399 research outputs found

    BURO: A Bespoke Repository for the UK Research Excellence Framework & Beyond

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    BURO (Bournemouth University Research Online), a bespoke repository for the university’s research publications is an essential part of a wider change agenda aimed at embedding research into the core activities of Bournemouth University. BURO will be a crucial piece of this jigsaw as the university prepares for the UK’s forthcoming Research Excellence Framework (REF) and beyond. BURO is the 11th largest multidisciplinary institutional repository in the UK and 232nd in the Web of World Repositorie

    A Detailed Investigation of Staged Normal Injection into a Mach 2 Flow

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    A study of the staged injection of two jets of air behind a rearward facing step into a Mach 2 flow was performed using the SPARK 3-D Navier-Stokes code. Calculated mole fraction distributions were compared with an extensive set of planar mole fraction measurements made with a laser induced iodine fluorescence technique. A statistical measure, the standard deviation, was used to help assess agreement between calculation and experiment. Overall, good agreement was found between calculated and measured values. Generally, agreement was better in the far field of the injectors. The effect of grid resolution was investigated by calculating solutions on grids of 60,000, 200,000, and 450,000 points. Differences in the solutions on the two finer grids were small. However, the mole fraction distributions were distinguishable. The effect of turbulence modeling was investigated by employing three different algebraic models for the jet turbulence: the Baldwin-Lomax model, the Prandtl mixing length model, and the Eggers mixing length model. Overall, the Eggers mixing length model was found to be superior for this case. Finally, the effect of the jet exit conditions was examined. A recently proposed Mach number distribution at the jet exit was found to slightly improve agreement between measurement and calculation

    Evaluation of on-board hydrogen storage methods for hypersonic vehicles

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    Hydrogen is the foremost candidate as a fuel for use in high speed transport. Since any aircraft moving at hypersonic speeds must have a very slender body, means of decreasing the storage volume requirements below that for liquid hydrogen are needed. The total performance of the hypersonic plane needs to be considered for the evaluation of candidate fuel and storage systems. To accomplish this, a simple model for the performance of a hypersonic plane is presented. To allow for the use of different engines and fuels during different phases of flight, the total trajectory is divided into three phases: subsonic-supersonic, hypersonic and rocket propulsion phase. The fuel fraction for the first phase is found be a simple energy balance using an average thrust to drag ratio for this phase. The hypersonic flight phase is investigated in more detail by taking small altitude increments. This approach allowed the use of flight profiles other than the constant dynamic pressure flight. The effect of fuel volume on drag, structural mass and tankage mass was introduced through simplified equations involving the characteristic dimension of the plane. The propellant requirement for the last phase is found by employing the basic rocket equations. The candidate fuel systems such as the cryogenic fuel combinations and solid and liquid endothermic hydrogen generators are first screened thermodynamically with respect to their energy densities and cooling capacities and then evaluated using the above model

    CARS Temperature Measurements in a Hypersonic Propulsion Test Facility

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    Nonintrusive diagnostic measurements were performed in the supersonic reacting flow of the Hypersonic Propulsion Test Cell 2 at NASA-Langley. A Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) system was assembled specifically for the test cell environment. System design considerations were: (1) test cell noise and vibration; (2) contamination from flow field or atmospheric borne dust; (3) unwanted laser or electrically induced combustion (inside or outside the duct); (4) efficient signal collection; (5) signal splitting to span the wide dynamic range present throughout the flow field; (6) movement of the sampling volume in the flow; and (7) modification of the scramjet model duct to permit optical access to the reacting flow with the CARS system. The flow in the duct was a nominal Mach 2 flow with static pressure near one atmosphere. A single perpendicular injector introduced hydrogen into the flow behind a rearward facing step. CARS data was obtained in three planes downstream of the injection region. At least 20 CARS data points were collected at each of the regularly spaced sampling locations in each data plane. Contour plots of scramjet combustor static temperature in a reacting flow region are presented

