887 research outputs found

    Degree of explanation

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    Partial explanations are everywhere. That is, explanations citing causes that explain some but not all of an effect are ubiquitous across science, and these in turn rely on the notion of degree of explanation. I argue that current accounts are seriously deficient. In particular, they do not incorporate adequately the way in which a cause’s explanatory importance varies with choice of explanandum. Using influential recent contrastive theories, I develop quantitative definitions that remedy this lacuna, and relate it to existing measures of degree of causation. Among other things, this reveals the precise role here of chance, as well as bearing on the relation between causal explanation and causation itself

    The use of Performance Measurement as an Accountability Mechanism: a case study in the UK National Health Service

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    The UK Labour government has recently developed the NHS Plan, which specifies long-term objectives and strategies for the development of the National Health Service. Along with the NHS Plan has come the development of Service and Financial Frameworks (SaFFs). The aim of SaFFs is to overcome the potential agency problem that exists between government and NHS organizations (Heymann, 1988) by enhancing the accountability of local NHS organizations for delivering the outcomes required by the NHS Plan. This study uses a case study to explore how the SaFF has been applied as a new NHS performance measurement tool and identifies issues affecting the usefulness of the SaFF as an accountability mechanism. The findings illustrate how the introduction of SaFFs has allowed the government to introduce additional non-financial/process performance indicators and tougher performance monitoring processes. This study also identifies issues related to the choice, relevance and informational quality of performance indicators. The findings suggest that, given the shortcomings in the SaFF’s performance measurement contributions, a key early aim of this new accountability mechanism may be to serve central government’s need to deliver a political message to the public. If the SaFF is to develop into an effective accountability mechanism and support the key aims of the NHS Plan, careful selection of performance indicators and adequate information systems will be crucial

    Torsion in Milnor fiber homology

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    In a recent paper, Dimca and Nemethi pose the problem of finding a homogeneous polynomial f such that the homology of the complement of the hypersurface defined by f is torsion-free, but the homology of the Milnor fiber of f has torsion. We prove that this is indeed possible, and show by construction that, for each prime p, there is a polynomial with p-torsion in the homology of the Milnor fiber. The techniques make use of properties of characteristic varieties of hyperplane arrangements.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol3/agt-3-16.abs.htm

    It's just a feeling: why economic models do not explain

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    Julian Reiss correctly identified a trilemma about economic models: we cannot maintain that they are false, but nevertheless explain and that only true accounts explain. In this reply we give reasons to reject the second premise – that economic models explain. Intuitions to the contrary should be distrusted

    Adjustment with aphasia after stroke: study protocol for a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial for SUpporting wellbeing through PEeR Befriending (SUPERB)

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    Background: Despite the high prevalence of mood problems after stroke, evidence on effective interventions particularly for those with aphasia is limited. There is a pressing need to systematically evaluate interventions aiming to improve wellbeing for people with stroke and aphasia. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of a peer-befriending intervention. Methods/design: SUPERB is a single blind, parallel group feasibility trial of peer befriending for people with aphasia post-stroke and low levels of psychological distress. The trial includes a nested qualitative study and pilot economic evaluation and it compares usual care (n = 30) with usual care + peer befriending (n = 30). Feasibility outcomes include proportion screened who meet criteria, proportion who consent, rate of consent, number of missing/incomplete data on outcome measures, attrition rate at follow-up, potential value of conducting main trial using value of information analysis (economic evaluation), description of usual care, and treatment fidelity of peer befriending. Assessments and outcome measures (mood, wellbeing, communication, and social participation) for participants and significant others will be administered at baseline, with outcome measures re-administered at 4 and 10 months post-randomisation. Peer befrienders will complete outcome measures before training and after they have completed two cycles of befriending. The qualitative study will use semi-structured interviews of purposively sampled participants (n = 20) and significant others (n = 10) from both arms of the trial, and all peer befrienders to explore the acceptability of procedures and experiences of care. The pilot economic evaluation will utilise the European Quality of life measure (EQ-5D-5 L) and a stroke-adapted version of the Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI). Discussion: This study will provide information on feasibility outcomes and an initial indication of whether peer befriending is a suitable intervention to explore further in a definitive phase III randomised controlled trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02947776, registered 28th October 2016

