39 research outputs found

    La importancia del crecimiento interno y el bienestar comunitario en la evaluación educativa para la justicia social

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    During 2009, while undertaking a collaborative study with U.S.-based teachers, I witnessed academic violence in the form of a high-stakes examination. This manuscript distinguishes my experience with this assessment tool in a nearly all-black public high school from two extracurricular educational programs for African American youth: a Philadelphia Freedom School and the National Rites of Passage Institute. In both of the latter programs, students' inner growth and positive contributions to their surrounding communities, not just their performance on standardized external measures, indicated the programs' and students' success. I thus argue that educational evaluations for social justice must attend not only to academic achievement but also to the cultivation of a social fabric that alleviates human suffering and environmental degradation. Such evaluations can come from looking outward, at the observable and felt effects of our actions in the world, as well as inward, at the growth of our inner lives.No ano de 2009, nos Estados Unidos, enquanto apresentava indagações para a ação a um grupo de docência, presenciei um fato de violência acadêmica gerado pelo uso de exames padronizados que fomentam a exclusão. Este artigo destaca minha experiência com esse instrumento de avaliação no contexto de dois programas educativos extracurriculares dirigidos a jovens afro-americanos, a Philadelphia Freedom School e o National Rites of Passage Institute, em uma escola pública de ensino fundamental cuja maioria da população é negra e na qual um dos membros do meu grupo de trabalho é docente. Investiguei esses dois programas com o propósito de encontrar novas alternativas aos problemas causados pelos exames padronizados. Ao final, concluí que os dois programas avaliam o crescimento interno dos alunos e suas contribuições à comunidade, e não somente sua capacidade de responder a exames padronizados, o que significa que esses programas não estão reduzidos ao objetivo de comprovarem o próprio êxito e o dos estudantes. Fica claro, portanto, que a avaliação educativa para a justiça social deve atender não somente ao sucesso acadêmico dos alunos mas também a todo desenvolvimento social e pessoal que possa atenuar a dor humana e a degradação do meio ambiente. Esse tipo de avaliação pode originar-se de um olhar externo, ou seja, dos efeitos percebidos e observáveis de nossas ações no mundo, e de um olhar interno que recupere o crescimento de nossas próprias vidasEn el año 2009, mientras facilitaba un grupo de docencia sobre indagación para la acción en Estados Unidos, presencié un hecho de violencia académica generado por el uso de exámenes estandarizados que fomentan la exclusión. Este artículo destaca mi vivencia con este instrumento de evaluación en relación con dos programas educativos extracurriculares dirigidos a jóvenes afro-americanos, la Philadelphia Freedom School y el National Rites of Passage Institute, en una escuela secundaria pública de población mayoritariamente negra, en la que uno de los miembros de mi grupo de trabajo imparte docencia. Investigué estos dos programas con el propósito de buscar nuevas alternativas a los problemas causados por los exámenes estandarizados. Al final he encontrado que los dos programas evaluaban el crecimiento interno de los alumnos y sus contribuciones a la comunidad, y no sólo su capacidad por responder a exámenes estandarizados, con la idea de comprobar el éxito de estos programas y de los estudiantes. De esta manera, la evaluación educativa para la justicia social debe atender no solo al logro académico de los alumnos, sino también al desarrollo social y personal que pueda mitigar el dolor humano y la degradación del medio ambiente. Este tipo de evaluaciones podría originarse desde una mirada hacia afuera, es decir, de los efectos percibidos y observables de nuestras acciones en el mundo, así como también de una mirada interna que recupere el crecimiento interno de nuestras propias vidas

    A importância do crescimento interno e o bem-estar comunitário na avaliação educativa para a justiça social

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    En el año 2009, mientras facilitaba un grupo de docencia sobre indagación para la acción en Estados Unidos, presencié un hecho de violencia académica generado por el uso de exámenes estandarizados que fomentan la exclusión. Este artículo destaca mi vivencia con este instrumento de evaluación en relación con dos programas educativos extracurriculares dirigidos a jóvenes afro-americanos, la Philadelphia Freedom School y el National Rites of Passage Institute, en una escuela secundaria pública de población mayoritariamente negra, en la que uno de los miembros de mi grupo de trabajo imparte docencia. Investigué estos dos programas con el propósito de buscar nuevas alternativas a los problemas causados por los exámenes estandarizados. Al final he encontrado que los dos programas evaluaban el crecimiento interno de los alumnos y sus contribuciones a la comunidad, y no sólo su capacidad por responder a exámenes estandarizados, con la idea de comprobar el éxito de estos programas y de los estudiantes. De esta manera, la evaluación educativa para la justicia social debe atender no solo al logro académico de los alumnos, sino también al desarrollo social y personal que pueda mitigar el dolor humano y la degradación del medio ambiente. Este tipo de evaluaciones podría originarse desde una mirada hacia afuera, es decir, de los efectos percibidos y observables de nuestras acciones en el mundo, así como también de una mirada interna que recupere el crecimiento interno de nuestras propias vida

