399 research outputs found

    CLASH-VLT: Strangulation of cluster galaxies in MACSJ0416.1-2403 as seen from their chemical enrichment

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    (abridged) We explore the Frontier Fields cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 at z=0.3972 with VIMOS/VLT spectroscopy from the CLASH-VLT survey covering a region which corresponds to almost three virial radii. We measure fluxes of 5 emission lines of 76 cluster members enabling us to unambiguously derive O/H gas metallicities, and also SFRs from Halpha. For intermediate massses we find a similar distribution of cluster and field galaxies in the MZR and mass vs. sSFR diagrams. Bulge-dominated cluster galaxies have on average lower sSFRs and higher O/Hs compared to their disk-dominated counterparts. We use the location of galaxies in the projected velocity vs. position phase-space to separate our cluster sample into a region of objects accreted longer time ago and a region of recently accreted and infalling galaxies. We find a higher fraction of accreted metal-rich galaxies (63%) compared to the fraction of 28% of metal-rich galaxies in the infalling regions. Intermediate mass galaxies falling into the cluster for the first time are found to be in agreement with predictions of the fundamental metallicity relation. In contrast, for already accreted star-forming galaxies of similar masses, we find on average metallicities higher than predicted by the models. This trend is intensified for accreted cluster galaxies of the lowest mass bin, that display metallicities 2-3 times higher than predicted by models with primordial gas inflow. Environmental effects therefore strongly influence gas regulations and control gas metallicities of log(M/Msun)<10.2 (Salpeter IMF) cluster galaxies. We also investigate chemical evolutionary paths of model galaxies with and without inflow of gas showing that strangulation is needed to explain the higher metallicities of accreted cluster galaxies. Our results favor a strangulation scenario in which gas inflow stops for log(M/Msun)<10.2 galaxies when accreted by the cluster.Comment: Version better matched to the published version, including table with observed and derived quantities for the 76 cluster galaxie

    Discovery of a faint, star-forming, multiply lensed, Lyman-alpha blob

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    We report the discovery of a multiply lensed Lyman-α\alpha blob (LAB) behind the galaxy cluster AS1063 using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The background source is at z=z= 3.117 and is intrinsically faint compared to almost all previously reported LABs. We used our highly precise strong lensing model to reconstruct the source properties, and we find an intrinsic luminosity of LLyαL_{\rm Ly\alpha}=1.9×10421.9\times10^{42} erg s1^{-1}, extending to 33 kpc. We find that the LAB is associated with a group of galaxies, and possibly a protocluster, in agreement with previous studies that find LABs in overdensities. In addition to Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) emission, we find \ion{C}{IV}, \ion{He}{II}, and \ion{O}{III}] ultraviolet (UV) emission lines arising from the centre of the nebula. We used the compactness of these lines in combination with the line ratios to conclude that the \Lya nebula is likely powered by embedded star formation. Resonant scattering of the \Lya photons then produces the extended shape of the emission. Thanks to the combined power of MUSE and strong gravitational lensing, we are now able to probe the circumgalatic medium of sub-LL_{*} galaxies at z3z\approx 3.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; moderate changes to match the accepted A&A versoi

    CLASH-VLT: Testing the Nature of Gravity with Galaxy Cluster Mass Profiles

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    We use high-precision kinematic and lensing measurements of the total mass profile of the dynamically relaxed galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 at z=0.44z=0.44 to estimate the value of the ratio η=Ψ/Φ\eta=\Psi/\Phi between the two scalar potentials in the linear perturbed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric.[...] Complementary kinematic and lensing mass profiles were derived from exhaustive analyses using the data from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) and the spectroscopic follow-up with the Very Large Telescope (CLASH-VLT). Whereas the kinematic mass profile tracks only the time-time part of the perturbed metric (i.e. only Φ\Phi), the lensing mass profile reflects the contribution of both time-time and space-space components (i.e. the sum Φ+Ψ\Phi+\Psi). We thus express η\eta as a function of the mass profiles and perform our analysis over the radial range 0.5Mpcrr200=1.96Mpc0.5\,Mpc\le r\le r_{200}=1.96\,Mpc. Using a spherical Navarro-Frenk-White mass profile, which well fits the data, we obtain \eta(r_{200})=1.01\,_{-0.28}^{+0.31} at the 68\% C.L. We discuss the effect of assuming different functional forms for mass profiles and of the orbit anisotropy in the kinematic reconstruction. Interpreting this result within the well-studied f(R)f(R) modified gravity model, the constraint on η\eta translates into an upper bound to the interaction length (inverse of the scalaron mass) smaller than 2 Mpc. This tight constraint on the f(R)f(R) interaction range is however substantially relaxed when systematic uncertainties in the analysis are considered. Our analysis highlights the potential of this method to detect deviations from general relativity, while calling for the need of further high-quality data on the total mass distribution of clusters and improved control on systematic effects.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JCA

    Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of RDCS1252.9-2927, A Massive Cluster at z=1.24

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    We present deep Chandra and XMM obervations of the galaxy cluster RDCS1252.9-2927, which was selected from the ROSAT Deep Cluster Survey (RDCS) and confirmed by extensive spectroscopy with the VLT at redshift z=1.237. With the Chandra data, the X-ray emission from the intra-cluster medium is well resolved and traced out to 500 kpc, thus allowing a measurement of the physical properties of the gas with unprecedented accuracy at this redshift. We detect a clear 6.7 keV Iron K line in the Chandra spectrum providing a redshift within 1% of the spectroscopic one. By augmenting our spectroscopic analysis with the XMM data (MOS detectors only), we significantly narrow down the 1 sigma error bar to 10% for the temperature and 30% for the metallicity, with best fit values kT = 6.0(+0.7,-0.5) keV, Z = 0.36(+0.12,-0.10) Z_sun. In the likely hypothesis of hydrostatic equilibrium, we measure a total mass of M_{500} = (1.9+-0.3)10^14 h_70^{-1}M_sun within R_{Delta=500} = 536 kpc. Overall, these observations imply that RDCS1252.9-2927 is the most X-ray luminous and likely the most massive bona-fide cluster discovered to date at z>1. When combined with current samples of distant clusters, these data lend further support to a mild evolution of the cluster scaling relations, as well the metallicity of the intra-cluster gas. Inspection of the cluster mass function in the current cosmological concordance model (h,Omega_m,Omega_Lambda)=(0.7,0.3,0.7) and sigma_8=0.7-0.8 shows that RDCS1252.9-2927 is an M* cluster at z=1.24, in keeping with number density expectations in the RDCS survey volume.Comment: 9 pages, 1 color figure (fig6.jpg). The Astronomical Journal in press (Jan 2004). Full resolution preprint available at http://www.eso.org/~prosati/RDCS1252

    CLASH-VLT: Environment-driven evolution of galaxies in the z=0.209 cluster Abell 209

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    The analysis of galaxy properties and the relations among them and the environment, can be used to investigate the physical processes driving galaxy evolution. We study the cluster A209 by using the CLASH-VLT spectroscopic data combined with Subaru photometry, yielding to 1916 cluster members down to a stellar mass of 10^{8.6} Msun. We determine: i) the stellar mass function of star-forming and passive galaxies; ii) the intra-cluster light and its properties; iii) the orbits of low- and high-mass passive galaxies; and iv) the mass-size relation of ETGs. The stellar mass function of the star-forming galaxies does not depend on the environment, while the slope found for passive galaxies becomes flatter in the densest region. The color distribution of the intra-cluster light is consistent with the color of passive members. The analysis of the dynamical orbits shows that low-mass passive galaxies have tangential orbits, avoiding small pericenters around the BCG. The mass-size relation of low-mass passive ETGs is flatter than that of high mass galaxies, and its slope is consistent with that of field star-forming galaxies. Low-mass galaxies are also more compact within the scale radius of 0.65 Mpc. The ratio between stellar and number density profiles shows a mass segregation in the center. The comparative analysis of the stellar and total density profiles indicates that this effect is due to dynamical friction. Our results are consistent with a scenario in which the "environmental quenching" of low-mass galaxies is due to mechanisms such as harassment out to R200, starvation and ram-pressure stripping at smaller radii, as supported by the analysis of the mass function, of the dynamical orbits and of the mass-size relation of passive early-types in different regions. Our analyses support the idea that the intra-cluster light is formed through the tidal disruption of subgiant galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures, A&A in pres

