188 research outputs found

    [Writing Style and Intensity of Classic and Contemporary Scholars in Quranic Sanad Knowledge Writing] Gaya Penulisan dan Kesungguhan Ulama Klasik dan Kontemporari Terhadap Ilmu Sanad Al-Qur’ān

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    Abstract It is well known that the Quranic sanad is one of the three main conditions in accepting the authentic of Quranic recitations (also known as qirā’āt). In the beginning, the Quranic sanad was recorded on a piece of paper as an important document confirming that one had finished reading the Qur’ān in front of the teacher and had completed all knowledge related to qirā’āt. The writings relating to Quranic sanad have evolved with the birth of Quranic figures such as Makkī bin Abī Talib (d. 437h) the author of al-Tabṣirah, al-Dhahabiy (d. 748H) who produced the work of Ma'rifah al-Qurrā’ al-Kibār, Ibn al-Jazariy (d. 833H) through the work of Ghāyah al-Nihāyah fī Ṭabaqāt al-Qurrā’ and al-Nashr fī al-Qirā’āt al-‘Ashr and more. The objective of this study is to study the writing style of former scholars in works related to the Quranic sanad. In addition, the study also focuses on the writings of contemporary scholars in this field such as the book of Itḥāf al-Zamān bi Asānīd Ahl al-Qur’ān by Dr. Ilyās al-Barmāwiy and the book of al-Salāsil al-Dhahabiyyah bi al-Asānīd al-Nashriyyah by Dr. Aimān Rushdiy Suwayd who reviews the Quranic sanad in a structured and critical manner. This study will be conducted through descriptive qualitative methods with particular focus on selected Quranic sanad books. The deductive method in the study will be used to maximize the expected results. The study found that writing in this field has been given priority by previous scholars by using of the qurrā’ biography method, their teachers and students. The contemporary scholars, however, emphasized the existence of high-level sanad to the Messenger of Allah and also discussed current issues related to sanad. Keywords: Quranic sanad, Intensity of Classic and Contemporary Scholars, Writing Style Abstrak Umum mengetahui bahawa sanad al-Quran merupakan salah satu perkara daripada tiga syarat utama dalam meriwayat bacaan al-Quran yang sahih. Peringkat awalnya sanad al-Quran dicatat dalam lembaran kertas sebagai dokumen penting yang mengesahkan seseorang itu telah tamat membaca al-Quran di hadapan guru dan memenuhi semua ilmu yang berkaitan dengan periwayatan bacaan. Penulisan berkaitan ilmu sanad al-Quran berkembang dengan lahirnya tokoh-tokoh al-Quran seperti Al-Zahabi (wafat 748H) yang telah menghasilkan karya Ma’rifah al-Qurra’ al-Kibar, Ibn al-Jazari (wafat 833H) menerusi karya Ghayah al-Nihayah Fi Tabaqat al-Qurra’ dan al-Nasyr fi al-Qiraat al-Asyr dan ramai lagi. Objektif kajian ini ialah mengkaji metodologi dalam penulisan ulama silam dalam karya berkaitan sanad al-Quran. Selain itu, kajian memberi fokus juga kepada penulisan yang dihasilkan oleh ulama kontemporari dalam bidang ini seperti kitab Ithaf al-Zaman bi Asanid Ahl al-Quran oleh Dr. Ilyas al-Barmawi dan kitab al-Salasil al-Zahabiyyah bi al-Asanid al-Nasyriyyah oleh Dr. Aiman Rusydi Suwaid yang mengulas dan mengkaji sanad al-Quran secara tersusun dan kritis. Kajian ini akan dijalankan menerusi metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan memberi fokus khusus kepada kitab sanad al-Quran yang terpilih. Metode deduktif dalam kajian akan digunakan secara maksimum dalam menghasilkan dapatan yang diharapkan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa penulisan dalam bidang ini telah diberi keutamaan oleh ulama terdahulu dengan penggunaan metode biografi Qurra’, guru dan murid mereka. Adapun ulama kontemporari pula memberi penekanan kepada susur jalur sanad yang tinggi hingga ke Rasulullah saw dan juga membahas isu semasa berkaitan sanad. Kata Kunci: Sanad al-Qur’ān, Kesungguhan Ulama Klasik dan Kontemporari, Gaya Penulisa

