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    We herein report the synthesis and multi-technique characterization of [Ru2Cl((2-phenylindol-3-yl)glyoxyl-l-leucine-l-phenylalanine)4], a novel diruthenium(ii,iii) complex obtained by reacting [Ru2(Ό-O2CCH3)4Cl] with a dual indolylglyoxylyl dipeptide anticancer agent. We soon realised that the compound is very stable under several different conditions including aqueous buffers or organic solvents. It is also completely unreactive toward proteins. The high stability is also suggested by cellular experiments in a glioblastoma cell line. Indeed, while the parent ligand exerts high cytotoxic effects in the low ΌM range, the complex is completely non-cytotoxic against the same line, most probably because of the lack of ligand release. To investigate the reasons for such high stability, we carried out DFT calculations that are fully consistent with the experimental findings. The results highlight that the stability of [Ru2Cl((2-phenylindol-3-yl)glyoxyl-l-leucine-l-phenylalanine)4] relies on the nature of the ligand, including its steric hindrance that prevents the reaction of any nucleophilic group with the Ru2 core. Ligand displacement is the key step to allow reactivity with the biological targets of metal-based prodrugs. Accordingly, we discuss the implications of some important aspects that should be considered when active molecules are chosen as ligands for the synthesis of paddle-wheel-like complexes with medicinal applications. This journal i

    Potential Impact of Microplastics and Additives on the Health Status of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Central Adriatic Coast

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    AbstractLoggerhead sea turtle (C. caretta) is the official European bioindicator of marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2019, 8 sea turtles, out of 28 specimens loggerhead on the Adriatic coast of Molise, were subjected to necropsy. The intestinal contents were collected and the microplastics until 0.45 ÎŒm were extracted. Qualitative and quantitative assessments were performed by stereomicroscope observation and spectroscopic analyses (attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ATR-FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy, RMS). Moreover, the analytical quantification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polycarbonate (PC), para phthalic acid (PTA) and bisphenol A (BPA) in fat and liver tissues was performed by LC-MS/MS. Microparticles ranging from 0.45 ÎŒm to 1 mm were found in all turtles, for a total of 623, while plastic litter greater than 1 mm were found only in 4 specimens (ranging from 0.03 to 0.11 g). Nineteen different polymers and 10 pigments, including polyester (100% of animals), high-density polyethylene (50%) and polypropylene (50%) were identified. BPA, PTA and PET were detected in fat and liver tissues of all animals, while PC was found only in 50%. A major prevalence was registered in the abdominal fat tissue, although only PC compounds were significantly higher in abdominal tissue (p < 0.05), except for free PTA with liver tissue being the most contaminated (p < 0.05). Microplastics and additives surely impact the health status of turtles that showed gastrointestinal impairment and an important level of contamination in tissues. Graphical abstrac

    The practice of deep sedation in electrophysiology and cardiac pacing laboratories: Results of an italian survey promoted by the aiac (italian association of arrhythmology and cardiac pacing)

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    The aim of this survey, which was open to all Italian cardiologists involved in arrhythmia, was to assess common practice regarding sedation and analgesia in interventional electrophysiology procedures in Italy. The survey consisted of 28 questions regarding the approach to sedation used for elective direct-current cardioversion (DCC), subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD) implantation, atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation, ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation, and transvenous lead extraction procedures. A total of 105 cardiologists from 92 Italian centres took part in the survey. The rate of centres where DCC, S-ICD implantation, AF ablation, VT ablation and lead extraction procedures were performed without anaesthesiologic assistance was 60.9%, 23.6%, 51.2%, 37.3%, and 66.7%, respectively. When these procedures were performed without anaesthesiologic assistance, the drugs (in addition to local anaesthetics) commonly administered were benzodiazepines (from 64.3% to 79.6%), opioids (from 74.4% to 88.1%), and general anaesthetics (from 7.1% to 30.4%). Twenty-three (21.9%) of the 105 cardiologists declared that they routinely administered propofol, without the supervision of an anaesthesiologist, in at least one of the above-mentioned procedures. In current Italian clinical practice, there is a lack of uniformity in the sedation/analgesia approach used in interventional electrophysiology procedures

