19 research outputs found

    Modelo de simulación del crecimiento del aeropuerto de Málaga basado en la dinámica de sistemas

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    [ES] Este trabajo fin de máster (TFM) se basa en la dinámica de sistemas aplicada al estudio del crecimiento del aeropuerto de Málaga. Para ello, basado en datos contrastables y en artículos científicos previos con objetivos similares, se plantea un modelo que contempla factores sociales, económicos y medioambientales, además de factores propios del aeropuerto. En este TFM, se formula y valida un modelo de simulación mediante un diagrama de flujo simulado con el software Vensim. Las variables, tanto de nivel, como de flujo y auxiliares, se interrelacionan mediante ecuaciones matemáticas y, tras plantear escenarios diferentes, se comparan los resultados e indicadores que proporciona la herramienta de simulación. De esta forma, se prevé información útil de la capacidad necesaria del aeropuerto en base al flujo de pasajeros y la congestión del mismo. Finalmente, se plantean nuevas líneas de investigación en este área con la posible ampliación de este trabajo.[EN] This final master's work (TFM) is based on the dynamics of systems applied to the study of the growth of Malaga airport. For this purpose, based on verifiable data and previous scientific articles with similar objectives, a model is proposed that considers social, economic and environmental factors, in addition to airport factors. In this TFM, a simulation model is formulated and validated by using a flow chart simulated with Vensim software. Level, flow and auxiliary variables are interrelated by means of mathematical equations and, after proposing different scenarios, the results and indicators provided by the simulation tool are compared. In this way, useful information of the necessary capacity of the airport is provided based on the flow of passengers and its congestion. Finally, new lines of research are suggested in this field with the possible expansion of this project.[CA] Aquest treball fi de màster (TFM) es basa en la dinàmica de sistemes aplicada a l'estudi del creixement de l'aeroport de Màlaga. Per a això, basat en dades contrastables i en articles científics previs amb objectius similars, es planteja un model que contempla factors socials, econòmics i mediambientals, a més de factors propis de l'aeroport. En aquest TFM, es formula i es valida un model de simulació mitjançant un diagrama de flux simulat amb el software Vensim. Les variables, tant de nivell, com de flux i auxiliars, s'interrelacionen mitjançant equacions matemàtiques i, després de plantejar escenaris diferents, es comparen els resultats i indicadors que proporciona l'eina de simulació. D'aquesta forma, es preveu informació útil de la capacitat necessària de l'aeroport sobre la base del flux de passatgers i la congestió d'aquest. Finalment, es plantegen noves línies d'investigació en aquest àrea amb la possible ampliació d'aquest treball.Noguerol Solera, I. (2020). Modelo de simulación del crecimiento del aeropuerto de Málaga basado en la dinámica de sistemas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/162815TFG

    In vitro effect of different implant decontamination methods in three intraosseous defect configurations

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    Objectives This in vitro investigation was aimed to evaluate the cleaning ability of four mechanical devices designed for decontaminating implant surfaces. Material and methods Ninety-six implants were coated with permanent ink and inserted into 3D-printed resin blocks simulating three different intraosseous defect configurations (types Ib, Ic, and Ie). The four tested mechanical decontamination devices (air-polishing with glycine powder, rotating titanium brush, polyetheretherketone [PEEK]-coated ultrasonic tip, and stainless steel ultrasonic tip) were randomly applied onto the 5 mm exposed implant surface. Standardized photographs were taken from a frontal perspective and with a 30° angle coronally and apically to the implant axis. The area with remnant ink on the implant surface was calculated. Results Although none of the groups achieved complete ink removal, air-polishing with glycine and titanium brushes demonstrated a higher cleaning ability when compared with ultrasonic devices either with standard or PEEK tips for all three defect configurations. For the three tested models, the best cleaning ability in all groups was shown on implant surfaces without facing an intraosseous wall. Titanium brush was the most effective when the intraosseous walls existed. Cleaning effectiveness diminished in the threads located in the apical third, especially when using air-polishing and ultrasonic devices. Conclusions Titanium brushes and air-polishing devices were more effective in removing artificial biofilm using this in vitro model, although their effectiveness was influenced by the presence of the intrabony component

    A Blended Learning System to Improve Motivation, Mood State, and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Students: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Smartphone-based learning, or mobile learning (m-learning), has become a popular learning-and-teaching strategy in educational environments. Blended learning combines strategies such as m-learning with conventional learning to offer continuous training, anytime and anywhere, via innovative learning activities. Objective: The main aim of this work was to examine the short-term (ie, 2-week) effects of a blended learning method using traditional materials plus a mobile app—the iPOT mobile learning app—on knowledge, motivation, mood state, and satisfaction among undergraduate students enrolled in a health science first-degree program. Methods: The study was designed as a two-armed, prospective, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Subjects who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (ie, blended learning involving traditional lectures plus m-learning via the use of the iPOT app) or the control group (ie, traditional on-site learning). For both groups, the educational program involved 13 lessons on basic health science. The iPOT app is a hybrid, multiplatform (ie, iOS and Android) smartphone app with an interactive teacher-student interface. Outcomes were measured via multiple-choice questions (ie, knowledge), the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (ie, motivation), the Profile of Mood States scale (ie, mood state), and Likert-type questionnaires (ie, satisfaction and linguistic competence). Results: A total of 99 students were enrolled, with 49 (49%) in the intervention group and 50 (51%) in the control group. No difference was seen between the two groups in terms of theoretical knowledge gain (P=.92). However, the intervention group subjects returned significantly higher scores than the control group subjects for all postintervention assessed items via the motivation questionnaire (all P<.001). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed a significant difference in the confusion and bewilderment component in favor of the intervention group (P=.01), but only a trend toward significance in anger and hostility as well as total score. The intervention group subjects were more satisfied than the members of the control group with respect to five out of the six items evaluated: general satisfaction (P<.001), clarity of the instructions (P<.01), clarity with the use of the learning method (P<.001), enough time to complete the proposed exercises (P<.01), and improvement in the capacity to learn content (P<.001). Finally, the intervention group subjects who were frequent users of the app showed stronger motivation, as well as increased perception of greater gains in their English-language competence, than did infrequent users.Educational Innovation Unit of the University of Granada, Spain 16-54University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES

    Consensus document on the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in dental surgery and procedures

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    The goal of antibiotic prophylaxis in Odontology is to prevent the onset of infections through the entranceway provided by the therapeutic action, therefore it is indicated providing there is a considerable risk of infection, either because of the characteristics of the operation itself or the patient?s local or general condition. Nonetheless, clinical trials with antibiotics in dental pathologies have had scant regard for the required methodological criteria and, in addition, are not sufficiently numerous. This text presents the results of an expert conference comprising the Presidents of the most representative Scientific Societies in Spain who have analyzed the existing literature and have drawn on their valuable professional experience. It describes the technical circumstances, analyzes the biological and pharmacological foundations and their application to the most representative medical situations. It is concluded that antibiotic prophylaxis in Odontology has certain well-founded, precise indications and offers the international scientific community a practical protocol for action

    Soil physicochemical properties associated with the yield and phytochemical composition of the edible halophyte Crithmum maritimum

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    There is growing interest in the consumption of halophytes due to their excellent nutritional profile and antioxidant properties, and because their cultivation offers viable alternatives in the face of irreversible global salinization of soils. Nevertheless, abiotic factors strongly influence their phytochemical composition, and little is known about how growing conditions can produce plants with the best nutritional and functional properties. Crithmum maritimum is an edible halophyte with antioxidant properties and considerable potential for sustainable agriculture in marginal environments. However, it is found naturally in contrasting habitats with a wide range of soil physicochemical properties and the extent to which edaphic factors can influence plant performance, accumulation of phytochemicals and their quality remains unknown. We investigated the influence of soil physicochemical properties (texture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content and mineral element concentrations) on growth and reproductive performance, nutritional traits, and the accumulation of specific metabolites in C. maritimum. Soil, leaf and seed samples were taken from eight C. maritimum populations located on the southern coasts of Spain and Portugal. We found greater vegetative growth and seed production in coarser, sandier soils with lower microelement concentrations. The nutritional traits of leaves varied, with soil organic matter and macronutrient content associated with reduced leaf Na, protein and phenolic (mainly flavonoid) concentrations, whereas soils with lower pH and Fe concentrations, and higher clay content yielded plants with lower leaf Zn concentration and greater accumulation of hydroxycinnamic acids. The nutritional value of the seed oil composition appeared to be enhanced in soils with coarser texture and lower microelement concentrations. The accumulation of specific phenolic compounds in the seed was influenced by a wide range of soil properties including texture, pH and some microelements. These findings from a wide range of natural populations will inform the commercial cultivation of C. maritimum, particularly in the economic exploitation of poorly utilized, saline soils

    Efecto de la variabilidad de las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo en el rendimiento de la halófita costera Crithmum maritimum L.