    Scammed Posting Detector: A Case Study of Pet Scammed Posting

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    Nowadays, there are many people are being victims of the internet scam. Scammer performs the scam in order to gain money from the victims. Pet scam is one of the scams that contribute to the increase of the internet scam cases. Pet scam starts from the pet scammed posting which is the fake posting about pet sales or adoptions in the online auction site. Due to the unawareness of online buyer on the pet scamming activities and the current pet scam applications are not able to notify the user on the potential pet scam, the pet scam detector which used to detect and alert the user on the potential pet scam must be developed. Usually, the victims of the pet scam are the pet lovers and online buyers. Therefore, they are the target user for this application. Besides, the research on the previous pet scammed emails, the interview of the experienced pet scam victim, and the survey on the public awareness regarding pet scam had been conduct to support the method applied. The results of these pilot studies help to derived the pet scammed email patterns which is useful in the development of the projects

    The Effect Of Pre - Treatment Followed By Cryorolling On The Microstructures, Mechanical Properties And Corrosion Behaviour Of Al 5052 Alloy

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    This research was aimed to study the effect of different pre-heat treatment on cryorolled Al 5052 alloy. Two types of pre-treatments; without pre-treatment, annealing (150°C, 200°C, 250°C, 300°C and 350°C) and solution treatment (480°C, 510°C and 540°C) were selected to study the effect of pre-heat treatment on the properties of cryorolled Al 5052 alloy. Al 5052 alloys were heated at various pre-heat treatments process before cryorolling. Then, the Al 5052 alloys were dipped in liquid nitrogen and rolled at cryogenic temperature (cryorolling) at 30% thickness reduction. The Al 5052 alloy also was cold rolled at the 30% thickness reduction for comparison. The details of microstructural characteristics, physical properties, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of Al 5052 alloy were investigated using optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vicker microhardness, Instron tensile test and potentiodynamic polarization test. The optical micrograph revealed that the grains are elongated along the rolling direction and the cryorolled samples showed higher grain aspect ratio compared to cold rolled. The grain aspect ratio increases with pre-heat treatment temperatures for both pre-heat treatment and achieved the highest aspect ratio at 300°C for pre-annealed and 540°C for pre-solution treated. The structure of cryorolled sample for both pre-heat treatment samples showed high density of dislocations and formation of submicron-sized grains. The mechanical properties showed that the cryorolled sample pre-annealed at 300°C exhibited the highest hardness, yield and ultimate tensile strength values with improvement of 17.3%, 13% and 15%, respectively, compared to non pre-treatment cryorolled sample. In contrast, the cryorolled sample pre-solution treated at 540°C exhibited the highest hardness, yield and ultimate tensile strength values with improvement of 13.6%, 7.1% and 4.8%, respectively, compared to non pre-treatment cryorolled sample. The cryorolled sample pre-annealed at 300°C and cryorolled sample pre-solution treated sample at 540°C exhibited the highest corrosion resistance due to lowest corrosion current, Icorr and corrosion rate values and more positive value of corrosion potential, Ecorr. The cryorolled sample pre-annealed at 300°C displayed an excellent physical, mechanical and corrosion properties compared to other samples. nano-composites are higher than UnF SiR/EPDM

    Factors influence the performance of export among five selected Asian countries / Muhammad Haziq Amsyar Norazman

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    Many scientists in developed countries have examined the significance relationship of export goods to macroeconomics. However, few studies in developing nations have investigated this proposal. In this research, panel data from year 2010 until 2018 were collected annually to analyse and investigate the relationship between the Export Goods and the macroeconomic variables (Gross Domestic Product, Inflation Rate, Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate and Population Growth) among five (5) Asian countries which is Malaysia, India, Philippine, Singapore and Thailand. This study’s aim is to analyse the effect of these factors on all five (5) Asian countries’ export goods. After conducting a Pool OLS Model, it can be concluded that Gross Domestic Product, Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate have a positive relationship with export goods while Population Growth and Inflation Rate shows conversely relationship with export goods