    Motivators of adult women enrolled in a community college

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    The goal of this study was to describe what motivates adult women enrolled in a community college to pursue higher education. Utilizing profile analysis and multiple regression analyses, this study investigated the extent to which gender, English as a first language, and age predicted the seven factors of the Education Participation Scale (A- form) comprised of (1) Communication Improvement, (2) Social Contact, (3) Educational Preparation, (4) Professional Advancement, (5) Family Togetherness, (6) Social Stimulation, and (7) Cognitive Interest (Boshier, 1991). Data collection involved administering an online survey to 367 students enrolled in a large urban community college in the Southeastern United States. Twenty-eight percent were males and 72% were females. The majority of students were in their early 30s (M=33.7, SD=12.1). Ethnicity of the group varied with 47% White/Caucasian (N=173), 36% African-American/Black (N=133), 10% Latino/Hispanic (N=38), 6% Asian-American/Asian (N=21), and 1% Native American/ Alaskan (N=2). Fifteen percent of the participants indicated they speak a language other than English as their first language. The results indicated that females were most motivated by Professional Advancement, followed by Cognitive Interest, Educational Preparation, Communication Improvement, Family Togetherness, Social Contact, and finally Social Stimulation. In short, females seem to be less motivated by social reasons (i.e. Social Contact, Social Stimulation, Family Togetherness), and more motivated by practical reasons (i.e. Professional Advancement, Cognitive Interest, Educational Preparation). A profile analysis demonstrated that the motivational profiles for males and females can be considered coincident with similar profiles for the genders. Multiple regression results indicated that gender was not a significant predictor of motivation, but age of respondent and students who spoke English as their first language were predictors of several motivational factors. In general, older students place less importance on social reasons to attend school, such as Communication Improvement, Social Contact, and Social Stimulation. Students who speak English as a second language are more likely to value Communication Improvement, Social Contact, Family Togetherness, Social Stimulation and Cognitive Interest than students who speak English as their first language. The current findings seem to indicate that most females (and males) value attending college in order to obtain better employment options and to prepare to take even higher level classes later. The research implies incorporating course content related to a student’s career goals would assist with student motivation, such as using examples related to career interests in developmental classes. This strategy would also tap into Cognitive Interest, which is the second most important motivator for females

    Dark side of information systems and protection of children online: examining predatory behavior and victimization of children within social media

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    Protecting children online from sexual predators has been a focus of research in psychiatry, sociology, computer science, and information systems (IS) for many years. However, the anonymity afforded by social media has made finding a solution to the problem of child protection difficult. Pedophiles manipulate conversation (discourse) with children in social media in order to exercise power, control and coercion over children leading to their psychological and often physical victimization. Recent IS research points to "individuals, groups, and organizations that have been transformed - in intended and unintended ways - by technology" (Dang and Brown 2010, p. 2). This research examines a darker side of social media that demonstrates unintended consequences that are negatively transforming and affecting lives of children who fall victim to predatory coercion. There is a critical need for information systems research to investigate and understand how sexual predators victimize children online. The knowledge gained could help society as a whole to develop interventions to better protect children online, enabling them to use valuable online resources for education, social development and becoming better citizens in the future. In this context, this dissertation contributes to the larger research narrative of information systems and critical social issues. This dissertation comprises three studies. Study 1 addresses how online sexual predators use social media, as a discursive system, to propagate their ideology of acceptance of sexual acts between adults and children. Study 2 addresses how online sexual predators use and manipulate the text of institutional logics within negotiated cyber-social realities to victimize children. Study 3 examines how online sexual predators use text to construct and control negotiated cyber-social realities during the online victimization of children. Across these three studies we examined how online sexual predators used computer-mediated communications to coerce and victimize children within social media. This research introduces: (1) critical discourse analysis in information systems research to critically examine the role of social media in society, (2) an example of a mixed methods research combining critical discourse analysis, structured content analysis and grounded theory approach for the development of theory in social media and, (3) the use of institutional logics to examine social media phenomena. The central contribution of this dissertation is the development of theoretical models that uncover ways in which power relations and effects of pedophilic ideology are manifested in language and discourse between pedophiles and children in social media. The resulting theoretical models of: (1) pedophilic ideology manifestation, coercion and victimization of children in social media, (2) cyber-victimization logic and, (3) negotiated cyber-social realities provide the foundation for further research, social intervention and policy formulation that lead to better protection of children in social media. Additionally, we present a matrix of predatory coercion and victimization of children within social media that aggregates the results of all three studies. This dissertation aims to contribute beyond the traditional focus of IS research on business and organizations, leveraging the wealth of knowledge from IS research to positively impact societal causes that affect the lives of millions of our fellow citizens - in this particular research - millions of children that are the most vulnerable population in our society. These contributions aim to empower the powerless and expose power abuse as expressed in coercion of children leading to their victimization