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    Póster presentado en el XV Congreso Nacional de la AEET. "El valor de la naturaleza par una sociedad global"18-21 de octubre, Plasencia, CáceresEl hinojo marino (Crithmum maritimum L.) es una planta halófita perenne perteneciente a la familia Apiaceae, típica de ecosistemas costeros de Europa Occidental. Dada su elevada calidad nutricional para consumo humano, en los últimos años diferentes estudios han resaltado su potencial como cultivo comercial para la agricultura salina, una alternativa sostenible y prometedora ante la creciente salinización de las tierras agrícolas. Sin embargo, existe una falta de información referente a los rangos de tolerancia de la especie frente a los principales factores ambientales ligados a su cultivo, a lo que se suman diversas dificultades prácticas ligadas al cultivo de una especie no domesticada. Además, varios estudios han puesto de manifiesto un alto grado de variabilidad en los rangos de tolerancia a la sal, así como en el perfil nutricional en función de la procedencia geográfica del material. En este estudio se analizó el rendimiento de la especie (en términos de crecimiento, productividad, éxito reproductivo y calidad nutricional) en relación a las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo (pH, conductividad eléctrica, textura, contenido en materia orgánica y macro- y micronutrientes) en siete poblaciones naturales, representativas de los diferentes tipos de hábitat de la especie, localizadas en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Los resultados de este estudio permiten avanzar en el conocimiento ecológico y los mecanismos de tolerancia de las halófitas frente a diferentes factores abióticos, como la salinidad y la riqueza nutricional del suelo, aportando asimismo información relevante de cara a la valorización de la especie para su explotación en agricultura salinaN

    Differences in nutrient composition of sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum) grown in different habitats and optimally controlled growing conditions

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    10 páginas.- 1 figura.- 5 tablas.- referenciasCrithmum maritimum L. is an edible halophyte with large potential in human nutrition field. However, it is unclear whether its nutritional value is maintained throughout the contrasting habitats where it commonly grows (cliffs, sandy and rocky beaches) and the nutritional profile of cultivated plants still remains uncertain. In this work, we provided for the first time a comparison of the nutritional profile of C. maritimum across its different type of habitats in the south of Spain and between wild plants and plant material under optimal growing conditions. The protein, amino acids, lipids, fatty acids, minerals composition and phenolic content of plants were analysed. Plants under field conditions exhibited a nutritionally balanced composition (3.8–6.2 g protein/100 g DW, 4.9–7.5 mg lipids/g WW, 3.9–5.0 g Na/100 g DW), with high phenolic content (30.2–48.0 mg/g DW) regardless of the variability of the contrasting habitats. In contrast, under optimal conditions, C. maritimum showed a greater protein and lipid content (10.2 g/100 g DW and 9.6 mg/g WW, respectively), and lower sodium accumulation (1.2 g/100 g DW), allowing a greater consumption of this halophyte without exceeding the daily intake recommendations. Conversely, phenolics were strongly decreased in these plants (6.1 mg/g DW) likely due to the absence of stress factors. © 2021 Elsevier Inc.This work was financially supported by two grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-099260-A- I00 to J. Cambroll é and RTI2018-099322-B-100 to X. Moreira).Peer reviewe

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    EntreCom4All – Open resources for entrepreneurship competences for all

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    The European Commission launched the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan (Entrepreneurship 2020: Reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe, 2013) aiming to overcome the barriers for entrepreneurs, such as the heavy bureaucracy or various financial constraints. The action plan highlights the importance of entrepreneurial education and training in supporting growth and business creation. This project aims to facilitate access to open entrepreneurial resources to young people, female and trainers. Entrepreneurship skills enable people to act and transform ideas and opportunities into shared value. Entrepreneurship are dynamic skills that should be updated constantly: “The entrepreneurship scene in Europe is subject to dynamic changes resulting from societal developments, advances in the field of ICT technologies, and how they have influenced our ways of communicating and doing business. For entrepreneurs, this means they must constantly expand their skills and knowledge portfolio.” (EntreCom4All, 2017