    Experience with Delay-Tolerant Networking from Orbit

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    We describe the first use from space of the Bundle Protocol for Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) and lessons learned from experiments made and experience gained with this protocol. The Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC), constructed by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), is a multiple-satellite Earth-imaging low-Earth-orbit sensor network in which recorded image swaths are stored onboard each satellite and later downloaded from the satellite payloads to a ground station. Store-and-forward of images with capture and later download gives each satellite the characteristics of a node in a disruption-tolerant network. Originally developed for the Interplanetary Internet, DTNs are now under investigation in an Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) DTN research group (RG), which has developed a bundle architecture and protocol. The DMC is technically advanced in its adoption of the Internet Protocol (IP) for its imaging payloads and for satellite command and control, based around reuse of commercial networking and link protocols. These satellites use of IP has enabled earlier experiments with the Cisco router in Low Earth Orbit (CLEO) onboard the constellation s UK-DMC satellite. Earth images are downloaded from the satellites using a custom IP-based high-speed transfer protocol developed by SSTL, Saratoga, which tolerates unusual link environments. Saratoga has been documented in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for wider adoption. We experiment with the use of DTNRG bundle concepts onboard the UK-DMC satellite, by examining how Saratoga can be used as a DTN convergence layer to carry the DTNRG Bundle Protocol, so that sensor images can be delivered to ground stations and beyond as bundles. Our practical experience with the first successful use of the DTNRG Bundle Protocol in a space environment gives us insights into the design of the Bundle Protocol and enables us to identify issues that must be addressed before wider deployment of the Bundle Protocol. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: Internet; UK-DMC; satellite; Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN); Bundle Protoco

    Cross-Sectional Assessment of Safety Culture Perceptions and Safety Behavior in Collegiate Aviation Programs in the United States

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    A cross-sectional quasi- mixed-method approach was used to determine the relationships between safety culture perceptions and safety reporting behavior among flight students with and without certified flight instructor (CFI) ratings. Respondents (n=259) were recruited from five collegiate aviation programs in the US and took part in the study. Survey Items adopted from the Collegiate Aviation Perception of Safety Culture Assessment Survey (CAPSCAS) were validated using factor analysis analyzed for reliability before use in the study. Researchers sought to find out if the safety reporting behavior (reporting frequency) of respondents could be predicted from their safety culture perceptions. Pearson’s Bivariate Correlation, Multiple Regressions, independent T-test of means, and Analysis of Covariance were used for data analyses. The findings indicated that the age of respondents, perceptions on the variables Reporting System and Safety Fundamentals were statistically significant predictors of safety reporting behavior. Additionally, there was no significant statistical difference in the mean safety reporting frequency between respondents with and without CFI ratings. A major theme from the qualitative part of the study was pressure to fly when conditions were considered unsafe, in order to meet ground course targets. These respondents felt that such pressures placed them under duress to fly when not fully fit psychologically, physiologically, and in adverse weather conditions. The inclusion of the collegiate program’s safety reporting process and procedures in a related academic course like Safety Management Systems (SMS) was found to be very beneficial in some collegiate programs. Researchers of this study recommend an extension of safety awareness programs to include all line personnel, students, and management involved in collegiate aviation programs. The awareness program must entail the process and procedures for effective safety reporting. Additionally, further validation of the CAPSCAS should be conducted. Qualitative approaches can be effectively utilized to gain a clearer understanding of safety culture perceptions, specifically, how age influences safety reporting behavior. Furthermore, analysis of safety culture perceptions among groups such as flight program management personnel and flight students can be compared and contrasted. These recommendations may assist the collegiate aviation community to enhance a positive organizational safety culture

    An Examination of the Relationships between Safety Culture Perceptions and Safety Reporting Behavior among Non-Flight Collegiate Aviation Majors

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    Some collegiate aviation programs in the United States have adopted the voluntary Safety Management System (SMS) strongly advocated by the Federal Aviation Administration to build a proactive safety culture. While relevant safety culture research has primarily focused on flight personnel, there has been limited investigation on non-flight collegiate aviation majors (collegiate air traffic control, aviation management, and unmanned aerial systems students) perceptions on collegiate aviation safety. This study examined the relationship between safety culture perceptions and safety reporting behavior of non-flight major students at five collegiate aviation programs. One hundred and sixteen completed responses to a validated safety culture perception survey instrument were used for analysis (n = 116). The findings suggest an unfavorable perception on the Response and Feed-back scale and may indicate challenges with effective feedback from safety professionals for reports on safety issues made by respondents. The strong correlation between the perceptions of respondents on the reporting system and response and feed-back amplifies a need for greater diligence in providing feed-back to safety issues reported in collegiate aviation programs. A causal path analysis with mediating variables suggests the need for collegiate aviation management to provide resources that align safety performance indicators with safety objectives. The researchers recommend effective safety promotional programs that will improve the safety culture perceptions of non-flight aviation students