77 research outputs found

    Structure and Evolution of Hot Gas in 30 Dor

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    We have investigated the structure and evolution of hot gas in the 30 Dor nebula, based on recent X-ray observations. Our deep ROSAT HRI image shows that diffuse X-ray emission arises in blister-shaped regions outlined by loops of HII gas. X-ray spectroscopic data from ASCA confirm the thermal nature of the emission and indicate that hot gas temperature decreases from the core to the halo of the nebula. The structure of the nebula can be understood as outflows of hot and HII gases from the parent giant molecular cloud of the central OB association. The dynamic mixing between the two gas phases is likely responsible for the mass loading to the hot gas, as required to explain the observed thermal structure and X-ray luminosity of the nebula. Such processes should also be important in the formation of similar giant HII regions and in their subsequent evolution into supergiant bubbles or galactic chimneys.Comment: 9 page text plus 4 color figures. To appear in ApJ

    The 2006 hot phase of Romano's star (GR 290) in M33

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    Understanding the nature of the instabilities of LBVs is important to understand the late evolutionary stages of very massive stars. We investigate the long term, S Dor-type variability of the luminous blue variable GR290 (Romano's star) in M33, and its 2006 minimum phase. New spectroscopic and photometric data taken in November and December 2006 were employed in conjunction with already published data on GR290 to derive the physical structure of GR290 in different phases and the time scale of the variability. We find that by the end of 2006, GR 290 had reached the deepest visual minimum so far recorded. Its present spectrum resembles closely that of the Of/WN9 stars, and is the hottest so far recorded in this star (and in any LBV as well), while its visual brightness decreased by about 1.4 mag. This first spectroscopic record of GR290 during a minimum phase confirms that, similarly to AG Car and other LBVs, the star is subject to ample S Dor-type variations, being hotter at minimum, suggesting that the variations take place at constant bolometric luminosity.Comment: 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Modelling spectral line profiles of wind-wind shock emissions from massive binary systems

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    One of the most intriguing spectral features of WR binary stars is the presence of time-dependent line profiles. Long term observations of several systems revealed the periodicity of this variability, synchronized with the orbital movement. Several partially successful models have been proposed to reproduce the observed data. The most promising assume that the origin of the emission is the wind-wind interaction zone. In this scenario, two high velocity and dense winds produce a strong shock layer, responsible for most of the X-rays observed from these systems. As the secondary star moves along its orbital path, the shock region of conical shape, changes its position with relation to the line of sight. As a consequence, the stream measured Doppler shift presents time variations resulting in position changes of the spectral line. In our work, we present an alternative model, introducing turbulence in the shock layer to account for the line broadening and opacity effects for the asymmetry in the line profiles. We showed that the gas turbulence avoids the need of an unnaturally large contact layer thickness to reproduce line broadening. Also, we demonstrated that if the emission from the opposing cone surface is absorbed, the result is a single peaked profile. This result fully satisfies the recent data obtained from massive binary systems, and can help on the determination of both winds and orbital parameters. We successfully applied this model to the Br22 system and determined its orbital parameters.Comment: To appear in the MNRA