    CLASH-VLT: The inner slope of the MACS J1206.2-0847 mass density profile

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    The inner slope gammaDM of the dark matter (DM) density profile of cosmological halos carries information about the properties of DM and/or baryonic processes affecting the halo gravitational potential. Cold DM cosmological simulations predict steep inner slopes, gammaDM>~1. We test this prediction on the MACS J1206.2-0847 cluster at redshift z=0.44, whose DM density profile was claimed to be cored at the center. We determine the cluster DM density profile from 2 kpc from the cluster center to the virial radius (~2 Mpc), using the velocity distribution of ~500 cluster galaxies and the velocity dispersion profile of the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG), obtained from VIMOS@VLT and MUSE@VLT data. We solve the Jeans equation of dynamical equilibrium using an upgraded version of the MAMPOSSt method. The total mass profile is modeled as a sum of a generalized-NFW profile that describes the DM component, allowing for a free inner slope of the density profile, a Jaffe profile that describes the BCG stellar mass component, and a non-parametric baryonic profile that describes the sum of the remaining galaxy stellar mass and of the hot intra-cluster gas mass. Our total mass profile is in remarkable agreement with independent determinations based on X-ray observations and strong lensing. We find gammaDM=0.7 -0.1 +0.2 (68% confidence levels), consistent with predictions from recent LambdaCDM cosmological numerical simulations.Comment: Submitted to ApJ on June, 1st 2023. 14 pages, 9 figure

    The Carina Project VII: Towards the breaking of the age-metallicity degeneracy of red giant branch stars using the c_UBI index

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    We present an analysis of photometric and spectroscopic data of the Carina dSph galaxy, testing a new approach similar to that used to disentangle multiple populations in Galactic globular clusters (GCs). We show that a proper colour combination is able to separate a significant fraction of the red giant branch (RGB) of the two main Carina populations (the old one, \sim 12 Gyr, and the intermediate-age one, 4-8 Gyr). In particular, the c_UBI=(U-B)-(B-I) pseudo-colour allows us to follow the RGB of both populations along a relevant portion of the RGB. We find that the oldest stars have more negative c_UBI pseudo-colour than intermediate-age ones. We correlate the pseudo-colour of RGB stars with their chemical properties, finding a significant trend between the iron content and the c_UBI. Stars belonging to the old population are systematically more metal poor ([Fe/H]=-2.32\pm0.08 dex) than the intermediate-age ones ([Fe/H]=-1.82\pm0.03 dex). This gives solid evidence on the chemical evolution history of this galaxy, and we have a new diagnostic that can allow us to break the age-metallicity degeneracy of H-burning advanced evolutionary phases. We compared the distribution of stars in the c_UBI plane with theoretical isochrones, finding that no satisfactory agreement can be reached with models developed in a theoretical framework based on standard heavy element distributions. Finally, we discuss possible systematic differences when compared with multiple populations in GCs.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    DNA methylation screening after roux-en Y gastric bypass reveals the epigenetic signature stems from genes related to the surgery per se

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    [Abstract] Background/objectives: Obesity has been associated with gene methylation regulation. Recent studies have shown that epigenetic signature plays a role in metabolic homeostasis after Roux-en Y gastric bypass (RYGB). To conduct a genome-wide epigenetic analysis in peripheral blood to investigate whether epigenetic changes following RYGB stem from weight loss or the surgical procedure per se. Subjects/methods: By means of the Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip array, global methylation was analyzed in blood of 24 severely obese women before and 6 months after RYGB and in 24 normal-weight women (controls). Results: In blood cells, nine DMCpG sites showed low methylation levels before surgery, methylation levels increased after RYGB and neared the levels measured in the controls. Additionally, 44 CpG sites associated with the Wnt and p53 signaling pathways were always differently methylated in the severely obese patients as compared to the controls and were not influenced by RYGB. Finally, 1638 CpG sites related to inflammation, angiogenesis, and apoptosis presented distinct methylation in the post-surgery patients as compared to the controls. Conclusion: Bariatric surgery per se acts on CpGs related to inflammation, angiogenesis, and endothelin-signaling. However, the gene cluster associated with obesity remains unchanged, suggesting that weight loss 6 months after RYGB surgery cannot promote this effect.This study’s data collection, DNA and statistical analysis was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grants #2017/07220–7, #2016/05638–1 and #2015/18669–0). Also, statistical and bioinformatics analysis was supported by “Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red” (CIBERobn) and grants (PI17/01287) from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII), Spain, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), MINECO grants MTM2014–52876-R and MTM2017–82724-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-015 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia ED431G/01), all of them through the ERDF. A Diaz-Lagares is funded by a research contract “Juan Rodés” (JR17/00016) and Ana B Crujeiras is funded by a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP17/00088) from the ISCIII, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)Brasil. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; #2017/07220–7Brasil. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; #2016/05638–1Brasil. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; #2015/18669–0Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0