5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Akupuntur Pada Pasien Hipertensi di Puskesmas Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura

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    Hypertension is blood pressure that exceeds normal limits divided into three categories. Hypertension is dubbed as a silent killer with symptoms of feelings of bending, headaches, palpitations, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, fatigue, vertigo, and nosebleeds. In addition, trends in treatment using alternative and complementary therapies are starting to appeal to the community, one of which is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a method of treatment by attaching needles to certain points on the body to reduce blood pressure or relieve symptoms of hypertension. This study aims to determine the application of acupuncture at points: LV3, HT7, PC6, and LU9 in hypertensive patients. This research was an experimental pretest-posttest without a control group with a time series approach, in 15 people with blood pressure criteria ≥130mmHg. This research was conducted from November 2018 to February 2019 using the analysis of the repeated ANOVA test. The results of the comparative output mean it is known that average hypertension before the acupuncture application was 172.93 mmHg, and after the acupuncture application 155.87 mmHg at the first meeting, hypertension before the acupuncture application was 154.50 mmHg and after the acupuncture application was 135.73 mmHg at the second meeting with the results of the in-action effect test revealed a Greenhouse-Geisser sig value of 0,000, so it can be concluded that there is a difference in the decrease in average blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Efforts that can be done are monitoring the continuity of hypertensive patients in carrying out acupuncture therapy

    Family Nursing Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic can affect the health of a family. One of the effects is the change in interaction and communication patterns within a family. Nurses are required to have a perspective on family care needs, so indirectly the role of nurses to provide family care, communication and interaction must be well established. Communication is needed to build family resilience in responding to COVID-19. A literature review was conducted using electronic databases such as ProQuest and Pubmed. The search identified 9 relevant articles on family nursing care; while 2 articles address the main topic, 7 articles and 1 book were considered as supporting data. Family nursing care implements a component such as communication or conversation between nurses and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. The studies emphasize the importance of family nursing care during the pandemic, and stress the need for the nurse to understand and incorporate individual family circumstances into the discussion. This will allow them to help promote the optimal family functioning and protect the health of family members.   Keywords: family, household, nursing care, COVID-19 pandemi

    Gambaran Stigma Masyarakat pada Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) di Puskesmas Waibhu

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    Untuk mengetahui gambaran stigma masyarakat pada penderita gangguan jiwa. Artikel ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi adalah pasien dan keluarga yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas dengan jumlah sampel 99 orang. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis secara univariat. Gambaran stigma pada masyarakat di Puskesmas menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memiliki stigma kategori tinggi sebanyak 34 orang atau 34,3%, dan stigma kategori rendah sebesar 65,7% pada gangguan jiwa. Selain itu, komunitas bertanggung jawab sebesar 74,7% untuk mengalami keterlibatan dengan orang-orang dengan masalah mental dan tahu bagaimana bersimpati dengan situasi psikologis. Kesimpulan: Peneliti berpendapat bahwa masyarakat yang berkontribusi dengan stigma rendah terhadap gangguan jiwa akan menerapkan perilaku yang positif. Sebaliknya, stigma yang tinggi akan menunjukkan sebaliknya. Stigma yang dibuat oleh masyarakat terhadap penderita gangguan jiwa secara tidak langsung menyebabkan keluarga atau orang sekitar penderita gangguan jiwa enggan untuk memberikan penanganan yang tepat

