752 research outputs found

    Numerical conservative solutions of the Hunter--Saxton equation

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    In the article a convergent numerical method for conservative solutions of the Hunter--Saxton equation is derived. The method is based on piecewise linear projections, followed by evolution along characteristics where the time step is chosen in order to prevent wave breaking. Convergence is obtained when the time step is proportional to the square root of the spatial step size, which is a milder restriction than the common CFL condition for conservation laws

    The behaviour of anadromous Arctic charr during their first marine migration

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    Climate change-induced alterations of aquatic ecosystems, increased water temperature and human activity are substantial stressors to anadromous Arctic charr, and these are all expected to increase in the future. The knowledge of the marine behaviour of anadromous Arctic charr, especially post-smolts, is limited and few studies has described their residency at sea in detail. Therefore, more studies are needed to get a complete understanding of anadromous Arctic charr’s feeding migration and how stressors as climate change and human activity interact with this life-history strategy. The use of electronic tags in behavioural studies have recently revealed the marine migratory behaviour of Arctic charr, but these studies include almost solely adult individuals. In this thesis, I have investigated the migratory behaviour of 50 Arctic charr first-time migrants (post-smolt) in the Balsfjord, northern Norway, during their first summer at sea. Fish were tagged with acoustic tags with depth sensors and monitored by 76 acoustic receivers in both fresh water (n = 72) and at sea (n = 4) in the period 28th June–08th October 2018. Arctic charr post-smolts were found to reside between 0–78 days at sea and experienced high survival with 82 % (n = 37) of the fish returning to fresh water. Fish were observed to re-enter their native river for assumed overwintering. Fish detections at four cross-fjord transects indicated the littoral habitat to be the most utilized habitat compared to the pelagic. Post smolts showed a fidelity to depths between 0–3 m while at sea and a diel shift in depth use was observed. Furthermore, fish depth use varied between fjord sections and throughout the summer. Fish resided within 45 km from their native river, within the fjord system and utilized mostly mid-fjord areas and the eastern side of Balsfjord. Despite within-fjord residency, fish moved distances beyond 300 km during the summer and these total travelled distances correlated positively with fish size. This study is one of the first to provide a detailed description of the spatiotemporal marine area use of Arctic charr post-smolts. The results presented here provide important information for coastal area management and conservation of anadromous Arctic charr populations and may also act as a reference during the ongoing climate change


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    In the Isfjorden region of Spitsbergen in the Svalbard archipelago, the air temperature has been observed continuously at different sites since 1911 (except for a break during WW II). The thermal conditions at these various sites turned out to be different so that nesting the many series together in one composite time series would produce an inhomogenous long-term series. By using the SNHT (Standard Normal Homogeneity Test) the differences between the sites were assessed and the series adjusted accordingly. This resulted in an homogenised, composite series mainly from Green Harbour (Finneset in Grønfjorden), Barentsburg (also in Grønfjorden), Longyearbyen and the current observation site at Svalbard Airport. A striking feature in the series is a pronounced, abrupt change from cold temperature in the 1910s to warmth in the 1930s, when temperature reached a local maximum. This event is called the early 20th century warming. Thereafter the temperature decreased to a local minimum in the 1960s before the start of another increase that still seems to be ongoing. For the whole series, statistically significant positive trends were detected by the Mann-Kendall test for annual and seasonal values (except for winter). Quite often the Norwegian Meteorological Institute receives queries about long-term temperature series from Svalbard. Hopefully, the Svalbard Airport composite series will fulfil this demand for data. It may be downloaded free of charge from the Institute’s home page: http:// sharki.oslo.dnmi.no and should be used with reference to this article.

    Listening Circle - a path to better listening skills

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    “What do you mean, listen?” Listening is an essential part of language and communication skills. It is crucial for teachers, as it is for students. However, students have demonstrated low listening comprehension and reported that learning how to listen was not part of their school curriculum

    A chip off the old block or not? An analysis of parents' influence on their children's choice of educational field

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    The intergenerational mobility in education length is well-documented. However, the number of people having a master’s degree in Norway has increased in the past years. An innovative study is instead to investigate the mobility for the educational fields between generations. This thesis is investigating the parents’ influence on their children’s choice of educational fields for higher education. The hypotheses state that increased parental incomes increase the probability of children choosing a similar education as the parents, that the children are more influenced by the parent having the same gender, and that the influence of choosing similar education, self-recruitment, is stronger for prestigious educations. The thesis uses Norwegian register data from Statistics Norway, and the analysis is done by using the multinomial logistic regression, which is directly used through the analytical tool, microdata.no. The average marginal effects of children choosing a similar education as the parents, by changes of either hourly wage or hour spent at work, are interpreting the results. By a wage increase, the results show an increased probability of children choosing a similar education as the parents, and these probability increases are higher for educations of high prestige. However, the results do not confirm the same-gender hypothesis

    Regulating Flexibility: Uber’s Platform as a Technological Work Arrangement

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    When initiating its Norwegian operations, the transportation platform Uber adjusted its business model to the Norwegian regulation of the taxi market by focusing on its high-end offering, Uber Black, organized through limousine companies who employ the drivers and own the cars. The Uber Black drivers in Oslo are classified as employees and endowed with a substantially flexible work arrangement. Based on a ‘traveling ethnography’ among Uber Black drivers in Oslo, this article conceptualizes Uber’s digital platform as a technological work arrangement. The analysis shows that while the platform is experienced as an opaque form of management that limits the drivers’ formal flexibility, the effects of the technological work arrangement is contingent on the drivers’ formal work arrangement and the characteristics of the Uber Black market in Oslo

    On service innovation as an interactive process:A case study of the engagement with innovation of a tourism service

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    In the innovation studies literature, the process of innovation has been described as an interactive process that engages many different actors over time in the development and regeneration of goods and services. In the development and regeneration of tourism services, this often includes community actors. Yet, little attention has been paid to the way in which actors grasp the societal environment with which they interact, for example in intimate relationships or interactions with a wider community, and how such interaction formats may in turn affect the innovation process; for example, its desirability and visibility. The paper contributes to service and tourism innovation research by drawing on the concept of engagement to explain three cognitive formats of social interaction between innovators and their social environment. These are familiar engagement, engagement in plan, and engagement in justifiable action. The contribution to service and tourism innovation literature is to show how the varied capabilities of engagement impact innovation. Furthermore, based on a case study on a tourism service, the paper argues that the different formats of engagement typically must be combined and balanced in the innovation process
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