    UVES - VLT High Resolution Spectroscopy of GRB Afterglows

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    We present early time, high resolution spectroscopy of three GRB afterglows: GRB050730, GRB050922C and GRB060418. These data give us precious information on the kinematics, ionization and metallicity of the interstellar matter of GRB host galaxies up to a redshift z = 4, and of intervening absorbers along the line of sight. The absorption spectra show that elements are present both with high and low ionization states, and even forbidden, fine structure levels are commonly observed. These features allow us to evaluate the physical parameters of the absorbing gas. In details, the density of the gas regions lie in the range n = 10 - 10^6 cm-3, and the temperatures are of the order of T = 10^3 - 10^4 K. The metallicity of the GRB host galaxies is computed using the hydrogen absorption features. We find undersolar abundances for our GRBs, namely, Z = 0.001 - 0.01. However, depletion has not been considered. It can be taken into account using as metallicity indicators Zn and Cr, which tend to remain in the gas phase. We find metallicities higher than the previous values and in agreement with other measurements for GRB host galaxies. Finally, the observed [C/Fe] ratio for GRB050730 (z = 3.967) agrees with values expected for a galaxy younger than a Gyr undergoing bursts of star-formation. In addition, the [C/Fe] ratio evaluated component by component can give informations on the relative distances of the components from the GRB explosion site, since Fe dust is more efficiently destroyed than graphite.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure, To appear in "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Progenitors: Theory vs Observations" (Cefalu, Sicily, June 2006). Eds. L. Burderi et al. (New York: AIP

    Probing the complex environments of GRB host galaxies and intervening systems: high resolution spectroscopy of GRB050922C

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the environment of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and the interstellar matter of their host galaxies. We use to this purpose high resolution spectroscopic observations of the afterglow of GRB050922C, obtained with UVES/VLT 3.5 hours after the GRB event. We found that, as for most high resolution spectra of GRBs, the spectrum of the afterglow of GRB050922C is complex. At least seven components contribute to the main absorption system at z=2.1992. The detection of lines of neutral elements like MgI and the detection of fine-structure levels of the ions FeII, SiII and CII allows us to separate components in the GRB ISM along the line of sight. Moreover, in addition to the main system, we have analyzed the five intervening systems between z = 2.077 and z = 1.5664 identified along the GRB line of sight. GRB afterglow spectra are very complex, but full of information. This can be used to disentangle the contribution of the different parts of the GRB host galaxy and to study their properties. Our metallicity estimates agree with the scenario of GRBs exploding in low metallicity galaxiesComment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A&

    Diffuse Thermal X-Ray Emission in the Core of the Young Massive Cluster Westerlund 1

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    We present an analysis of the diffuse hard X-ray emission in the core of the young massive Galactic cluster Westerlund 1 based on a 48 ks XMM-Newton observation. Chandra results for the diffuse X-ray emission have indicated a soft thermal component together with a hard component that could be either thermal or non-thermal. We seek to resolve this ambiguity regarding the hard component exploiting the higher sensitivity of XMM-Newton to diffuse emission. Our new X-ray spectra from the central (2' radius) diffuse emission are found to exhibit He-like Fe 6.7 keV line emission, demonstrating that the hard emission in the cluster core is predominantly thermal in origin. Potential sources of this hard component are reviewed, namely an unresolved Pre-Main Sequence population, a thermalized cluster wind and Supernova Remnants interacting with stellar winds. We find that the thermalized cluster wind likely contributes the majority of the hard emission with some contribution from the Pre-Main Sequence population. It is unlikely that Supernova Remnants are contributing significantly to the Wd1 diffuse emission at the current epoch


