366 research outputs found

    Welsh and Nordwall Reminisces

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    Photocopy of her typed manuscript, "We came to North Dakota," reminiscing about her pioneer parents, T.A. and Nellie Welsh, who homesteaded in McGinnis Township, McLean County near Garrison, N.D., her brothers and sisters, other family members, neighbors, and married life with Gus Nordwall, their children, other family events, and the move to Douglas, N.D. during the construction of the Garrison Diversion project. Time period covered is primarily the 1920s and 1930s

    Occupational Noise: A Watershed Issue for OSHA

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    OSHA has maintained that industry must utilize engineering controls wherever feasible to meet the agency\u27s occupational noise level standards. OSHA\u27s very broad interpretation of feasibility has met resistance from the courts and from the agency\u27s own review commission, which have tended to apply a cost-benefit approach. In part as a result of this resistance, the attack on OSHA\u27s noise regulation scheme has been broadened to encompass the agency\u27s requirement that engineering controls be given priority in abating occupational noise. The author presents the arguments on both sides of these issues, and concludes that OSHA \u27s construction of feasibility is erroneous. The author also finds that the agency\u27s position on engineering control priorities is particularly vulnerable on the noise regulation question, and could endanger OSHA\u27s entire regulatory scheme

    Occupational Noise: A Watershed Issue for OSHA

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    OSHA has maintained that industry must utilize engineering controls wherever feasible to meet the agency\u27s occupational noise level standards. OSHA\u27s very broad interpretation of feasibility has met resistance from the courts and from the agency\u27s own review commission, which have tended to apply a cost-benefit approach. In part as a result of this resistance, the attack on OSHA\u27s noise regulation scheme has been broadened to encompass the agency\u27s requirement that engineering controls be given priority in abating occupational noise. The author presents the arguments on both sides of these issues, and concludes that OSHA \u27s construction of feasibility is erroneous. The author also finds that the agency\u27s position on engineering control priorities is particularly vulnerable on the noise regulation question, and could endanger OSHA\u27s entire regulatory scheme

    Corporate, Securities and Banking Law Aspects of Workouts

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    A corporate workout is any arrangement involving a voluntary restructuring of a debtor-creditor relationship for the purpose of avoiding foreclosure or bankruptcy. The authors discuss certain provisions of Florida\u27s General Corporation Act, Banking Act and securities laws, together with pertinent federal securities laws, to illustrate methods for creating such arrangements. In addition, potential hazards are discussed, with the authors providing useful suggestions for planning and litigation purposes

    The Simulation of a Jumbo Jet Transport Aircraft. Volume 2: Modeling Data

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    The manned simulation of a large transport aircraft is described. Aircraft and systems data necessary to implement the mathematical model described in Volume I and a discussion of how these data are used in model are presented. The results of the real-time computations in the NASA Ames Research Center Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft are shown and compared to flight test data and to the results obtained in a training simulator known to be satisfactory

    Svensk-ryska underhandlingar före freden i Kardis (1658-61)

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    Family-based behavioural intervention programme for obese children: a feasibility study

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess a 2-year family-based behavioural intervention programme against child obesity. DESIGN: Single-group pre- and post-intervention feasibility study. SETTING: Swedish paediatric outpatient care. PARTICIPANTS: 26 obese children aged 8.3-12.0 years and their parents who had consented to actively participate in a 2-year intervention. INTERVENTIONS: 25 paediatric outpatient group sessions over a 2-year period with parallel groups for children and parents. The basis for the programme was a manual containing instructions for tutor-supervised group sessions with obese children and their parents. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was change in standardised body mass index between baseline and after 36 months. The secondary outcome measures were change in the waist:height ratio, metabolic parameters and programme adherence. The participants were examined at baseline and after 3, 12 and 24 months of therapy and at follow-up 12 months after completion of the programme. RESULTS: The primary outcome measure, standardised body mass index, declined from a mean of 3.3 (0.7 SD) at baseline to 2.9 (0.7 SD) (p<0.001) at follow-up 12 months after completion of the programme. There was no change in the waist:height ratio. Biomedical markers of blood glucose metabolism and lipid status remained in the normal range. 96% of the families completed the programme. CONCLUSIONS: This feasibility study of a 2-year family-based behavioural intervention programme in paediatric outpatient care showed promising results with regard to further weight gain and programme adherence. These findings must be confirmed in a randomised controlled trial with longer follow-up before the intervention programme can be implemented on a larger scale

    Organizational approaches to the forming of strategic partnership of enterprises of region

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    Систематизовано організаційні підходи до формування стратегічного партнерства підприємств, що існують у вітчизняній та зарубіжній науковій літературі. Виділено цільовий, або проблемно-орієнтовний, підхід, первинним етапом якого є встановлення стратегічних цілей; ресурсно-компетенційний підхід, який засновано на визначенні наявних ресурсів та компетенцій підприємств – потенційних партнерів, та проектний підхід, згідно з яким формування стратегічного партнерства підприємств пов’язано з реалізацією сукупності проектів. Обґрунтовано функціональний, або структурний, підхід, що передбачає включення у партнерство підприємств тих галузей, які є ключовими та які визначають спеціалізацію регіону. Використання запропонованого підходу забезпечить комплексний соціально-економічний розвиток господарства регіону.Organizational approaches to forming of strategic partnership of enterprises which exist in domestic and foreign scientific literature are systematized. Target, or problem-orientated, approach the primary stage of which is establishment of strategic aims; resource-competent approach which is based on determination of present resources and jurisdictions of enterprises – potential partners, and project approach, according to which the forming of strategic partnership of enterprises is related with the realization of complex of projects are selected. Functional, or structural, approach, which foresees plugging in partnership of enterprises of those industries which are key and which determine specialization of region is grounded. Offered approach has the followings stages: determination of regional type and basic industries of industrial production, successful development of which will become the key factor of regional economic development; formulation of strategic aims of enterprises of priority industries according to norms and normative correlations, set the most perfect technologies, by organization of production on the whole and separate subsystems of enterprises which are utilized in the proper industries in Ukraine and world; estimation by the enterprises of present and necessary resources and jurisdictions, determination of potential partners after the criterion of presence of necessary resources and jurisdictions and choice of enterprises – potential partners, clarification of strategic and operative aims of strategic partnership that formalize the relations of enterprises-partners. The use of this approach will provide complex socio-economic development of economy of region