720 research outputs found

    Pesticidi iz skupine kloriranih ugljikovodika i poliklorirani bifenili u hrani u Švedskoj

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    A survey of investigations of organochlorine pesticides and PCB in foods during 1967-1972 is presented. Only occasionally did samples of vegetable foods exceed the Swedish tolerances for organochlorine pesticides. Of the animal products, fat fish from certain waters contained high levels of pesticides and PCB. The highest concentrations of DDT and metabolites were found in cod liver from the Baltic. Some samples of cereal products were contaminated with PCB from the packaging material. There is a manifest decrease in the level of dieldrin in fish from certain waters and of p,p\u27-DDT in human milk from the Stockholm region. The average level of PCB in the human milk has increased.U ovom radu autor je prikazao rezultate mjerenja sadržaja pesticida iz skupine kloriranih ugljikovodika i polikloriranih bifenila u hrani za razdoblje od 1967. do 1972. godine. Uzorci povrća sadržavali su samo izuzetno kloriranih ugljikovodika u količinama većim od onih dopuštenih u švedskoj. Od životinjskih proizvoda jedino je mast riba iz nekih voda sadržavala visoke koncentracije pesticida i polikloriranih bifenila. Najveće koncentracije DDT-ja i njegovih metabolita nađene su u jetri bakalara iz Baltika. Neki uzorci cerealija bili su kontaminirani polikloriranim bifenilima iz materijala za pakiranje. U ribama iz pojedinih područja očito je smanjena koncentracija dieldrina kao i p,p\u27-DDT-ja u majčinu mlijeku štokholmskog područja. Povećana je prosječna razina polikloriranih bifenila u majčinom mlijeku

    Metformin-mediated increase in DICER1 regulates microRNA expression and cellular senescence

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    Metformin, an oral hypoglycemic agent, has been used for decades to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. Recent studies indicate that mice treated with metformin live longer and have fewer manifestations of age-related chronic disease. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenotype are unknown. Here, we show that metformin treatment increases the levels of the microRNA-processing protein DICER1 in mice and in humans with diabetes mellitus. Our results indicate that metformin upregulates DICER1 through a post-transcriptional mechanism involving the RNA-binding protein AUF1. Treatment with metformin altered the subcellular localization of AUF1, disrupting its interaction with DICER1 mRNA and rendering DICER1 mRNA stable, allowing DICER1 to accumulate. Consistent with the role of DICER1 in the biogenesis of microRNAs, we found differential patterns of microRNA expression in mice treated with metformin or caloric restriction, two proven life-extending interventions. Interestingly, several microRNAs previously associated with senescence and aging, including miR-20a, miR-34a, miR-130a, miR-106b, miR-125, and let-7c, were found elevated. In agreement with these findings, treatment with metformin decreased cellular senescence in several senescence models in a DICER1- dependent manner. Metformin lowered p16 and p21 protein levels and the abundance of inflammatory cytokines and oncogenes that are hallmarks of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). These data lead us to hypothesize that changes in DICER1 levels may be important for organismal aging and to propose that interventions that upregulate DICER1 expression (e.g., metformin) may offer new pharmacotherapeutic approaches for age-related disease

    Broadscale coral disease interventions elicit efficiencies in endemic disease response

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    The presence and abundance of reef-building corals are crucial to the long-term existence of Caribbean coral reef ecosystems, providing both direct and indirect, local and global, ecological, economic, and social benefits. In 2014, stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) was first identified in southeast Florida and remains endemic to the region, while continuing to spread throughout the Caribbean. Effective in situ intervention treatments using antibiotic paste can halt lesion progression on Montastraea cavernosa up to 90% of the time. This study investigated intervention activities over a three-year period to identify efficiencies in disease response. Since May 2019, 1,037 corals, \u3e85% of which were M. cavernosa, were treated during disease intervention dives in southeast Florida. Treated coral density, the number of treated corals per meter along a dive track, was significantly higher in the first year compared to subsequent years and displayed annual peaks in late summer each year. Season significantly influenced treatment density, leading to higher values in the wet season across all years, 2019 to 2022. Areas of highest treatment density were identified between Haulover Inlet and Government Cut near Miami and Hillsboro Inlet in northern Broward County. Areas with the highest treatment density were only identified in the first year, suggesting that broadscale interventions may have decreased disease prevalence in subsequent years. Results indicate that in endemic areas with sporadic and dynamic disease prevalence, intervention efforts should be weighted proportionally across space and time to maximize intervention efficiency. This study provides optimistic results for the potential of interventions reducing disease prevalence and supports that disease interventions are an effective coral restoration tool that can decrease the increasing burden on post hoc coral restoration

    Genetic divergence among advanced lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under agro climatic condition of North East Hill (NEH) region

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    The introduction of groundnut germplasm in North East Hill (NEH) region of India is essential to enrich genetic resources for crop improvement. The soil under NEH region is characterized.............

    Evaluating impacts of bottom trawling and hypoxia on benthic communities at the local, habitat, and regional scale using a modelling approach

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    Bottom trawling disturbance and hypoxia are affecting marine benthic habitats worldwide. We present an approach to predict their effects on benthic communities, and use the approach to estimate the state, the biomass relative to carrying capacity, of the Baltic Sea at the local, habitat, and regional scale. Responses to both pressures are expected to depend on the longevity of fauna, which is predicted from benthic data from 1558 locations. We find that communities in low-salinity regions mostly consist of short-lived species, which are, in our model, more resilient than those of the saline areas. The model predicts that in 14% of the Baltic Sea region benthic biomass is reduced by at least 50%, whereas an additional 8% of the region has reductions of 10-50%. The effects of hypoxia occur over larger spatial scales and lead to a low state of especially deep habitats. The approach is based on a simple characterization of the benthic community, which comes with high uncertainty, but allows for the identification of benthic habitats that are at greatest risk and prioritization of management actions at the regional scale. This information supports the development of sustainable approaches to manage impact of human activities on benthic ecosystems.</p

    Protective Effects of BDNF against C-Reactive Protein-Induced Inflammation in Women

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    Background. Since high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is predictive of cardiovascular events, it is important to examine the relationship between hsCRP and other inflammatory and oxidative stress markers linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) etiology. Previously, we reported that hsCRP induces the oxidative stress adduct 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2 ὔ deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) and that these markers are significantly associated in women. Recent data indicates that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may have a role in CVD. Methods and Results. We examined BDNF levels in 3 groups of women that were age-and race-matched with low (&lt;3 mg/L), mid (&gt;3-20 mg/L), and high (&gt;20 mg/L) hsCRP ( = 39 per group) and found a significant association between hsCRP, BDNF, and 8-oxodG. In African American females with high hsCRP, increases in BDNF were associated with decreased serum 8-oxodG. This was not the case in white women where high hsCRP was associated with high levels of BDNF and high levels of 8-oxodG. BDNF treatment of cells reduced CRP levels and inhibited CRP-induced DNA damage. Conclusion. We discovered an important relationship between hsCRP, 8-oxodG, and BDNF in women at hsCRP levels &gt;3 mg/L. These data suggest that BDNF may have a protective role in counteracting the inflammatory effects of hsCRP

    Cadherin Engagement Regulates Rho family GTPases

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    The formation of cell-cell adherens junctions is a cadherin-mediated process associated with reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Because Rho family GTPases regulate actin dynamics, we investigated whether cadherin-mediated adhesion regulates the activity of RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42. Confluent epithelial cells were found to have elevated Rac1 and Cdc42 activity but decreased RhoA activity when compared with low density cultures. Using a calcium switch method to manipulate junction assembly, we found that induction of cell-cell junctions increased Rac1 activity, and this was inhibited by E-cadherin function-blocking antibodies. Using the same calcium switch procedure, we found little effect on RhoA activity during the first hour of junction assembly. However, over several hours, RhoA activity significantly decreased. To determine whether these effects are mediated directly through cadherins or indirectly through engagement of other surface proteins downstream from junction assembly, we used a model system in which cadherin engagement is induced without cell-cell contact. For these experiments, Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing C-cadherin were plated on the extracellular domain of C-cadherin immobilized on tissue culture plates. Whereas direct cadherin engagement did not stimulate Cdc42 activity, it strongly inhibited RhoA activity but increased Rac1 activity. Deletion of the C-cadherin cytoplasmic domain abolished these effects

    Southeast Florida large Orbicella faveolata are highly fecund without evident disease intervention effects

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    The recent widespread mortality and tissue loss in Florida from stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) has propelled the need for assisted reproduction to restore reefs, especially for the ESA listed species Orbicella faveolata. In situ gamete collection can be challenging due to the weather and resources (boats and divers) required during the expected spawning window. In the northern portion of the Florida coral reef tract, coral spawn collection has been even more difficult due to historical inconsistency in annual spawning times and the potential for “zombie” corals, i.e. large but reproductively senescent individuals. Therefore, we examined the current reproductive potential of seven large (&gt;2 m diameter) O. faveolata colonies from this region, quantified their fecundity, and estimated the spawning timeframe using histology. Additionally, we explored whether previous SCTLD lesion amoxycillin treatments affected reproductive metrics. Understanding the reproductive capacity and spawning timing of these large corals, given their history of disease and disease treatment, is critical to evaluate potential impacts of SCTLD treatments and the success of assisted reproduction efforts. The histological analysis coupled with in-water observations indicated a probable split-spawn in these individuals in 2020, although the dates of spawning may not be consistent with predictions for the wider Caribbean or with other colonies in Miami and the Florida Keys. All seven large O. faveolata colonies were found to contain abundant oocytes, with no obvious impact of SCTLD treatments on gamete development or fecundity