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    We study the long-term, S Dor-type variability and the present hot phase of the luminous blue variable (LBV) star GR 290 (Romano's Star) in M 33 in order to investigate possible links between the LBV and the late, nitrogen sequence Wolf-Rayet Stars (WNL) stages of very massive stars. We use intermediate-resolution spectra, obtained with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in 2008 December, when GR 290 was at minimum (V = {approx}18.6), as well as new low-resolution spectra and BVRI photometry obtained with the Loiano and Cima Ekar telescopes during 2007-2010. We identify more than 80 emission lines in the 3100-10000 A range covered by the WHT spectra, belonging to different species: the hydrogen Balmer and Paschen series, neutral and ionized helium, C III, N II-III, S IV, Si III-IV, and many forbidden lines of [N II], [O III], [S III], [A III], [Ne III], and [Fe III]. Many lines, especially the He I triplets, show a P Cygni profile with an a-e radial velocity difference of -300 to -500 km s{sup -1}. The shape of the 4630-4713 A emission blend and of other emission lines resembles that of WN9 stars; the blend deconvolution shows that the He II 4686 Amore » has a strong broad component with FWHM {approx_equal} 1700 km s{sup -1}. During 2003-2010 the star underwent large spectral variations, best seen in the 4630-4686 A emission feature. Using the late-WN spectral types of Crowther and Smith, GR 290 apparently varied between the WN11 and WN8-9 spectral types; the hotter the star was the fainter its visual magnitude was. This spectrum-visual luminosity anticorrelation of GR 290 is reminiscent of the behavior of the best-studied LBVs, such as S Dor and AG Car. During the 2008 minimum, we found a significant decrease in bolometric luminosity, which could be attributed to absorption by newly formed circumstellar matter. We suggest that the broad 4686 A line and the optical continuum formed in a central Wolf-Rayet region, while the narrow emission line spectrum originated in an extended, slowly expanding envelope which is composed by matter ejected during previous high luminosity phases and ionized by the central nucleus. We argue that GR 290 could have just entered a phase preceding the transition from the LBV state to a late-WN type.« les

    A Chandra/ACIS Study of 30 Doradus II. X-ray Point Sources in the Massive Star Cluster R136 and Beyond

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    We have studied the X-ray point source population of the 30 Doradus star-forming complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud using high-spatial-resolution X-ray images and spatially-resolved spectra obtained with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Here we describe the X-ray sources in a 17' x 17' field centered on R136, the massive star cluster at the center of the main 30 Dor nebula. We detect 20 of the 32 Wolf-Rayet stars in the ACIS field. R136 is resolved at the subarcsecond level into almost 100 X-ray sources, including many typical O3--O5 stars as well as a few bright X-ray sources previously reported. Over two orders of magnitude of scatter in L_X is seen among R136 O stars, suggesting that X-ray emission in the most massive stars depends critically on the details of wind properties and binarity of each system, rather than reflecting the widely-reported characteristic value L_X/L_bol ~ 10^{-7}. Such a canonical ratio may exist for single massive stars in R136, but our data are too shallow to confirm this relationship. Through this and future X-ray studies of 30 Doradus, the complete life cycle of a massive stellar cluster can be revealed.Comment: 31 pages, 6 bitmapped figures, 5 tables; accepted to A

    UVES/VLT high resolution absorption spectroscopy of the GRB080330 afterglow: a study of the GRB host galaxy and intervening absorbers

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    We study the Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) environment and intervening absorbers by analyzing the optical absorption features produced by gas surrounding the GRB or along its line of sight. We analyzed high resolution spectroscopic observations (R=40000, S/N=3 - 6) of the optical afterglow of GRB080330, taken with UVES at the VLT ~ 1.5 hours after the GRB trigger. The spectrum illustrates the complexity of the ISM of the GRB host galaxy at z = 1.51 which has at least four components in the main absorption system. We detect strong FeII, SiII, and NiII excited absorption lines associated with the bluemost component only. In addition to the host galaxy, at least two more absorbers lying along the line of sight to the afterglow have been detected in the redshift range 0.8 < z < 1.1, each exhibiting MgII absorption. For the bluemost component in the host galaxy, we derive information about its distance from the site of the GRB explosion. We do so by assuming that the excited absorption lines are produced by indirect UV pumping, and compare the data with a time dependent photo-excitation code. The distance of this component is found to be 280+40-50 pc, which is lower than found for other GRBs (1 - 6 kpc). We identify two additional MgII absorbers, one of them with a rest frame equivalent width larger than 1A. The distance between the GRB and the absorber measured in this paper confirms that the power of the GRB radiation can influence the conditions of the interstellar medium up to a distance of at least several hundred pc. For the intervening absorbers, we confirm the trend that on average one strong intervening system is found per afterglow, as has been noted in studies exhibiting an excess of strong MgII absorbers along GRB sightlines compared to quasars.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 ps figures, A&A in pres