    Effect of Sintering Parameters and Flow Agent on the Mechanical Properties of High Speed Sintered Elastomer

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    High Speed Sintering (HSS) is an Additive Manufacturing process that creates parts by sintering using inkjet and infra-red lamp technology rather than laser systems employed in Laser Sintering (LS). This research investigated the effects of machine parameters (sintering power, bed temperature) and the addition of fumed silica flow agent on the tensile properties of thermoplastic elastomer parts processed using HSS. The results showed improved elongation at break values by a factor of more than 2X compared to reported values for LS of the same thermoplastic elastomers. At constant parameters, improved tensile strength and tensile modulus were observed with the addition of flow agent into the sintering mixture.Mechanical Engineerin


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    It is common knowledge that the science of hadith and the science of qiraat are two different disciplines of knowledge in terms of its debates and studies. Both branches of knowledge have their own scholars and expertises. The fact is, the scholars of the past in particular were not only known as experts in the knowledge they pioneered, but they also studied the other disciplines since they were little. This matter can be seen through the writings related to the knowledge of qiraat quoted in various books of hadith written by hadith scholars as well as the praise of scholars for their mastery of knowledge. Among the hadith figures who are skilled in the science of qiraat are such as Humaid bin Qais al-‘Araj (died 130H), ‘Ali bin‘ Umar al-Daruquthni (died 385H), Shihabuddin Abu Syamah al-Maqdisi (died 665H) and many more. The objective of this study is to examine some examples of the concern of hadith scholars towards the science of qiraat. In addition, the study also focuses on writings related to qiraat quoted by hadith scholars in their books as research evidence. The results of the study found that writing in the field of qiraat has been given priority by previous hadith scholars directly, either in the context of narration or narration. Umum mengetahui bahawa ilmu hadith dan ilmu qiraat ialah dua disiplin ilmu yang berbeza dari sudut perbahasannya dan kajiannya. Kedua-dua cabang ilmu tersebut mempunyai para sarjana dan cendekiawannya yang tersendiri. Hakikatnya, para ilmuwan silam khususnya bukan sahaja dikenali sebagai pakar dalam ilmu yang dipelopori, bahkan mereka juga mendalami disiplin ilmu lain sejak mereka kecil lagi. Perkara ini boleh dilihat menerusi penulisan berkaitan ilmu qiraat yang dinukilkan dalam pelbagai kitab hadith yang dikarang oleh ilmuwan hadith serta pujian ulama terhadap penguasaan ilmu mereka. Antara tokoh hadith yang berkemahiran dalam ilmu qiraat adalah seperti Humaid bin Qais al-‘Araj (wafat 130H), ‘Ali bin ‘Umar al-Daruquthni (wafat 385H), Shihabuddin Abu Syamah al-Maqdisi (wafat 665H) dan ramai lagi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji beberapa contoh kepedulian sarjana hadith terhadap ilmu qiraat. Selain itu, kajian memberi fokus juga kepada penulisan berkaitan qiraat yang dinukilkan oleh sarjana hadith dalam kitab mereka sebagai bukti kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa penulisan dalam bidang qiraat telah diberi keutamaan oleh sarjana hadith terdahulu secara langsung, sama ada dalam konteks dirayah mahupun riwayah.  Umum mengetahui bahawa ilmu hadith dan ilmu qiraat ialah dua disiplin ilmu yang berbeza dari sudut perbahasannya dan kajiannya. Kedua-dua cabang ilmu tersebut mempunyai para sarjana dan cendekiawannya yang tersendiri. Hakikatnya, para ilmuwan silam khususnya bukan sahaja dikenali sebagai pakar dalam ilmu yang dipelopori, bahkan mereka juga mendalami disiplin ilmu lain sejak mereka kecil lagi. Perkara ini boleh dilihat menerusi penulisan berkaitan ilmu qiraat yang dinukilkan dalam pelbagai kitab hadith yang dikarang oleh ilmuwan hadith serta pujian ulama terhadap penguasaan ilmu mereka. Antara tokoh hadith yang berkemahiran dalam ilmu qiraat adalah seperti Humaid bin Qais al-‘Araj (wafat 130H), ‘Ali bin ‘Umar al-Daruquthni (wafat 385H), Shihabuddin Abu Syamah al-Maqdisi (wafat 665H) dan ramai lagi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji beberapa contoh kepedulian sarjana hadith terhadap ilmu qiraat. Selain itu, kajian memberi fokus juga kepada penulisan berkaitan qiraat yang dinukilkan oleh sarjana hadith dalam kitab mereka sebagai bukti kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa penulisan dalam bidang qiraat telah diberi keutamaan oleh sarjana hadith terdahulu secara langsung, sama ada dalam konteks dirayah mahupun riwayah

