458 research outputs found


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    Tissue healing is a complex process involving local and systemic responses. Inadequate of inappropriate wound healing is a headache to many surgeons especially in compromised patients. Several technologies have been tested for their effect on improving and enhancing wound healing. The use of low-level laser therapy for example has been shown to be effective in modulating both local and systemic response healing responses. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the effect of different powers of low-level laser therapy on wound healing in diabetic rats. Methodology: Streptozotocin (45 mg/kg body weight) was intraperitoneally applied for diabetes induction. A full-thickness skin wound (2 × 2 cm2) was aseptically created with a scalpel in diabetic rats on the shaved back of the animals. The wounded diabetic rats were treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for 14 days. The wound closure percent was calculated during the course of the experiment on days 1, 7, and 14. Results: Clinical observation of skin lesion samples of the animals showed that skin lesions of the group (A) (control) exhibited an early-phase tissue repair pattern, with the formation of a whitish crust, with slightly elevated rims and a reddish core, group (B) and (C) wounds, which were showed complete tissue repair, showing scars with evident rims and a central portion slightly unleveled, These results suggest that LLLT is an efficacious method of tissue repair modulation, significantly contributing to more rapid and organized healing of tissues

    Association of polymorphisms of two histamine-metabolizing enzymes with allergic asthma in Egyptian children

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    Background: Histamine released from mast cells and basophils plays a key role in the development of allergic diseases such as allergic asthma, rhinitis or anaphylaxis. Histamine-metabolizing enzymes: N-methyltransferase (HNMT) and amiloride binding protein 1(ABP) are involved in allergic inflammation.Objective: This study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between polymorphisms of two genes encoding the histamine metabolizing enzymes HNMT and ABP1 with the development of allergic asthma in Egyptian children.Methods: This is a case control study performed on 100 atopic asthmatic and 94 healthy control children. Conventional method of PCR amplification was used for genotyping.Results: Distribution of HNMT -105 Thr → Ile (-314 C to T) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes and Thr and Ile (C and T) alleles among patients and controls revealed significant increase in the frequencies of Thr / Ile (CT) and Thr / Ile (CT) + Ile / Ile (TT) in atopic asthmatics than in controls (p= 0.04 and 0.002 respectively). There was also a significant increase in Ile (T) alleles in atopic asthmatic patients than controls (p= 0.002). The 2029 CG SNP polymorphism of ABP1gene was significantly associated with atopic asthma (p=0.0003).Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that genetic variations in the histaminemetabolizing enzyme (HNMT and ABP1) genes might contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma in the studied children.Keywords: Amiloride binding protein, asthma, atopy, children, Nmethyltransferas

    Immunohistochemical expression of interleukin 8 in skin biopsies from patients with inflammatory acne vulgaris

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    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to evaluate the immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8) in skin biopsies of inflammatory acne vulgaris (IAV) in an attempt to understand the disease pathogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 58 biopsies, 29 from lesional IAV and 29 normal non lesional sites were immunostained for IL-8. The intensity of staining was evaluated in the epidermis and dermis and was scored as mild, moderate and severe. The expression was correlated with the clinical grade, disease course and histological changes. RESULTS: IL-8 immunoreactivity was expressed in lesional IAV compared to non lesional skin biopsies (p < 0.001). Increased expression was significantly associated with epidermal hyperplasia and follicular hyperkeratosis (p < 0.001). In addition, the more pronounced IL-8 expression of the dermal endothelial cells and neutophilic inflammatory infiltrate correlated with dermal angiogenesis and the extent of dermal inflammatory response (p < 0.001). Moreover, increased dermal immunoreactivity paralleled progressive course (p = 0.02) but not the duration of the disease. CONCLUSION: We were able to demonstrate altered immunoreactivity of IL-8 in IAV compared to normal skin. Targeted therapy to block IL-8 production may hold promise in limiting the deleterious effects of IL-8-mediated inflammatory response and angiogenesis

