10,786 research outputs found

    Magnetization Measurements on Single Crystals of Superconducting Ba0.6K0.4BiO3

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    Extensive measurements of the magnetization of superconducting single crystal samples of Ba0.6K0.4BiO3} have been made using SQUID and cantilever force magnetometry at temperatures ranging between 1.3 and 350 K and in magnetic fields from near zero to 27 T. Hysteresis curves of magnetization versus field allow a determination of the thermodynamic critical field, the reversibility field, and the upper critical field as a function of temperature. The lower critical field is measured seperately and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter is found to be temperature dependent. All critical fields have higher T = 0 limits than have been previously noted and none of the temperature dependence of the critical fields follow the expected power laws leading to possible alternate interpretation of the thermodynamic nature of the superconducting transition.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Philosophical Magazine B on 7 August 1999. This paper supplies the experimental details for the argument presented in our PRL 82 (1999) p. 4532-4535 (also at cond-mat/9904288

    Centers and Cocenters of 00-Hecke algebras

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    In this paper, we give explicit descriptions of the centers and cocenters of 00-Hecke algebras associated to finite Coxeter groups.Comment: 13 pages, a mistake in 4.2 is correcte

    Periodicities In The X-Ray Intensity Variations of TV Columbae: An Intermediate Polar

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    We present results from a temporal analysis of the longest and the most sensitive X-ray observations of TV Columbae--an intermediate polar. The observations were carried out with the RXTE PCA, ROSAT PSPC, and ASCA. Data were analyzed using a 1-dimensional CLEAN and Bayesian algorithms. The presence of a nearly sinusoidal modulation due to the spin of the white dwarf is seen clearly in all the data, confirming the previous reports based on the EXOSAT data. An improved period of 1909.7+/-2.5s is derived for the spin from the RXTE data.The binary period of 5.5hr is detected unambiguously in X-rays for the first time. Several side-bands due to the interaction of these periods are observed in the power spectra, thereby suggesting contributions from both the disk-fed and the stream-fed accretion for TV Col. The accretion disk could perhaps be precessing as side-bands due to the influence of 4 day period on the orbital period are seen. The presence of a significant power at certain side-bands of the spin frequency indicates that the emission poles are asymmetrically located. The strong power at the orbital side-bands seen in both the RXTE and ROSAT data gives an indication for an absorption site fixed in the orbital frame. Both the spin and the binary modulation are found to be energy-dependent. Increased hardness ratio during a broad dip in the intensity at binary phase of 0.75--1.0 confirms the presence of a strong attenuation due to additional absorbers probably from an impact site of the accretion stream with the disk or magnetosphere. Hardness ratio variations and the energy dependent modulation depth during the spin modulation can be explained by partially covered absorbers in the path of X-ray emission region in the accretion stream.Comment: 34 pages, including 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, scheduled for January 2004 issue (vol. 127

    The X-ray properties of the magnetic cataclysmic variable UUColumbae

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    Aims. XMM-Newton observations to determine for the first time the broad-band X-ray properties of the faint, high galactic latitude intermediate polar UUCol are presented. Methods. We performed X-ray timing analysis in different energy ranges of the EPIC cameras, which reveals the dominance of the 863 s white dwarf rotational period. The spin pulse is strongly energy dependent. Weak variabilities at the beat 935 s and at the 3.5 h orbital periods are also observed, but the orbital modulation is detected only below 0.5 keV. Simultaneous UV and optical photometry shows that the spin pulse is anti-phased with respect to the hard X-rays. Analysis of the EPIC and RGS spectra reveals the complexity of the X-ray emission, which is composed of a soft 50 eV black–body component and two optically thin emission components at 0.2 keV and 11 keV strongly absorbed by dense material with an equivalent hydrogen column density of 1023 cm−2 that partially (50%) covers the X-ray source. Results. The complex X-ray and UV/optical temporal behaviour indicates that accretion occurs predominantly (∼80%) via a disc with a partial contribution (∼20%) directly from the stream. The main accreting pole dominates at high energies whilst the secondary pole mainly contributes in the soft X-rays and at lower energies. The bolometric flux ratio of the soft-to-hard X-ray emissions is found to be consistent with the prediction of the standard accretion shock model. We find the white dwarf in UUCol accretes at a low rate and possesses a low magnetic moment. It is therefore unlikely that UUCol will evolve into a moderate field strength polar, so that the soft X-ray intermediate polars still remain an enigmatic small group of magnetic cataclysmic variables

    An iterative algorithm for parametrization of shortest length shift registers over finite rings