    Economia, organizzazioni criminali e corruzione

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    L\u2019economia \ue8 la scienza che osserva il comportamento umano di fronte alla scarsit\ue0; e la corruzione \ue8 assai spesso la strada pi\uf9 redditizia per procurarsi risorse scarse. L\u2019organizzazione \ue8 la scienza che studia le forme razionali di divisione e coordinamento del lavoro umano; e la corruzione ha bisogno del supporto di forme efficaci di organizzazione del lavoro umano, legale o criminale che sia, per essere realizzata. L\u2019analisi dei saggi contenuti nel volume sostiene la tesi che tra il fenomeno della corruzione e i fenome- ni economici e organizzativi ci siano relazioni intense. Gli autori dei con- tributi sono economisti, sociologi, aziendalisti, giuristi, storici e statistici. Il lettore pertanto potr\ue0 farsi un\u2019idea del fenomeno della corruzione attingen- do a prospettive di analisi assai diverse tra di loro

    Frequency-modulated electromagnetic neural stimulation (FREMS) as a treatment for symptomatic diabetic neuropathy: results from a double-blind, randomised, multicentre, long-term, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The aim was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of transcutaneous frequency-modulated electromagnetic neural stimulation (frequency rhythmic electrical modulation system, FREMS) as a treatment for symptomatic peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus. METHODS: This was a double-blind, randomised, multicentre, parallel-group study of three series, each of ten treatment sessions of FREMS or placebo administered within 3 weeks, 3 months apart, with an overall follow-up of about 51 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in nerve conduction velocity (NCV) of deep peroneal, tibial and sural nerves. Secondary endpoints included the effects of treatment on pain, tactile, thermal and vibration sensations. Patients eligible to participate were aged 18-75 years with diabetes for ≄ 1 year, HbA(1c) <11.0% (97 mmol/mol), with symptomatic diabetic polyneuropathy at the lower extremities (i.e. abnormal amplitude, latency or NCV of either tibial, deep peroneal or sural nerve, but with an evocable potential and measurable NCV of the sural nerve), a Michigan Diabetes Neuropathy Score ≄ 7 and on a stable dose of medications for diabetic neuropathy in the month prior to enrolment. Data were collected in an outpatient setting. Participants were allocated to the FREMS or placebo arm (1:1 ratio) according to a sequence generated by a computer random number generator, without block or stratification factors. Investigators digitised patients' date of birth and site number into an interactive voice recording system to obtain the assigned treatment. Participants, investigators conducting the trial, or people assessing the outcomes were blinded to group assignment. RESULTS: Patients (n = 110) with symptomatic neuropathy were randomised to FREMS (n = 54) or placebo (n = 56). In the intention-to-treat population (50 FREMS, 51 placebo), changes in NCV of the three examined nerves were not different between FREMS and placebo (deep peroneal [means ± SE]: 0.74 ± 0.71 vs 0.06 ± 1.38 m/s; tibial: 2.08 ± 0.84 vs 0.61 ± 0.43 m/s; and sural: 0.80 ± 1.08 vs -0.91 ± 1.13 m/s; FREMS vs placebo, respectively). FREMS induced a significant reduction in day and night pain as measured by a visual analogue scale immediately after each treatment session, although this beneficial effect was no longer measurable 3 months after treatment. Compared with the placebo group, in the FREMS group the cold sensation threshold was significantly improved, while non-significant differences were observed in the vibration and warm sensation thresholds. No relevant side effects were recorded during the study. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: FREMS proved to be a safe treatment for symptomatic diabetic neuropathy, with immediate, although transient, reduction in pain, and no effect on NCV. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01628627. FUNDING: The clinical trial was sponsored by Lorenz Biotech (Medolla, Italy), lately Lorenz Lifetech (Ozzano dell'Emilia, Italy)
