410 research outputs found

    Young and Old Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa Linn) Leaf Extracts As an Aedes aegypti Larva Insecticide

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    Vector-borne diseases are still a health problem in some tropical countries. One vector-borne disease is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). DHF never decreases and even tends to continue to increase, and many cause deaths in children, 90% of them attack children under 15 years. DHF cases in 2018 amounted to 65,602 cases, with 467 deaths (CFR = 0.71%). The behavior of holding water in various places such as tubs and tendons indirectly creates a breeding place for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The use of chemicals as insecticides can cause the death of non-target animals, environmental pollution, and the occurrence of vector resistance to insecticides. Therefore it is necessary to do other methods including the use of vegetable insecticides. Sugar apple leaves can be used to kill Aedes aegypti larvae. Sugar apple leaves will obtain throughout the year. The purpose of this study is to know the ability of young and old sugar apple leaves to kill Aedes aegypti larvae. This type of research is a posttest only control group design. The study sample was part of the Aedes aegypti larvae on the final instar III. The experiment to kill Aedes aegypti larvae use two types of sugar apple leaf extract, namely young and old sugar apple leaves with nine treatments four replications. Each treatment consisted of 25 larvae. The research results show There was no significant difference in the number of dead larvae using either extracts from young sugar apple leaves or old sugar apple leaves. LC90 of sugar apple leaf extract was between 0.05632 to 0.08324% and the effective residual age at LC90 (0.06568%) with the death of Aedes aegypti larvae was 92% over 24 hours (1 day)

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Masyarakat Tentang Penyakit Kecacingan Berpengaruh Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Kecacingan

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    Worm disease is an infectious disease caused by parasites in the form of worms. The cause is soil-transmitted helminthiases (STH), which are intestinal worms that are transmitted to humans through soil contaminated by feces. STH infection can cause people to experience malnutrition. Severe infections can interfere with physical growth and cognitive development of sufferers. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the level of knowledge and people's attitudes about helminthiasis with helminthiasis. This type of research was analytic with the research design using the case control method. The sample in this study was 38 respondents consisting of 19 people with helminthiasis and 19 did not suffer from helminthiasis. Data analysis using chi-square test. Chi-square test results showed the p-value for the correlation of the variable level of knowledge of 0,312> alpha (0,05) and the correlation of the attitude variable of 0,501> alpha (0,05) it can be stated that there is no relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes of the community about the disease helminthiasis with the incidence of helminthiasis in the working area of cempaka puskesmas. If this research is to be continued, in order to be better, then the research sample should be expanded and other possible factors become one of the causes of STH infection such as clean and healthy life behavior, latrine quality, water quality, soil quality and others

    Penyakit Skabies Berhubungan Dengan Personal Hygiene Masyarakat

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    Based on the Hulu Sungai Tengah District Health Office report, scabies continues to exist and is a problem that must to resolved immediately. The working area of the Pagat Health Center, which is one of the sub-districts in Hulu Sungai Tengah, experienced the highest increase in scabies cases. The purpose of this study was to determine personal hygiene relations include bathing habits and habit of using soap together with scabies in the working area of the Pagat Health Center. This type of research uses a retrospective approach (case-control study), which compares the behaviour of the sick group with a lively group associated with the incidence of scabies. The sample of this research is 30 people. Data will be analyzed using the x2 test (Chi-square). The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between bathing habits with the incidence of scabies P-value = 0.02

    Frod dalam urus niaga tanah: Satu kajian perbandingan dengan undang-undang tanah Australia

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    Falsafah sistem Torrens ialah ia merupakan satu sistem pentadbiran tanah berasaskan pendaftaran. Sebagai asas sistem Torrens, pendaftaran adalah prasyarat hak milik yang tidak boleh disangkal. Kesan daripada pendaftaran ialah undang-undang mengurniakan kepada penerima pindah milik, pemajak atau pemegang gadaian atau penerima isemen, hak milik yang tidak boleh disangkal.Tetapi sejak mutakhir ini banyak kejadian jenayah kes frod dalam urus niaga tanah menunjukkan peningkatan dari masa ke semasa.Peningkatan kes-kes ini menimbulkan rasa bimbang oleh pemilik-pemilik tanah di atas keselamatan harta mereka kerana tanah mereka boleh bertukar milik tanpa disedari. Sehubungan dengan itu, artikel ini dibuat bagi membincangkan kes frod yang berlaku dalam konteks urus niaga tanah di Malaysia dan membuat perbandingan dengan undang-undang tanah Australia serta mengenal pasti apakah jenisjenis frod yang berlaku dan seterusnya mencadangkan jalan penyelesaian yang difi kirkan sesuai bagi menjamin kepentingan dan hak-hak semua pihak yang terlibat

