194 research outputs found

    Nonlinear regime of the mode-coupling instability in 2D plasma crystals

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    The transition between linear and nonlinear regimes of the mode-coupling instability (MCI) operating in a monolayer plasma crystal is studied. The mode coupling is triggered at the centre of the crystal and a melting front is formed, which travels through the crystal. At the nonlinear stage, the mode coupling results in synchronisation of the particle motion and the kinetic temperature of the particles grows exponentially. After melting of the crystalline structure, the mean kinetic energy of the particles continued to grow further, preventing recrystallisation of the melted phase. The effect could not be reproduced in simulations employing a simple point-like wake model. This shows that at the nonlinear stage of the MCI a heating mechanism is working which was not considered so far.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Forced mode-coupling instability in two-dimensional complex plasmas

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    It is demonstrated experimentally that the wake-mediated resonant coupling of the in-plane and out-of-plane collective motion in two-dimensional plasma crystals can be induced by applying various types of external forcing. When the forcing is sufficiently strong, it can trigger the mode-coupling instability leading to the melting of the crystalline monolayer. The experimental observations are supported by numerical analysis of the forced collective dynamics of particles with the wake-mediated interactions. The reported results show the universal nature of the wake-mediated mode coupling (also occurring for the " forced " wave modes) and confirm characteristic features of the mode-coupling instability predicted theoretically by Ivlev et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 135002 (2014)]

    Molecular-genetic aspects of the endometrium state on the day of the tentative implantation window in women with recurrent miscarriage in the programs of assisted reproductive technologies

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    Golovatyuk K. P., Nosenko O. M., Makshayeva E. T., Trofimov D. Yu., Donnikov A. E., Kolin V. V. Molecular-genetic aspects of the endometrium state on the day of the tentative implantation window in women with recurrent miscarriage in the programs of assisted reproductive technologies. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(9):621-626. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1068361 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/5076 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 15.08.2017. Revised: 20.09.2017. Accepted: 29.09.2017. MOLECULAR-GENETIC ASPECTS OF THE ENDOMETRIUM STATE ON THE DAY OF THE tentative IMPLANTATION WINDOW IN WOMEN WITH recurrent miscarriage IN THE PROGRAMS OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES 1K. P. Golovatyuk, 2O. M. Nosenko, 1E. T. Makshayeva, 3D. Yu. Trofimov, 4A. E. Donnikov, 3V. V. Kolin 1Limited Liability Company Medical Center for Reproductive Health "Gameta", Odessa, Ukraine; 2Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine; 3Limited Liability Company "NPF DNA-Technology", Moscow, Russia; 4FGBU Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. named after acad. V.I. Kulakov Ministry of Health care and Social Development of Russia, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract More than 50% of pregnant women after the programs of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) face the problem of recurrent miscarriage (RMC), especially in the first trimester. Significant role in the development of RMC has infectious factor and chronic inflammation in the endometrium. The aim: to reveal the peculiarities of immune response mRNA genes of the inflammatory component expression in the period of the tentative implantation window (TIW) in women with RMC in ART programs. Material and methods. The main group consisted of 240 patients with RMC in ART programs; the control group included 100 conditionally healthy fertile women. On the ground of PCR reverse transcription, the mRNA of the IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10, Foxp3, TLR9, IL-2Rα cytokine genes was examined in endometrial samples obtained with the help of biopsy on the TIW day. Results. Analysis of the transcriptional profile of the immune response genes in the endometrium on TIW day revealed that the relative level of mRNA expression of the IL-1β, IL-2, Foxp3, TLR9, IL-2Rα genes did not differ significantly in the main and control groups. Statistically significant decrease in mRNA expression of IL-10 gene was observed in women with RPL. Conclusions. A feature of mRNA expression of the inflammatory component of the immune response in TIW period in women with RMC in ART programs is a decrease in the expression level of the IL-10 gene mRNA, which may be one of the reasons for the unfavorable outcomes of the onset pregnancy. Key words: recurrent miscarriage, assisted reproductive technologies, immune response, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, tentative implantation window

    Plasma medicine: an introductory review

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    This introductory review on plasma health care is intended to provide the interested reader with a summary of the current status of this emerging field, its scope, and its broad interdisciplinary approach, ranging from plasma physics, chemistry and technology, to microbiology, biochemistry, biophysics, medicine and hygiene. Apart from the basic plasma processes and the restrictions and requirements set by international health standards, the review focuses on plasma interaction with prokaryotic cells (bacteria), eukaryotic cells (mammalian cells), cell membranes, DNA etc. In so doing, some of the unfamiliar terminology—an unavoidable by-product of interdisciplinary research—is covered and explained. Plasma health care may provide a fast and efficient new path for effective hospital (and other public buildings) hygiene— helping to prevent and contain diseases that are continuously gaining ground as resistance of pathogens to antibiotics grows. The delivery of medically active ‘substances’ at the molecular or ionic level is another exciting topic of research through effects on cell walls (permeabilization), cell excitation (paracrine action) and the introduction of reactive species into cell cytoplasm. Electric fields, charging of surfaces, current flows etc can also affect tissue in a controlled way. The field is young and hopes are high. It is fitting to cover the beginnings in New Journal of Physics, since it is the physics (and nonequilibrium chemistry) of room temperature atmospheric pressure plasmas that have made this development of plasma health care possible

