487 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Surian (Toona Sinensis (Juss,) M. Roem) Yang Diinokulasi Mikoriza Pada Media Tanam Tanah Ultisol

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    Penelitian tentang pertumbuhan bibit surian (Toona sinensis (Juss,) M. Roem) yang diinokulasi mikoriza pada media tanam tanah ultisol telah dilakukan dari bulan November 2014 sampai Februari 2015 di rumah kaca dan Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas, Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan bibit surian yang diinokulasi dengan beberapa dosis Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) pada tanah ultisol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan yang diberikan adalah tanpa inokulasi; inokulan 5 g/tanaman; inokulan 10 g/tanaman; inokulan 15 g/tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian dosis FMA sebanyak 15 g/tanaman pada media tanah ultisol memperlihatkan pengaruh yang nyata pada pertambahan jumlah daun tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertambahan tinggi dan diameter batang serta berat kering tanaman selama 12 minggu pengamatan

    Total orthotopic small bowel transplantation in swine under FK 506

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    Previous experimental studies in rodents and in dogs have established the efficacy of FK 506 in controlling the immunologic events following small bowel or multivisceral transplantation.1–5 To complete the assessment of FK 506 in experimental small bowel transplantation, we present here our experience with the frequently used swine model

    The presence of dominant follicles and corpora lutea does not perturb response to controlled ovarian stimulation in random start protocols

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    The advent of random start protocols to shorten the time needed to store oocytes in women with malignancies has represented an important improvement in the field of fertility preservation. However, Randomized Controlled Trials are difficult to implement in this area and available evidence that supports this approach remains modest. To shed more light on this issue, we compared the follicular development between the ovary carrying the dominant follicle or the corpus luteum and the contralateral resting ovary in 90 women who underwent random start controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). In fact, ovarian response did not differ between the two ovaries. Subgroup analyses according to the phase of the cycle at the initiation of COS, the type of malignancy, the use of letrozole and the magnitude of the ovarian response did not allow to identify any condition showing a difference in the follicular response between the active and the resting ovaries. In conclusion, follicular growth does not seem to be perturbed by the presence of a dominant follicle or a corpus luteum

    Dietary carbohydrate intake, dietary glycemic load and outcomes of in vitro fertilization : Findings from an observational italian cohort study

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    In recent decades, increasing attention has been paid to the influence of diet on reproductive health. Carbohydrates in diet affect glucose metabolism and multiple evidences showed the key role of insulin sensitivity in regulating female fertility. We designed a prospective cohort study to investigate the relation between dietary carbohydrate intake, glycemic load (GL) and the outcomes of assisted reproduction. A population of 494 female partners of couples referring to an Italian Fertility Center and eligible for in vitro fertilization (IVF) were enrolled in the study. On the day of the oocyte retrieval, information on their diet was obtained using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). We calculated the relative risk and 95% confidence interval of embryo transfer, clinical pregnancy and live birth according to the following dietary exposures: GL, glycemic index (GI) as well as the daily carbohydrate and fiber intake. A multiple regression model was used to account for the confounders. After adjusting for age, college degree, body mass index (BMI), leisure physical activity and previous assisted reproduction techniques (ART) cycles, no significant association was observed between the considered dietary exposures and the IVF outcomes. The roles of GL, carbohydrate intake and GI were assessed in strata of the cause of infertility and body mass index and no relation emerged in this further analysis. We found no clear association between the dietary carbohydrate quantity and quality and IVF outcomes in a cohort of infertile Italian women

    Maniobras complementarias al examen neurológico del recién nacido

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    Las maniobras utilizadas para evaluar el tono del recién nacido no deberían ser arbitrarias ni tampoco adaptarse a las necesidades del observador Por el contrario deberían guardar relación con las posturas fisiológicas propias del períodoneonatal. Se proponen 5 (cinco) maniobras que colocan a los miembros del recién nacido, en la posición que asumen al soportar libremente su peso . El trabajo busca establecer la sensibilidad de un protocolo de 5 (cinco) maniobras originales para evaluar neurológicamente la motricidad del recién nacido como indicadora de la eventual secuela lesional del SNC

