22 research outputs found

    From notochord to vertebral column: studies on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    The notochord initially form a single-cell file stage of chordoblasts covered by a three layered sheath comprising a basal lamina, a main collagenous layer and an external elastic membrane. During early ontogeny, the collagenous layer of the sheath goes through changes in configuration from a circular orientation, with fibres oriented perpendicular to the long axis, and to a lamellar organization where alternating layers of parallel collagen fibres form helices, with a tangent angle of 75-80° to the long axis. The shift in collagen arrangement is taking place shortly after hatching and may reflect an adaptation of the notochord to functional demands related to stage of development. The serrated surfaces of the elastica externa encasing the notochord seem to provide an interconnection between the notochord and the myosepta, with a function related to transmission of force from the musculature. The subsequent segmentation process leading to formation of vertebral and intervertebral regions seems to be initiated within the notochord through formation of cellular chordoblast segments. Formation of the cellular segments is closely followed by a segmental pattern of ALP activity within the chordoblast layer and formation of mineralized chordacentra within the collagenous layer of the notochord sheath. Development of the vertebral column thus seem to involve a dual segmentation where notochord derived chordacentra define the vertebral segments and the sclerotome external to the notochord provide further growth to the vertebrae. The salmon vertebral column comprises notochord and sclerotome derived structures that tightly interconnect the vertebrae and the intervertebral regions. There are four distinct layers of bone and mineralized tissues that form the vertebral body. The two inner layers comprise the chordacentrum (mineralization of the notochord sheath) and the inner layer of the amphicoel (mineralization of the intervertebral ligament). The third layer is deposited by osteoblasts, forming the main portion of the amphicoelous centrum, and on its external surface, trabecular bone is deposited. The three inner layers have a lamellar organization, with collagen matrixes oriented perpendicular from layer to layer, while the fourth layer has a woven structure. The 6 layers also differ in osteocyte content. The notochord remains within the full length of the vertebral column and form the inner part of the intervertebral ligament. The sclerotomal external portion of the ligament is incorporated in the vertebrae as it is covered by bone during vertebral growth, while remaining unmineralized intervertebrally. The present studies on salmon shows that the notochord constitutes the main axial support during embryonic and larval stages and that the enforcing rearrangement of the collagen layer of the notochord sheath seems to be important for the properties of the notochord as a fibre-wound hydrostatic skeleton. The notochord further reinforces through formation of chordacentra, generating the segmental pattern of the vertebral column, while sclerotomal tissue external to the notochord provides further growth to the vertebrae and intervertebral structures

    From notochord to vertebral column: studies on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    The notochord initially form a single-cell file stage of chordoblasts covered by a three layered sheath comprising a basal lamina, a main collagenous layer and an external elastic membrane. During early ontogeny, the collagenous layer of the sheath goes through changes in configuration from a circular orientation, with fibres oriented perpendicular to the long axis, and to a lamellar organization where alternating layers of parallel collagen fibres form helices, with a tangent angle of 75-80° to the long axis. The shift in collagen arrangement is taking place shortly after hatching and may reflect an adaptation of the notochord to functional demands related to stage of development. The serrated surfaces of the elastica externa encasing the notochord seem to provide an interconnection between the notochord and the myosepta, with a function related to transmission of force from the musculature. The subsequent segmentation process leading to formation of vertebral and intervertebral regions seems to be initiated within the notochord through formation of cellular chordoblast segments. Formation of the cellular segments is closely followed by a segmental pattern of ALP activity within the chordoblast layer and formation of mineralized chordacentra within the collagenous layer of the notochord sheath. Development of the vertebral column thus seem to involve a dual segmentation where notochord derived chordacentra define the vertebral segments and the sclerotome external to the notochord provide further growth to the vertebrae. The salmon vertebral column comprises notochord and sclerotome derived structures that tightly interconnect the vertebrae and the intervertebral regions. There are four distinct layers of bone and mineralized tissues that form the vertebral body. The two inner layers comprise the chordacentrum (mineralization of the notochord sheath) and the inner layer of the amphicoel (mineralization of the intervertebral ligament). The third layer is deposited by osteoblasts, forming the main portion of the amphicoelous centrum, and on its external surface, trabecular bone is deposited. The three inner layers have a lamellar organization, with collagen matrixes oriented perpendicular from layer to layer, while the fourth layer has a woven structure. The 6 layers also differ in osteocyte content. The notochord remains within the full length of the vertebral column and form the inner part of the intervertebral ligament. The sclerotomal external portion of the ligament is incorporated in the vertebrae as it is covered by bone during vertebral growth, while remaining unmineralized intervertebrally. The present studies on salmon shows that the notochord constitutes the main axial support during embryonic and larval stages and that the enforcing rearrangement of the collagen layer of the notochord sheath seems to be important for the properties of the notochord as a fibre-wound hydrostatic skeleton. The notochord further reinforces through formation of chordacentra, generating the segmental pattern of the vertebral column, while sclerotomal tissue external to the notochord provides further growth to the vertebrae and intervertebral structures