    Effect of Monophasic Pulsed Current on Heel Pain and Functional Activities Caused by Plantar Fasciitis

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    Background: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a soft tissue disorder considered to be one of the most common causes of inferior heel pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of monophasic pulsed current (MPC) and MPC coupled with plantar fascia-specific stretching exercises (SE) on the treatment of PF. Material and Methods: Forty-four participants (22 women and 22 men, with a mean age of 49 years) diagnosed with PF were randomly assigned to receive MPC (n=22) or MPC coupled with plantar fascia-specific SE (n=22). Prior to and after 4 weeks of treatment, participants underwent baseline evaluation; heel pain was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS), heel tenderness threshold was quantified using a handheld pressure algometer (PA), and functional activities level was assessed using the Activities of Daily Living subscale of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (ADL/FAAM). Results: Heel pain scores showed a significant reduction in both groups compared to baseline VAS scores (P Conclusions: This trial showed that MPC is useful in treating inferior heel symptoms caused by PF

    BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors as Candidates for the Treatment of COVID-19: Molecular Docking, Pharmacophore Modeling, ADMET Studies

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    The novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 has affected more than 53 million individuals worldwide. Currently, there is a dire need to develop or find potential drugs that can treat SARS-CoV-2 infection. One of the standard methods to accelerate drug discovery and development in pandemics is to screen currently available medications against the critical therapeutic targets to find potential therapeutic agents. The literature has pointed out to the 3CLpro and RdRp proteins as the most important proteins involved in viral replications. In the present study, we used an in-silico modeling approach to examine the affinity of six tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKIs), Imatinib, Ponatinib, Nilotinib, Gefitinib, Erlotinib, and Dasatinibagainst the 3CLpro and RdRp by calculating the energy balance. The six tested TKIs had energy balance values of more than -7 Kcal/mol for both viral target proteins. Nilotinib and Ponatinib showed the highest affinity for 3CLpro (-8.32, -8.16, respectively) while Dasatinib, Ponatinib, and Imatinib presented the strongest binding toRdRp(-14.50, -10.57, -9.46, respectively). Based on these findings, we recommend future evaluations of TKIs for SARs-CoV-2 infection in-vitro and further testing in clinical trials

    Delineating groundwater and subsurface structures by using 2D resistivity, gravity and 3D magnetic data interpretation around Cairo–Belbies Desert road, Egypt

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    AbstractGeophysical tools such as magnetic, gravity and electric resistivity have been used to delineate subsurface structures, groundwater aquifer around Cairo–Belbies Desert road. A dipole–dipole section was measured at the central part of the study area with 2100m length and electrode spacing 50m for greater penetration depth. The results of the inverse resistivity data indicate that the study area includes two groundwater aquifers at different depths. The shallow aquifer water is near the surface and the deep aquifer lies at depth of about 115m and exhibits low resistivity values ranging from 20 to 100ohmm.One hundred and fifty-two gravity stations were measured using Autograv gravimeter (CG3), different gravity corrections (drift, elevation and latitude corrections) were applied. The corrected data represented by Bouguer anomaly map were filtered into regional and residual gravity anomaly maps. The residual gravity map indicates that the area is dissected by many faults with NW-SE, N-S, E-W and NE-SW trends.One hundred and fifty-three ground magnetic measurements are collected using two Proton magnetometers (Envimag). The corrected magnetic data are represented by total magnetic intensity map that was reduced to the magnetic pole. 3D magnetic modeling was applied to detect the depth of basaltic sheet and basement complex. The results indicated that the elevation of upper surface of basalt is ranging from 148 to −153m and the elevation of lower surface of basalt is ranging from 148 to 269m

