28 research outputs found

    PEMETAAN KOMPETENSI INTERNET DOSEN DAN MAHASISWA (Sebuah Penelitian Awal Inisiasi Internet-Assisted Learning di FIK UNY)

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    This research aims at exploring the ability levels of lecturers and students of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, in using the internet as an effort in improving the quality of internet-based instructions to the employment of instructional media laboratory. This is a survey research study. The populations involved in this research were all lecturers of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University and the students of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University class 2002, 2003, and 2004. The samples of the lecturers were taken from the populations using proportional random sampling while the samples of the students were determined using multi-stage random sampling. The samples were 30 lecturers from all of 3 departments in Faculty of Sport Science and 40 students composed of 3 departments, 4 study programs, and all class of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University. The research instruments used in this study was in the form of questionnaires on the ability of using the internet. Data validation was performed though expert judgments. The data were analyzed using percentages. The results of this study show that the lecturers and the students of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University had already known and mastered the use of internet. The results of this research also show that the lecturers and the students had already involved computer and internet in teaching and learning processes. Keywords: ability, internet, compute

    Menstruasi Dan Osteoporosis (Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Aktivitas Jasmani Wanita)

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    Kids often experience difficulties in their socialization process. These difficulties wiff influence their social skiffs. The difficulties in their socialization process could be a consequence of the poor up-bringing from their parents. The development in technological fields could influence kid's socialization process either, because there are so many hi-tech games which unfortunately do not support the socialization process itself. The result which is intended to be achieved from socialization process is a socially competent man. A man must have skiff, knowledge, and character to be functionable in his society and this could be achieved through socialleaming. Physical education allows kids to be included in social learning with various physical activities that are in accordance with their growth and development. Playing and game are the real examples of socialization model for kids. Social and emotional expression will be poured down in playing and games activities. Physical education at schools must be socially functionable in developing kid's interpersonal and social competence through the learning it does. The need in using various learning methods and models which support the development of social and interpersonal competence without put other aspects of the kids aside is highly urgent and significant. Keywords: Socialization, Physical Education

    Pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan SMA/MA SMK/MK Kelas XI: buku guru

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    Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Kesehatan (PJOK) untuk Kelas XI SMA/ SMK yang disajikan dala[== dan juga bukan materi pembelajaran yang dirancang hanya untuk mengasah kompetensi keterampilan olahraga peserta didik. PJOK adalah mata pelajaran yang membekali peserta didik dengan kemampuan untuk memiliki kebugaran dan keterampilan jasmani yang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Memiliki tujuan supaya peserta didik dapat memperoleh perubahan perilaku gerak, perilaku berolahraga dan perilaku sehat.Pada akhirnya aktivitas jasmani dibarengi dengan sikap yang sesuai sehingga hasil yang diperoleh adalah optimal. Pembelajarannya dirancang berbasis aktivitas terkait dengan sejumlah jenis gerak jasmani/ olahraga dan usaha-usaha menjaga kesehatan yang sesuai untuk peserta didik Kelas XI SMA/ SMK. Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut dirancang untuk membuat peserta didik terbiasa melakukan gerak jasmani dan berolahraga dengan senang hati karena merasa perlu melakukannya dan sadar akan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan jasmani baik melalui gerak jasmani dan olahraga maupun dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor kesehatan yang memengaruhinya

    Pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan untuk SMA/MA SMK/MAK kelas XI semester 1

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    Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan (PJOK) untuk Pendidikan Menengah Kelas XI yang disajikan dalam buku ini memuat aktivitas dan materi yang diperlukan untuk memberikan kesadaran itu; termasuk juga pengetahuan dan teknik yang diperlukan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kebugaran dan kesehatan jasmani. Buku ini memiliki 10 bab utama yakni: bab I menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak permainan bola besar, bab II menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak permainan bola kecil, bab III menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak aktivitas atletik, bab IV menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak aktivitas beladiri, bab V menganalisis konsep pengukuran kebugaran jasmani, bab VI menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak senam ketangkasan, bab VII menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak aktivitas gerak ritmik, bab VIII menganalisis kategori keterampilan gerak aktivitas renang, bab IX memahami pencegahan dan penanggulangan narkoba dan psikotropika, bab X memahami dampak seks bebas

