294 research outputs found

    Investigación y animación para prevenir parasitosis intestinales infantiles

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    Abordajes interdisciplinarios son necesarios para contribuir al conocimiento y prevención de problemáticas tan complejas como las parasitosis intestinales infantiles. Nuestro eje es la participación de los niños como multiplicadores, quienes pueden actuar como agentes de cambio a nbtravés de la transferencia de la información a la comunidad y desde los cambios en sus conductas.Asociación Parasitológica Argentin

    Using dates as contextual information for personalised cultural heritage experiences

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    We present semantics-based mechanisms that aim to promote reflection on cultural heritage by means of dates (historical events or annual commemorations), owing to their connections to a collection of items and to the visitors’ interests. We argue that links to specific dates can trigger curiosity, increase retention and guide visitors around the venue following new appealing narratives in subsequent visits. The proposal has been evaluated in a pilot study on the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Tripoli (Greece), for which a team of humanities experts wrote a set of diverse narratives about the exhibits. A year-round calendar was crafted so that certain narratives would be more or less relevant on any given day. Expanding on this calendar, personalised recommendations can be made by sorting out those relevant narratives according to personal events and interests recorded in the profiles of the target users. Evaluation of the associations by experts and potential museum visitors shows that the proposed approach can discover meaningful connections, while many others that are more incidental can still contribute to the intended cognitive phenomena

    A new type of anti-ganglioside antibodies present in neurological patients

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    AbstractHigh titers of anti-GA1 antibodies have been associated with neurological syndromes. In most cases, these antibodies cross-react with the structurally related glycolipids GM1 and GD1b, although specific anti-GA1 antibodies have also been reported. The role of specific anti-GA1 antibodies is uncertain since the presence of GA1 in the human nervous system has not been clarified. A rabbit was immunized with GD1a and its sera were screened for antibody reactivity by standard immunoassay methods (HPTLC-immunostaining and ELISA). Anti-GD1a antibodies were not detected but, unexpectedly, anti-GA1 IgG-antibodies were found. Antibody binding to GA1 was inhibited by soluble GA1 but also by GD1a. These results indicate that the rabbit produced antibodies that recognize epitopes present on the glycolipids, that are absent or not exposed on solid phase adsorbed GD1a. We investigated the presence of these unusual anti-ganglioside antibodies in normal and neurological patient sera. Approximately, 10% of normal human sera contained low titer of specific anti-GA1 IgG-antibodies but none of them recognized soluble GD1a. High titers of IgG-antibodies reacting only with GA1 were detected in 12 patient sera out of 325 analyzed. Of these, 6 sera showed binding that was inhibited by soluble GD1a and four of them also by GM1. This new type of anti-ganglioside antibodies should be considered important elements for understanding of the pathogenesis of these diseases as well as their diagnosis


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    Se ha propuesto que las migraciones podrían expli-car cambios culturales identificados en el registro ar-queológico de Patagonia Austral, como el desarrollo de estrategias de aprovechamiento de recursos marinos y modificaciones en las herramientas utilizadas. El análisis del genoma de individuos de origen arqueológico revela una continuidad genética durante 6.600 años y sugiere que los movimientos poblacionales no explican la apari-ción de la adaptación marina, adquirida por desarrollo local o por transmisión cultural. Sin embargo, dos even-tos de migración posteriores estarían correlacionados con cambios vinculados a tecnologías líticas. Además, se observa que ocurrieron procesos de mestizaje entre grupos vecinos hace 1.500 años

    Tenodermodesis para el tratamiento del dedo en martillo tendinoso de presentación tardía en niños y adolescentes

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    Introducción: El diagnóstico del dedo en martillo tendinoso puede pasar desapercibido inicialmente en niños y adolescentes, esto limita las posibilidades del tratamiento conservador. El objetivo fue evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico con la técnica de tenodermodesis en lesiones de presentación tardía. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó retrospectivamente a 9 pacientes (8 niños) con una edad promedio de 8.6 ± 6 años (rango 1-15). Los días promedio de evolución de la lesión eran 27±11.4 (rango 15-45). El mecanismo de lesión fue una herida cortante (4 casos) y un traumatismo indirecto (5 casos). El tratamiento consistió en tenodermodesis e inmovilización transitoria con clavija transarticular. El seguimiento promedio fue de 61 ± 34.7 meses (rango 12-106). Se evaluaron la movilidad activa y pasiva de la articulación interfalángica distal, la presencia de dolor o deformidad, la limitación de actividades de la vida diaria y la necesidad de tratamientos adicionales. Se clasificaron los resultados con los criterios de evaluación de Crawford. Resultados: En 8 pacientes, el resultado fue excelente y, en uno, regular según Crawford. Un paciente poco colaborador requirió una segunda intervención por re-rotura. En dos casos, hubo una complicación (granuloma) y requirió resección. Ningún paciente refirió dolor al final del seguimiento, ni limitaciones para las actividades de la vida diaria. Ocho presentaron extensión activa completa y uno, una deformidad residual de 20°. Conclusión: La tenodermodesis permite la reconstrucción anatómica del mecanismo extensor en niños y adolescentes. Los resultados clínicos de este estudio son alentadores en lesiones no diagnosticadas en forma temprana. Nivel de Evidencia: I

    Ancient and modern mitogenomes from Central Argentina: New insights into population continuity, temporal depth and migration in South America

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    The inverted triangle shape of South America places Argentina territory as a geographical crossroads between the two principal peopling streams that followed either the Pacific or the Atlantic coasts, which could have then merged in Central Argentina (CA). Although the genetic diversity from this region is therefore crucial to decipher past population movements in South America, its characterization has been overlooked so far. We report 92 modern and 22 ancient mitogenomes spanning a temporal range of 5000 years, which were compared with a large set of previously reported data. Leveraging this dataset representative of the mitochondrial diversity of the subcontinent, we investigate the maternal history of CA populations within a wider geographical context. We describe a large number of novel clades within the mitochondrial DNA tree, thus providing new phylogenetic interpretations for South America. We also identify several local clades of great temporal depth with continuity until the present time, which stem directly from the founder haplotypes, suggesting that they originated in the region and expanded from there. Moreover, the presence of lineages characteristic of other South American regions reveals the existence of gene flow to CA. Finally, we report some lineages with discontinuous distribution across the Americas, which suggest the persistence of relic lineages likely linked to the first population arrivals. The present study represents to date the most exhaustive attempt to elaborate a Native American genetic map from modern and ancient complete mitochondrial genomes in Argentina and provides relevant information about the general process of settlement in South America.This work was supported by Agencia Nacional de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (PICT 2007-1549, PICT 2012-711 and PICT 2015-3155), Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Provincia de Córdoba (PID 2018-79) and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (2015-11220150100953CO). M.P. is a postdoctoral fellow and A.G., R.N., J.M.B.M, C.M.B., M.F. and D.A.D. are research career members of CONICET, Argentina

    Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history

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    The paper presents the H2020 CrossCult project, providing a short overview, a summary of the platform developed by the project, a description of the consortium, lessons learnt in three main dimensions (humanities, technology and business), the open challenges and the main tools developed by the project

    CrossCult: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history

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    The paper presents the H2020 CrossCult project, providing a short overview, a summary of the platform developed by the project, a description of the consortium, lessons learnt in three main dimensions (humanities, technology and business), the open challenges and the main tools developed by the project