    Immunometabolic changes in macrophages in response to house dust mite extract

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    To date, much remains unclear about the pathogenesis of asthma, one of the most common chronic and highly heterogenic diseases of the respiratory system. The lack of specific and highly effective therapy in case of certain asthma subtypes requires the search for new approaches to treatment. One possible approach would be to influence the metabolism and immune functions of myeloid cells. This approach finds its application in the treatment of cancer and other diseases in the pathogenesis of which macrophages play an important role. It was shown that the pathogenesis of allergic asthma in response to one of the most common allergens, house dust mite, is due to a metabolic TNF-mediated reprogramming of alveolar macrophages. This suggests that influencing the process of TNF production or metabolic adaptations with specific blockers may also lead to a reduction in the symptoms of the course of the disease as a whole. In this work, we experimentally tested whether the previously obtained phenotype that occurs in macrophages in response to HDM cultured in DMEM is preserved if cells are cultured under more physiologically relevant conditions: in a medium closely related in composition to blood plasma. We also analyzed open databases of alveolar macrophages sequencing obtained from patients with asthma or from the lungs of mice in an HDM-induced asthma model in order to correlate specific immunometabolic changes. It was found that macrophages cultured under conditions close to physiological, simultaneously increase the rates of respiration and glycolysis, and also produce TNF in response to HDM. The observed phenotype is consistent with transcriptomic analyzes performed on human and mouse samples, which revealed an increase in the expression of genes related to glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and the TNF signaling pathway. Thus, the data confirm the relevance of the phenotype obtained in vitro to the changes occurring in the in vivo system. However, functional verification at the level of metabolites, proteins and changes in metabolic activity is also required. In addition, it remains to be established how the blocking of individual metabolic pathways affects the features of the functional macrophage phenotype that occurs in response to HDM, and whether this effect can alleviate asthma symptoms

    Изменение площади и объёма ледников Горного Алтая (Россия) с середины ХХ в. по данным космических съёмок

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    The paper examines changes in the area and volume of the Katun river basin glaciers, North and South Chu glaciers of the Altai Mountains since the beginning of the USSR glaciers inventarization to the present. For this purpose, we used USSR Glaciers Inventory data, space imagery – CORONA-1968, ALOS PRISM-2008, Landsat and ASTER 2000–2012. In total, glaciers have lost 172.4 km2 (27.4%) of its area.Рассматривается изменение площади и объёма ледников Горного Алтая с начала каталогизации ледников СССР по настоящее время. Для оценки изменений площади ледников использованы данные Каталога ледников СССР и космические снимки со спутников CORONA, ALOS PRISM, Landsat и ASTER.К 2008 г. ледники Катунского, Северо- и Южно-Чуйского хребтов потеряли 172,4 км2 площади, или 27,7%. Суммарное сокращение объёма ледников составило 8,9 км3. Объёмы ледников вычислены с помощью корреляционных зависимостей, полученных по данным полевого радиолокационного зондирования алтайских ледников. Сравнение космических снимков 2004 и 2012 гг. с данными середины прошлого века позволило сделать вывод об увеличении скорости сокращения площади ледников в последнее десятилетие в 1,5–2 раза

    Реакция ледников Центрального Кавказа в 2001–2010 гг. на изменения температуры и количества осадков

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    This paper examines changes in surface area and terminus retreat of glaciers in the Greater Caucasus Mountains between 2001 and 2010 using ASTER imagery. The use of consistent high-resolution imagery such as ASTER significantly reduces uncertainties in measurements of glacier shrinkage and retreat and enables assessments at decadal intervals which are important for both scientists and regional decision-makers. Two ASTER images acquired on 15 September 2001 and 29 September 2010 covering central sector of the Greater Caucasus Ridge and the Elbrus glaciated massif were used for glacier mapping. Outlines of 179 glaciers were mapped of which 108 glaciers are located on the northern macroslope of the Greater Caucasus and on Mt Elbrus in the Baksan River catchment (Russia) and 71 are located on the southern macroslope in the Inguri River catchment (Georgia). In total, glaciers lost 5% of their area. Glacier wastage was higher in the Inguri catchment at 5.6%; in the Baksan catchment, glaciers lost 4.3% of their area. Termini positions of 28 valley glaciers were measured on ASTER and aerial photographs to compare rates of glacier retreat in 2001–2010 and 1987–2001.The rate of this recession increased, this fact confirmed by field studies in Baksan basin. Glacier mass balance observations at Garabashi glacier  indicate strong reduction in cumulative mass balance since 1998 providing further evidence on glacier wastage. The observed shrinkage of Caucasus glaciers is mainly connected with increasing in summer temperatures.Increase in precipitation has not compensated for an increase in temperature between 1987–2001 and 2001–2010 periods. Оценено изменение размеров ледников Центрального Кавказа с 2001 по 2010 г. Для количественной оценки сокращения площади ледников Центрального Кавказа в бассейнах рек Баксан и Ингури за этот период использованы материалы повторной космической съёмки. В среднем эта величина составила 5%. По сравнению с предыдущим периодом наблюдений (1987–2001 гг.) средняя скорость отступания языков ледников увеличилась. Причины сокращения площади ледников анализировались на основе данных непрерывного многолетнего ряда балансовых наблюдений на леднике Гарабаши (Эльбрус), а также материалов наблюдений за изменениями температуры и количества осадков на метеостанции Терскол. Сокращение размеров оледенения хорошо коррелирует с ростом летних температур в высокогорье Кавказа, несмотря на увеличение количества зимних осадков