    Er det kreft, igjen?: Frykten for tilbakefall av eggstokkreft

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    Innleiing: I 2019 vart 528 kvinner diagnostisert med eggstokkreft. Mange av kvinnene har avansert sjukdom allereie ved diagnosetidspunktet. Overlevingsraten etter 5 år med sjukdomen er 50,3 %, noko som har betra seg langsamt dei siste tiåra. Kvinner med gynekologisk kreft kjenner på frykt for tilbakefall (FCR). Ved tilbakefall er som regel prognosen dårlegare, og behandlingsstrategien endrar seg ofte frå kurativ til aktiv palliativ behandling. Føremålet med studien: Undersøke korleis kvinner med eggstokkreft meistrar å leve med ein alvorleg sjukdom der faren for tilbakefall er stor. Metode: I oppgåva vert litteraturstudie anvendt som metode. Systematiske søk vart utført i helsefaglege databasar som CINAHL, Medline, PubMed og ScienceDirect. Det var brukt ulike søkeord i forskjellige kombinasjonar og ni aktuelle forskingsartiklar vart valt ut. Artiklane er analysert og drøfta mot faglitteratur og erfaringar frå praksis. Resultat: Gjennomgang av artiklane viser at tilbakefall av sjukdom er noko mesteparten av kvinnene fryktar. Mange handterte godt å leve med usikkerheita, medan det for andre var fysisk og psykisk belastande. Kvinnene hadde varierande erfaringar med oppfølging og møte med helsepersonell, og dei fleste rapporterte om manglande støtte til å handtere FCR. Konklusjon: FCR er svært vanleg hos kvinner med eggstokkreft. Mange kvinner har behov for meir informasjon og støtte til å meistre usikkerheita, under og etter behandling. Digitale læring- og meistringsprogram som Gynea og LETSGO kan bidra til at kvinner får meir pasientretta oppfølging, og nødvendig hjelp av helsepersonell med riktig kompetanse som kan bidra til meistring

    Generic Quality of Life in persons With Hearing Loss: A Systematic Litterature Review

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    Background To the best of our knowledge, no empirically based consensus has been reached as to if, and to what extent, persons with hearing loss (HL) have reduced generic Quality of life (QoL). There seems to be limited knowledge regarding to what extent a hearing aid (HA) would improve QoL. The main aim of the present study was to review studies about the relationship between HL and QoL. A supporting aim was to study the association between distress and HL. Methods Literature databases (Cinahl, Pub Med and Web of Science) were searched to identify relevant journal articles published in the period from January 2000 to March 17, 2016. We performed a primary search pertaining to the relationship between HL, HA and QoL (search number one) followed by a supporting search pertaining to the relationship between distress/mood/anxiety and HL (search number two). After checking for duplications and screening the titles of the papers, we read the abstracts of the remaining papers. The most relevant papers were read thoroughly, leaving us with the journal articles that met the inclusion criteria. Results Twenty journal articles were included in the present review: 13 were found in the primary search (HL and QoL), and seven in the supporting search (HL and distress). The literature yields equivocal findings regarding the association between generic QoL and HL. A strong association between distress and HL was shown, where distressed persons tend to have a lowered generic QoL. It is suggested that QoL is lowered among HL patients. Some studies suggest an increased generic QoL following the use of HA, especially during the first few months after initiation of treatment. Other studies suggest that HA use is one of several possible factors that contribute to improve generic QoL. Conclusions The majority of the studies suggest that HL is associated with reduced generic QoL. Using hearing aids seem to improve general QoL at follow-up within the first year. HL is a risk factor for distress. Further research is needed to explore the relationship between HL and generic QoL, in addition to the importance of influencing variables on this relationship.publishedVersio

    Heads and tails: The notochord develops differently in the cranium and caudal fin of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar, L.)

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    While it is well known that the notochord of bony fishes changes over developmental time, less is known about how it varies across different body regions. In the development of the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., cranial and caudal ends of the notochord are overlaid by the formation of the bony elements of the neurocranium and caudal fin, respectively. To investigate, we describe how the notochord of the cranium and caudal fin changes from embryo to spawning adult, using light microscopy, SEM, TEM, dissection, and CT scanning. The differences are dramatic. In contrast to the abdominal and caudal regions, at the ends of the notochord vertebrae never develop. While the cranial notochord builds a tapering, unsegmented cone of chordal bone, the urostylic notochordal sheath never ossifies: adjacent, irregular bony elements form from the endoskeleton of the caudal fin. As development progresses, two previously undescribed processes occur. First, the bony cone of the cranial notochord, and its internal chordocytes, are degraded by chordoclasts, an undescribed function of the clastic cell type. Second, the sheath of the urostylic notochord creates transverse septae that partly traverse the lumen in an irregular pattern. By the adult stage, the cranial notochord is gone. In contrast, the urostylic notochord in adults is robust, reinforced with septae, covered by irregularly shaped pieces of cellular bone, and capped with an opistural cartilage that develops from the sheath of the urostylic notochord. A previously undescribed muscle, with its origin on the opistural cartilage, inserts on the lepidotrich ventral to it.publishedVersio

