25 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan pembelajaran tajwid di Mi Miftahul Hidayah desa Tahai Jaya kecamatan Maliku Kabupaten Pulang Pisau

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    Pelaksanaan pembelajaran tajwid dilakukan di MI Miftahul Hidayah Desa Tahai Jaya Kecamatan Maliku Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Problem akademik yang ada di sekolah karena sekolah masih kurang jam pelajaran tajwid yang hanya dilakukan satu kali satu minggu pada pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Hadits sehingga pelaksanaannya pembelajaran tajwid dilakukan pada waktu siang hari setelah pulang sekolah karena pembelajaran tajwid dianggap sangat perlu untuk siswa menjadi lancar dan benar dalam membaca Al-Qur’an, dan menjadi program unggulan sekolah, sedangkan materi pada Al-Qur’an Hadits tidak ada membahas masalah tajwid secara menyeluruh maka itu diperlukan waktu tambahan yaitu setiap hari senin dengan waktu 45 menit diluar jam pelajaran formal, dan sebagai kegiatan penguatan juga dilakukan tadarrus Al-Qur’an selama 15 menit sebelum KBM dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan gambaran masalah tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini tidak lepas dari rumusan masalahnya yaitu untuk menganalisis: 1. Penerapan pembelajaran tajwid di MI Miftahul Hidayah Desa Tahai Jaya Kecamatan Maliku Kabupaten Pulang Pisau; 2. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran tajwid di MI Miftahul Hidayah Desa Tahai Jaya Kecamatan Maliku Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, dan mendeskripsikan ; 3. Metode pembelajaran tajwid di MI Miftahul Hidayah Desa Tahai Jaya Kecamatan Maliku Kabupaten Pulang Pisau; 4. Faktor – faktor apa yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran tajwid di MI Miftahul Hidayah Desa Tahai Jaya Kecamatan Maliku Kabupaten Pulang Pisau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tehnik penggalian data dilakukan dengan observasi kelas, wawancara kepada subjek penelitian yaitu guru yang diteliti berinisial DM dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan teknik reduksi data, display atau penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk mendapatkan keabsahan data dilakukan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan yang dipakai guru ketika pembelajaran tajwid tidak sama seperti pada proses pembelajaran formal, perencanaan yang dipakai hanya absen dan buku penunjang, 2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran tajwid dilakukan pada siang hari setelah waktu pulang, hal ini dilakukan karena materi pada Al-Qur’an Hadits tidak ada membahas masalah tajwid secara menyeluruh makanya diperlukan waktu tambahan diluar jam pelajaran untuk pembelajaran tajwid, 3) Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode iqra yang di tambah sebagai pelengkap metode maisura, 4) Faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa dalam pembelajaran tajwid ada dua yaitu faktor Internal seperti psikologis siswa yang minatnya berbeda – beda. Dan faktor Eksternal yaitu orang tua, sekolah dan lingkungan. ABSTRACT The implementation of the learning tajwid conducted in MI Miftahul Hidayah, Tahai Jaya Village Subdistrict Maliku Regency Pulang Pisau, academic problem that is in school because school is weak on a school tajwid who only held once a week on learning Al-Qur’an Hadits so its implementation learning tajwid done at the time during the day after school because of learning tajwid considered so students need to be smooth and right in reading Al-qur’an , and become a flagship program, school while the matter at Al-qur’an hadits no discussing problems tajwid thoroughly so that it takes extra time in which every monday with time 45 minutes outside formal, teaching hours and as in strengthening the also done tadarrus Al-qur’an for 15 minutes before. activities carried out. Based on the problem, a so the purpose this study can be the formulation to analyze the problem: 1.The learning tajwid guidance in MI Miftahul Hidayah Jaya Tahai Village Subdistrict Maliku home a; 2.The learning tajwid guidance in MI Miftahul Hidayah Tahai Jaya Village Subdistrict Maliku home a, and described; 3.The learning methods he continued tajwid guidance in MI Miftahul Hidayah Tahai Jaya village Subdistrict maliku home a; 4.The factors that which influences learning tajwid guidance in MI Miftahul Jaya Tahai Village Subdistrict Maliku home a. This study technique use of the qualitative data was undertaken by observation class, interview to study the subject of study consisting of initialed dm and documentation. Data analysis reduction data using a technique, display or presentation of data and withdrawals conclusion.To get the validity of data was undertaken triangulation. The research results show that: 1 ) The planning that is had been used by teachers when learning to promote disorder to tajwid are not the same as on the learning process formal , the planning that is were used are taken only were absent and of teachers supporting books , 2 ) Presentation tajwid be paid out starting on the daytime after the intermission firing go home , this policy was adopted because of matter upon Al-Qur’an Hadis the s earth and all beings therein there is no discussed the issues of tajwid thoroughly that is why they are also required to hours more outside teaching hours prompted the for learning lessons tajwid , 3 ) The methodology that was used uses the method iqra who in addition to the acting as a supplement a method of maisura , 4 ) Of factors affect students out of school in droves tajwid there are two that is internal as psychological of students who an interest in the different are otherwise we are sects. And external factors pt pgn promised to supply on the part of parents , schools and the environment