    Analisis Kesalahan dalam Penyelesaian Soal Operasi Bilangan Pecahan ( Penelitian pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP N 2 Karanggede)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kesalahan yang sering dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal operasi bilangan pecahan (2) mendeskripsikan penyebab siswa melakukan kesalahan (3) Mendeskripsikan persentase tiap kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan operasi pecahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Karanggede yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Validasi data dilakukan dengan Triangulasi yaitu dengan membandingkan data hasil tes dan data hasil wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa yaitu kesalahan memahami konsep dengan presentase sebesar 42%. Kesalahan menerima informasi dengan persentase kesalahan 44% dan kesalahan dalam menghitung dengan persentase kesalahan 52%. Penyebab siswa melakukan kesalahan siswa bingung dengan cara merubah pecahan campuran menjadi pecahan biasa, siswa beranggapan bahwa cara menyelesaikan perkalian dan pembagian pada operasi pecahan menggunakan cara yang sama, siswa tidak terbiasa dengan soal-soal yang sudah diaplikasikan, siswa tidak teliti dan tergesagesa dalam mengerjakan soal

    فعالية طريقة الغناء أثناء اللعب لترقية إتقان المفردات لطلاب الفصل الثالث في المدرسة الإبتدائية دار العلم بنجر بارو / Efektivitas metode sing with play untuk meningkatkan penguasaan mufradat pada siswa kelas Tiga di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darul Ilmi Banjar Baru

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    عالم الأطفال مرادف للألعاب والأغاني والقصص. لذلك، واصل معلمو اللغة في السنوات الأخيرة بذل الجهود لإيجاد طرق تدريس مناسبة لفئة عمرية معينة ومحاولة جعل تجربة تعلم اللغة تجربة مجزية. الهدف هذا البحث: هو لقياس فعالية طريقة الغناء أثناء اللعب في استعاب المفردات. استخدم هذا البحث منهجًا كميًا. نوع البحث المستخدم كان التجربي. استخدم هذا البحث فصلين ،في الفصل تجريبي 29 طلاب وفي الفصل ضابط 28 طلاب. أساليب جمع البيانات بالإختبار, نتائج وورقة. أساليب تحليل البيانات باستخدم باحثة التحليل الوصفي لتحليل البيانات والتحليل الإحصائي الاستنتاجي. في الفصل التجربي التي طبقت الغناء أثناء اللعب، كان الوسط الحسابي الاختبار البعدي 87.76 وفي الفصل الضابط بدون طريقة الغناء أثناء اللعب، كان الوسط الحسابي الاختبار البعدي 77.14. والنتائج التي تم الحصول عليها Uji Independen Sample T Test لها قيمة ذو دلالة إحصائية 0000 <0.05 ، لذلك يمكن الخلاصة أن اختلافات ذو دلالة بين نتائج تعلم الطلاب باستخدام طريقة الغناء وبدون طريقة الغناء. لذا فإن طريقة الغناء هذه أكثر فاعلية في تحسين إتقان المفردات لطلاب الفصل الثالث دار العلم بنجر بارو. Abstract Dunia anak seolah identik dengan permainan, nyanyian dan cerita. Oleh sebab itu, beberapa tahun terakhir para pengajar bahasa terus melakukan usaha untuk menemukan metode pengajaran yang cocok untuk kelompok umur tertentu dan mengusahakan agar pengalaman belajar bahasa menjadi pengalaman yang mengasikan. Para pakar pendidikan anak pun akhirnya merekomendasikan penggunaan permainan, lagu dan cerita sebagai media pendidikan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini: untuk mengukur seberapa efektif penggunaan metode sing with play untuk penguasaan kosakata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Eksperimen. penelitian ini menggunakan 2 kelas , satu kelas eksperimen berjumlah 29 dan satu kelas menjadi kelas kontrol berjumlah 28. Tehnik Pengumpulan data dengan tes, Nilai dan Lembar Nilai.Tehnik analisis data dengan analisis deskriftif dan analisis statistic. Pada kelas eksperimen yang menerapkan metode bernyanyi sambil bermain diperoleh nilai rata-rata pos-test sebesar 87,76 dan pada kelas kontrol yang tanpa metode bernyanyi sambil bermain diperoleh nilai rata-rata pos-test sebesar 77,14. Hasil yang diperoleh dari Uji Independen Sample T Test nilai signifikansi yang didapatkan sebesar 0,000 < 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan metode bernyanyi dan tanpa metode bernyanyi. Jadi metode bernyanyi ini lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas III Darul Ilmi Banjar Baru