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    The construction of shortest feedback shift registers for a finite sequence S_1,...,S_N is considered over the finite ring Z_{p^r}. A novel algorithm is presented that yields a parametrization of all shortest feedback shift registers for the sequence of numbers S_1,...,S_N, thus solving an open problem in the literature. The algorithm iteratively processes each number, starting with S_1, and constructs at each step a particular type of minimal Gr\"obner basis. The construction involves a simple update rule at each step which leads to computational efficiency. It is shown that the algorithm simultaneously computes a similar parametrization for the reciprocal sequence S_N,...,S_1.Comment: Submitte

    More Seedbed Studies

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    Last year we continued our study and comparison of the disk, lister, subsurface tiller and plow for preparing seedbeds for corn. This was the fourth year that these implements have been compared, but since they perform differently on different soils, we do not believe we have the complete answer about them yet. In only 1944 and 1945 have they been studied at a sizable number of locations and on several soils

    The Accretion Flows and Evolution of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

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    We have used a model of magnetic accretion to investigate the accretion flows of magnetic cataclysmic variables. Numerical simulations demonstrate that four types of flow are possible: discs, streams, rings and propellers. The fundamental observable determining the accretion flow, for a given mass ratio, is the spin-to-orbital period ratio of the system. If IPs are accreting at their equilibrium spin rates, then for a mass ratio of 0.5, those with Pspin/Porb < 0.1 will be disc-like, those with 0.1 < Pspin/Porb < 0.6 will be stream-like, and those with Pspin/Porb ~ 0.6 will be ring-like. The spin to orbital period ratio at which the systems transition between these flow types increases as the mass ratio of the stellar components decreases. For the first time we present evolutionary tracks of mCVs which allow investigation of how their accretion flow changes with time. As systems evolve to shorter orbital periods and smaller mass ratios, in order to maintain spin equilibrium, their spin-to-orbital period ratio will generally increase. As a result, the relative occurrence of ring-like flows will increase, and the occurrence of disc-like flows will decrease, at short orbital periods. The growing number of systems observed at high spin-to-orbital period ratios with orbital periods below 2h, and the observational evidence for ring-like accretion in EX Hya, are fully consistent with this picture.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 6 figures - included here at low resolutio

    Shall We Discard Our Plows?

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    One of the live topics of the day is whether the plow is ruining our land, whether farmers to save the soil for this and future generations must stop the age-old practice of plowing in preparing their land for cultivated crops. In this article the authors discuss the results of experiments conducted here in Iowa in which plowing is compared with other means of preparing seedbeds for corn. In general, we think many of you Iowa farmers who read the results of these tests will decide - if you haven\u27t already - that perhaps you are not quite ready to junk your plows

    X-Ray Emission and Optical Polarization of V1432 Aquilae: An Asynchronous Polar

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    A detailed analysis of X-ray data from ROSAT, ASCA, XMM and RXTE for the asynchronous polar V1432 Aql along with Stokes polarimetry data from SAAO, is presented. Power spectra from long-baseline ROSAT data show a spin period of 12150s along with several system related frequency components. However, the second harmonic of the spin period dominates power spectrum in the XMM data. For the optical circular polarization, the dominant period corresponds to half the spin period. The ROSAT data can be explained as due to accretion onto two hot spots that are not anti-podal. The variations seen in the optical polarization and the ASCA and XMM data suggest the presence of at least three accretion foot prints on the white dwarf surface. Two spectral models, a multi-temperature plasma and a photo-ionized plasma model, are used for spectral study. The RXTE PCA data are used to constrain the white dwarf mass to 1.2±\pm0.1 M_odot using the multi-temperature plasma model. A strong soft X-ray excess (<0.8 keV) in the XMM MOS data is well modeled by a blackbody component having a temperature of 80-90 eV. The plasma emission lines seen at 6.7 and 7.0 keV are well fitted using the multi-temperature plasma model, however an additional Gaussian is needed for the 6.4 keV line. The multi-temperature plasma model requires a homogeneous absorber fully covering the source and a partial absorber covering 65% of the source. The photo-ionized plasma model, with a range of Fe column densities, gives a slightly better overall fit and fits all emission lines. The presence of a strong blackbody component, a spin period of 12150s, modulation of the 6.4 keV line flux with spin period, and a very hard X-ray component suggest that V1432 Aql is a polar with X-ray spectral properties similar to that of a soft intermediate polar.Comment: 46 pages, including 13 figures and 4 tables, To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 20 May 2005 issue, vol. 625, Added Report-no and Journal-ref, no change in the text of the pape