    Er det kreft, igjen?: Frykten for tilbakefall av eggstokkreft

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    Innleiing: I 2019 vart 528 kvinner diagnostisert med eggstokkreft. Mange av kvinnene har avansert sjukdom allereie ved diagnosetidspunktet. Overlevingsraten etter 5 år med sjukdomen er 50,3 %, noko som har betra seg langsamt dei siste tiåra. Kvinner med gynekologisk kreft kjenner på frykt for tilbakefall (FCR). Ved tilbakefall er som regel prognosen dårlegare, og behandlingsstrategien endrar seg ofte frå kurativ til aktiv palliativ behandling. Føremålet med studien: Undersøke korleis kvinner med eggstokkreft meistrar å leve med ein alvorleg sjukdom der faren for tilbakefall er stor. Metode: I oppgåva vert litteraturstudie anvendt som metode. Systematiske søk vart utført i helsefaglege databasar som CINAHL, Medline, PubMed og ScienceDirect. Det var brukt ulike søkeord i forskjellige kombinasjonar og ni aktuelle forskingsartiklar vart valt ut. Artiklane er analysert og drøfta mot faglitteratur og erfaringar frå praksis. Resultat: Gjennomgang av artiklane viser at tilbakefall av sjukdom er noko mesteparten av kvinnene fryktar. Mange handterte godt å leve med usikkerheita, medan det for andre var fysisk og psykisk belastande. Kvinnene hadde varierande erfaringar med oppfølging og møte med helsepersonell, og dei fleste rapporterte om manglande støtte til å handtere FCR. Konklusjon: FCR er svært vanleg hos kvinner med eggstokkreft. Mange kvinner har behov for meir informasjon og støtte til å meistre usikkerheita, under og etter behandling. Digitale læring- og meistringsprogram som Gynea og LETSGO kan bidra til at kvinner får meir pasientretta oppfølging, og nødvendig hjelp av helsepersonell med riktig kompetanse som kan bidra til meistring

    Importance of personality and coping expectancy on patient-reported hearing disability, quality of life and distress level: a study of patients referred to an audiology service

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    Purpose: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hearing loss (HL) affects up to 15% of the world’s adult population. Coping and personality are hypothesized to underlie quality of life (QoL) and distress scores. We aimed to study the importance of personality and coping in persons with HL for self-reported hearing disability, QoL, and distress. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out, including one hundred and fifty-eight adults seeking hearing aids. Pure-tone average hearing thresholds (PTA) were determined for each ear. A revised version of the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) served as a measure of self-reported hearing disability. Further, the generic part of the European Organization for Research and Treatment (EORTC) QoL questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (distress measure) were answered. Levels of neuroticism and the Theoretically Originated Measure of the Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress (TOMCATS) coping expectancy were determined. Results: Hearing disability was determined by PTA (better ear) and level of neuroticism. Distress and QoL were determined by neuroticism and coping. Conclusion: More neuroticism was associated with worse outcome for the variables hearing disability, distress, and QoL. Helplessness and hopelessness were associated with worse hearing disability, increased distress, and lowered QoL. Patient reported hearing disability was also associated with PTA (better ear). There is a need to investigate further the associations between hearing disability and QoL to psychosocial parameters

    Importance of personality and coping expectancy on patient-reported hearing disability, quality of life and distress level: a study of patients referred to an audiology service

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    Purpose According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hearing loss (HL) affects up to 15% of the world’s adult population. Coping and personality are hypothesized to underlie quality of life (QoL) and distress scores. We aimed to study the importance of personality and coping in persons with HL for self-reported hearing disability, QoL, and distress. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out, including one hundred and fifty-eight adults seeking hearing aids. Pure-tone average hearing thresholds (PTA) were determined for each ear. A revised version of the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) served as a measure of self-reported hearing disability. Further, the generic part of the European Organization for Research and Treatment (EORTC) QoL questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (distress measure) were answered. Levels of neuroticism and the Theoretically Originated Measure of the Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress (TOMCATS) coping expectancy were determined. Results Hearing disability was determined by PTA (better ear) and level of neuroticism. Distress and QoL were determined by neuroticism and coping. Conclusion More neuroticism was associated with worse outcome for the variables hearing disability, distress, and QoL. Helplessness and hopelessness were associated with worse hearing disability, increased distress, and lowered QoL. Patient reported hearing disability was also associated with PTA (better ear). There is a need to investigate further the associations between hearing disability and QoL to psychosocial parameters