    Broaching behaviors of Licensed Professional Counselors: A qualitative inquiry

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    This qualitative study explored broaching behaviors of licensed professional Counselors during intakes with clients who have addictions. Five themes emerged: (a) to broach or not to broach, (b) follow the client's lead, (c) right timing, (d) counselor willingness, and (e) which cultural characteristics are considered

    A comparison of factors that influence the quality of PEPs in Title I schools

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between school-based organizational structures that support teachers’ development of Personalized Education Plans (PEPs) and their quality as written for third through fifth grade students in each of two Title I schools. A causal comparative design was implemented. Teachers’ responses on a survey and the quality of PEPs gathered in each of the two schools were compared to address the following research questions: a) What are the differences in teachers’ perceptions of school-based factors that support their PEP development when comparing teachers in the two Title I schools? b) What differences in the quality of PEPs exist when comparing PEP samples collected at each of the Title I schools? c) Are teachers’ perceptions regarding the level of support they receive toward developing PEPs a predictor of the quality of PEPs written

    Broaching as a strategy for intercultural understanding in clinical supervision

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    Broaching cultural similarities and differences with genuine, respectful inquisitiveness is an important supervisory intervention. Broaching allows supervisors to acknowledge the relevance of cultural identities and invite supervisee dialogue. Through dialogue, supervisors are tasked with openly receiving what is said by supervisees and working through ideas to maximize the effectiveness of supervision. In this practical article, broaching as an intervention in supervision is described. The importance of clinical supervision, the intercultural nature of supervision, sample broaching prompts, and recommendations for supervisors are also included

    A Liberal Education: Making the Essentials Practical

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    The newly revised Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice states that “a solid base in liberal education provides the cornerstone for the practice and education of nurses.”1(p3) Liberal education is thought to provide professional nurses with some of the necessary skills needed to practice nursing, including critical thinking, effective communication, collaboration with others, appreciation of diversity, and the integration of knowledge from the sciences and humanities to solve problems. However, liberal education is viewed by many faculty as separate from the nursing curriculum: the courses taken prior to the nursing courses. Seeking strategies that would require students in our required gerontology nursing course to incorporate princi-ples of liberal education, we developed the Life Review Project

    Counseling students’ emotions during cultural immersion: Impact on reactance

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    Counselor trainees’ multicultural development is a process that engenders strong emotions. The authors inventoried students’ emotions in cultural immersion activities and assessed their impact on course reactance. Findings indicated that reactance was shaped by both negative and positive emotions and that cultural immersion can be universally challenging for students

    Multicultural orientation in clinical supervision: Examining impact through dyadic data

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    Clinical supervision can support supervisee cultural development through the relationship and preparation for counseling practice. Supervisor modeling of cultural conversations can aid in this development. Using dyadic data to examine how multicultural orientation (MCO) functions in supervision, we found supervisor cultural humility and missed opportunities to discuss culture both predicted the supervisory working alliance. Diverging from research on MCO in counseling, supervisee growth in ethnocultural empathy and cultural behaviors was not traceable to supervisor cultural humility. Finally, a test of correspondence between supervisor and supervisee assessments of cultural behaviors supported critiques that self-ratings contain biases, particularly for novice counselors