    The visual orbits of the spectroscopic binaries HD 6118 and HD 27483 from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer

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    We present optical interferometric observations of two double-lined spectroscopic binaries, HD 6118 and HD 27483, taken with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) in the K band. HD 6118 is one of the most eccentric spectroscopic binaries and HD 27483 a spectroscopic binary in the Hyades open cluster. The data collected with PTI in 2001-2002 allow us to determine astrometric orbits and when combined with the radial velocity measurements derive all physical parameters of the systems. The masses of the components are 2.65 +/- 0.27 M_Sun and 2.36 +/- 0.24 M_Sun for HD 6118 and 1.38 +/- 0.13 M_Sun and 1.39 +/- 0.13 M_Sun for HD 27483. The apparent semi-major axis of HD 27483 is only 1.2 mas making it the closest binary successfully observed with an optical interferometer.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Stressful Working Conditions and Union Dissatisfaction

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    Les conditions de travail stressantes et l'angoisse qui en rĂ©sulte pour les employĂ©s reçoivent de plus en plus d'attention. De telles conditions de travail mĂšnent Ă  des symptĂŽmes physiologiques et psychologiques d'angoisse, d'insatisfaction envers le travail, d'aliĂ©nation, de basse productivitĂ© et de roulement. Dans un tel contexte, les employĂ©s syndiquĂ©s peuvent se tourner vers leur syndicat dans l'espoir que celui-ci obtienne de meilleures conditions de travail. De plus, on peut supposer que les travailleurs qui perçoivent leur syndicat comme un alliĂ© ont envers lui une orientation positive. En d'autres termes, l'hypothĂšse est Ă  l'effet que plus les conditions de travail sont stressantes, et plus l'angoisse est grande chez les travailleurs, plus leur orientation envers le syndicat sera positive. Cependant, il est Ă©galement possible que des employĂ©s aux conditions de travail stressantes, angoissĂ©s et aliĂ©nĂ©s deviendront insatisfaits non seulement de leur travail mais Ă©galement de leur syndicat qu'ils peuvent blĂąmer de n'avoir pu obtenir de meilleures conditions de travail. Peu d'Ă©tudes, Ă  ce jour, ont examinĂ© les relations entre le travail stressant et le degrĂ© de satisfaction envers son syndicat. De plus, le peu de littĂ©rature qui existe Ă  ce sujet est Ă©quivoque. Quelques Ă©tudes concluent que le travail stressant est associĂ© avec la satisfaction envers le syndicat alors d'autres concluent le contraire, ou encore Ă  l'absence de relations entre ces deux variables. Nous cherchons ici Ă  examiner la relation entre les conditions de travail stressantes, l'angoisse des employĂ©s et l'orientation des travailleurs envers leur syndicat.Les donnĂ©es pour la prĂ©sente Ă©tude viennent d'une enquĂȘte effectuĂ©e en 1983 auprĂšs des postiers syndiquĂ©s (n=992) travaillant pour Poste Canada Ă  Edmonton. Les conditions de travail sont Ă©valuĂ©es par membership syndical (postiers et facteurs), quart de travail, rapports des travailleurs eu Ă©gard aux problĂšmes avec les heures travaillĂ©es, nombre de risques eu Ă©gard Ă  la santĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© au travail et les caractĂ©ristiques du travail incluant la supervision, l'intensitĂ© de travail, l'autonomie dĂ©cisionnelle, les rĂ©compenses financiĂšres, les relations entre les travailleurs, les conflits de travail et le degrĂ© de routine. Nous avons mesurĂ© le support social au travail en demandant aux employĂ©s jusqu'Ă  quel point il pouvait compter sur leur