32 research outputs found

    First cosmology results using type Ia supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: constraints on cosmological parameters

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    We present the first cosmological parameter constraints using measurements of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program (DES-SN). The analysis uses a subsample of 207 spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia from the first three years of DES-SN, combined with a low-redshift sample of 122 SNe from the literature. Our "DES-SN3YR" result from these 329 SNe Ia is based on a series of companion analyses and improvements covering SN Ia discovery, spectroscopic selection, photometry, calibration, distance bias corrections, and evaluation of systematic uncertainties. For a flat LCDM model we find a matter density Omega_m = 0.331 +_ 0.038. For a flat wCDM model, and combining our SN Ia constraints with those from the cosmic microwave background (CMB), we find a dark energy equation of state w = -0.978 +_ 0.059, and Omega_m = 0.321 +_ 0.018. For a flat w0waCDM model, and combining probes from SN Ia, CMB and baryon acoustic oscillations, we find w0 = -0.885 +_ 0.114 and wa = -0.387 +_ 0.430. These results are in agreement with a cosmological constant and with previous constraints using SNe Ia (Pantheon, JLA)

    Atmospheric bronze and copper corrosion as an environmental indicator. A study based on chemical and sulphur isotope data

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    Corrosion products have been taken from 130 copper or bronze outdoor objects all over Europe. Their chemical composition and crystal symmetry have been determined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction. Data on location, sampling, object characteristics, general environment and air pollution level; type, colour and chemical composition of the corrosion layers have been obtained and evaluated by multivariate statistical analysis. The results verify that the highest air pollution levels are usually associated with the occurrence of thick, black or dark grey corrosion layers on copper or bronze objects, preferentially containing soot, iron oxide hydroxides, and antlerite, Cu- 3(SO4)(OH)(4). Pale green corrosion usually contains brochantite, Cu-4(SO4)(OH)(6), and is rather associated with less polluted areas. Atacamite, a copper hydroxide chloride with the chemical formula Cu2Cl(OH)(3), is preferentially observed in coastal regions. In addition, sulphur isotope analyses have been performed on eleven corrosion samples from city centers. The delta S-34 values are typically in the region from +4 to +6 parts per thousand relative to the sulphur isotope standard CDT (Canyon Diablo Troilite) with a mean value of 4.7 +/-1.2 (1 sigma), thereby indicating that the sulphur in the corrosion layers, in the form of brochantite or antlerite, mainly originates from a similar source despite geographic variation, most likely sulphur contained in air pollutants

    Deterioration of archaeological bone - a statistical approach.

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    The degradation of archaeological bone material in Sweden was studied (i) by examinating bone specimens, the surrounding soil and the local environment at excavations in progress, and (ii) by studying the reports of earlier excavations. Conventional and multivariate statistical methods applied to the data sets show that the degradation increases with time in the soil, and that the recent soil acidification is disastrous for the inorganic fraction of bone material. It is also observed that calcareous soil, the presence of organic matter in the soil, a deep grave, or a coffin of wood usually has a preserving effect. The empirical fact that bones of children deteriorate more than those of adults is confirmed, but no clear relation can be established between bone deterioration and soil type. The deterioration of the organic content and the histological microstructure is to a large degree dependent on microbial attack and unknown factors such as diseases, living conditions, or burial traditions

    Modellversuch Waerme-/Stromerzeugung aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. Machbarkeitsstudie Nutzung nachwachsender Energietraeger zur Waermeerzeugung fuer ein Nahwaermenetz in einer Neubausiedlung in Schoenberg/Holst. Abschlussbericht

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    In the community of Schoenberg in Holstein a new residential estate with some 240 dwellings in one- and two-family houses and blocks with several dwelling units is planned, with heat to be supplied by a central heat-generating plant. For the erection of a wood-fuel power plant for heat supply to this residential estate the utility Schleswag AG, Rendsburg, carried through a feasibility study within the framework of the promotion scheme of the federal German ministry of agriculture 'Pilot test heat and power generation from renewable resources'. The report contains the essential results. (orig.)In der Gemeinde Schoenberg/Holstein ist ein Neubaugebiet mit ca. 240 Wohneinheiten in Ein-, Zwei- und Mehrfamilienhaeusern geplant, welche zentral mit Waerme versorgt werden sollen. Die Schleswag AG, Rendsburg, hat fuer die Errichtung eines Holzheizwerkes fuer die Waermeversorgung dieses Neubaugebietes im Rahmen des Foerderkonzeptes 'Modellversuch Waerme-/Stromerzeugung aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen' des Bundeslandwirtschaftministeriums eine Machbarkeitsstudie durchgefuehrt, deren Kernaussagen aufgefuehrt werden. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F94B0854+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Ernaehrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman