3,330 research outputs found

    Irrigação por bacias em nível na cultura da bananeira.

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    Descrição do sistema de irrigação; Vantagens, desvantagens e adaptabilidade; Bases para o dimensionamento; Operação e manejo do sistema de irrigação; Considerações sobre a exploração comercial da bananeira irrigada por bacias em nível.bitstream/item/71927/1/CPAMN-CIR.-TEC.-04-92.pd

    Magnetic monopoles and superinsulation in Josephson junction arrays

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    Electric-magnetic duality or S-duality, extending the symmetry of Maxwell's equations by including the symmetry between Noether electric charges and topological magnetic monopoles, is one of the most fundamental concepts of modern physics. In two-dimensional systems harboring Cooper pairs, S-duality manifests in the emergence of superinsulation, a state dual to superconductivity, which exhibits an infinite resistance at finite temperatures. The mechanism behind this infinite resistance is the linear charge confinement by a magnetic monopole plasma. This plasma constricts electric field lines connecting the charge-anti-charge pairs into electric strings, in analogy to quarks within hadrons. Yet the origin of the monopole plasma remains an open question. Here we consider a two-dimensional Josephson junction array (JJA) and reveal that the magnetic monopole plasma arises as quantum instantons, thus establishing the underlying mechanism of superinsulation as two-dimensional quantum tunneling events. We calculate the string tension and the dimension of an electric pion determining the minimal size of a system capable of hosting superinsulation. Our findings pave the way for study of fundamental S-duality in desktop experiments on JJA and superconducting films.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    El uso de SIG en la zonificación de las áreas protegidas- Apa- Itaúna/Brasil- un caso de estudio

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    Este artículo trata sobre el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) como herramienta esencial en el tratamiento de información que apoyan el desarrollo de una zonificación ambiental. El estudio tiene como objetivo diagnosticar una zona de interés medioambiental situado en Itaúna/Brasil propuso la creación de una APA (Área de Protección Ambiental), basados en la cartografía de las características físicas, ambientales, morfológicas y sociales, así como gestión de riesgos y ocupación de la tierra. Al final, se propone que la delimitación de la zona y una zonificación modelo, desarrollado con la ayuda directa de los SIG, habida cuenta de las muchas alternativas que ofrece esta herramienta, por ejemplo, la integración y la manipulación de varias variables complejas, permitiendo una planificación y espacialmente gestionarse con más eficacia.This article deals about the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an essential tool in the treatment of information that support the development of an Environmental Zoning. The study pretend to diagnose an area of environmental interest located in Itaúna/Brazil and propose the creation of an APA (Environmental Protection Area), based in mapping of physical, environmental, morphological and social condition, as well as risk management and occupation of land. At the end it is proposed that the demarcation of the area and a model zoning, developed with the direct assistance of GIS, given the many alternatives that this tool provides, for example, integration and manipulation of several complex variables, allowing a planning and a more efficient space management

    Extração sequencial de dois tipos de solos tratados com vinhaça.

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    O uso de álcool a partir da cana-de-açúcar, em substituição à gasolina, acarreta um aumento na produção de certos resíduos tais como o bagaço, a torta de filtro e principalmente a vinhaça, que é um efluente gerado pelas destilarias ao efetuarem a destilação do mosto fermentado para recuperação do etanol. No início das atividades canavieiras no Brasil, a vinhaça era lançada em rios e canais abertos. Entretanto, isso provocou a mortalidade de peixes e o comprometimento da flora e da fauna. Com a sistematização do controle de poluição, a vinhaça passou a ser lançada no solo, o que acarretou o surgimento de áreas de sacrifício, comprometendo a qualidade da terra e das águas subterrâneas. Em razão do grande volume desse efluente produzido pelas destilarias de álcool (aproximadamente 14 litros de vinhaça para cada litro de álcool), vários processos têm sido propostos, principalmente o uso como fertilizante na agricultura

    Ichthyoplankton and limnological factors in the Cinzas River - an alternative spawning site for fishes in the middle Paranapanema River basin, Brazil Ictioplâncton e fatores limnológicos no Rio das Cinzas -um local alternativo de reprodução para os peixes

