19 research outputs found

    Giulio Campagnolas pastorala grafik : Grafiken som konstform i det tidiga 1500-talets Venedig

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    Denna uppsats handlar om den italienska renĂ€ssansgrafikern Giulio Campagnola (ca. 1482 - ca. 1517) och hans konstnĂ€rskap. Syftet Ă€r att beskriva Giulios roll i utvecklingen av grafiken som konstform och hur han överför det tidiga 1500-talets pastorala mĂ„leri och humanistiska idĂ©vĂ€rld till grafiken. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna centreras runt Giulios stil och teknik, hans tolkning av konstnĂ€rliga förebilder, betydelser som kan utlĂ€sas i motiven samt hur han uppfattades i sin samtid. Forskningsmaterialet bestĂ„r av fem av Giulios gravyrer, varav tvĂ„ har studerats pĂ„ Nationalmuseum. Gravyrerna analyseras i tre steg: bakgrund och kontext, förhĂ„llning till förlagor vad gĂ€ller komposition och uttryck samt tolkning av mening och innebörd av motiven. För kontextualisering anvĂ€nds Michael Baxandalls metodologi ”Period eye”. Som teoretiskt ramverk för tolkning av motiven anvĂ€nds Erwin Panofskys modell för ikonologisk analys. I uppsatsens första del beskrivs Giulios konstnĂ€rskap följt av kontextuell beskrivning av renĂ€ssansens Venedig, humanismens idĂ©vĂ€rld, den pastorala poesin, den venetianska konstrevolutionen, grafikens tekniska och konstnĂ€rliga utveckling samt synen pĂ„ och betraktandet av grafik. I uppsatsens analysdel beskrivs gravyrerna gĂ€llande stil, teknik, komposition i relation till förlagor, i synnerhet DĂŒrer och Giorgione samt underliggande mening och innebörd. Uppsatsen avslutas med en diskussion kring Giulios roll som teknisk innovatör, hur han överför pastoralens mĂ„leri och humanistiska teman till grafiken, synen pĂ„ Giulio i termer av originalitet samt hans bredare roll som intellektuell allkonstnĂ€r

    Implementation Aspects of Image Processing

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    This Master's Thesis discusses the different trade-offs a programmer needs to consider when constructing image processing systems. First, an overview of the different alternatives available is given followed by a focus on systems based on general hardware. General, in this case, means mass-market with a low price-performance-ratio. The software environment is focused on UNIX, sometimes restricted to Linux, together with C, C++ and ANSI-standardized APIs

    GIS inom stadsplaneringen : Kvantifiering av sociotopiska anvĂ€ndarvĂ€rden för anvĂ€ndning i stadsplanering och medborgardialog - en fallstudie över ÅrstafĂ€ltet, Stockholm.

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    There exists a debate regarding where to build new housing in increasingly denser cities today. Often it is the green spaces that must be sacrificed which lead to conflicts among decision makers and citizens. Although, some sources claim (Byrne et al., 2010; Van Herzele & Wiedemann, 2003) that it is not only the fact that there is a green area close to you that matters; but rather which values that piece of green land offers you as a citizen. Values of parks can be described as the features or attributes the park area possess that inspire people to go to and stay there. In Stockholm, Sweden these values are connected to sociotopes, a delimited area containing a set of user values with social meaning (StĂ„hle, 2006). User values thus describes an activity or an experience that is present at a location.  There exists a lack of and a desire for more detailed mapping of user values of green areas as well as a potential need for finding an efficient method for aiding in citizen dialogue when green areas are planned for urban development. The purpose of this thesis is thus to try to incorporate geographical information science (GIS) in urban planning by investigating if it is possible to measure the physical accessibility of user values of a green area before and after its urban development in lines with the recommendations on accessibility from the municipality. Then, try to create a visual tool to be used in the designing phase of urban planning and in citizen dialogue when developing a new urban area. To do this, a case study was done of ÅrstafĂ€ltet, a green area in Stockholm that is planned for urban development and improvement of existing and creation of new user values. By using GIS, the user values were defined spatially, and geographical data based on the study area currently as well as after the development where found or created based on descriptions of the new area in planning documents. Accessibility was defined as the physical distance a resident must walk from their home to the closest access point of a user value. Based on previous research, 1000m was deemed the largest distance a resident can walk to be considered a potential user of a user value. An access analysis was made for all residents within the study area to the closest access point of every user value.  The results of the analysis were visualized in two ways, one regarding urban design and another regarding citizen dialogue in the form of bivariate maps and a GIS web application. Apart from the visual maps, some numerical results regarding distance, distance change and number of accessed user values were calculated.   The maps point out the areas that are mostly affected both in the negative and positive sense.  More research needs to be done to decide the best way of deriving and using the numerical measures. Because of the many assumptions and generalizations made in the study it is difficult to make any overall conclusions about the accessibility of user values at ÅrstafĂ€ltet. What is more interesting is the reception by people in the field of GIS and urban planning; which was in general positive. They noted upon the important aspect of concretize the design phase of the urban planning process, which often is based on feeling, and create a solid ground to base more informed decisions upon. The visualization methods presented were well received as tools for enabling more people access into the planning process as well as an easy way of exploring geographical data. Also, the possibility to extend this type of access analysis beyond sociotopic user values was deemed as very useful. Lastly, they expressed that this type of analysis is desired by the workers in the field and highly relevant in today’s urban planning process.