    Studi Literature: Cara Menurunkan Hipertensi Dengan Latihan Fisik

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    ABSTRACT: LITERATURE STUDY: HOW TO REDUCE HYPERTENSION WITH PHYSICAL EXERCISE Background: Hypertension is high blood pressure which is divided into three levels, namely pre-hypertension, first-degree hypertension and second-degree hypertension. Hypertension is also dubbed the silent killer because most of the causes are unknown, where the symptoms that arise vary in each individual and these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Symptoms of hypertension include: heaviness in the neck, headaches, heart palpitations, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, fatigue, vertigo, and nosebleeds. Objective: This study aims to determine physical exercise in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Methods: This research is a literature study research. The data in this study were obtained from three databases, namely Google Scholar, Garuda and PubMed with the keywords "physical exercise, physical exercise, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, hypertension, hypertension". The study used the PICOS method, by reviewing the journals used. Results: Based on the results of this study, it was found that there are various kinds of physical exercise including: aerobic exercise, walking (walking), cardio exercise, elderly exercise, home-base exercise training, isometric resistance training. In addition, the duration of each physical exercise depends on the patient's condition, age, and the type of physical exercise performed. Conclusion: Each physical exercise used is not the same from one individual to another, therefore the patient can choose which one is the most comfortable and can be done every time. Keywords: Hypertension, Physical ExerciseINTISARI: STUDI LITERATURE: CARA MENURUNKAN HIPERTENSI DENGAN LATIHAN FISIK Latar Belakang: Hipertensi merupakan tekanan darah tinggi yang dibagi atas tiga tingkatan yaitu pre-hipertensi, hipertensi derajat satu dan hipertensi derajat dua. Hipertensi dijuluki juga sebagai silent killer karena hampir sebagian besar tidak diketahui penyebab terjadinya, dimana gejala yang timbul bervariasi pada tiap individu dan gejala ini mirip dengan gejala penyakit lainnya. Gejala hipertensi ini seperti: rasa berat ditengkuk, sakit kepala, jantung berdebar-debar, penglihatan kabur, telinga berdenging, mudah lelah, vertigo, dan mimisan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latihan fisik dalam menurunkan tekanan darah pasien hipertensi.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi literature . Data pada penelitian ini didapatkan dari tiga data base yaitu Google Cendekia, Garuda dan PubMed dengan kata kunci “latihan fisik, physical exercise, tekanan darah tinggi, high blood pressure, hipertensi, hypertension”. Penelitian menggunakan metode PICOS, dengan melakukan review pada jurnal-jurnal yang digunakan.Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa terdapat berbagai macam latihan fisik diantaranya: senam aerobik, walking (berjalan), latihan kardio, senam lansia, home-base exercise training, latihan resistensi isometrik. Selain itu durasi tiap latihan fisik tergantung pada kondisi pasien, usia, dan jenis latihan fisik yang dilakukan.Kesimpulan: Setiap latihan fisik yang digunakan tidak sama antara individu satu dengan lainnya, oleh sebab itu pasien dapat memilih mana yang paling nyaman dan dapat dilakukan tiap waktunya. Kata kunci : Hipertensi, Latihan Fisik

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang Asam Urat Pada Masyarakat di Kampung Nendali Distrik Sentani Timur Kabupaten Jayapura

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    ABSTRAK Kampung Nendali merupakan salah satu Kampung di Distrik Sentani Timur yang masih terdapat keluhan nyeri sendi. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menjelaskan definisi sampai dengan pencegahan tentang asam urat melalui penyuluhan. Metode yang digunakan berupa penyuluhan Kesehatan yang dilakukan dengan bantuan leaflet serta metode ceramah, tanya jawab serta diskusi. Dari 30 peserta yang hadir pada penyuluhan seperti stakeholder kampung dan masyarakat kampung Nendali, sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan peserta telah mengetahui apa itu asam urat dan jenis makanan apa saja yang dapat menimbulkan hiperurisemia, namun untuk pencegahan serta penangannya belum tahu cara yang benar. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang asam urat, peserta secara keseluruhan dapat memahami dengan benar. Peserta tampak antusias mendengarkan dan mengikuti penyuluhan. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini berjalan kondusif disebabkan peserta memperhatikan materi yang disampaikan oleh penyaji dengan baik. Kata kunci: Asam Urat, Penyuluhan Kesehatan, Masyarakat  ABSTRACT Nendali Village is one of the villages in the East Sentani District where there are still complaints of joint pain. The purpose of this community services is to explain the definition to prevention of gout through counseling.The method used is in the form of health education which is carried out with the help of leaflets as well as lecture, question and answer and discussion methods. The 30 particicipants who attended the counselling such as village stakeholders and the Nendali village community, before the counselling the participants knew what uric acid was and what types of food could cause hyperuricemia, buat for prevention and handling they did not know the right way. Afte conducting health education about gout, the participants as a whole could understand correctly. Participant seemed enthusiastic to listen and follow the counselling. This outreach activity was conducive because the participants paid close attention to the education. Keywords : Uric acid, Health education, Communit