    Opportunity For Incident In Maritime System Counting Process And Modeling.

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    An accident can be considered as the culmination of a series of cascading events starting with a triggering incident

    Deskripsi Kejadian Malaria di Kecamatan Cempaka

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    Abstract: Based on the data obtained from Puskesmas Cempaka, it is known that malaria is an endemic disease in the Kecamatan Cempaka. The cases of malaria in the Kecamatan Cempaka in 2011, 2012, and 2013 respectively were 58, 60, and 61. Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of malaria in the Kecamatan Cempaka in 2013 was 3.18%. This study aimed to describe the distribution of malaria incidence by age, sex, place of residence, history of the scene, and the time of occurrence. This research is descriptive. The sample is the malaria patients who were living in the Kecamatan Cempaka, as many as 61 people. The results showed entire that the age of patients ranged from 8 to 63 years with an average of 29 years. The men are most affected by malaria (95%). Most malaria patients (49%) came from the Kelurahan Sei.Tiung. All the history of malaria incidence derived from outside the Kecamatan Cempaka, because most patients go home after work in the KabupatenTanah Bumbu (29%). Peak incidence of malaria is occurred in May of 2013 (27%). Epidemic of malaria has the potential to occur in the Kecamatan Cempaka due to the presence of Anopheles. Therefore, people need to avoid being bitten by Anopheles. The methods such as using the mosquito net while sleeping at night.Keywords: malaria incidence; Kecamatan Cempak

    Pengetahuan dan Praktik Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Terhadap Tempat Perindukan Vektor DBD

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    Abstract: Knowledge and Practices of Eradicating Mosquito Nests against DHF Vector Breeding Sites. The Puskesmas Banjarbaru Utara includes the Mentaos and Loktabat Utara Urban Villages. From year to year the two urban villages always have DHF cases repeatedly. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and practice of eradicating mosquito nests against DHF vector breeding sites in the Puskesmas Banjarbaru Utara. This study is an analytical study with cross-sectional design. The sample in the study were 99 family heads. The study was conducted in November 2018 until January 2019. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge of mosquito nest eradication and DHF vector breeding sites because of the value of p (0.002) < α (0.05) and there was also a relationship between the practice of eradicating mosquito nests and vector breeding sites because of the p (0.000) < α (0.05)

    The Use of Earthworms and Household Organic Waste Composting Length of TIME

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    Composting with earthworms is composting process by involving earthmacroorganism. Cooperation between earthworms and microorganisms may impact on decomposition process done by the microorganisms as assisted by the existence of earthworms. Because any materials to be decomposed by microorganisms had been decomposed by earthworms earlier, microorganisms would work more effectively and quickly. This study aimed to determine effects of using earthworms toward household organic waste composting length of time by using experimental design of study. The object of study was all organic waste taken randomly from one household. Variable of study was composting length of time measured after addition of earthworms and composting process completed. Tools used in this study were measuring tape, calendar, hygrometer and smelling sensory (organoleptic). Statistical analysis used differ test. Results of study showed data was normally distributed, equality of variance and no difference found between composting length of time with or without using earthworms. In conclusion, there is no relation found between the use of earthworms and the household organic waste length of time