    GIS inom stadsplaneringen : Kvantifiering av sociotopiska anvĂ€ndarvĂ€rden för anvĂ€ndning i stadsplanering och medborgardialog - en fallstudie över ÅrstafĂ€ltet, Stockholm.

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    There exists a debate regarding where to build new housing in increasingly denser cities today. Often it is the green spaces that must be sacrificed which lead to conflicts among decision makers and citizens. Although, some sources claim (Byrne et al., 2010; Van Herzele & Wiedemann, 2003) that it is not only the fact that there is a green area close to you that matters; but rather which values that piece of green land offers you as a citizen. Values of parks can be described as the features or attributes the park area possess that inspire people to go to and stay there. In Stockholm, Sweden these values are connected to sociotopes, a delimited area containing a set of user values with social meaning (StĂ„hle, 2006). User values thus describes an activity or an experience that is present at a location.  There exists a lack of and a desire for more detailed mapping of user values of green areas as well as a potential need for finding an efficient method for aiding in citizen dialogue when green areas are planned for urban development. The purpose of this thesis is thus to try to incorporate geographical information science (GIS) in urban planning by investigating if it is possible to measure the physical accessibility of user values of a green area before and after its urban development in lines with the recommendations on accessibility from the municipality. Then, try to create a visual tool to be used in the designing phase of urban planning and in citizen dialogue when developing a new urban area. To do this, a case study was done of ÅrstafĂ€ltet, a green area in Stockholm that is planned for urban development and improvement of existing and creation of new user values. By using GIS, the user values were defined spatially, and geographical data based on the study area currently as well as after the development where found or created based on descriptions of the new area in planning documents. Accessibility was defined as the physical distance a resident must walk from their home to the closest access point of a user value. Based on previous research, 1000m was deemed the largest distance a resident can walk to be considered a potential user of a user value. An access analysis was made for all residents within the study area to the closest access point of every user value.  The results of the analysis were visualized in two ways, one regarding urban design and another regarding citizen dialogue in the form of bivariate maps and a GIS web application. Apart from the visual maps, some numerical results regarding distance, distance change and number of accessed user values were calculated.   The maps point out the areas that are mostly affected both in the negative and positive sense.  More research needs to be done to decide the best way of deriving and using the numerical measures. Because of the many assumptions and generalizations made in the study it is difficult to make any overall conclusions about the accessibility of user values at ÅrstafĂ€ltet. What is more interesting is the reception by people in the field of GIS and urban planning; which was in general positive. They noted upon the important aspect of concretize the design phase of the urban planning process, which often is based on feeling, and create a solid ground to base more informed decisions upon. The visualization methods presented were well received as tools for enabling more people access into the planning process as well as an easy way of exploring geographical data. Also, the possibility to extend this type of access analysis beyond sociotopic user values was deemed as very useful. Lastly, they expressed that this type of analysis is desired by the workers in the field and highly relevant in today’s urban planning process.

    Implementation Aspects of Image Processing

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    This Master's Thesis discusses the different trade-offs a programmer needs to consider when constructing image processing systems. First, an overview of the different alternatives available is given followed by a focus on systems based on general hardware. General, in this case, means mass-market with a low price-performance-ratio. The software environment is focused on UNIX, sometimes restricted to Linux, together with C, C++ and ANSI-standardized APIs

    GIS inom stadsplaneringen : Kvantifiering av sociotopiska anvĂ€ndarvĂ€rden för anvĂ€ndning i stadsplanering och medborgardialog - en fallstudie över ÅrstafĂ€ltet, Stockholm.