    Single cell genome analysis supports a link between phagotrophy and primary plastid endosymbiosis

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    Two cases of primary plastid endosymbiosis are known. The first occurred ca. 1.6 billion years ago and putatively gave rise to the canonical plastid in algae and plants. The second is restricted to a genus of rhizarian amoebae that includes Paulinella chromatophora. Photosynthetic Paulinella species gained their plastid from an α-cyanobacterial source and are sister to plastid-lacking phagotrophs such as Paulinella ovalis that ingest cyanobacteria. To study the role of feeding behavior in plastid origin, we analyzed single-cell genome assemblies from six P. ovalis-like cells isolated from Chesapeake Bay, USA. Dozens of contigs in these cell assemblies were derived from prey DNA of α-cyanobacterial origin and associated cyanophages. We found two examples of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in P. ovalis-like nuclear DNA from cyanobacterial sources. This work suggests the first evidence of a link between feeding behavior in wild-caught cells, HGT, and plastid primary endosymbiosis in the monophyletic Paulinella lineage

    Ледники в горах России (Кавказ, Алтай, Камчатка) в первой четверти XXI века

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    The conducted studies allowed us to obtain a detailed picture of glaciation changes in the mountain regions of Russia, most provided with information about glaciers in the twentieth century. For the Caucasus glaciation, the data were obtained for the time periods 1911, 1952, 2000, 2014, 2018 and 2020; for Altai – for 1850, 1952, 2003 and 2018. For large glaciation nodes of the Central Altai – Katun, South and North Chuya Ridges additionally for 1968, 2008, and 2017. In both areas, a decrease in the area of glaciers since the beginning of the twentieth century and acceleration of the rate of reduction in the early twenty-first century have been revealed. The glaciers of the Caucasus and Altai reduced their size during this time by 46% and 48%, respectively. On average, in the twentieth century the glaciers of the Caucasus lost about 0.2% of the area per year, in the Altai – 0.15%, and in the early twentieth century 1.15 and 1.7% respectively. To study Kamchatka glaciers, we used data from the Glacier Inventory of the USSR (1950/1957) and images from different satellites in the period 2007–2019. The glaciers that were not previously registered in the Glacier Inventory of the USSR were identified. The greatest number of such glaciers is in the northern part of the Midnight Ridge, where out of 465 glaciers identified on modern satellite images, 216 were not included in the Glacier Inventory of the USSR. The area of glaciation in different regions of Kamchatka has changed extremely unevenly since the first cataloguing, which is associated with significant differences in glacier morphology. Glaciers of volcanic areas increased their size or remained stationary; here there is no tendency for glaciers to decrease due to the thick surface moraine consisting of volcanogenic material. Comparison of data from the Glacier Inventory of the USSR (as of the 1950s–70s) and the Glacier Inventory of Russia (2017–2019) shows a decrease in glaciation area from the mid-20th century to the end of the second decade of the 21st century in all mountainous regions of Russia except only the volcanic regions of Kamchatka. The area reduction ranges from 63% (Ural) to 13% (Kodar). The largest glacial systems of the Caucasus, Kamchatka and Altai have reduced their areas by 25, 22 and 39%, respectively.Проведённые в последнее время исследования позволили получить детальную картину изменений ледников в наиболее обеспеченных данными горных районах России. Для оледенения Кавказа получены данные на временные срезы 1911, 1952, 2000, 2014, 2018 и 2020 г.; для Алтая – на 1850, 1952, 2003 и 2018 г. Для крупных узлов оледенения Центрального Алтая – Катунского, Южно- и Северо-Чуйского хребтов дополнительно на 1968, 2008, 2017 г. В обоих районах выявлены устойчивое сокращение площади ледников с начала ХХ в. и ускорение темпов сокращения в начале ХХI в. Для исследования ледников Камчатки были использованы данные Каталога ледников СССР и снимки с разных спутников и за разные годы (2007–2019). Выявлено множество ледников, ранее не зарегистрированных в Каталоге ледников СССР. Площадь оледенения в разных районах Камчатки со времени первой каталогизации изменялась крайне неравномерно, что связано со значительными различиями в морфологии ледников. Ледники вулканических районов увеличили свои размеры или оставались стационарными; здесь нет тенденции к сокращению ледников из-за мощной поверхностной морены, состоящей из вулканогенного материала. Сравнение данных Каталога ледников СССР (1965–1982) и Каталога ледников России (2017–2019) показывает сокращение площади оледенения с середины ХХ в. до конца второй декады ХХI в. во всех горных районах России за исключением вулканических областей Камчатки