93 research outputs found

    Plutonium-239 in and over the Atlantic Ocean

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    Plutonium-239 has been found in over-ocean aerosols in about the same ratio to Strontium-90 as that reported over land. In seawater, Pu-239:Sr-90 ratios are shown to be less than half of those in over-ocean aerosols, confirming geochemical separation of these nuclides in the ocean. It is suggested that the sedimentation of Pu-239 may be more involved with biological processes than has been found for Ce-144 or Pm-147

    Fallout nuclides in Atlantic and Pacific water columns : GEOSECS data

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    This report contains results of measurements of the fallout radionuclides 90Sr, 137Cs , 239,240Pu , and 241Am in large volume seawater samples collected between 1972 and 1974 in the Atlantic and Pacific as part of Geochemical Ocean Sections (GEOSECS) program. The stations for which data are reported include both the North and South Atlantic oceans and latitudes north of 20° S in the Pacific Ocean. The 90Sr and 137Cs data set has been corrected by a procedure which estimates independently the analytical blank for the laboratory which made the analysis. When the data quality and spacing permit, water column inventory estimates were made for each nuclide over depth intervals appropriate to the nuclide's distribution.Funding was provided by the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-EV03563

    Temporal and thematic trends in water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) research in Pacific Island Countries: a systematic review

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    Pacific Island Countries (PICs) lag behind global trends in water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) development. We conducted a systematic search of all English language papers (published before February 2015) about WaSH in PICs to evaluate the state of the peer-reviewed literature and explore thematic findings. A total of 121 papers met the criteria for full-text review following an initial search result of more than 6,000 papers. Two reviewers independently assessed the quality and relevance of each article and consolidated their findings according to four emergent themes: public health, environment, emergency response and interventions, and management and governance. Findings indicate a knowledge gap in evidence-guided WaSH management strategies that advocate for human health while concurrently protecting and preserving drinking water resources. Extreme weather events threaten the quantity and quality of limited freshwater resources, and cultural factors that are unique to PICs present challenges to hygiene and sanitation. This review highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the peer-reviewed literature on WaSH in PICs, addresses spatial and temporal publication trends, and suggests areas in need of further research to help PICs meet development goals

    Long-term reduction in 137Cs concentration in food crops on coral atolls resulting from potassium treatment

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    Bikini Island was contaminated March 1, 1954 by the Bravo detonation (U.S nuclear test series, Castle) at Bikini Atoll. About 90% of the estimated dose from nuclear fallout to potential island residents is from cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) transferred from soil to plants that are consumed by residents. Thus, radioecology research efforts have been focused on removing {sup 137}Cs from soil and/or reducing its uptake into vegetation. Most effective was addition of potassium (K) to soil that reduces {sup 137}Cs concentration in fruits to 3-5% of pretreatment concentrations. Initial observations indicated this low concentration continued for some time after K was last applied. Long-term studies were designed to evaluate this persistence in more detail because it is very important to provide assurance to returning populations that {sup 137}Cs concentrations in food (and, therefore, radiation dose) will remain low for extended periods, even if K is not applied annually or biennially. Potassium applied at 300, 660, 1260, and 1970 kg ha{sup -1} lead to a {sup 137}Cs concentration in drinking coconut meat that is 34, 22, 10, and about 4 % of original concentration, respectively. Concentration of {sup 137}Cs remains low 8 to 10 y after K is last applied. An explanation for this unexpected result is discussed

    Natural radionuclide of Po210 in the edible seafood affected by coal-fired power plant industry in Kapar coastal area of Malaysia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Po<sup>210 </sup>can be accumulated in various environmental materials, including marine organisms, and contributes to the dose of natural radiation in seafood. The concentration of this radionuclide in the marine environment can be influenced by the operation of a coal burning power plant but existing studies regarding this issue are not well documented. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate the Po<sup>210 </sup>concentration level in marine organisms from the coastal area of Kapar, Malaysia which is very near to a coal burning power plant station and to assess its impact on seafood consumers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Concentration of Po<sup>210 </sup>was determined in the edible muscle of seafood and water from the coastal area of Kapar, Malaysia using radiochemical separation and the Alpha Spectrometry technique.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The activities of Po<sup>210 </sup>in the dissolved phase of water samples ranged between 0.51 ± 0.21 and 0.71 ± 0.24 mBql<sup>-1 </sup>whereas the particulate phase registered a range of 50.34 ± 11.40 to 72.07 ± 21.20 Bqkg<sup>-1</sup>. The ranges of Po<sup>210 </sup>activities in the organism samples were 4.4 ± 0.12 to 6.4 ± 0.95 Bqkg<sup>-1 </sup>dry wt in fish (<it>Arius maculatus</it>), 45.7 ± 0.86 to 54.4 ± 1.58 Bqkg<sup>-1 </sup>dry wt in shrimp (<it>Penaeus merguiensis</it>) and 104.3 ± 3.44 to 293.8 ± 10.04 Bqkg<sup>-1 </sup>dry wt in cockle (<it>Anadara granosa</it>). The variation of Po<sup>210 </sup>in organisms is dependent on the mode of their life style, ambient water concentration and seasonal changes. The concentration factors calculated for fish and molluscs were higher than the recommended values by the IAEA. An assessment of daily intake and received dose due to the consumption of seafood was also carried out and found to be 2083.85 mBqday<sup>-1</sup>person<sup>-1 </sup>and 249.30 μSvyr<sup>-1 </sup>respectively. These values are comparatively higher than reported values in other countries. Moreover, the transformation of Po<sup>210 </sup>in the human body was calculated and revealed that a considerable amount of Po<sup>210 </sup>can be absorbed in the internal organs. The calculated values of life time mortality and morbidity cancer risks were 24.8 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>and 34 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>respectively which also exceeded the recommended limits set by the ICRP.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings of this present study can be used to evaluate the safety dose uptake level of seafood as well as to monitor environmental health. However, as the calculated dose and cancer risks were found to cross the limit of safety, finding a realistic way to moderate the risk is imperative.</p


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