supĂ©rieur, le dĂ©lĂ©guĂ© ou reprĂ©sentant syndical et sur d'autres personnes au travail. Nous avons Ă©galement interrogĂ© les rĂ©pondants sur leur implication dans leur syndicat et sur leurs perceptions des relations du travail. Finalement, quant au stress vĂ©cu par ces travailleurs, nous avons utilisĂ© de multiple mesures de satisfaction au travail, de bien-ĂȘtre psychologique/ angoisse, de bien-ĂȘtre physique/angoisse, et l'impact perçu du travail sur la santĂ©.La variable dĂ©pendante pour cette Ă©tude est la (in)satisfaction envers le syndicat. Cette variable combine une Ă©chelle de rangement de sept Ă©chelons du syndicat avec les rĂ©ponses des employĂ©s Ă  une question ouverte « comment votre syndicat pourrait mieux vous servir ? ». Nous avons crĂ©Ă© trois catĂ©gories: fortes critiques du syndicat (n=192), critiques modĂ©rĂ©es (n=360) et aucune critique (n=440). Aux fins de l'analyse de rĂ©gression, les critiques fortes et modĂ©rĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© fusionnĂ©es. Les analyses bi-variĂ©es montrent que les membres du syndicat des postiers, les travailleurs des quarts d'aprĂšs-midi ou de nuit, ceux rapportant des problĂšmes avec les heures de travail et les rĂ©pondants qui disent ĂȘtre exposĂ©s Ă  de hauts niveaux de risques au travail sont plus enclins Ă  ĂȘtre fortement critiques de leur syndicat. De plus, les employĂ©s rapportant une supervision pauvre, un dĂ©fi et une variĂ©tĂ© limitĂ©s dans leurs tĂąches et des collĂšgues et reprĂ©sentants syndicaux qui ne les supportent pas critiquent plus leur syndicat, comme cela est d'ailleurs le cas de ceux qui perçoivent les relations du travail comme hostiles. Finalement, ceux qui rapportent les pires santĂ©s physiques et mentales, de plus grands conflits travail-famille, et de l'insatisfaction envers leur travail, sont aussi de forts critiques de leur syndicat. En rĂ©sumĂ©, il semble que les diffĂ©rentes mesures de conditions de travail stressantes et l'angoisse des employĂ©s soient reliĂ©es avec une position critique envers le syndicat. Une analyse de rĂ©gression multivariĂ©e confirme qu'un modĂšle qui inclut ces variables prĂ©dit, Ă  un degrĂ© statistiquement significatif, l'orientation des employĂ©s envers leur syndicat. Plus particuliĂšrement, l'analyse multivariĂ©e dĂ©montre que les employĂ©s qui considĂšrent leur travail stressant, leur reprĂ©sentant syndical inutile, et leur syndicat inefficace Ă  amĂ©liorer les conditions de travail, tendent Ă  ĂȘtre de forts critiques de leur syndicat.En conclusion, cette Ă©tude Ă©tablit que des conditions de travail stressantes et le stress au travail en rĂ©sultant associĂ©s avec un manque de support au travail (supĂ©rieur, collĂšgue, syndicat) mĂšnent Ă  une orientation nĂ©gative envers le syndicat. Alors, des conditions de travail stressantes peuvent non seulement aliĂ©ner les travailleurs eu Ă©gard Ă  leur travail et compromettre leur santĂ©, mais Ă©galement les aliĂ©ner eu Ă©gard Ă  leur syndicat.This paper examines the relationship between stressful working conditions, social support at work, employee distress, and union members' (dis)satisfaction with their union. It might be assumed that under stressful working conditions, unionized workers would turn to their union to seek better working conditions and would have a positive orientation toward their union. However, it is also possible that stressful working conditions and distressed, alienated employees will become dissatisfied not only with their job but also with their union. The data for this study corne from a survey of unionized postal workers employed by Canada Post Corporation in Edmonton in 1983