    Правильна фізична освіта для удосконалення мотивації навчання студентів

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    Topicality. The using of appropriate learning model is the key in creating an effective, conducive, and enjoyable learning. Therefore, the supporting of teachers’ learning literacy model becomes a research field should be renewed and improved. Research Purpose. The purposes of this research are: (a) to know how peer teaching can give motivation and improve the learning achievement of students. (b) The things should be noticed in implementing the peer teaching method. Methods. The method used in this research was literature study using research steps by Wolfswinkel et al. Research Result. The result of this research shows that the using of peer teaching learning model gives many academic benefits, one of them is the improvement of psychomotor aspect, cognitive aspect, and affective aspect of students. Besides that, another academic benefit obtained such as that learning model can train students’ communication skill and also can elevate students’ confidence which also can be obtained through the pear teaching learning model. From the analysis of all collected data, there are some recommendations. The peer teaching learning model can be used in every level of education. Peer teaching learning model will be more effective if accompanied by additional teaching media such as task card and other kinds of media. In many writings, the peer teaching learning method is often used in field practice learning which trains the psychomotor skill, but still can improve other domains such as cognitive and affective.Актуальность темы исследования. Использование со- ответствующей модели обучения является ключевым в формировании эффективного, благоприятного и приятного процесса обучения. Поэтому поддержка модели грамотности учителей в процессе обучения становится областью исследования, которую нужно совершенствовать. Цель исследования – во-первых, выяснить, как обучение может мотивировать и улучшить достижения студентов; во-вторых, выявить особые черты при применении такого метода обучения. Методы исследования. Во время исследования применен литературный метод с исполь- зованием поэтапных исследований Wolfswinkel. Результаты исследования. В результате этого исследования выявлено, что использование модели обучения студентов-сверстников дает много академических преимуществ, одно из которых – совершенствование психомоторного, когнитивного и аффективного аспектов студентов. Кроме того, еще одним академическим преимуществом такой модели обучения является выработка навыков общения студентов, повышение их собственной уверенности. В результате собранных данных автором разработаны некоторые рекомендации. Такая модель обучения может быть использована для любого образовательного уровня и станет более эффективной, если будет сопровождаться дополнительными учебными материалами, такими как  карточки задач, и другими видами информационных средств. Методика обучения сверстников часто развивает психомоторные способности, но все же может улучшить когнитивное и аффективное мастерство.Актуальність теми дослідження. Використання відповідної моделі навчання є ключовим у формуванні ефективного, сприятливого та приємного процесу навчання. Тому підтримка моделі грамотності вчителів у процесі навчання стає галуззю дослідження, яку потрібно вдосконалювати. Мета дослідження – по-перше, зʼясувати, як навчання може мотивувати та покращити досягнення студентів; по-друге, виявити особливі риси при застосуванні такого методу навчання. Методи дослідження. Під час дослідження застосовано літературний метод із використанням поетапних досліджень Wolfswinkel. Результати дослідження. У результаті цього дослідження виявлено, що використання моделі навчання студентів-однолітків дає багато академічних переваг, одна з яких – удосконалення психомоторного, когнітивного та афективного аспектів у сту- дентів. Крім того, ще однією академічною перевагою такої моделі навчання є вироблення навичок спілкування студентів, підвищення їх власної упевненості. У результаті зібраних даних автором розроблено деякі рекомен- дації. Така модель навчання може бути використана для будь-якого освітнього рівня й стане ефективнішою, якщо супроводжуватиметься додатковими навчальними матеріалами, такими як картки завдань, та іншими види інфор- маційних засобів. Методика навчання однолітків часто розвиває психомоторні здібності, але все ж може покра- щити когнітивну та афективну майстерність

    Reducing Children's Negative Emotional States through Physical Education and Sport in Disaster-Prone Areas

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    Abstract The current study examined the effects of physical education (PE) and sports programs in reducing children's negative emotional states in disaster-prone areas near the Merapi volcano peak in Indonesia. Participants were 15 physical education and sports teachers, and 810 fourth through sixth grade students at elementary schools. Classes were randomly assigned to intervention and first and second control groups. The intervention group received a specially designed PE and sports program using therapeutic psychosocial practices. The first and second control groups completed the pre-existing PE and sports programs over 28 weeks during the 2014-2015 academic years. Negative emotional states were measured by administering the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS 42) before and after the education programs. A repeated measures analysis of variance showed significant differences between intervention and control groups

    Piloting a Model of Educative and Attractive Physical Activities Based on Dolanan Anak

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    This study was aimed at applying Majeda based on Dolanan Anak as a means of optimizingkindergarteners\u27 growth and development. This study was conducted in small- and large-scaletryouts. The study employed the research and development approach. The small-scale piloting wasconducted at TK/SD Model Sleman and TK PKK Temanggal, Sleman while the large-scale tryoutwas conducted at TKN Pembina Wonosari, TK ABA Kauman Yogyakarta, TKN Pembina Galur,TKN 1 Sleman, and TK ABA Karangmojo XVII. The results show that the model format needs tobe revised into new Majeda that consist of six components. The guideline needs to be revised intofour sections. Based on the results of the piloting, it can be concluded that Majeda based on DolananAnak is appropriate for further operational testin

    Improving stress coping and problem-solving skills of children in disaster-prone area through cooperative physical education and sports lesson

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    The present study examined the effect of cooperative games in physical education (PE) and sports classes on the stress coping and problem-solving skills. The fifteen elementary schools in the volcano disaster area assigned to the intervention and two control groups. The intervention group received PE and sports lessons with cooperative games while the control groups completed PE and sports lessons consistent with each school’s existing curriculum over 28 weeks. The stress coping and problem-solving skills scales, previously developed for use with students, was implemented before and after the program. Two- and one-way analysis of variance and paired sample t-tests used to compare the three groups, and a Pearson correlation analysis used to examine the relationship between skills at pre- and post-test. The analysis showed a significant increase in stress coping and problem-solving skills in the intervention group over two control groups. The PE and sports lessons with cooperative games could effectively promote both students’ stress coping and problem-solving skills.This work supported by KAKENHI under grant (number JP24500704) and DITLITABMAS KEMRISTEKDIKTI under grant (number 01 /Penel. /P. Fundamental/UN34.21/2017)