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    There exists a debate regarding where to build new housing in increasingly denser cities today. Often it is the green spaces that must be sacrificed which lead to conflicts among decision makers and citizens. Although, some sources claim (Byrne et al., 2010; Van Herzele & Wiedemann, 2003) that it is not only the fact that there is a green area close to you that matters; but rather which values that piece of green land offers you as a citizen. Values of parks can be described as the features or attributes the park area possess that inspire people to go to and stay there. In Stockholm, Sweden these values are connected to sociotopes, a delimited area containing a set of user values with social meaning (StĂ„hle, 2006). User values thus describes an activity or an experience that is present at a location.  There exists a lack of and a desire for more detailed mapping of user values of green areas as well as a potential need for finding an efficient method for aiding in citizen dialogue when green areas are planned for urban development. The purpose of this thesis is thus to try to incorporate geographical information science (GIS) in urban planning by investigating if it is possible to measure the physical accessibility of user values of a green area before and after its urban development in lines with the recommendations on accessibility from the municipality. Then, try to create a visual tool to be used in the designing phase of urban planning and in citizen dialogue when developing a new urban area. To do this, a case study was done of ÅrstafĂ€ltet, a green area in Stockholm that is planned for urban development and improvement of existing and creation of new user values. By using GIS, the user values were defined spatially, and geographical data based on the study area currently as well as after the development where found or created based on descriptions of the new area in planning documents. Accessibility was defined as the physical distance a resident must walk from their home to the closest access point of a user value. Based on previous research, 1000m was deemed the largest distance a resident can walk to be considered a potential user of a user value. An access analysis was made for all residents within the study area to the closest access point of every user value.  The results of the analysis were visualized in two ways, one regarding urban design and another regarding citizen dialogue in the form of bivariate maps and a GIS web application. Apart from the visual maps, some numerical results regarding distance, distance change and number of accessed user values were calculated.   The maps point out the areas that are mostly affected both in the negative and positive sense.  More research needs to be done to decide the best way of deriving and using the numerical measures. Because of the many assumptions and generalizations made in the study it is difficult to make any overall conclusions about the accessibility of user values at ÅrstafĂ€ltet. What is more interesting is the reception by people in the field of GIS and urban planning; which was in general positive. They noted upon the important aspect of concretize the design phase of the urban planning process, which often is based on feeling, and create a solid ground to base more informed decisions upon. The visualization methods presented were well received as tools for enabling more people access into the planning process as well as an easy way of exploring geographical data. Also, the possibility to extend this type of access analysis beyond sociotopic user values was deemed as very useful. Lastly, they expressed that this type of analysis is desired by the workers in the field and highly relevant in today’s urban planning process.

    Giulio Campagnolas pastorala grafik : Grafiken som konstform i det tidiga 1500-talets Venedig

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    Denna uppsats handlar om den italienska renĂ€ssansgrafikern Giulio Campagnola (ca. 1482 - ca. 1517) och hans konstnĂ€rskap. Syftet Ă€r att beskriva Giulios roll i utvecklingen av grafiken som konstform och hur han överför det tidiga 1500-talets pastorala mĂ„leri och humanistiska idĂ©vĂ€rld till grafiken. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna centreras runt Giulios stil och teknik, hans tolkning av konstnĂ€rliga förebilder, betydelser som kan utlĂ€sas i motiven samt hur han uppfattades i sin samtid. Forskningsmaterialet bestĂ„r av fem av Giulios gravyrer, varav tvĂ„ har studerats pĂ„ Nationalmuseum. Gravyrerna analyseras i tre steg: bakgrund och kontext, förhĂ„llning till förlagor vad gĂ€ller komposition och uttryck samt tolkning av mening och innebörd av motiven. För kontextualisering anvĂ€nds Michael Baxandalls metodologi ”Period eye”. Som teoretiskt ramverk för tolkning av motiven anvĂ€nds Erwin Panofskys modell för ikonologisk analys. I uppsatsens första del beskrivs Giulios konstnĂ€rskap följt av kontextuell beskrivning av renĂ€ssansens Venedig, humanismens idĂ©vĂ€rld, den pastorala poesin, den venetianska konstrevolutionen, grafikens tekniska och konstnĂ€rliga utveckling samt synen pĂ„ och betraktandet av grafik. I uppsatsens analysdel beskrivs gravyrerna gĂ€llande stil, teknik, komposition i relation till förlagor, i synnerhet DĂŒrer och Giorgione samt underliggande mening och innebörd. Uppsatsen avslutas med en diskussion kring Giulios roll som teknisk innovatör, hur han överför pastoralens mĂ„leri och humanistiska teman till grafiken, synen pĂ„ Giulio i termer av originalitet samt hans bredare roll som intellektuell allkonstnĂ€r