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    Abstract: From early spring to late summer 5 samplings were performed to characterize the ichthyoplankton distribution along the Cinzas River, a tributary of Capivara Reservoir. Eggs and larvae were sampled at dusk, midnight and dawn using stationary plankton nets. Adults and juveniles were collected with gill nets and their reproductive activity evaluated through macroscopic gonads analysis. Limnological data were simultaneously obtained. A total of 2572 eggs and 457 larvae were captured, mostly at midnight. Higher absolute number of eggs was found 61.5 km far from the mouth, and the maximum density at the river mouth. Relatively high amount of eggs was also collected in the upper sampling station (120 km from mouth) showing that the entire studied river stretch is used for fish spawning. Among the larvae Siluriformes were dominant, followed by Characiformes and Gymnotiformes. The most representative families were Pimelodidae and Anostomidae. Most larvae were found 31.5 km downstream the station with a maximum number of eggs. This indicates that the embryonic development is completed during the eggs derive. Temporally, the distribution was significantly different for eggs and larvae, and also spatially for eggs. Considering adults and juveniles, 25 taxa of Characiformes, 24 of Siluriformes, 5 of Gymnotiformes and 3 of Perciformes were identified. Correlation between eggs and percentage of sexually mature individuals was positive for most sampling stations. In general, the correlation analyses with the limnological variables demonstrated the coupling of fish reproduction with more productive and high water conditions, determined by intensive rain precipitation. Eggs were positively correlated with pH, nutrients, inorganic suspended solids, velocity, flow rate, turbidity and chlorophyll-a and negatively with conductivity and transparency. Larvae were negatively correlated with transparency and positively with inorganic suspended solids, velocity, flow rate and turbidity. A longitudinal degradation gradient (cumulative processes) in the river water quality was identified. This pattern was indicated by downstream increase in electric conductivity, nitrite and silicate and decrease in dissolved oxygen. Keywords: fish eggs, fish larvae, ichthyofauna, water quality degradation. Resumo: Desde o início da primavera até o final do verão, foram realizadas 5 amostragens para caracterizar a distribuição do ictioplâncton ao longo do rio das Cinzas, um tributário do reservatório de Capivara. Ovos e larvas foram amostrados ao entardecer, meia-noite e amanhecer, usando redes de plâncton estacionárias. Os adultos e juvenis foram coletados com rede de espera e sua atividade reprodutiva avaliada através da análise macroscópica das gônadas. Dados limnológicos foram simultaneamente obtidos. O total de ovos e larvas capturados foi de 2572 e 457, respectivamente, principalmente a meia-noite. O maior número absoluto de ovos ocorreu a 61,5 km da montante da foz e a densidade máxima na foz do rio. Quantidades de ovos relativamente elevadas também foram coletadas na estação de amostragem mais a montante (120 km da desembocadura), mostrando que todo o trecho estudado é utilizado para desova. Os Siluriformes predominaram entre as larvas, seguidos pelos Characiformes e Gymnotiformes. As famílias mais representativas foram Pimelodidae e Anostomidae. A maioria das larvas foi encontrada 31,5 km abaixo da estação com o maior registro de ovos, indicando que o desenvolvimento embrionário completa-se durante o processo de deriva. Temporalmente a distribuição foi significativamente diferente para ovos e larvas, e também espacialmente para ovos. Considerando-se os adultos e juvenis, 25 táxons de Characiformes, 24 de Siluriformes, 5 de Gymnotiformes e 3 de Perciformes foram identificados. A correlação entre ovos e indivíduos sexualmente maduros foi positiva para a maioria das estações de amostragem. Em geral, as análises de correlação com as variáveis limnológicas demonstraram o acoplamento entre a reprodução dos peixes e condições mais produtivas e de águas altas, determinadas pelo incremento 140 Vianna, NC. and Nogueira, MG

    Selectivity of herbicides bentazon and nicosulfuron for crotalaria juncea intercropped with maize culture.

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho estudar a seletividade dos herbicidas bentazon e nicosulfuron, isolados e em mistura, para Crotalaria juncea, quando estabelecida em consórcio com o milho, bem como o controle de plantas daninhas e o desenvolvimento do milho nesse sistema de produção

    Agreement between BMI and body fat obesity definitions in a physically active population

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    Body mass index (BMI) is a widely used proxy of body composition (BC). Concerns exist regarding possible BMI misclassification among active populations. We compared the prevalence of obesity as categorized by BMI or by skinfold estimates of body fat percentage (BF%) in a physically active population. Subjects and methods 3,822 military firefighters underwent a physical fitness evaluation including cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) by the 12 min-Cooper test, abdominal strength by sit-up test (SUT) and body composition (BC) by BF% (as the reference), as well as BMI. Obesity was defined by BF% > 25% and BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2. Agreement was evaluated by sensitivity and specificity of BMI, positive and negative predictive values (PPV/NPV), positive and negative likelihood (LR+/LR-), receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and also across age, CRF and SUT subgroups. Results The prevalence of obesity estimated by BMI (13.3%) was similar to BF% (15.9%). Overall agreement was high (85.8%) and varied in different subgroups (75.3-94.5%). BMI underestimated the prevalence of obesity in all categories with high specificity (≥ 81.2%) and low sensitivity (≤ 67.0). All indices were affected by CRF, age and SUT, with better sensitivity, NPV and LR- in the less fit and older groups; and higher specificity, PPV and LR+ among the fittest and youngest groups. ROC curves showed high area under the curve (≥ 0.77) except for subjects with CRF ≥ 14 METs (= 0.46). Conclusion Both measures yielded similar obesity prevalences, with high agreement. BMI did not overestimate obesity prevalence. BMI ≥ 30 was highly specific to exclude obesity. Because of systematic under estimation, a lower BMI cut-off point might be considered in this population