    Determinants influencing level of awareness towards cash waqf among Kota Tinggi residents / Muhammad Naqiuddin Norazman

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    Cash waqf is one of the instruments that have that the purpose wants to attract and encourage more individuals to take a part in this waqf. This study provides information regarding the level of awareness towards cash waqf among Kota Tinggi residents. It helps the waqf institutions that manage all the funds of waqf that influencing level of awareness towards cash waqf. This study also to determine the factors that influencing the awareness of cash waqf in Kota Tinggi. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between the selected data on the level awareness towards cash waqf which is the three independent variables such as religion obligation, subjective norm and knowledge. The data was collected by using SPSS software. This study conducted through primary data which is using questionnaire and secondary data which is from the past research. The questionnaire was distributed among Kota Tinggi residents

    Realising the Potential of the High Speed Sintering Process for Industrial Implementation

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    Effect Of Acid Treated Biochar On Urea Fertilizer For Retaining Ammonium And Nitrate Ions In Soil

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    Urea is widely used as fertilizer because it is inexpensive, economical to produce, soluble in water and contain high amount of nitrogen (47%). Biochar impregnated urea has the potential to improve nitrogen use efficiency of plant by reducing the N losses via gaseous emission of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N_2O) to the atmosphere and nitrate leaching into surface and ground water bodies. The aim of this study is to investigate the biochar performance in reducing the loses of ammonium and nitrate ions by increasing its negative surface charge to improve its cation exchange capacity (CEC) which may influence its ability to retain the ions. The biochar was derived from rubber wood sawdust, underwent a pyrolysis process before treated with phosphoric acid at various concentration to improve its ion retention properties. From the optimization result obtained using response surface method regarding the acid treatment process, the best setting suggested for biochar was treatment with 1.5M phosphoric acid at 90°C. Confirmation runs obtained from the best setting were 7.06 pH with negative surface charge of 7.18 mmol/gram. Ammonium and nitrate retention in soil were measured and compared between ureas impregnated with acid treated and untreated biochars. Results showed that urea with acid treated biochar was able to retain 48.7% of ammonium and 45.2% of nitrate as compared to 44.7% and 28.0% shown by urea with untreated biochar, after week 3. This study affirms that acid treated biochar increases the ability of urea to retain more ammonium and nitrate compared to the untreated biochar

    Rumah Kelantan perbezaan ciri-ciri senibina di Taman Mini Malaysia dengan yang asal / Norazman Mohd Yunus

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    Kajianrumah tradisional atau rumah Kelantan ini lebih kepada kajian untuk memahami ciri-ciri senibina lama dan juga kepada aspek ujudnya ciri-ciri yang telah diubah-suai atau lebih dikenali binaan masa kini. Diantara lain kajian ini juga meliputi; 1. Sejarah keujudan rumah tradisional di Malaysia dan bukti-bukti sejarah. 2. Sejarah awal senibina melayu dan konsep kesenian melayu. 3. Tinjauan senibina melayu tradisi Kelantan . Pada bahagian ini akan diterangkan perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan rumah tradisi Kelantan yang asli atau benar. 4. Kajian terhadap rumah tradisi yang diterapkan di Taman Mini Malaysia di Melaka. Dibahagian ini setiap aspek akan disentuh untuk memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas sejauh mana keaslian yang dibuat mengikut ciri-ciri senibina asal dan memberi gambaran akan kejayaan atau kegagalan penerapan yang dibuat. 5. Kajian contoh rumah bandingan. 6. Kajian keatas lukisan terukur dan butiran jelas. 7. Komen dan sebab. 8. Cadangan