    Evaluation of The Quality of E-Learning Platforms Used in Educating Kindergarten Children Distantly During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    During the coronavirus pandemic, and for the first time, ministries of education in many countries have resorted to electronic education platforms for kindergarten children as a safe alternative to face-to-face education. This shift to distance education is still used partly in the education process, even after the end of the pandemic. The current study aimed to consider this unique experience by evaluating the quality of the Rawdaty platform, which is one of the e-learning platforms launched by the Saudi Ministry of Education during the coronavirus pandemic, to ensure the continuation of the educational process in kindergartens. The analytical descriptive approach was used, and a scale derived from the Saudi National E-Learning Center (NELC) standards was designed to achieve the studys objectives. The scale includes four main dimensions: Design, Interaction, Equity and accessibility, Measurement and Evaluation. The research sample consisted of (94) mothers and (67) kindergarten teachers. The results of the study were as follows: The quality standards of the Rawdaty platform were achieved to a high degree from the point of view of mothers, with an arithmetic mean of (55.93) and an average weight of (2.664). It also showed the high-quality standards of the kindergarten platform from the point of view of the teachers, with an arithmetic mean of (58.35) and an average weight of (2.78). The study recommended the possibility of adopting e-learning platforms to teach kindergarten children distantly during exceptional circumstances

    Male disadvantage?:Fetal sex and cardiovascular responses to asphyxia in preterm fetal sheep

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    Clinically and experimentally male fetuses are at significantly greater risk of dying or suffering injury at birth, particularly after premature delivery. We undertook a retrospective cohort analysis of 60 female and 65 male singleton preterm fetal sheep (103-104 days, 0.7 gestation) with mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate, and carotid and femoral blood flow recordings during 25 min of umbilical cord occlusion in utero. Occlusions were stopped early if fetal MAP fell below 8 mmHg or if there was asystole for >20 s. Fetuses that were able to complete the full 25-min period of occlusion showed no differences between sexes for any cardiovascular responses. Similar numbers of occlusions were stopped early in males (mean: 21 min, n = 16) and females (mean: 23 min, n = 16); however, they showed different responses. Short-occlusion males (n = 16) showed a slower initial fall in femoral vascular conductance, followed by greater bradycardia, hypotension, and associated organ hypoperfusion compared with full-occlusion fetuses. In contrast, short-occlusion females (n = 16) showed a significantly more rapid early increase in femoral vascular conductance than the full-occlusion fetuses, followed by worsening of bradycardia and hypotension that was intermediate to the full-occlusion fetuses and short-occlusion males. Among all fetuses, MAP at 15 min of occlusion, corresponding with the time of the maximal rate of fall, was correlated with postmortem weight in males (R(2) = 0.07) but not females. In conclusion, male and female fetuses showed remarkably similar chemoreflex and hemodynamic responses to severe asphyxia, but some males did show impaired hemodynamic adaptation within the normal weight range

    Flavonoid-coated gold nanoparticles as efficient antibiotics against gram-negative bacteria—evidence from in silico-supported in vitro studies

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    Flavonoids are a class of bioactive plant-derived natural products that exhibit a broad range of biological activities, including antibacterial ones. Their inhibitory activity toward Gram-positive bacterial was found to be superior to that against Gram-negative ones. In the present study, a number of flavonoid-coated gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were designed to enhance the antibacterial effects of chrysin, kaempferol, and quercetin against a number of Gram-negative bacteria. The prepared GNPs were able to conjugate to these three flavonoids with conjugation efficiency ranging from 41% to 80%. Additionally, they were able to exert an enhanced antibacterial activity in comparison with the free flavonoids and the unconjugated GNPs. Quercetin-coated GNPs were the most active nano-conjugates and were able to penetrate the cell wall of E. coli. A number of in silico experiments were carried out to explain the conjugation efficiency and the antibacterial mechanisms of these flavonoids as follows: (i) these flavonoids can efficiently bind to the glutathione linker on the surface of GNPs via H-bonding; (ii) these flavonoids, particularly quercetin, were able to increase the bacterial membrane rigidity, and hence decrease its functionality; (iii) these flavonoids can inhibit E. coli’s DNA gyrase (Gyr-B) with IC(50) values ranging from 0.9 to 3.9 µM. In conclusion, these bioactive flavonoid-based GNPs are considered to be very promising antibiotic candidates for further development and evaluation
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