    Pembinaan Desain Produk Amplang Ikan sebagai Alternatif Usaha Rumahan bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK Desa Terantang, Barito Kuala

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    Terantang Village is located in Barito Kuala Regency, where the women are members of the PKK, which is where they learn to start a home business. Most PKK members are housewives who have just started small businesses such as spinach chips. This training aimed to provide the participants with a business alternative, from determining and designing products that suit their conditions to training on how to produce these products. Fish amplang was offered as an alternative product, considering that the raw material in the form of fish is easy to obtain and does not require special equipment in its manufacture. This activity is carried out by providing material about product design and practicing making fish amplang taught by an amplang business owner. From the activities carried out, the participants gained new skills regarding the design of fish amplang products. In addition, this training is expected to be a provision for them to develop their businesses. Furthermore, from the evaluation results, it is found that the participants are satisfied with the training carried out, especially since they can learn new skills. They also request that similar training be held periodically

    The Effect of Wages and Incentives on Employee Performance Improvement

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of wages and incentives on employee performance. This research was also causal associative, namely research that aims to determine the causal correlation between two or more variables, namely the independent or independent variables (wages and incentives) on the dependent variable (employee performance), with the respondents as private employees who had various positions in private companies in Banjarmasin as many as 30 people. Questionnaires were divided, tabulated, and tested with correlation regression to determine the relationship between variables. The results showed that partially wages had a significant positive effect on increasing employee performance, partially giving incentives had a significant positive effect on increasing employee performance, and simultaneously wages and incentives had a significant positive effect on increasing employee performance


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    ABSTRAKSampah merupakan permasalahan global yang terjadi di hampir seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk di komunitas RT.02 Desa Bunipah Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh Kabupaten Banjar yang disebabkan karena pengetahuan dan kemauan masyarakat masih rendah serta perilaku masyarakat yang keliru dalam mengelola sampah. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menanganai permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memberikan edukasi pada masyarakat mengenai pengelolaan sampah. Tujuan dari kegiatan tersebut adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan responden yang telah menerima informasi dari materi yang sudah dibagikan melalui media melalui booklet dan video. Metode kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring dengan menggunakan platform Whatsapp. Adapun sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah perwakilan masyarakat di RT.02 Desa Bunipah, Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh Kabupaten Banjar yang berjumlah 10 orang. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan intervensi pada 10 responden, diketahui bahwa peningkatan pengetahuan sebanyak 10,7%. Nilai rata-rata yang didapatkan responden saat pre-test adalah 84, sedangkan pada post-test adalah 93 yang berarti ada kenaikan pada saat pre-test maupun post-test mengenai pengelolaan sampah. Hasil ini diharapkan dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan sasaran dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran mengenai pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan seperti tidak membuang sampah sembarangan dan melakukan pengelolaan sampah secara mandiri sehingga dapar memberikan edukasi kepada kerabat atau orang terdekat agar permasalahan sampah di RT.02 Desa Bunipah dapat teratasi. Kata-kata kunci: edukasi; pengetahuan; pengelolaan sampah ABSTRACTGarbage is a global problem that occurs in almost all levels of society, including in the RT.02 community, Bunipah Village, Aluh-Aluh District, Banjar Regency, which is caused by low knowledge and willingness of the community and people's wrong behavior in managing waste. Efforts that can be made to deal with these problems are by educating the public about waste management. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of respondents who have received information from the material that has been distributed through the media through booklets and videos. The activity method is carried out online using the Whatsapp platform. The target of this activity is community representatives in RT. 02 Bunipah Village, Aluh-Aluh District, Banjar Regency, totaling 10 people. Based on the results of the intervention on 10 respondents, it is known that the increase in knowledge is 10.7%. The average value obtained by the respondents during the pre-test was 84, while the post-test was 93, which means there was an increase in the pre-test and post-test regarding waste management. It is hoped that with the increase in target knowledge, it can raise awareness about the importance of maintaining environmental cleanliness such as not littering and managing waste independently so that it can provide education to relatives or closest people so that the waste problem in RT.02 in Bunipah Village can be resolved. Keywords: education; knowledge; waste managemen


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    Research Objectives: 1) to know how the Infrastructure in Entikong Village, Entikong Sub-district, Sanggau Regency, 2) To know the extent of community welfare in Entikong Village, Entikong Sub- district, Sanggau Regency, 3) To know whether there is an influence of infrastructure on community welfare in Entikong Village, Entikong Sub-district, Sanggau Regency. Using quantitative approach research method. The population is the people of Entikong Village, Entikong Sub-district, Sanggau Regency. The sample size was 99 respondents and the data collection method used a questionnaire distributed to the Entikong village community. The results showed: (1) the average score of the infrastructure improvement variable is 4.56, which shows that infrastructure improvement in Entikong Village has a very good impact on various aspects of community life (2) the average score of the infrastructure improvement variable is 4.50, which shows that infrastructure improvement in Entikong Village has a very good impact on community welfare and income. (3) There is a correlation between the influence of infrastructure on community welfare with a deviation from linearity value of 0.160 > 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship between variables X andY. There is a significant positive influence between the variable of infrastructure improvement (X) on community welfare (Y), because the value of t-count > t-table (13.847 > 1.998) and n = 0.05. So there is an influence between variable X and Y, or in other words Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing Pada Materi Sistem Politik Di Indonesia Kelas X C SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin

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    Norbaiti, Ilhamiah. 2013. Improving Learning Activities and Learning Achievement of Students through Snowball Throwing Model on Material of Political System in Indonesia at the Students of Class X-C of SMAN 3 Banjarmasin. Sarjana\u27s Thesis. Civic Education Department, Social Science, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Fatimah, the second advisor: Rabiatul Adawiyah. Based on pre-research in SMAN 3 Banjarmasin at Class X-C, it was found that the students were less active in teaching and learning activities. Their learning achievements tend to reach the lower point than the expected result. This matter can be seen from the average of the daily test scores which is still below the minimum mastery learning criteria established by the teacher, namely 70. Additionally, the teachers tend to only use lecturing method. The use of the monotonous method will make the students feel bored in following the lesson. The students\u27 boredom can be seen when they frequently do not pay attention to the teacher\u27s explanation, talk to their friends during the lesson, and when they are passive in question and answer session.This research aims to improve students\u27 activities, students\u27 learning achievement, and to find out the students\u27 responses by using Snowball Throwing method on the material of political system in Indonesia. This research is designed and executed by using the method of classroom action research (CAR). The subject of this research is the students of Class X-C, SMAN 3 Banjarmasin, which consists of thirty-nine students. The techniques of collecting the data are by using test, observation and documentation.The result shows that the learning activities, learning achievement and responses of the students had very good improvement in each cycle. The students\u27 learning activities improved and are included in very good category. Besides, the students\u27 learning achievement also has improved after using Snowball Throwing classically 89,74% and has fulfilled the established minimum mastery learning criteria namely 70 with average 73,33.From the results which indicate the improvement on learning activities, learning achievement, and the responses of the students after implementing Snowball Throwing model, the writer suggests that Snowball Throwing model is not only implemented on civic education learning, but also on other lesson. The writer also suggests that the learning innovation should be done by teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning process and the learning achievement itself

    Refining English language tests for university admission: a Malaysian example

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    English has now become the lingua franca of much of technological, business and academic endeavours. Consequently, learning the English language is now seen as vital, especially at the university level where proficiency in the language has become a selection criterion. At present, the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) has been adopted by Malaysian public universities as an indicator of English language proficiency. A student’s overall result depends on all the four language components of the MUET and often determines the number and nature of the English language courses he or she has to attend at university. This study seeks to examine whether MUET is an accurate predictor of performance and success at university and how the MUET can be finetuned as an entry level English language test. It was carried out among 52 third year undergraduates of the Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia, admitted into the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) programme. The findings of the study do not offer conclusive evidence about the validity of MUET as a predictor of academic success. However, six models of various combinations of scores on language components on the MUET scores are examined in terms of their effectiveness in increasing the accuracy in selecting students for the TESL programme. The correlations obtained using these models indicate that the combination of various components of the MUET can be used to more accurately predict student achievement at tertiary level than the cumulative MUET score itself. The results of these correlations and their implications in using language tests as admission requirements in general are also discussed

    Edukasi Financial Capability: Mempersiapkan Generasi Muda Mencapai Financial Well-Being

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    In line with the growing trend of online shopping with all the conveniences offered, the ability to manage finances also needs to be improved so that excessive consumptive behavior does not occur. In addition, the importance of understanding about financial capability is very important for the younger generation, especially students who will later face the world of work which requires them to be able to manage their finances independently and efficiently. Therefore, this educational activity is intended to provide insight for students in planning their financial management. This activity is attended by 80 online participants. This activity does not only focus on the provision of materials but also the practice of financial management. Based on the results of the pre-test, it was found that most of the participants still did not understand the importance of being able to manage their finances. Then, from the post-test results, it was found that after participating in this activity, the participants were able to understand more about financial management. By attending this activity, it is hoped that participants will have a better understanding of financial capability and be able to apply the knowledge they have gained in managing their finances in their daily lives.In line with the growing trend of online shopping with all the conveniences offered, the ability to manage finances also needs to be improved so that excessive consumptive behavior does not occur. In addition, the importance of understanding about financial capability is very important for the younger generation, especially students who will later face the world of work which requires them to be able to manage their finances independently and efficiently. Therefore, this educational activity is intended to provide insight for students in planning their financial management. This activity is attended by 80 online participants. This activity does not only focus on the provision of materials but also the practice of financial management. Based on the results of the pre-test, it was found that most of the participants still did not understand the importance of being able to manage their finances. Then, from the post-test results, it was found that after participating in this activity, the participants were able to understand more about financial management. By attending this activity, it is hoped that participants will have a better understanding of financial capability and be able to apply the knowledge they have gained in managing their finances in their daily lives