13 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to report how affective factors including anxiety, self-confidence, risk-taking and inhibition change and how Willingness to Communicate in Japanese outside the classroom is affected by those factors while studying in Japan. The data was collected by interview and questionnaires to two advanced learners and analyzed by qualitative data analysis method. The results show that opportunities to perceive language competence, experiences of communication, features and participants of communication, and learnersʼ beliefs affect Willingness to Communicate. Successful communication enhance self-confidence and decrease language-use anxiety. Self-confidence influences Willingness to Communicate with significant others in the target language society. Experiences of failures in communication causes language use anxiety and decrease Willingness to Communicate with others. Conditions of communication also impacts their willingness to communicate, especially with significant others in the target community. The implication of the findings suggests Willingness to Communicate is concerned with the desire to establish a relationship with others as a member of the target community

    「カツドウキロク」 ニ ミラレル ガクシュウシャ ノ ブンカニンシキ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ -ガクシュウシャ ノ イブンカ リカイ ヘ ノ カカワリ ヲ メザシテ-

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    本研究は、学習者の異文化理解にかかわるための教師の役割について考察することを目的に、試行的調査として「学習者訪日研修(大学生)」における自律学習支援のしかけの一つである「活動記録」から、学習者のどのような文化認識が表れているかについて分析し、考察を行う。「活動記録」は文化・社会に関する気づきを日本語で自由に記述するものであるが、本論では参加者の記述にクリティカルな異文化間理解能力を構成する要素に関連する記述を取り上げて考察した。その結果、異文化に対する共感・否定の態度や自文化への言及、知識の確認や修正、言語能力を内省するなどの記述が見られ、クリティカルな異文化間能力への発達段階にある文化認識が表れているのではないかと思われる。教師には「活動記録」の記述をより内省が表れるよう導くための役割が求められている。This paper is a pilot study examining the teacher\u27s role in facilitating learners\u27 intercultural understanding. The study analyzes learners\u27 comments related to their cultural perception recorded in their "Katsudo-kiroku", one of the devices designed to support learners\u27 autonomy in the Japanese program for university students.In their "Katsudo-kiroku", learners record their awareness of Japanese culture and society in Japanese. In this paper I discuss comments related to factors comprising critical intercultural competence. Based on their comments I was able to understand their positive and negative attitude toward other cultures, their process of modifying their understanding of Japanese language and culture, and reflections on their language ability. I found that the cultural perception evident in their records evolved to the level of critical intercultural competence. Therefore, to encourage learners to be more reflective when writing comments is an important role for the teacher

    タイ ニ オケル チュウトウ ガッコウ ニホンゴ キョウイン ヨウセイ コウザ ノ ガイヨウ ト ツイセキ チョウサ ホウコウ : タイ コウキ チュウトウ キョウイク ニ オケル ニホンゴ クラス ノ ゲンジョウ

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    近年、タイの中等教育レベルにおける日本語教育の拡大は目覚しく、ここ10年間で日本語クラスを開講した中等学校数、また中等教育レベルの学習者数は著しく増加した。その背景には、タイ国教育省および国際交流基金日本文化センターとの共催により開講された日本語教員養成講座によって日本語教員が養成されたという経緯がある。本稿ではこの講座とタイにおける中等学校日本語教員養成の全体的な枠組みを紹介し、修了生への追跡調査の結果を踏まえて後期中等教育機関の日本語クラス開講の現状と現場に立つ日本語教員の現状を報告する。この教員養成講座の参加者が多くの学校で日本語を開講したことは、日本語教育の地域的な拡大にもつながった。またこのような中等教育レベルでの日本語教育事情の変化は、高等教育機関へも影響を及ぼしている。教員養成講座への参加者はすべて現職の中等学校の教員であり、ほぼゼロ初級から日本語学習を開始するが、講座を修了した後も訪日研修や各地で開催される金曜研修、通信による学習などの研修に参加し、継続的に学習を続けることによって教員としての自信を深めている。教員養成の枠組みとして、段階的に現職教員支援のための研修が用意されていることへの評価は高い。In recent years, the spread of Japanese language education in secondary education in Thailand has been remarkable. The number of Japanese language learners and secondary schools where Japanese is offered as a subject has increased over the past 10 years.This trend is a result of the fact that Japanese language teachers have been trained under a Japanese-language teacher training program operated under the joint auspices of the Japan Foundation, Japan Cultural Center, and Education Ministry in Thailand.This report summarizes this program and the general framework of the secondary teacher training program; further, it describes the current situation of Japanese language classrooms and classroom teachers in upper secondary educational institutions on the basis of the follow-up survey of those who have completed the program.Participants of the teacher training program have begun a Japanese language course in many schools, and this has contributed to the spread of local Japanese language education. Such a circumstantial change in secondary level Japanese language education has influenced higher educational institutions as well.All the participants of the teacher training program are teachers in secondary schools, and almost all of them begin learning Japanese from the beginners\u27s level. They gain confidence as teachers by continuing to learn Japanese through their participation in the Visit Japan Program, the Friday or Saturday Course offered in regional areas, and the Correspondence course. These programs are arranged in the framework of the teacher training scheme and support classroom teachers step by step; further, this approach has been highly evaluated by the participants

    留学中の日本語学習動機とコミュニケーション意欲の観察―交換留学生のL2 理想自己、L2 義務自己をもとに―

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     This study investigates the changes observed in exchange studentsʼ Japanese language learning motivation and Willingness to Communicate during their stay in Japan. Interviews are conducted with the participants had majored in Japanese language in their country and they studied for approximately 10 months to learn the language at university in Japan. Data was analyzed qualitatively via Steps for Cording and Theorization (SCAT) method, focusing on the Ideal L2 self and Ought-to L2 self. The results of the study suggest that 1)changes in their learning motivation were mainly affected by their Ought-to self during their stay in Japan; 2)the change in the Willingness to Communicate associated with the Ideal L2 self during their stay in Japan and support their learning motivation; 3) their various experiences including communication experiences in Japan were affected, which resulted in the emergence of a new Ideal L2 self; The study concludes that it is important to support the learning environment to enhance the studentsʼ Willingness to Communicate and induce Ideal L2 self, such that they retain their L2 learning motive after their studies in Japan