    Distansarbetets pÄverkan för byggnadskonstruktörer : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur konstruktörers effektivitet & kvalitet pÄverkats av distansarbete

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    Byggbranschen i Sverige har till följd av Covid-19-pandemin tvingats till en pĂ„skyndad digitalisering vilket har bidragit till ökad anvĂ€ndning av digitala verktyg och distansarbete. Tidigare forskning inom Ă€mnet indikerar pĂ„ bĂ„de positiva och negativa konsekvenser av distansarbete och Ă„terkommande faktorer Ă€r arbetsmiljön, kommunikationen, kunskapsdelningen och de tekniska förutsĂ€ttningarna. Studien undersöker hur konstruktörer pĂ„ ett medelstort byggföretag i Sverige pĂ„verkas inom aspekterna effektivitet och kvalitĂ©t vid övergĂ„ngen till distansarbete samt om det Ă€r en lĂ€mplig arbetsmetod att anvĂ€nda permanent i framtiden. För att besvara studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar har författarna valt att anvĂ€nda intervjuer för att undersöka upplevelsen av distansarbete och en datainsamling för att kontrollera effektiviteten och kvaliteten. Intervjumetoden i studien Ă€r en semistrukturerad intervju med fem utvalda konstruktörer pĂ„ företaget som medverkat i studien. Insamlingen av rĂ„data till studien hĂ€mtades frĂ„n företagets interna tidsrapporteringssystem, kvalitetsdokument frĂ„n företagets underentreprenörer samt en kompletterande enkĂ€tundersökning.   Respondenterna i studien upplevde att konstruktörernas effektivitet minskats vilket inte överensstĂ€mmer med studiens statistiska data. Resultatet visar att effektiviteten ökat och kvaliteten pĂ„ konstruktörernas dokument Ă€r likvĂ€rdig Ă€ven efter övergĂ„ngen till distansarbete. Författarnas bedömning efter genomförd studie, Ă€r att distansarbete Ă€r en bra arbetsmetod att tillĂ€mpa om det Ă€r ett valbart komplement för konstruktörerna. En permanent övergĂ„ng till distansarbete kan innebĂ€ra att konstruktörerna upplever en minskad tillhörighet till företaget, mindre gemenskap med övriga medarbetare, en försvĂ„rad kommunikation och försĂ€mrad kunskapsdelning vilket pĂ„ sikt kan pĂ„verka effektiviteten och kvaliteten pĂ„ konstruktörernas dokument.As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the construction industry in Sweden has been forced to accelerate the digitalization process, which has contributed to an increased use of digital tools and teleworking. Previous research in the subject indicates both positive and negative consequences of teleworking and recurring factors are the work environment, communication, knowledge sharing and technology. The study examines how designers at a medium-sized construction company in Sweden are affected within the aspects of efficiency and quality in the transition to telework and whether it is a suitable working method to use permanently in the future or not. To answer the questions in this study, the authors have chosen to use an interview method to examine the experience of telework and a data collection to check the effectiveness and quality. The interview method in the study is a semi-structured interview with five selected designers at the company that participated in this study. The collection of data for the study was given from the company's internal time reporting system, quality documents from the company’s subcontractors and a supplementary survey. The respondents in the study felt that the designers’ efficiency was reduced, which do not correspond with statistical data in the study. The results show that efficiency has increased and the quality of the designers' documents is equivalent in the transition to telework. The authors' assessment after the implementation of the study is that teleworking is a good working method to apply if it is an optional complement for the designers. A permanent transition to teleworking can mean that the designers experience a reduced affiliation to the company, less fellowship with other employees, a more difficult communication and impaired knowledge sharing, which in the long run can affect the efficiency and quality of the designers' documents