    Mediterranean diet and outcomes of assisted reproduction: an Italian cohort study

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    Background: Detrimental lifestyle habits have been indicated as potential causes of reduced fertility. Recently studies have suggested an association between healthy diets and increased live birth rates after assisted reproduction techniques. However, the issue remains under debate, and evidence is still accumulating. Objective: The objective of the study was to study the relationship between a Mediterranean diet and outcomes of assisted reproduction techniques in subfertile couples in an Italian population. Study Design: This was a prospective cohort study, conducted in an Italian fertility clinic. Couples undergoing in vitro fertilization were interviewed on the day of oocyte retrieval to obtain information on personal and health history, lifestyle habits, and diet. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was evaluated using a Mediterranean diet score. Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals for embryo transfer, clinical pregnancy, and live birth were calculated. Potential confounders were included in the equation model. Results: Among 474 women (mean age, 36.6 years, range, 27\u201345), 414 (87.3%) performed embryo transfer, 150 (31.6%) had clinical pregnancies, and 117 (24.7%) had live births. In a model including the potential confounders (age, leisure physical activity, body mass index, smoking, daily calorie intake, and previous failed in vitro fertilization cycles), findings showed that the Mediterranean diet score was not significantly associated with in vitro fertilization outcomes. Adjusted analyses were performed in strata of age, previous assisted reproduction technique cycles, and reasons for infertility, with consistent findings. The only exception was observed in women >35 years old with an intermediate Mediterranean diet score, who showed a lower risk of not achieving clinical pregnancy (adjusted relative risk, 0.84, 95% confidence interval, 0.71\u20131.00, P = .049). Conclusion: No clear association was observed between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and successful in vitro fertilization

    VGF peptide profiles in Type 2 diabetic patients' plasma and in obese mice

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    To address the possible involvement of VGF peptides in obesity and diabetes, we studied type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obese patients, and high-fat diet induced obese mice. Two VGF peptides (NAPP-19 and QQET-30) were identified in human plasma by HPLC-ESI-MS. The VGF C-terminus, the above two cleaved peptides, and the TLQP-21 related peptide/s were studied using ELISA and immunohistochemistry. In euglycemic patients, plasma NAPPE and TLQP like peptides were significantly reduced with obesity (74±10 vs. 167±28, and 92±10 vs. 191±19 pmol/ml, mean+SEM, n = 10 and 6, obese vs. normal BMI, respectively, p<0.03). Upon a standard glucose load, a distinct response was shown for VGF C-terminus, TLQP and QQET-like (ERVW immunoreactive) peptides in euglycemic normal BMI patients, but was virtually abolished in euglycemic obese, and in T2D patients independently of BMI. High-fat diet induced obese mice showed reduced plasma VGF C-terminus, NAPPE and QQET-like (ERVW) peptide/s (3±0.2 vs. 4.6±0.3, 22±3.5 vs. 34±1.3, and 48±7 vs. 100±7 pmol/ml, mean+SEM, n = 8/group, obese vs. slim, respectively, p<0.03), with a loss of the response to glucose for all VGF peptides studied. In immunohistochemistry, TLQP and/or VGF C-terminus antibodies labelled VGF containing perikarya in mouse celiac ganglia, pancreatic islet cells and thin beaded nerve fibres in brown adipose tissues, with fewer in white adipose tissue. Upon the glucose load, tyrosine hydroxylase and VGF C-terminus immunoreactive axons became apparent in pancreatic islets of slim animals, but not in obese animals. Alltogether, a significant loss of VGF peptide immunoreactivity and/or their response to glucose was demonstrated in obese patients, with or without T2D, in parallel with a similar loss in high-fat diet induced obese mice. An involvement of VGF in metabolic regulations, including those of brown and/or white adipose tissues is underlined, and may point out specific VGF peptides as potential targets for diagnosis and/or treatment
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