616 research outputs found

    Traction drive system design considerations for a lunar roving vehicle

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    Optimum design considerations of traction drive for lunar roving vehicl

    Uji Porositas dan Kuat Tekan Batako Ringan Berbahan Dasar Limbah Pengolahan Emas (LPE) dengan Filler Pohon Pisang (FPP)

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    [Title: Porosity Test and Compressive Strength of Lightweight Brick Based on Gold Processing Waste (LPE) with Banana Tree Filler (FPP)]. Lightweight concrete bricks are made from gold processing waste (LPE) and banana tree filler (FPP) with cement, foam, and clear water. The purpose of making light brick to know the value of porosity and value of compressive strength. Lightweight brick is made with gold processing waste (LPE) and banana tree filler (FPP) consecutively is 250 ml of LPE + 1 layer of FPP, 250 ml of LPE + 2 layers of FPP, 250 ml of LPE + 3 layers of FPP, 250 ml of LPE + 4 layers of FPP . Hardening time is carried out for 22 days in sunlight unspoiled. Tests performed include: density test, porosity test, and compressive strength test. From the test results showed that the porosity value and compressive strength of lightweight concrete bricks with gold processing waste plus the filler of banana trees with the amount of cement in the fixed condition and drying time for 22 consecutive days, the density value 1349, 09 kg / m3, 1290 kg / m3, 1121.6 kg / m3, 1168.3 kg / m3, 1254 kg / m3 and compressive strength value of 2.43 MPa, 1.25 MPa, 1.68 MPa, 2.13 MPa, 1.32 MPa. The high value of porosity and compressive strength value is influenced by the amount of mixture of foam, banana tree filler (FPP) and stirring metho

    Ragam Pendapatan Rumah Tangga dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi: Studi Kasus di Desa-desa Sekitar Kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (Tnks) Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This research is aimed at exploring level of household income diversity based on agricultural land typology and examining factors that affect household income diversity in villages around TNKS, Regency of Lebong, Province of Bengkulu. This research uses secondary and primary data. Respondents of this research were determined randomly as much as 400 respondents in 20 villages. Analysis method diversity used are F test and t test to infestigate the differences of household income and multiple linear regression to examining the factors that affect the diversity of household income by applying and developing Minot. et al (2006) model. Result of this research showed that there are differences of household income diversity agricultural land typology, eventhing the existing are not significant among typologies and the factors that affect the household income diversity are education of the head of the family, agricultural land area, and amount of main income household

    Perencanaan Kawasan Prioritas Penyediaan Air Bersih Menggunakan Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making

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    The Provision of water for the community, there are some problems and until now can not be overcome completely. Especially in slum areas that are prone to water so that people have difficulty to get water. Many of slums in Kab. Lingga becomes a separate problem for the planning of water supply, from the problem it is designed a system that aims to determine the priority area of water supply by implementation the fuzzy multi criteria decision making method in the planning of the priority area of water supply, obtaining the region with the highest total integral value that is Marok Tua with a value of α0 is 0,34375, α0,5 is 0,51875, α1 is 0,69375

    Physicochemical water quality of the Mfoundi River watershed at Yaoundé, Cameroon, and its relevance to the distribution of bacterial indicators of faecal contamination.

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    Water quality of the Mfoundi River and four of its tributaries was studied by assessing some physicochemical variables (temperature, pH, conductivity, chlorides, phosphates and nitrogen ammonia, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, organic matter content and Biological Oxygen Demand) and their influence on the distribution of bacterial indicators of faecal contamination (total coliform, faecal coliform and faecal streptococci). For this, standard methods for the examination of physicochemical parameters in water were followed, and statistical analysis (Pearson correlations) used to establish any relationships between physicochemical and biological variables. Our results revealed that almost all of the examined physicochemical variables exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for recreational water. This was in agreement with a previous microbiological study indicating that these waters were not safe for human use or primary contact according to water quality standards established by the WHO. Results of our correlation analysis suggested that physicochemical and biological variables interact in complicated ways reflecting the complex processes occurring in the natural environment. It was also concluded that pollution in the Mfoundi River watershed poses an increased risk of infection for users and there exists an urgent need to control dumping of wastewater into this watershed